"Is it good?" I ask, an unbidden smile blooming on my face. He turns his eyes back up to look at me, an expression settling on his face. An uncertain kind of look, mixed with a reprimand and a look of betrayal.

"I came inside of your mouth. Did you like it?" I keep smiling, realizing something in excitement. "Kaito, Kaito. When you sing next time, will you think of me? Will you think of my cum dribbling out of your throat? Every time you sing, from now on?" My soft purple eyes are shining at him. I am feeling great.

But he looks away. His beautiful pink lips are frowning at a point off to the side. "Get off." He whispers throatily to me. The line of fluid coming from the side of his mouth glistens in the light.

"Kaito-" I'm not sure what words are going to come out of my mouth, but I don't find out because he cuts me off in a soft, angry, hurt tone.

"No. Get off. Get off of me!" He twists his body violently, trying to dislodge me from where I am sitting on his shoulders. "Now! Get off!" His volume is rising.

"Hey, calm down," I say, a little surprised. "Kaito."

He glares at me with a look of resentment and anger in his teary blue eyes. I stare down at him with my mouth slightly agape, feeling conflicted. I thought I could make him mine. I even came inside of his lovely pink mouth. So why..? Isn't it enough? To make him mine? What more do I have to- My eyes narrow down at him.

"Kaito. I wanted to make you sing for me. Was it not enough? Not enough to... make you mine?" I ask in a hush. His eyes and voice are beautiful but unforgiving as he answers me.

"You can't make me yours. Let me up, Gakupo. I won't sing anything for you. I sing Master's song. Not yours. Now let me up... Now. Now! Gakupo."

I bow my head over his, the long strands of my hair falling over my shoulders to brush against his face. He flinches as I look at him with partially lidded eyes. I raise my hand up to touch his cheek and he jerks his head away from my touch.

"You're going to be mine. Kaito." I whisper. "If coming inside your throat wasn't enough..." I touch the outside of his throat gently. "If that wasn't enough, then..."

His eyes widen as he figures out my thought process. I lean back on my heels. I lick my lip and start to rise. As I do so, he pushes me, hard, and I fall to his side, catching myself with my hands. He scrambles, tries to run away. I grab his slender ankle with a strong grip and pull his leg out from under him.

He falls on all fours and kicks his leg, tries to crawl away from me. The sight of his naked, pale backside is erotic as his hips try to move him further away from me. I rise up on my knees and grab him by his thighs, pulling him with my superior strength. He buckles and his legs fall flat on the floor.

"Ah!" He hollers. I grab a fistful of his shining blue hair and use it to slam his face against the floor. I crawl up over him, topping his body with my own as he is dazed from the blow, dominating him. Leaving him nowhere left to go, leaving him no way left to escape me.

Like before, I place two of my fingers in my mouth, getting them wet with my saliva. But I don't notice the sensation much this time. My mind is set. I am on a mission. Without hesitation, I press the tip of my index finger against his tiny little male back entrance. He jerks with shock and utters an alarmed sound.

I press the tip of my finger forward firmly, trying to force it inside, but his asshole resists me. It tightens up even further, not wanting to let me inside.

"Stop it! Gakupo! No!" His voice is high and alarmed. His hips try to wiggle away from my finger. I manage to force just the very tip of my finger inside, but it's tight. It's so tight, and it won't let me in any further. "Stop! Stop!"

Since I can't push forward, I start wiggling my finger against the sides of his entrance. "Ugh!" He cries out and shudders. Even though I'm in less than an inch. It must be so sensitive. I wiggle my finger fast, and he shivers against me and continues to cry out. "Uh... ah! No! Stop... stop! Stop!"

And suddenly I can push my finger a little further in. I'm enthralled by his sounds as I do so, pushing as far as his asshole will let me in, then wiggling again. Backing out just a little bit, then wiggling some more. Plunging in even further. Listening to the beautiful voice singing, "No... no..." for me. Feeling my cock starting to harden again. Even though I just came, but with these kinds of sensations... Around my finger, his body squeezes me so tightly. His muscles are so strong, and the temperature is insane. It's so hot and intimate.

"I am going to do what I want," I whisper, more to myself than to him. "It's my dream," I remind myself. "I can do whatever I want. I can have him. It's my dream. He's going to sing for me. Only for me. Right now. He's singing."

"No!" He cries out again, and I pull my finger out almost all of the way. The second finger joins next to the first and writhes its way into his tight little hole. "No! ...Gakupo!" His body shudders and a sob gets caught in his throat. His hips have stopped wiggling. The movement probably made him feel my fingers even more, I think to myself and smile indulgently.

"Hey, Kaito. Move your hips some more. Call out my name. Sing for me even more." I ask softly. He shivers and stays still as I forcefully plunder his ass with my fingers. "Don't you want to fight me some more? Don't you want to tell me you won't sing any song except Master's? Rebel against me, so I can correct you. Fight against me. No matter how hard you try, I'm going to win. You're not just Master's anymore. You're mine. ...You're mine... Kaito."

Even though there's no saliva on it, I press a third finger against his opening, wiggling him open wide so it can join the other two. He hiccups and tries to move his hips away again, then stills himself, then tries to move away again. I place my other hand on his shoulder and he looks at me with a tortured expression. My eyes widen slightly and my heart throbs. An electric jolt pounds hard against the inside of my cock. My eyes slowly become less wide as the pleasure of the situation takes hold of me. My dominance is real.

"Can't you fight me anymore? Kaito?" I whisper. His body is shaking. Suddenly his eyelids droop and he hangs his head. His blue hair falls forward.

"Please..." He whispers submissively. "Don't."

"You're beautiful," I tell him. I pull my fingers carefully out of his opening, holding them to my face for a moment to experience their scent. He looks back at me over his shoulder again, and his body tenses. He slides his knees under his body in a sheer instant and tries to bolt. But it's not a surprise to me, and I grab him bodily and force him back down to the ground.

It's the perfect position. The flesh of his soft, pale ass presses against me as I wrench his arms behind his back, forcing his head back down, flat against the floor. I grab his hair again. "Do you want me to hit your head on the floor?" I ask him.

"Don't!" He shouts, but I don't know what it is he's saying it in answer to. My words? Or my cock? It doesn't matter. The position is perfect and I press myself against his entrance.

"Urgh... uhh. AAAAGH!" He screams as I successfully push in past his entrance. "AHH! AHH!" It's hard for me to be gentle. He's flopping his body around and trying to escape. His sounds are mindless and agonizingly beautiful.

"Yes." I whisper in an excited tone. "Yes."

I can't stop myself from my violent movements. I am pushing in hard, pulling out jerkily, my fingers forming bruises on the sides of his hips as I force him to submit to my intrusion. The sensations are incredible, the friction is incredible. The tightness is unlike anything I've ever felt before. And the heat, his heat... I'm really, really inside. My body is literally shaking from the strength of my desire as I fuck him, pistoning out, then in, again and again. He screams, and screams and screams.

"HELP ME!" He shrieks suddenly. "Help me!"

A sudden wave of paranoia hits me. What if someone hears him and comes? But I want to hear too. I can hear it. His song. I don't want to stop it. I don't want to stop. And even as I am thinking that, my hips are still snapping forward of their own accord. Even if someone comes... even then...

"There's no way I can stop," I breathe.

I notice that my cock is feeling slicker, is going in and out a little more easily. When I look down at where our two bodies are joined, I notice there is a dark fluid there, coating my manhood. I don't even care. I lean forward and push in even harder, with the lubricant helping me to violate this man even more deeply. Even better. I am going to come so deeply inside him, the sperm will never come out. I'll come into his intestines and let him digest my essence from the inside. I grunt with my exertion as I force my way in as deep as I can go. Again. Again. Screams. The metallic, sweet scent of blood. Kaito's face covered in unashamed, agonized tears. His trembling sweet pink lips opened wide. My song issuing out from between them.

This is heaven.

"Uh!" My increasing pleasure slams into me in a crashing wave, and my vision goes white. I helplessly thrust forward hard, HARD, again, again, and... suddenly, I'm swept up in orgasm. My thick white sperm shoots into him as I press in as deeply as my length permits. I shudder as I release so deeply inside of him. The white mixes with the red, and makes a sexy pink color. I shout voicelessly, my sound mixing with Kaito's scream to make a lovely duet. I ride the wave, pressed hard within him, until it subsides.

My body relaxes and thrums with the after effects of my pleasure. I wrap my arms around his torso and hug his body to me, my cock still trapped inside his body.

"I love you." I tell him. "I love you."

I breathe against his shoulder and rub my face against the juncture of his neck, savoring the lingering feelings. His screams have quieted. His body is shaking so hard I wonder if it might break apart.

"Mmm. We fit perfectly," I murmur and move my hips just a little bit. My manhood is softening. Kaito lets out a great sob that wracks his whole body. I linger, but slowly pull out of his body. A trail of the mixture of cum and blood follows my cock out, and then the connection seperates. I lower my head to his bottom and lick the mixture curiously, wanting to taste. Kaito doesn't even react to the feel of my tongue against his most intimate spot. His body is shaking, he is crying too hard. The flavor is wonderful.

"It's the flavor of you and me. Our taste. Kaito. Taste it, too." I move in front of his defeated body and gently place my hand under his chin, forcing his face back upwards. He hiccups, tears staining his face beautifully. But he doesn't resist me anymore. I press my limp member against his lips and rub it against them. The fluid rubs off on his lips like some sort of erotic makeup.

"Open," I command quietly, and he obeys. I feel an utter thrill at his obedience that has nothing to do with sex. It feels even more satisfying than that. Somehow, somehow...

"You really are... mine now, Kaito. It was a good song." I tell him, and it is my heart that is really singing. I push my cock into his mouth and let him taste. He closes his tearful eyes, in defeat or in shame, accepting me in.

The soda bottle is lying forgotten to one side. I notice it as he cleans me off, and I smile. I hope I never wake up from this dream, I think to myself. Kaito...

Your song is the best song.