Annooottthherrrrrrrr story! This has been haunting me for the past three and a half weeks. Hope you'll enjoy ~

Note: An AU story, some OOC, and some surprises.

Disclaimer: If I own Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, I'll make sure that Ritsu already admits his feelings for Takano! Like literally! (=_=).


Life is the reason why people come and go. Every human wants their life to be beautiful and colorful. But they either curse life or God or other people just because their lives are messed up. Whether it is family problems, work problems, relationship problems, friendship problems, other problems, bad luck, etc. People just became frustrated for their life became worst. Even me, I experienced this kind of event; I don't even know why and how. But my life changed when I met someone in the hill filled with cherry blossoms and under the sunset.


I was annoyed by the sound of my alarm clock which it was also very loud. With a loud smack, I was able to shut that damn thing. I got up from bed as I took a shower. Damn cold water. After that, I was able to dry up and was already dressed in my school uniform as I got down; with my bag hung on my shoulders. I heard loud voices coming from the kitchen.

Oh great, just my luck (=_=)

My (damn) parents are there fighting again. Ugh, why can't they just stop all this. This all started when I was just a child, age of six. They always fight and shout at each other. While they just gave me what I need and ignored me. Ever since that happened, I hate them with all my rage. But lucky me, a couple of years, I'll be free from their hairs. Without greeting and looking at them, I grabbed a toast and left.

Yup, this is how my life is. But now, I'm used to it. Being a loner has its own perks. People are the same. They bicker about their problems; some are big, some are small; and they cry over petty things. Emotions are such a pain in the ass. Who the heck needs it? They're just a distraction to every human being.

My routines are the same since I began studying in this school. Go to my class, listen to my teacher's lectures, eat, class time again, then spend time at the library. But of course, many girls would try to flirt with me and get my attention. But sorry ladies, I have no interest in girls that flirt over my looks only. Those made me wanna puke.

I don't enjoy the accompaniment of other people. I find them annoying and it will just waste my time and energy over nothing. Some may just use you, play with you until you're completely useless. I lived in my own world. I don't have time for these petty things. Everyone just worries about their own life. No one can understand me and never will. I hate my life.


Finally, the bell rang which means that it's time to go home. I collected my stuff and put it inside my bag. But I heard girls who were giggling as I noticed that a girl with braided hair came towards me. She was a bit uncomfortable for I can see the blush in her face, and she was looking away.

"Um, Saga-san, can I borrow your notes in our History subject. I was absent yesterday and I thought that it would be better if I ask you for your notes." the girl asked as she looked away.

"Sure." I nodded as I took my notebook from my bag and gave it to her.

"T-thank you!" she stuttered as she ran towards her friends.

-sigh- People just come when they need something.

I was about to leave when I heard the girls squealing/ talking about someone which caught my interest.

"Have you seen the newbie?"

"Oh, is it the one who has chestnut brown hair and big green eyes?"

"Yeah! That's the one!"

"I heard that he came from a rich family and he's totally cute!"

"I always saw him alone. He was either reading in the library or reading under our school's cherry blossoms."


"Yeah, and when he's by the cherry blossoms, the winds would just sway his hair and some petals will fall at his place. His face looks cute when the winds blew some of his hair."

"He always goes to the park alone. I tried following him, but he suddenly disappeared."

Just who is this guy?

I just walked away from my room as I got down. But I also heard the same conversation.

"It's a good thing we were able to finish that project."

"Yeah. That newbies a life saver!"

"I asked him if he wants a reward, but he just shrugged it off!"

"But have you got his name?"

"He didn't tell us."

Then another..

"He should join the kendo club!"

"No way! That transfer student should join the book club!"

"As if! He should join the art club!"

"Oh please! He should join our music club! He can play every instrument!"

"Eh!" The others exclaimed.

I sighed as I just leave those people be. I was about to enter the library when my thoughts were clouded by the transfer student they were talking about.


Damn you curiosity! You're such a bint in the human race!

Here I am currently at the gate of the park those people are talking about. I don't know why am I doing this. Why curiosity?! Why?!

With a sigh, I took a stroll at the park. I looked for the hill but I can't find it anywhere. It took me five minutes until I heard a faint sound of a violin. It was still faint, but I followed the sound. The sound was getting louder and louder until I saw a wall filled with grass. I sighed in frustration as I leaned on it. But I slightly stumbled. I was dumbfounded when I saw that it was a half hidden passage. I entered the passage, but I was blinded by the light. But as soon as I got a clear view, I was beyond shocked.

The view was breath taking and astoundingly beautiful. There were hills, but it was also filled with cherry blossoms that sway in the direction of the winds. The breeze was just right and soft. Some petals were also falling towards the ground I stood. But I realized that the violin sound was not faint anymore. I looked at the top of the hill and saw a boy who is younger than me. He has chestnut brown hair and a heart shaped face. His eyes were closed as he player the violin.

He swayed a bit, but the falling petals go to what direction he was swaying. The winds were making his hair sway. I was mesmerized by the sight I am now seeing. But as he finished playing, he spread his arms as the winds blew a bit strong. His uniform jacket swayed upwards as his hair fluttered, revealing some part of his face. He opened his eyes which revealed a shining green color. His figure became even brighter because of the sunset.

He then looked down in my direction which earned a loud gasp. He collected his stuff and ran away.

"Wait!" I called out as I ran towards the direction he just ran. But as I reached the top, he dissapeared. But that didn't stop me for I know that he's here somewhere. Then I heard a faint chuckle.

"Seems like I have a stalker."

Okay, that made me ticked off, "Hey!"

But it made me even pissed off when he laughed even louder. "Gomen."

He composed himself as he finally introduced himself, "Onodera Ritsu, class 2-A. Nice to meet you. I transferred in your school about three weeks ago."

"Saga Masamune, class 2-B."

"Oho, so you're the same age as me?" he asked.

"I'm seventeen years old." I answered.

"Dang it, I'm only sixteen." he pouted childishly.

"Ne Saga-kun, why are you watching me? Are you a stalker or something?"

"Shut the hell up! Like I'll do that! Besides, I heard the sound of your violin so I decided to follow it."

He smirked, "Out of your own curiosity then? Shame."

That pissed me off. I seriously wanna punch this guy. But he just chuckled and smiled.

"You're quite funny. We only met and I feel like I already know your attitude." he said.

I arched an eyebrow. But before I could say a word, he spread his arms as the winds fluttered his chestnut locks and uniform jacket. He hummed a bit as he closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled. He then opened his eyes once more as he spins around. The winds act like they are pushing me towards me.


"You're weird." I said but I didn't ignore the sudden thud in my chest.

He smiled as he held his hand up high, "Cherry Blossoms are beautiful. Even by the sunset, they are trully intriguing."

"You like cherry blossoms?"

He nodded, "I always watch them. They say that a flower that blooms at adversity, is the most rare and beautiful of them all. Also, pink colored flowers symbolizes love and beauty. I never saw them in person when I was a child."

He's personality is like a child...a lonely child? I don't know why he's happy. Is his life better than mine? So that's why. I mentally smirked as I thought of a plan. Maybe, breaking him to the point shall remove that stupid smile of his.

When I blinked slowly, he suddenly disappeared. I looked everywhere until I heard him chuckle again. I looked up and saw that he was at the top of the tree. He was leaning against the branch as he look down towards me.

"Sheesh grumplestiltskin, lay off the frown. You'll get wrinkles and gray hair at that age. You're quite good looking you know."

I now got a nickname by five minutes of knowing him, because of him.

"Shut up! Don't your parents teach you some manners?" I asked.

He just shrugged.

"My father's rarely home since I was just six. I'm not in good terms with my mom. So I studied alone." he smiled as he looked at me in the eye.

"But you also looked like you are not in good terms with your life."

What the fudge is he implying? "Are you making a fool of me?"

"Nope." he then leaped down the tree and landed gracefully. "I'm just trying to turn that frown upside down." he smiled, again.

"You're seriously weird."

"Meh." he shrugs as he sticks out his tongue.

Then I noticed that he opened his bag and got something out. It was two sandwiches. He then extended one towards me.

"Here. Accept it as a welcome gift. You are now considered as my friend." he smiled.

"We just met and you now consider me as your friend?"

He nods.

I sighed as I accepted the sandwich. We sat under the cherry blossoms as he also handed me a juice. We ate in silence, but that boy is still smiling.

" also read in the library?" I asked.

He sighed and looked at me, "Yeah. My teachers would always give me a free time since every lesson they taught, I already know in advance...and when they test me, I got a perfect score. So I'm hardly in my class."

"But...I also heard from other people that you sometimes help or go to clubs." I said in which he chuckled.

"Silly you. I help people when they need it. I go to clubs to pass time. Though it may have caught some unwanted attention."

"Yup." I bluntly answered. "You're now the talk in our school."

He just sighed as he leaned down on the tree. "Can't be helped I guess." he chuckled.

Why do you smile or chuckle if you had some misfortunes?

"Holy fudge! It's getting late, I gotta go! See you tomorrow, Saga-kun!"

I watch his figure ran down towards the hill as he disappeared in the passage. I sighed as I also went down. I noticed that when he left, the sun is already gone and the breeze just suddenly disappeared.


"Tadaima." I said as I opened the door to my house. Cross out home for I don't consider this as my home.

Instead of being greeted back, I heard another shout coming from my parents. I sighed as I went up to my room ignoring them as usual.

I locked my room shut and collapsed on my bed. I stare at the ceiling of my room as I raised my hand. Just then, my thoughts were clouded by the cherry blossom scenery; where I realized that I was copying what Onodera just did. I sat up and rubbed my head out of frustration. That idiotic smile of his clouded y thoughts.

Why is he always smiling? What's then point of smiling out of nothing? Just because he came from a rich family and loving family, doesn't mean he can fool me with his innocent charm of his. I'm soooo going to break that smile. When I looked at my bed, I saw some petals that came out from my jacket. I picked them up and was about to throw it away. But I don't know why I didn't do it. I just sighed in frustration as I hid it by a book. I took a shower, changed my clothes, and just spend the rest of the night in my room.


My eyes twitch at the sight I just saw. Under the road filled with cherry blossoms is Onodera. He is currently petting a black cat with blue eyes. The cat purred at his touch as Onodera giggled at the cat's affection. He then opened his other hand and gave the cat some food. The cat meowed and purred one last time as it starts eating. He then stood up and started walking towards the direction of our school. I got out of the corner and started following him.

The sun's light was able to reflect the cherry blossoms' color. The petals were falling and a swaying gently. I then noticed that he's reading a book while walking. But he stopped his tracks as he looked at me. He wore cheerful smile as he waved.

"Yo!" he then ran towards me as he waved his index finger. "Following me again? Naughty, naughty~"

That pissed me off again, "Shut up!"

"Stalker." he said as he sticks his tongue out.

I sighed in frustration, "Stop reading while walking. At any rate you'll die from an accident."

Onodera chuckled, "Does grumplestiltskin care now? How thoughtful~"

I gave him a light smack in that head of his.

"Itai~!" he exclaimed as he rubbed his head.

"That wasn't my strongest and you already got hurt?" I said. Geez, I don't understand this guy.

"Meanie." he sticks his tongue once more.

I then noticed his eyes widen when he looked at his watch. "Holy fudge! We're gonna be late!"

"Then we have no time to lose!" I said.

I grabbed his hand as we both sprinted away. Onodera was (barely) able to catch up as he also stumbled.

"H-hey wait! I'm gonna fall!" he exclaimed.

"Don't worry! Just don't let go of my hand." I said as I tighten my grip in his hand.

That's where I noticed my faint actions. I was holding his hand as we both ran. I can hear his faint breathing and a faint sound of laughter. I turned and saw him smiling like he was having fun. But I also noticed that his hand is warm. It was so comforting and it's the warmth that I was seeking.

What's going on?


The bell rang which signalized that it's time to go home. As usual, I collected my stuff and went towards the library. Reading always made me escape from the pressure of reality. I went inside and grabbed a book. I was about to head at a table when I saw a familiar face. Onodera is currently seating at the window that is near the cherry blossoms. His hand was on his face as he read with the same smile on his face. When will that smile ever disappear? It's so annoying.

I sat in front of him as I started flipping some pages. My mind was then clouded by the message and detail of every chapter. My eyes then caught a familiar author from the book Onodera is reading.

"You read Usami Akihiko's works?" I asked.

He suddenly smiled as I mentioned the author's name. "Yeah, his works are soooo amazing! Have you read his latest work yet?"

"I haven't. Why?"

He then opened his bag and handed me a book. My eyes widen as I noticed the author's name and signature. "H-how?"

"I met him when I was seven years old. The Usami family are a friend of the Onodera family, Saga-kun. He taught me some things like reading and understanding a story, etc. Then I was the third person to read some of his stories when he was in high school too." he chuckled. "Don't worry, I already read it a lot of times. You can keep it if you want."

"Um thanks."

He then stood up as he hung his bag on his shoulder. "Should you be going home? I can accompany you if you want."

I just nodded as we left the library.


We were walking on the same road again. The sun is still setting but the cherry blossoms were glowing with radiance. I noticed Onodera smiling as he looked at the cherry blossoms again. He can be really childish and I only knew him for the past three months.

"Ne, grumplestiltskin?"

"Would you never say that name again! It's very annoying." I grumbled.

I saw him pout, "You're no fun, meanie." he sticks his tongue out.

"Are you really sixteen years old?"

"I'll show you my birth certificate if you want. I'm clearly sixteen years old." He said as he smirked.

"You clearly don't act like a sixteen year old should."

"Then what would be, Mr. Know-it-all?" he challenged/asked.

"You should be matured and responsible. You're gonna need it."

Just then, he pointed his index finger at my head. "Lay down the stress, or you're gonna get wrinkles. I may have to call you grandpa if that happens."

I then squeezed his face like a pillow. Heh, revenge -smirk-

"Shaga-kuun, stoaph pureeeaaassee (Saga-kun, stop please)."

"Nope." I simply answered as I continued to squeeze his face.

"Yooouu meaamnee (you meanie)"

We then heard a faint sound of a meow. I stopped squeezing his face as we look for then source of the sound. Onodera ran as I followed also. We then saw a kitten in a box. It looked scared, hungry, and sad. The kitten was begging to be adopted by someone. When I extended my hand, it purred and licked it. The kitten jumped and went towards Onodera as he picked the kitten up as it licks and purrs.

"You're cute!" he exclaimed as he smiled and rubbed his cheek on the cat's.

Just then, he let go of the kitten and came towards me. I smiled a bit and picked the kitten up.

"You should really smile more, it suits you." he said.

I smirked, "Was that a compliment coming from you?"

He sticks his tongue, "Be lucky, grumplestiltskin."

"Anyway, what should we name her?"

Onodera put his index finger under his chin as he thought of something. He then snapped his fingers and answered, "Sorata!"

I looked at the kitten as 'Sorata' purred, "Sounds nice."

"Yosh! Let's go home. Don't worry, I'll accompany you, Saga-kun."

I was about to say no...but no words come out from my mouth. I just sighed and decided to go along the flow.


We now arrived and are currently standing in front of my house. I looked back at him and just waved a simple goodbye.

He smiled and answered back, "See you tomorrow, Saga-kun."

I nodded as I entered the house. But I was welcomed by the arguments of my damn parents again.



I just sighed. At any rate, they would consider a divorce...but I don't care. I just got up from my room. I locked the door and put Sorata down as I changed into comfortable clothes. I lied down at the floor as Sorata decided to sleep at my stomach.

Just then my phone rang and it just showed a number. The caller was unknown, but I answered it.


"Hey, Saga-kun."

"How the heck did you get my number?"

"Um...touched your phone and I look into your contacts."

I sighed, "What do you want?"

"Just wanna ask you something. How are you coping up with this?"


"Heard your parents fighting as soon as you got in. I'm just standing at a lamppost in front of your house. I can hear them very clearly, and I also saw them leaving you alone in your house."

So they now I care. "None of your business."

"Yeah... sorry. I know I don't know about this...but just don't do anything stupid. Life has a value, Saga-kun. We just have to face something in order to find it. Please don't waste it just because of this."

"You're now giving words of wisdom? How touching." I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'm just worried for your wellbeing. You being in that situation wI'll make you burst.

You're worried for me? Just what are you really?

"I'm fine. I can take care of myself. Thank you very much."

"I see...but, you don't sound sure. I'm still at the lamppost. It seems like it will rain in a few minutes."

True to his words, I heard a clap of thunder from outside. "You should go home, Onodera."

"Nope. Not until I know you're okay. I don't care if it also rains...I'm staying. Period."




W-what is this sudden thud in my chest?

"Saga-kun, are you crying?"

I didn't answer. How can I when he was right. I finally felt my face being wet as my eyes were covered with tears. The rain starts pouring down as I let out a choked out sob.

"Don't worry, just let it all out. It will hurt even more if you kept it all along."

"Who the heck cares..." I let out a chuckle. "I know you. You would just try to act all nice and innocent then someday stab me at the back."

"S-Saga-kun...that's not how it is-"


What the hell am I saying? That's not what I wanted to say.

"Why...just why? Why are you pestering me?"

"I know that I would never understand you, Saga-kun. I will never ever understand. But not once will I ever wanna back stab you. That's the reason why I chose to stay after three months of knowing know you; the true you. But the most important thing, is for me to do my best to be with you and to help you."

"..." I don't know what to say. I looked at my window and saw him standing by the lamppost. He was drenched in the rain, but he still stayed. I noticed him shivering but he seems to ignore it. He smiles and waves his hand towards me. I smiled a bit.

"I told you grumplestiltskin. I'm still here and I won't leave until you're better."

I managed to chuckle a bit as I wipe some of my tears. "You still can say some jokes even if I'm like this."

"Hey! You also laughed and smiled! Admit defeat or I'll break your door!"

"Fine. Anyway, wait for a moment."


I didn't end the call. I grabbed some towels as I opened the door and ran downstairs. I opened my door and saw a wet Onodera standing at the lamppost.

"You should get inside. You'll get sick you know."

He just smiled as he ended the call first. He ran towards the door. But as he reached the stump, he tripped and almost fell head first on the floor. But I was able to catch him as he landed on my chest. I then noticed the faint pink blush in his face as his eyes were wide. I also noticed that he's now shivering and it became noticeable. I wiped him with a towel as he smiled and thank me.

"But are you sure that your parents will not scold you?" I asked.

He nods, "They aren't home until next week. Don't worry. Tomorrow is also a weekend." But he then looks away. "I became extremely annoying, eh? Sorry...if you want...I'll stop pestering you and mind your own business. I was just worried. I...should take my leave..."

But before he could escape, my arms were wrapped around his body. I hurried my face in his shoulder as I ignore his clothes being wet. I hugged him as I smell a faint scent of flowers and strawberries. So that's your scent.

"'ll get wet." He said.

"Stay." I whispered, "Please... I need some company."

I need you. You're the first person who stayed. Please...

He chuckled, "Sure thing! I love sleepovers! And I really need some extra clothes right now. I'm freezing."

I chuckled. He was still able to joke after all this drama.




"My parents just gave me money and all. But not once did I ever experienced being loved. They ignored me since I was six. I have no friends, no love from my parents. But then you came into the picture. I met a boy who is weird, childish, cheerful, friendly, etc."

I then put a hand on his shoulder, "Sorry for the things I've said. Actually, you're the first person who did all of this. Being a curious one and meeting you; I never regret all of it. Thank you for everything, Ritsu."

He gave me that smile in which I started to warm up, "No problem. Life has its ups and downs, you know. We just have to toughen it up so we could walk in the right path. But now that you call me by first name...can I call you by first name too?"


He pouted, "Aw! Why not?"

"I'm older than you. So I have the right to say your first name, and be lucky I can consider you a person that's special to me." smirk. "I expect that you're ready for a challenge, Onodera Ritsu. That insult of yours is going to have a payback."

He smirked, "You're on grumplestiltskin."

I gave him a light smack on his head. But he just laugh like there is no tomorrow. My once quiet house was filled with laughter and some jokes and comebacks. He spend the night with me... but it was all worth it. This time, maybe my life can have colors.


I don't know what is happening to me. All I know is that I'm feeling weird and all. Seeing him all the time makes me feel something weird. We became close after a month and everything turned out to be okay. But being near him makes me feel light as a feather. He smiles when he sees me, he's childish, he's helpful, he's smart, intelligent, and it's like he's okay with everything. I am still the same as before...but being near him, we always bicker, talk, read together, walk together, eat at our school's rooftop, and seeing each other every day. He would force himself inside my house if he found out I'm gonna do something stupid, or just be with me. He always said that his parents are rarely home. But when I try to bring them in the subject, he changes it to another subject.

The two of us are just gazing out the school's window. The sun is already setting but he said that he wants to stay at school for a couple of hours. I stayed with him so he doesn't do anything stupid and I have something to ask.

"Hey, how come you don't hang out with people? You're very popular you know...but still, why?" I asked him.

He looks down as his lips turned into a small smile, "I don't know. I always feel like people are moving at the same pace at the time. But as for me, I feel like I'm doing my own pace. It's like I'm-"

"Different." I said as he looked at me with such a gentle expression.

"Sort of, I guess. It's like...I don't belong to the same place at the same time. But I never seek for company...I just let it be, I guess."

Someone who is also lonely, but able to bore a happy façade. Unlike me...

"But why would you hang out with me?" I asked him, again.

But he looked away, "I...don't...know..."


"You suck at lying, Ritsu." I said.

"U-um, it's already late! W-we should g-go home!" He said while stuttering. I was about to ruffle his hair, but he then ran away.

"Wait!" I shouted for him to stop, but he ran even faster.

But I was faster than him. I ran in an even quicker pace so I could catch up to him. When I turned to where he turned, he suddenly disappeared. But I heard the sound of the door closing at the library. I walked towards the library and went inside. I looked everywhere until I heard a faint sound of hard breathing. I walk towards the left side as I followed the sound. Then I turned to my right and saw him breathing and panting heavily. But he saw me and his eyes were wide. He was about to run again, but I was able to grab his hand and stopped him.

"Wait!" He tried to struggle, but my grip is stronger.

"Let me go, Saga-kun!" He said in a serious tone; which is rare for him to have a serious tone.

"Wait a minute! What the heck's wrong? I just asked a question and yet you lied. I want the truth, Onodera Ritsu. Why did you stay by my side?" This time, I was the one being serious.

He looked away but I was able to saw the red blush in his cheeks. "It's b-because...I...I..."

He then looked at me in the eye as I saw his blush turning into a deep shade of red, "I...I'm starting Saga Masamune-kun!"

I was taken aback by what he just said. I was too shocked to speak or answer. He just confessed to me. Then I just realized something. But I heard someone crying. I looked at him as I saw him collapsed on his knees as he started crying. I went beside his as I hug him.

"Hey, don't cry." I said as I hug him and caressed his hair.

"It'! Y-you're...unfair! Y-you m-meanie! I j-just confessed to y-you and that's only your a-answer!" He exclaimed as he sobbed. "You're so...m-mean...but my heart goes crazy when I'm...w-with you..."

There I realized it's love.

"I'm sorry." I said as I burry my head in his soft brown locks.

"I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" he became a mess. He hiccupped as he smuggled in my uniform. I don't give a damn if my uniform is wet.

I sighed as I chuckled. He looked at me with wide eyes as I cupped his face, "You're so cute."

With that I kissed him in his soft lips. His lips were shut tight as he was also shaking with his eyes close. I then move back a bit as I looked at his cute face. I chuckled as I wiped some of his tears out. He opened his eyes and looked at me. He buried his head on my chest as he snuggled at my chest. I softly caressed his soft brown locks as I whispered something in his ear.

"Then let's be a couple."

His eyes widen as he starts to cry again. I chuckled again as I wiped some of his tears.

"Hey, don't cry. I already accept you and you're still crying." I said.

"T-tears...of...j-joy." He said in his sniffing sound.

With that, we went home with our hands intertwined. At this sunset scenery and under the cherry blossoms; we talk, laugh, joke, and be each other's company. There I knew it, that his smile and façade has finally put a mark on my heart and mind. Those shining green eyes, fair skin, cute heart shaped face, and slender figure. It all became a happy moment for the two of us. How we wished that everything would stay the way it was forever. Where we would always act like a bunch of lovestruck idiots. How I wish it would stay the way it was.

He changed me. After meeting him in the sunset at the hill filled with cherry blossoms, my life began to change. Everything became colorful. He loves cherry blossoms very much and the view of the sunsets. How we wished everything could stay the way it was.

But what we didn't know, the next occurrence shall change both of our life forever...