Random Scott & Rogue fanfic

By: CSI-Panther

Summary: as title says.

A/N: Don't own X-men evo.

Last time,

" We think Mystique's tryin' to mess with Jean's mind. Making her think she saw Rogue's ghost. So looks like it's time for a little mother-daughter tag team. You up for it Stripes? "

" Wait..Jean's the one that did this? " Rogue asked, instead.

" Ya didn't tell her Cyke? " Logan asked back, looking over at Scott.

" I thought we were going to wait and be sure it was her before I told Anna anything. " Scott answered.

" Well Jean must've said something to Mystique, other wise I don't think she'd be doing this. So are ya in or not Stripes? " Logan replied and asked again.

" To get Jean back for what she did? You bet. But what about the others in the house? They think Ah'm dead. " Rogue answered.

" Chuck's got that covered. And since she did it out of jealously... " Logan stopped and looked at Scott.

" I gotcha. " Scott grinned, wrapping his arm around Rogue's shoulders and pulling her to him, she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned on his shoulder.

The Professor finally calmed her down enough for her to go back into the hallway,

Jean slowly put her head out and looked both ways before going all the way out and breathing a sigh of relief.

" Must be stress. " She said and went about her day, or tried to. Because every corner she would take, she would catch a small glance of Rogue's hair or clothes and when she would go there, there was no one there.

She then decided to go and find Scott, he might make her feel better or if not him then Duncan can later tonight.

Jean went to his favorite spot and stopped dead when she saw that Scott was on top of someone, someone that's suppose to be dead. She watched as Scott went from kissing Rogue's lips to her neck as his hand went under her shirt, her lips went his neck and was pushing his shirt up. Jean shook her head but they were still there, she was about to go over there, but Kitty calling out to her made her turn around to look at the girl for a quick second before looking back at the bench where she had seen Scott and Rogue but they weren't there. She turned back to Kitty and talked to her for bit before leaving.

When she was gone, Scott and Rogue reappeared.

" Didja see that look on her face?! " Rogue asked.

" Yeah. " Scott laughed as he leaned back, pulling her with him, so they were straddling the bench, well Scott was, Rogue was straddling him.

" Now it's Mystique's turn. " Rogue said, leaning up and giving him a slow kiss before she got up, pulling Scott with her, they went up to his room where is was more private.

Jean was at Duncan's later that night. She couldn't face Scott after that ' image ' she had seen earlier that day, so she went to Duncan's, ignoring Scott as he called out to her, well not exactly ignoring him, she had turned around to him, but she seen Rogue again and she had her hands roaming all over Scott's upper torso, but he didn't seem to notice her or her hands, so Jean quickly left the grounds of the Institute.

As she was making out with Duncan, she felt eyes on her, though she knew it was silly to think, but she opened her eyes and looked around, her eyes landed on the window and she screamed in fright,

Rogue was floating there, eyes sunken in, hair fanned out around her, clothes torn, pieces of her skin hanging off of her bones, long pointed nails on her fingers, her eyes were glowing red, she looked like she was trying to get into the room.

" What is it? " Duncan asked.

" You don't see that?! " Jean shouted, pointing to the window.

Duncan looked over at the window, but didn't see anything, " See what? " He asked.

Jean looked at him like he was crazy and turned back to the window, the zombie looking Rogue was gone.

" But she was there. I saw her. " She said.

" Her who? " He asked.

" Rogue. " She answered.

" Goth Girl? How can she be outside the window we're pretty high up. " He replied.

" She shouldn't be there at all. She's dead. " She said.

" What? " He asked.

" She's dead. I killed her. " She answered.

" Are you nuts?! Why would you do that?! " Duncan pushed her away from him.

" Because she trying to steal Scott...from..me. " She shouted, but got quiet after realizing what she had just said.

" Summers? Your still with him?! " He shouted angrily. " I can't believe you! You bitch! " He continued and slapped her across the face.

" Get your bitch ass out of here and don't you ever come back here! " He said grabbing her and pulling her out of his room and out of his house, slamming the door in her face.

Duncan leaned against his door and ran his hands through his hair. He looked around his living-room, not knowing what to do then his eyes landed on the phone, sucking up his pride, he went to the phone and called the Institute.

" You should've seen her face! " Mystique laughed as she, Charles, Rogue, Scott, Kurt, Kitty, Beast, Storm; who was informed of what had been going on by Logan, who was also there, sat in the infirmary.

" Oh wait, I can show you! " Mystique continued to laugh as a she changed to Jean and horrified face she had when she saw her outside the window.

Rogue, Scott, Kurt, and Kitty were laughing as hard as Mystique was, while the others were trying to hold in their laughter, but failing and was soon joining the teens and Mystique.

As they were laughing, Logan and Beast heard the phone ringing. " Quiet! " Logan shouted and everyone stopped laughing, well almost, Kitty and Kurt were trying to stifle their giggles.

" Yeah? " Logan answered the phone.

Everyone listened in,

" She did what?! " Logan shouted angrily. Everyone stood up and away from Logan, except Rogue and Kitty.

" Alright. We'll deal with her when she gets here. Thanks. " Logan slammed the phone down, nearly busting it, only a few cracks showed how much he was restraining his anger.

Everyone waited for what Logan would say, for a few minutes they waited, watching as Logan tried to get his thoughts together and his temper under wraps, then he said,

" That was that Matthews kid. "

" Duncan?! " Scott, Rogue, Kurt, and Kitty exclaimed, shocked.

" Yeah. He said that Jean just confessed to ' killing ' Rogue. And that to tell you Cyke that he was sorry. " Logan finished.

Scott was shocked that the jock would even apologize let alone rat Jean out.

" Oh and another thing, he said Jean might make a big deal out of what happened and lie after she told him what she did and that he wanted his side heard first. " Logan began and the others waited.

" He said that the reason that she killed Rogue was because she was ' stealing ' Scott and that was when he realized that she was still with Scott and he got angry at her, slapped her, and called her bitch. He then grabbed her arm and dragged her out of his house and slammed the door in her face weather it her in the face or not he didn't know. " He finished, crossing his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall.

" I/Ah would've punched her. " Rogue and Mystique said, mirroring Logan's stance, except they didn't lean back on a wall.

" Well you two might get your chance. Jean's home. " Charles said, surprising them, " But only that. " He continued.

" What do you say we finish this Charles? " Logan asked.

" Yes. " Charles replied and rolled out of the room, everyone following behind him, Mystique changing back into Zombie Rogue once more.

" You know, it's scary how she can do that. " Kitty said as she looked at Mystique from behind.

" Ja. But in a way, it is pretty cool. I wish I had my mother's ability instead of relying on a watch. " Kurt replied from beside her.

" But then I wouldn't get to see you like you are Kurt. " Kitty said, looking at him.

Kurt looked back at her, she only ever called by name if she was serious. After a moment, Kitty was starting to get nervous until Kurt smiled at her and thanked her for her kind words before they got in the elevator.

" So what's the plan? " Scott asked.

" Here's what we do. " Mystique replied.

Here's ch 4! sorry for the wait. hope ya'll like it.