A/N: And second wedding. Well everyone, Lost has been a fun adventure :) Was glad to see so many old faces and meet new ones!

Be looking out for the next one called 'Found'! I'll be doing some Themes before putting that up so be on a lookout for those as well! If you want to keep up with me, add me to your Favorite Author or Author Alert lists (or both!) and you will get alerts of my fanfiction activity straight to your email!

See you all in another story!

To those who review this final chapter: You will receive responses via PM.

Saberin: Lina's definitely the more prominent one between them. You know...princess and all...

AER: Weddings are fun to write :) So happy!

Aubrey Cortez: Hope you like this one too :)

MacDisney123: Yes. It's called Found and will be up in the next couple of days.

Raider: Sure. Why not? I'll stick it on the list.

Eggy: Hm...maybe I'll just rewrite that one into the main story. Or oneshot it. I'll get it on the list regardless.

Disclaimer: I'm not John Flanagan.

Will smiled widely as he and Alyss gazed at one another. He'd seen her in a wide range of fashions, especially since she became a Courier, but never could he prepare himself for the vision she became wearing her mother's ivory lace bridal gown. Their wedding, held in a banquet hall near the Redmont Castle ward, was indeed a community event. Alyss had insisted they invite all of the orphans in the ward and the Skandians. She, a slim, elegant diplomat, had successfully threatened Erak, the rough giant Oberjarl, into being civil throughout the ceremony. The Skandians sat where she'd told them as well behaved as schoolchildren.

Halt and Pauline sat on the front row. Crowley sat next to Halt and newly married Liam and Lina sat next to Pauline. Kane had fallen asleep in his adoptive mother's lap. Next to Lina was Evanlyn, who tried desperately to keep Little Will still while Horace next to her cradled a very polite Rosalina. Duncan and Sean were at the end of the row whispering to one another comments on the wedding.

Shigeru sat behind them. Will would have never thought Lina had such a deep connection to the emperor but the two were like long lost relatives. Their Arridi friends sat on the same row as the emperor and behind them was the crowd of orphans all dressed in new clothes Alyss had arranged for them. The girls giggled to each other in their simple dresses trimmed with ribbon. The boys, in their belted tunics, paid more attention to the girls than the wedding.

They'd decided to have someone they'd respected as children make the marriage official. Sir Brown, a long retired knight, had visited the ward at least twice a month when they were young and arranged for treats whenever he thought about it. Though the ward ran mainly off the generosity of Baron Arald and Lady Sandra, Sir Brown was a major sponsor. His wife worked as one of its main leaders in day-to-day operations. She was known as Mother Claire because and was generally the first person a new orphan met when they entered. She orchestrated room assignments, chores, lessons, and directed donations to areas of need.

Sir Brown, now old and feeble but still active in the lives of the ward's orphans, had a deep grandfatherly voice nobody could mistake. He spoke clearly and smiled widely as he went through the ceremony. Once he finished he shut his book and looked to the crowd. "These two people were both raised in a ward for orphans. They weren't supposed to be this successful, but they were. They weren't supposed to make it past a kitchen or a farm, but they did. These two people are highly successful. However, people do expect wards to marry wards." He looked to Will and Alyss. "At least you two got that part right. Will Treaty, kiss your bride."

Will gladly obliged the demand. The Skandians couldn't take it anymore. They whooped loudly, pumping their fists. At first everyone stared, but then sweet little Princess Rosalina let out such a shrill childlike laughter the guests let go of their formality. A few of the orphans from the ward snickered. Then Lina laughed. She quickly covered her mouth though it was obvious she was dying to let giggles and cheers out. Will wasn't sure where it went from there but soon enough everyone was clapping and cheering.

Will tried to lead Alyss back down the aisle but the guests flooded it. Alyss dodged the Skandians by rushing into the friendly embrace of Evanlyn.

"May I borrow one of your children?" she whispered into the princess's ear. "I think holding a child is the only way to escape a hug from Erak."

"Not a chance," Evanlyn whispered back with a grin.

Alyss looked to Pauline hopefully. Her mentor just mouthed the word 'no' and shuffled away with Kane nuzzled against her shoulder. Alyss turned back to Evanlyn to beg once more, but Erak had already made it to her. Alyss didn't have time to brace herself. She looked to Will as she was lifted off her feet but her new husband was already nursing his own bruised ribs.

"Congratulations," a female voice said behind him. Will turned away from his wife being crushed and was met with a much more gentle embrace from Lina.

"You too," Will told her as they separated.

Unlike Liam and Lina, Will and Alyss planned to stay away from Redmont for a couple of days. He'd arranged for them to have use of a cottage nearby and refused to tell anyone where it was. Those with the ability to track him had been severely threatened, some blackmailed against doing so.

Selethen grabbed Will's arm and pulled him away. "Congratulations," he said. "I didn't bring it to your ceremony because I thought the other Rangers may steal it from you but I have a good supply of Arridi coffee that will be in your cabin by the end of the week."

"Thanks," Will told him. He and Alyss remained separated as the crowd slowly made their way to the reception dinner. He finally got to sit with his new wife at the table reserved for them, Halt, Pauline, Liam, and Lina. Evanlyn's maid had already whisked away the children. Kane was simply added to her load for the weddings. Jenny served up roasted lamb and duck that made Will's mouth water. Towards the end she revealed an extravagant tiered wedding cake. It overshadowed Liam and Lina's simple strawberry tarts by a landslide.

"Once again, I've been asked to be Patron-Sponsor for a Redmont wedding," Duncan announced once all had eaten. "Ranger Will and Lady Alyss have proven themselves valuable assets to Araluen. Beyond that, they've become personal friends to my family. Will, Alyss, not long ago I gave your counterparts an apartment in my family's wing to use at will. You two have the same gift waiting for you at Castle Araluen."

Duncan paused long enough for everyone to clap.

"I'll need my family to join me for this next part," Duncan announced once he could be heard. Horace and Evanlyn collected their children and made their way to the front. The royal family coming together to give a gift was truly something unexpected. Everyone sat up a little straighter, leaning in.

"We'll also need the Redmont wards to come up," Evanlyn announced.

The children glanced to one another as though they were unsure of their cue. Horace motioned them encouragingly and they filed forward. They began arranging themselves as though they'd rehearsed what was about to happen. The older ones repositioned the younger ones before taking their own places, grinning at the bride and groom. Will and Alyss glanced around nervously.

"Your success has provided you with everything we could think you'd need," Duncan continued once the children found their places.

"We wanted to give you something truly special for your wedding day," Evanlyn continued as Horace passed Rosalina to her. Somehow the princess maintained her composure even as she held both her children. "You both grew up in the ward here. Every time I visit, one of you has done something for the children there. For years it's meant as a place to give orphans of those in the king's service a place to stay until they're of age to enter society."

Duncan picked up from there.

"The standard of Redmont ward has always been higher than that of the other fiefs. For this reason, the day before our family traveled here Horace signed his first order as Prince Consort of Araluen."

All eyes searched for Horace, who had slipped away at some point. They found him behind the wards. The children on the front row grinned mischievously with their hands behind their backs. Older wards close to their Choosing Day huddled around him trying to be discreet as they passed…something…around. Horace looked up at his name was said.

"Right," he stammered. "All fiefs have one year to bring their wards up to the standards set by Baron Arald and Lady Sandra of Redmont fief."

His decree earned a few claps but obviously there was more at play. The older children seemed to finish passing around the whatevers and now stood straight with their hands behind their backs, their grins more suspicious than ever.

"Because Redmont holds a special place in your hearts, we decided a gift to them on your behalf would be more appropriate," Evanlyn went on. She bounced Little Will, trying to calm him. Rosalina seemed to steadily become upset by her brother. Horace, finished with whatever shenanigan he was up to, returned to his wife's side. He set down a crate they hadn't seen him collect and reached for his son.

"Lady Sandra?" Duncan prompted. Sandra, in all her grace, joined the royal family at the front.

"Thanks to the generosity of King Duncan, Princess Royal Cassandra, and Prince Consort Horace Altman, in addition to gifts made on behalf of Prince William and Princess Rosalina, the Redmont ward will now be open to all orphans in Redmont fief. Our royal family has provided us with enough supplies to take in an additional fifty children, with promise to sponsor more as needed. They have also made arrangements for our facilities at Redmont ward to receive long-awaited repairs and updates, including the addition of a new wing. The new wing will hold enough beds for forty-eight additional children and three new classrooms. It's to be called the Treaty Center."

Cheers erupted. Duncan raised his hand for silence.

"We're not finished yet."

"We've also added an additional three members to staff. Requirements for these new characters included proficiency in an area they will teach at the new Treaty Center," Horace continued.

"The first began working with the children two months ago. Will, in honor of your entertaining us with your mandola, Redmont ward will now feature a music program," Evanlyn finished.

This time they didn't miss their cue. The children whipped out instruments, all brand new by the looks of it. A woman stepped forward and counted them off. The range in skill was evident as variety in instrument. Mandolas, shakers, small drums, flutes, harmonicas, and some Will couldn't even identify joined in together for a melody of folksongs. Everyone laughed as they joined in singing the songs. Once the children finished they rushed the bride and groom for compliments. Will and Alyss showered them with praise and hugs.

"Now that that's done, let's get the dancing started!"

Lina stood next to Halt as he watched Will and Alyss dance. "I heard that you took lessons before your wedding dance," Lina whispered to her uncle.

"It just proves that I'd do anything for Pauline."

"You love her."

"Obviously." Halt glanced over as he realized Lina was waiting for more. "We were both apprentices when I first saw her. I was told to escort a Courier and her apprentice to Norgate. We were attacked by Wargals and I made a run for it with the ladies while the military detail fought. That night the apprentice forced me to go to dinner with her as a thank you."


Halt nodded. "We tried to see each other as often as possible after that. But then I was sent with another Ranger to Galicia to investigate rumors of a religious cult invasion heading for Araluen. When I returned we saw each other again briefly before I graduated and formally entered the Ranger Corps. The Ranger I trekked around Galicia with and I were soon ordered to assist in the defeat of the Lord of Rain and Night. That was a big boost in my career. While I went about traveling, Pauline became a respected Courier. By the time I settled in Redmont with a newfound healthy respect for geography it was too late. Highly respected Couriers don't take interest in Rangers. We didn't challenge that until we were older."

Lina smiled. She leaned forward and kissed Halt's cheek. "Thank you for everything you've done for me, but I feel the need to say I told you so."

Halt looked at her with confusion. "What?"

"My patience outran your curiosity."

Before Halt could think of a snappy comeback Lina disappeared into the crowd. Halt beamed with approval and went to find his wife. She'd waited a long time to get the answer he'd refused to give her so long ago. Lina was indeed his family.

Will smiled as he and Alyss went around the dancefloor. Gilan and Jenny joined in on the second round, Jenny eyeing Kineta who paid her no attention, and Horace with Evanlyn. Halt did his obligatory one dance with Pauline and then faded into the background. Pauline found others to dance with. Sean, Gilan, Will, Liam, even Shigeru indulged her until her age caught up and slowed her down. She joined her husband sitting at a table with not just Kane but also the royal twins to watch the younger crowd enjoy themselves.

"I hope Kane turns out as good as the older ones," Pauline whispered to him.

"Me too. Hopefully we can give him a more quiet upbringing."