James watched the sunrise from the hospital window. He had been with his grandson all night catching up on his life and getting reacquainted. Lynn had left to pick up Cara and Candy so they could see him and catch up. Drew had made him promise not to tell them how bad their mother really was he'd said they suffered enough knowing what they already knew and he didn't want them to have to deal with any more.

"There is something I wanted to speak with you about Drew."


"When you were born I set up a trust fund for each of you and I would like to give that to your while I'm here. You and Cara are both old enough to take care of finances on your own but are you going to be taking care of Candy's finances?"

"Hadn't really thought about that to be honest. I mean yes I was going to support her and pay for what she needs but I haven't worked out the logistics of it." He looked worried. He'd just gotten things settled with Rick who'd given up his job so Drew could stay here and be a doctor and now Candy is insisting on living in her home town three hours away. He couldn't ask Rick to commute three hours both ways every day. Maybe he could drive her to school as soon as he got off work then pick her up and be back in time to go back to work. If he factored in a few hours asleep and Rick's second shift work schedule he may just get to see his back as he's walking out the door once a day.

"Hey," Rick stroked his jaw with his knuckles. "You ok? Do you need to rest awhile?"

"Just a lot to take in," he forced a smile. Rick frowned knowing something was bothering him but before he could say anything Drew pulled him closer and scooted over a bit so he could lay beside him.

"You sure?" he asked softly. He didn't think Drew would want the public show of affection in front of his grandfather.

He grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. "I'm sure. Are you?"

He sat down and pulled him close to his side so that his head was resting on his shoulder. "Never been more sure."

James smiled at the two of them. It was not something he was use to but if it made them happy then he was happy for them. "I also made you a silent partner in a few of my businesses so I could build up some finical security for you in case I died before we found you."

"Why me? Why not Candy or Cara?"

"Because he never hurt them."

"So you are trying to pay me off because he," he shuddered, "molested me?"

"What? No that's not it at all. I just knew they would not take care of you and you probably wouldn't have a chance to even take care of yourself so I just wanted to give you a chance."

"I don't want your money but Cara and Candy could use some help with school and living expenses so give it to them."

He nodded, "I have every intention of giving them everything they need but I won't be leaving you out either."

"I have everything I need," he looked into Rick's eyes.

"Then use it for something frivolous because it's yours. I'm not taking it back."

Before Drew could respond the door opened and the girls came in. They were stunned and spent a couple hours hugging and talking. Cara was over the moon when she found out about the inheritance. It seemed to make all her worries melt away and that made Drew sick to his stomach. Candy was happy to have a grandpa again. Listening to the sisters talk about their childhoods made Drew truly realize how drastically different their lives had been. He was glad they never had to experience what he had but it made his own pain worse at the same time. Why couldn't he have been loved like that? Would it have made a difference if he'd been straight? Maybe he should have just lied and lived the life they wanted him too and it would have been different. Maybe he really was the broken piece that made everything else not work? Cara was happy, loved got everything she ever dreamed of. Then came him who was the polar opposite. Then Candy who was treated like a princess as well and only got in trouble when she tried to stand up for or take care of Drew. What if he really could have stopped all this by being what they wanted him to be?

Rick absently listened to the childhood stories and the reminiscing of old times and it pissed him off. He kept telling himself that he should be happy for them but he wasn't. How could they have been treated so differently? The more he heard the more his stomach knotted. They had been two happy, too comfortable to think about smacking the hand that fed them even if it meant their brother might die. Yeah ok Candy started trying to stand up for him when she was little and she really couldn't do much at her age but still. Cara was telling the story about her thirteenth birthday party and all the presents she'd gotten. Spending the day at a theme park with ten of her closest friends and her clingy little sister and he nearly snapped. When he stood up he noticed Drew wasn't looking so good. He stepped to the bed and took his hand. "What's wrong babe?"

He shrugged trying to hide the sadness, "just tired I guess."

"You sure?" he knew it was more than that. He sat down facing him, everyone behind them still talking and visiting.

"Hurting a little," his voice was choked like he was trying not to cry.

"It's a lot to take in Drew. You have every right to be freaked out. Your dead grandfather is standing in your room and telling you he's giving you money out of the goodness of his heart. You are worried about getting life right for Candy. You're still far from well physically."

"And I'm a really shitty person because I hate that they were so happy," he whispered as the tears finally spilled over.

"No. You are not a bad person Drew!" He hugged him tight against his chest. "I'm pissed off too because they aren't even considering how different things were for you or how hearing all of that would make you feel."

"Maybe he was right? Maybe I thought the world revolved around me and still does. What's wrong with me Rick?"

"Nothing is wrong with you. Your experiencing emotions and memories just like PTSD and it's over whelming. I wish we could find a counselor to talk to where you felt safe to do so." They had been looking for a while. "Let me get one of the doctors to give you something so you can rest for a while?"

He wiped his face and looked at the wet spot on Rick's shirt apologetically. "Can't Charlie will be here soon for pt." As if he'd heard his name Charlie walked in to the room.

"Your limo," he smiled. "Ooh sorry I didn't realize you had company."

"It's ok," he informed him as he worked to sit on the side of the bed. It took a little more effort but he managed to get into the chair and Charlie wheeled them off to the therapy room.

Drew had been gone for about an hour when everyone decided they were going down for breakfast except Rick. As they were walking out the door a nurse came running in. "Mr. Lincoln they need you in PT."

"What's wrong?" he asked running out with her. They were there before she could answer. He saw Drew laying on the ground under the bars used to assist in walking therapy with Charlie and another nurse kneeling beside him. "What happened?"

"His good knee buckled and he went down. We paged Dr. Clemmons," Charlie explained.

Scott came running in the door and got caught up on what happened. After feeling and pushing on some areas he had them put Drew back in his chair. "Let's get you back to bed and get you something for pain."

They wheeled him back to his room where everyone was still waiting worriedly. Scott saw him tense and start to flush so he intervened. "Everyone step out please. We need to get him taken care of right now," he ushered them into the hall. The nurses helped Drew in to bed but he was sweating with the pain it caused. "Let's get him 20 of Demerol, 3 of Ativan and let me know how he does. If it doesn't ease him down enough we will try something else."

"I'm ok," he told Scott.

"I'm your doctor. I tell you when you're ok." Rick smiled for the first time glad that Scott wasn't going to take crap from him. "I looks like you had a busy night you just need to rest." He watched Drew's eyes roll back as the nurse pushed the medication into his I.V. "I'll be back to check on you in an hour." He turned to Rick, "I expect you to be a sleep too or I will sedate you. You look like hell." He turned to the nurse, "Fix a place for Mr. Lincoln to stretch out and get some rest." She nodded and went and got linens and made the 'chair bed' up for him. "In case you need to stretch out on your own," he said not knowing if the private couple would want to lay with each other with a room full of guests.

"Thanks," Rick said gratefully.

"I will explain things to your guests on my way out," he nodded and stepped out of the room.

"Is he ok?" Candy asked starting toward the door.

Scott stopped her. "He's in a lot of pain right now. I know you want to spend time with him but Drew is still sick and needs rest to recover. If you don't mind to come back later and visit so they can both get sleep a bit." He looked at Lynn, "you know Rick hasn't slept well since this happened and if he doesn't start resting he will end up in here too."

She nodded, "agreed. I'm going to step in and get my phone then we will go." She knew Scott understood she wanted to tell Rick where she'd be. She saw him standing by Drew's bed holding his hand. "Down." He nearly jumped out of his skin. "Lay down Rick." She pushed him to get in the bed.

"What if?"

"No. You are in a hospital full of not only some of the best doctors in Texas but full of friends. Nothing is going to happen any different with you asleep then it would with you awake. You need to recharge, both of you and you are not going to argue with me." She tucked a blanket around him and kissed his head before stoking Drew's face with the back of her hand. "Rest baby boys."

Drew fidgeted with his pant leg for the hundredth time since they got out of the truck. He thought the knee brace made the leg of his Dress Blues hang funny and he didn't like it. "Stop it," Rick scolded. They had been at the base for nearly eight hours in a board meeting about the Affliction investigation and being brought up to speed. They were happy to report thing were going ahead of schedule on most every front because there were hundreds of soldiers willing to step up and testify. Drew listened only offering input where he felt they needed it until everything had been brought to the table. Only then he poised a question.

"General, if I may?"

"Of course Captain, were it not for your sacrifice and work this wouldn't be possible."

"I had a hand in it. One of many," he pushed the praise off. "What about the soldiers? What is being offered to them?"

"You mean like payment?" Colonel Wen was incensed that he would even suggest it.

Drew bristled and in turn Rick's muscles clinched ready to jump into action. "Do you think there is any amount of money that could compensate them for the sexual assault they have been through? Is there any monetary amount Sir that would be enough for you to recover from that?"

The Colonel had the sense to look ashamed but didn't respond. "What are you thinking Captain Alister?" General Erkison asked.

"A safe place to recover. A place they will feel safe discussing what happened and know it will go no farther than the facility it's discussed in. A place where they aren't made to feel wrong, where they know they can recover and move on."

"We have the V.A.," Sargent Samuals offered. "Maybe we can set up a program through them?"

Drew nodded in acknowledgement of his effort. "The V.A. is wonderful but getting into V.A. programs is damn near impossible. I want something that is readily available and easy to access."

"That sounds like a wonderful thing," Samuals agreed, "but the Army can't afford that sort of facility. Maybe we can get some grants or something to work on it but it could take several years to implement."

"No," Drew smiled. "You are going to take care of the red tape making it a military sanctioned and approved facility Rick and I will take care of the rest."

"What" Erikson was shocked? "How can you take care of the rest?"

"Can you do what I asked General?" Drew demanded.

"Yes solider I can." His tone held warning.

Drew turned to Rick, "I know what we are supposed to do now."

"What?" he was excited because Drew was so excited. "We become the hunters. We find these soldiers and we give them what I never had. A safe haven to get their lives back and learn that they aren't at fault for any of it. Where they will be treated with respect no matter what their orientation or beliefs."

The money his Grandfather gave him, Rick thought he found what he wanted to do with it. "It's perfect," He agreed.

Notes: This will be the end of the first part of the Series. I thank everyone for reading and commenting! I hope you will join me on the second part of the Journey entitled The Trials where we will see Drew and Rick grow more at ease with their relationship and get downright playful while still going through angst and drama of course because it's me lol and we will got through the trials of Colonel Affliction, Colonel Alister, and his mother Fay Alister.