A/N A huge thanks to my beta Emerly Felton, again, this story would be nothing without her!

Broken Chapter 14

"Kurt!" As soon as Blaine saw the beautiful Sub he had craved so much over the weekend, he ran down the stairs, pushing his way through the other boarders with his elbows since he was holding two cups of coffee in his hands, and came to a halt just as Kurt exited his car.

Kurt grinned when he saw Blaine, looking adorable in his dark brown winter coat and cap. A dark curl was peeking out from underneath and his cheeks were flushed from the cold. The butterflies in Kurt's stomach went crazy. He still couldn't believe this adorable, handsome man had chosen him. "Hi," he said shyly. He had missed Blaine terribly over the weekend. Blaine had been busy with both homework and work while Kurt tried his best to distract himself by reading fashion magazines, watching Netflix and teaching his dad how to cook a decent, healthy meal for himself.

"Hi, yourself," Blaine winked. Kurt felt his knees go weak and he had to lean back towards his car to stay on his feet. "Did you miss me?"

For a moment, Kurt thought about teasing Blaine, but he just couldn't hold back any longer.

"You have no idea."

"Good, because I missed you too."


"You should've seen me, pouting and moaning. Aunt Rosa even threatened to kick me out." Blaine pouted.

"Poor you."

"Uh huh, but now that you're here you can make it up to me."

"I can?"

"Kiss me?" Blaine leaned closer.

"You don't need to ask." Kurt leaned in. He could feel Blaine's hot breath on his face and he couldn't wait to have his lips on his own. Only Blaine's lips could set his body on fire and he could use some warmth with this cold weather.

"Kurt! Blaine!" A voice yelled and they quickly pulled apart before their lips could touch. Blaine turned around, an angry scowl on his face.

"David! Perfect timing as always."

"Don't glare. Blame Wes. He's called an emergency Warbler meeting. NOW!" David yelled out, already walking back to the entrance.

Blaine sighed. "Damn Wes and his obsession."

"We better get going," Kurt responded. He didn't even want to think about how Wes would react if they were late.

"I'd rather make out with my boyfriend," Blaine deadpanned, handing Kurt his coffee. Kurt took a grateful sip.

"We'll hear what he has to say and then we can sneak away."

Blaine beamed at him. "I like the way you think, Mr. Hummel." He wrapped his fingers around Kurt's free hand. Kurt blushed at the look Blaine gave him. He was staring at him with dark eyes, and Kurt felt – despite wearing two sweaters, a winter coat, blue jeans and winter boots – completely naked.

He shyly ducked his head and let Blaine guide him towards the doors of Dalton.


It turned out that nobody was happy about the emergency meeting. Trent and Seth entered with their hands firmly locked, matching goofy, lovesick smiles on their faces. Nobody seemed to pay much attention to the pair, and Trent was grateful that the news of their relationship had finally settled down, but he still had to have a talk with Thad, who kept hiding in the library avoiding everybody as much as he could.

They needed to talk. Trent felt like he had betrayed their friendship. After all, they had both promised to stay single until graduation.

Sebastian didn't even bother showing up. Thad entered the room, his eyes wandering to Seth and Trent's joined hands. He quickly averted his gaze and took a seat in a corner of the room. Travis then entered as if he owned the place and greeted Thad with a bright smile. Thad tried to act cool, but couldn't hide his flushed cheeks. He hated how his body still reacted to Travis.

Wes waited impatiently until Jeff, who was the last to enter, sat down. The Asian didn't look well. Dark circles were under his eyes and it looked as if he had lost some weight. He cleared his throat. "As you all know, Regionals are in a week and I know it's late this year and everyone has already turned their minds towards Christmas break, but we are in a crisis."

Everyone sighed, but one look of warning from David was enough to silence the room.

"With Nick gone, we are one member short to compete," Wes continued, a serious frown on his face. Some people dared to look at Jeff, but most of them kept looking ahead. Nobody knew why the two had broken up, but it was obvious they were both brokenhearted over it.

Jeff could feel the stares. He could almost hear his fellow singers begging him to make it up to Nick; begging him to make Nick rejoin the Warblers. Jeff wished it could be that easy.

"If we don't find someone by the end of the week, I will need to inform the Show Choir Board that we don't have enough members to compete. Then we'll have to pull out."

The bell rang, announcing that classes were about to start. Everyone stood up and left the room. Jeff stayed seated. Wes cleared his desk and looked up, his eyes sad.

"Jeff, listen…" His voice was unusually soft.

"Don't." Jeff blinked away the tears in his eyes. He had cried all weekend. He thought he had no more tears left. He was wrong.

Wes sighed. "I just want you to know that I don't blame you for Nick leaving the Warblers."

"You don't?" Jeff stared at the head Warbler in shock.

Wes shrugged. "Sometimes… things happen that you can't control. Sometimes you make bad choices because you think it's the best choice at that moment. And you have to face the consequences of your choices at some point later in life."

"So… you knew?"

"I don't know why you and Nick broke it off, but I know all about making stupid choices. Just… know that I don't blame you one bit. Or Nick. Life just happens."

Jeff swallowed. He had never expected Wes to be so wise. He looked at him with a new curiosity and noticed that Wes looked ten years older than the last time he had seen him. He knew how important the Warblers were to Wes. He put all his love, time and passion into it. This was his last chance to win, and now it might not even happen because of Jeff's own personal problems. "Wes, you've worked so hard on this. I won't let my personal problems ruin this for you. I'll get Nick back."

"Jeff, you don't-"

But Jeff was already on his feet and out the door. "Don't worry, Wes. I'll get him back." And he disappeared into the hallway.


When Jeff saw that Nick wasn't in the cafeteria during lunch, he knew where Nick was, and so walked to the Dom's room. Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" blasted through the hall as soon as he turned the corridor where Nick lived. Jeff sighed. Nick always went all dramatic if something bad happened.

Jeff didn't bother knocking. He stormed right inside the room, which was dark. Jeff almost tripped over a garment of some sort. He quickly turned the lights on and saw Nick hurtle himself off the bed.


Jeff's attention was drawn to the Dom's room. It was a mess. Clothes lying everywhere, it looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in months, which was strange because Nick was a neat freak.

"What on earth happened here?"

Nick could only stare at Jeff. He was speechless. He didn't think Jeff would ever want to speak to him again, let alone walk into his bedroom of his own free will. "I… Jeff, you're here."

"Obviously," Jeff replied coolly, trying not to give into his need to wrap his arms around the upset looking Dom, comforting him. Instead he turned off the stereo and Celine Dion finally shut up. "My Heart Will Go On, Nick? Seriously?"

Nick slumped over looking absolutely miserable. Jeff immediately regretted his words, but it was too late to take them back. Instead he quickly focused on another topic. "Wes called an emergency Warbler meeting this morning."

"So? I'm not a part of the Warblers anymore, remember?" Nick sat down on his bed.

"We're coming up one member short now that you've left. We can't compete in Regionals."


Jeff frowned. Was that all Nick had to say? "You need to come back."

Nick sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. A lock fell in front of his eyes and Jeff had to restrain himself from reaching out to push it back into place. This was harder than he thought. "I don't want to stand in your way, Jeff. I thought…" Nick trailed off and sighed. "I thought it might be best for us to keep our distance."

Jeff's heart beat painfully against his ribs. He hated this. There was never distance between them. Never. They were inseparable. "I don't mind."

Nick looked up. "Really?"

Jeff swallowed. He lied. He did mind having Nick near him and not being able to touch him like he used to. His hands were just itching to run his hands through Nick's soft hair and kiss those sinful lips until he couldn't breathe.

"Jeff?" Nick's voice brought him out of his own thoughts and Jeff shook his head to clear his mind.

He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm sure of it." He hated how weak his voice sounded, so he straightened up. "Besides, I've already made up the dance moves and you don't want to keep the world from that, right?"

Nick smiled softly at the teasing tone. "I wouldn't dare."

Their eyes met. Nick's smile widened, but it didn't reach his brown eyes. He still looked sad. Full of guilt.

Jeff quickly turned to the door, before the urge to wrap his arms around the Dom and comfort him could take over. "Great! I'll let Wes know and then I'll see you around, I guess."

Nick opened his mouth to reply, but Jeff had already run out the door, closing it behind him, leaving Nick alone with his own guilty thoughts.


It was Monday and Thad didn't have any homework, but still he was on his way to the library. He had been avoiding people all day, not meeting anyone's eyes because he didn't want to talk. He was in a bad mood, and had been ever since he discovered that Trent and Seth were dating.

He had never seen Trent so happy and lovesick, but he felt betrayed and that feeling made him feel guilty. Why couldn't he be happy for his friend?

'Because he promised you he'd stay single with you until graduation,' explained a small voice inside his head.

That was true. If Thad hated anything at all, then it was being lied to. But how dare he feel like that when Trent was so happy? He was the worst friend ever.

Thad was almost at the library when a hand grabbed his arm and stopped him. The Sub let out a high squeak, jerking his arm free and turning around with his hands in front of him. He turned bright red when he saw whose hand it belonged to.

"Woah, sorry." There Travis stood, holding up his arms in surrender. "It's just me." His blue eyes sparkled, his cheeks flushed and he was a bit out of breath, as if he had been running. "Didn't you hear me? I've been calling your name for a while."

"Oh, sorry," Thad blushed. "I didn't hear you… I just…" He gestured helplessly towards the library as if that explained everything. He felt like an idiot. There was no need to point out that he was a book nerd. Everyone knew that already.

"Ah, I understand," Travis nodded. "The library can be quite exciting."

Out of the corner of his eye, Thad saw Trent and Seth entering the library, their hands firmly locked. He couldn't help but glare at their locked hands. Trent noticed and Thad quickly averted his eyes to Travis who was shifting nervously from one foot to the other.

Thad had never seen Travis nervous, not even before a big boxing match. Travis' nervousness made him on edge. He wasn't in the best of moods. He just wanted to be alone with a good book. "Can I help you with anything, Travis? Do you need some help with homework or something?"

Travis flinched, realizing that that was exactly what Thad had helped him with over the past couple of months. He had thought all weekend about how he was going to prove to Thad that he was serious about his feelings for him. When he arrived that morning, the solution presented itself to him when he got the results of his latest math exam. He still couldn't believe it. Without Thad, he never would have gotten an A.

Travis had searched for Thad all day, but the small Sub seemed to evade him. Finally he had spotted a brown haired Sub wearing glasses making a beeline to the library. That could only be Thad, and now that he was finally standing before him, he was at a loss for words.

He wanted to thank Thad. Get to know him better. Show him that he was serious about his feelings. He wanted to invite Thad over for a coffee date. How hard could that be? It sounded simple, but now that he was standing in front of Thad, he was slowly having a nervous breakdown.

"No, I don't need help. Actually… Guess what?" Travis put on a wide smile even though it was lacking his usual confidence. Thad only stared at him confused. "I got an A on my latest math test!"

Thad blinked a couple of times to let the words sink in, but then a soft smile appeared on his face. He looked genuinely happy for Travis. "Wow. That's amazing, Travis. Congrats."

"Thank you. Of course I couldn't have done it without you…" Travis took a step forward. Thad tensed a little, but didn't move. Travis' hands were itching to touch, but instead, he folded them together behind his back. "I'm serious, Thad. Without you, I-" Thad opened his mouth to protest, but Travis raised his hand to stop him. "Don't. Thad, you deserve all the credit. Just take it for once. You are way too humble. You're the smartest person I know. You shouldn't hide that."

Thad stared shyly at the floor because he didn't know how to respond to that. His cheeks were warm and he knew he had to be blushing like an idiot, but he didn't care. Nobody ever thanked him for his help. They took him for granted. Sure, he got a quick "thank you," but Travis seemed so sincere. His heart skipped a few beats, hating how his body still betrayed him. "Thank you," he mumbled softly, barely a whisper.

Travis, standing close enough to hear the Sub, beamed at him as if Thad had hung the moon and stars just for him. Thad swallowed. Nobody ever looked at him like that.

"I just wanted to ask… if you-" Travis knew he was stammering. His face was turning bright red and he scolded himself. Travis had never blushed before. It's just not something he did. "Maybe…" He ran a hand nervously through his brown hair. A lock fell in front of his face. Any moment now, Thad would turn around and run away.

But when Travis looked up, he saw that Thad was still there, and if he wasn't mistaken, he could see an amused smile on his lips. It was a miracle that he found this amusing. But the smile turned into a confused frown when Thad noticed Travis staring at him.

Travis took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Would you like to grab a cup of coffee? With me? As in… just us?" 'Smooth, Brown. Smooth.'

His eyes locked firmly on Thad's. His heart jumped a little when he saw a faint blush appear on Thad's cheeks. 'That's a good sign, right?'

But the next moment, Thad took a few steps back, creating space between them. Travis wanted to reach out and pull him close, but he knew that would only make things worse, so he kept his hands by his sides.

"Actually I-"

"Come on, Thad. We have to celebrate the only A I've ever gotten," Travis said with a cheeky grin on his face, but on the inside he was dying. He didn't know if he could handle a rejection from Thad. Again.

Thad's eyes widened. "Wait. That's the only A you've ever received?"

Suddenly Travis felt like a loser. Thad was a straight A student. He'd never settle for a B or a C. Why would Thad ever want to date him? He wasn't smart. He was a boxer. An athlete. He worked with his body, not his brains. Travis averted his eyes to the ground, wishing that he had paid more attention to his schoolwork.

Travis shrugged. "I – I was just more focused on boxing, you know?" Thad stared at him deep in thought before nodding. Travis had no idea what the Sub was thinking, but the feeling that he had screwed up before he had even begun became stronger with every minute. He needed to act fast. "So, what do you think about that coffee? Of course, I'll pay."

"You don't have-"

"Of course I do. Without you I wouldn't have that A, so I owe you."

"You don't own me anything."

Travis felt Thad slip away again. He didn't know what to do. He'd never had this problem before. He'd never had to fight for someone's affection, but what hurt the most was that Thad still didn't seem to believe him. That he didn't think he helped Travis. Travis didn't understand. Thad was brilliant, but that wasn't all. He was funny, adorable, kind and sexy in his own way and should be worshipped accordingly. He shouldn't be hiding away in a dark library all day.

Travis would love to be the one that made Thad feel loved, cared for, and cherished, but so far he wasn't doing a good job of it.

"It's just coffee, Thad. If we go now, we'll be back in time for dinner."

Thad thought about it for a brief moment before shaking his head. He remembered the last time he had coffee with Travis, surrounded by jocks. He'd never felt more awkward in his entire life, and that was saying something because he once joined his mother for brunch with her friends. "No, I can't today."


"I just have a lot of homework." As soon as the words left Thad's mouth, he felt horrible for lying. He could see that Travis didn't believe him. He probably knew Thad's school schedule by heart. They had been studying together for weeks now.

To Thad's relief though, Travis didn't call him out on his lie and instead asked, "Wednesday? Or Thursday?"

"I'm actually really busy this week, Travis. I'm sorry. Maybe another time."

"Oh." Travis' face fell, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

Thad felt his heart drop all the way to his toes. He felt mean. Wasn't this what he had always dreamed about? A date with Travis Brown? But deep down, he knew that it was too good to be true. Dreams just didn't come true. Not for him.

Maybe Travis spoke the truth and he thought Thad was cute, but that was only because of the Ames incident. He's sure that after Christmas break, nobody will be paying any attention to him. If he gave in now, he would just get his heart broken in a couple of weeks and Thad didn't think he would ever recover from that. He just wanted someone that really loved him for him. Not just because he had knocked the school's bully unconscious with a book because he didn't know what else to do.

Travis opened his mouth to respond, but he was interrupted by a voice behind Thad. "Excuse me, but can I speak with Thad for a moment?"

Before Thad could turn around, someone grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Travis, who stared after them in concern. Thad turned towards his kidnapper and gasped. "Trent?"

"Shhh," Trent pulled him down the hall, passed the library, and into a small room. He closed the door behind them. The room was dark.

Thad turned on the light only to find Trent glaring at him. He swallowed. "Trent, what is going on?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" Trent said angrily. "What is wrong with you, Thad? Travis Brown just asked you out on a coffee date and you said no!"

"It wasn't a date. He just wanted to thank me because he got an A on his math test."

Trent raised his hand to shut him up. "Doesn't matter, Thad. I am not blind. I know you like him."

Thad froze. "W-what?"

Trent walked to the one table in the room and sat on top of it. He didn't look angry anymore. There was something else in his eyes. Something Thad couldn't name. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Thad swallowed. For a few moments, he didn't dare to speak. What was he supposed to say? Yes, he had had a crush on Travis for years. Yes, he had made that promise to Trent to stay single until graduation. Yes, he intended to keep his word…but that was all before Travis had ever spoken a word to him. That was before the Dom ever knew he existed.

How could he have ever known that Travis would actually speak to him?

"Thad, if this is because of our stupid promise to each other then-"

Thad's head shot up, staring at Trent. "It's not stupid. I wasn't planning on acting on my feelings. Travis didn't know I existed." He sighed. "Not until a few weeks ago anyway."

"He likes you."

Thad averted his eyes to his shoes. Travis had already claimed he liked him, hearing it from an outsider like Trent made it different; more real. Because if an outsider can see it, then it must be real, right? Still, there was a voice inside his head telling him that he shouldn't believe it. That Travis was too good for him.

Which was true.

Thad swallowed. "How do you know?"

Trent's face softened. "I see it in his eyes, Thad. He really likes you and I know that you think it's only because of what happened with Ames, but I've seen him looking at you like that even before Ames. All you need to do is give him a chance."

Thad bit his bottom lip. Trent could almost hear his doubts. He had known Thad for years now. They were the best of friends and yes, he felt guilty about breaking his promise to stay single until graduation, but how was he to know that he would find love with his worst enemy?

Thad was smart and kind; the best friend he could have ever asked for and he was funny, as long as you understood his sense of humor, but his biggest fault was that he overthought everything. He was a control freak.

Trent was the last person on earth who would want to change Thad, but the other boy could stand to loosen up some. Just let himself go and enjoy the little things in life. Books gave him comfort, but they wouldn't hug him or kiss him at the end of a long, hard day.

Thad deserved to be loved, and it was about time Travis saw how amazing his friend was. Trent couldn't just stand by and let Thad miss this chance. Ever since he had begun to date Seth, Trent had never felt so good. He felt alive. He wanted to sing, dance, and shout about the love he had for Seth and he wanted that for Thad too.

Travis was a good Dom. He was honest, hardworking, outgoing and friendly. He was the perfect man to pull Thad out of his shell. To break down his walls. To lift his spirit. To pull him away from the damned library!

"Look, Thad, it's just a coffee date, right? What could go wrong?" Trent wrapped an arm around his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Oh, gee. I don't know… tons of things. I could trip and spill coffee all over him. I could-" He was cut off by Trent's finger on his lips.

"Stop it, Thad. You won't do that and even if you did, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes. I'm sure that Travis would just laugh it off."

"How do you know?" Thad asked softly, unsure and scared. Scared to be turned down. Again.

"Like I said, he likes you way too much. He's gone for you." Trent looked over at the closed door of the room he and Thad were still standing in. Seth was waiting for him down the hall. A soft smile graced Trent's face and he could feel his knees go weak just thinking about the Dom.

Thad noticed and lifted up his chin. "So, you two are really together, huh?"

Trent ran his hand through his hair. "I'm truly sorry for breaking our promise, Thad. But… I couldn't help it. It just happened." He blushed, averting his eyes to the ground.

"So, this is serious?"

Trent nodded. "He's-" He paused for a brief moment. "He's the one. I just feel it." He placed his hand over his heart. "In here."

How could he stay mad at Trent for breaking his promise? Thad had never seen Trent happier in his entire life. "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you." Trent smiled widely, grateful that Thad wasn't mad at him anymore. "So, we're good?"

Thad nodded. "Always. You're my best friend, Trent. Nothing will ever change that."

They shared a moment of silence as they stared at one another. "You should go. He's waiting for you," Thad nodded to the door where Seth was still waiting for Trent outside.

"Will you give Travis a chance?" Trent asked.

Thad took a deep breath. "I'll think about it."

Trent smiled and pulled Thad into a big hug. "That's all I'm asking."


"Ugh! I hate work!" Blaine pouted. He and Kurt were standing in the parking lot. Blaine had to start his shift at Rosa's in half an hour, yet he still had his arms wrapped around Kurt's small waist and wasn't planning on letting go. Rosa would understand if he didn't show up. She would.

Since Blaine had told his aunt and uncle that he and Kurt were officially dating, they couldn't stop teasing him about it, but Blaine could see how happy they were for him.

"Blaine, you're going to be late!" Kurt whined softly, but he held Blaine even closer. He wasn't ready to let go. He had had Sub classes all day and he hadn't spent much time with Blaine so letting him go was even harder.

Blaine felt Kurt's warm breath against his neck and swallowed. It was getting harder to resist the urge to make Kurt his. Especially since they were spending weekends apart and now even their busy school schedules were getting in the way. Life wasn't fair.

Especially for a Dom who has been waiting for someone to make him whole, and now that he had finally found someone, Blaine still couldn't make that last move. Kurt had made it clear that he wasn't ready, and maybe he never would be. Blaine understood, but he had to admit that it was harder to control his Dominant side than he thought it would be.

He wanted to be completely honest with Kurt and he knew that he should talk about it with him soon. He could already picture the red blush on Kurt's porcelain cheeks when he told him how much he wanted him. All of him. Not only his soul. His body too.

Blaine was planning on having "the talk" on their Christmas Break. He couldn't wait to spend Christmas with Kurt. And his dad. Of course.

Blaine would be lying if he said spending Christmas with Burt didn't make him nervous. He knew how protective the man was of his only son, and he understood, but how could he make it clear to Burt that he wasn't going to hurt Kurt? That he really cared for him?

Kurt pulled back. "Penny for your thoughts?" He smiled softly, cocking his head to the side curiously. It was a cold day. The ground was covered in snow, but a beam of sunlight kissed a stray of the Sub's chestnut brown hair and Blaine had never seen such beauty before. He looked like an angel.

"Nothing. Everything is perfect." Blaine leaned in to press his mouth to Kurt's lips, only to find his arms empty.

Kurt had stepped away, shaking his head. "You really need to go. Rosa's waiting for you and I don't want her to get mad at me for keeping you."

Blaine huffed. "She'd never get mad at you. She loves you."

Kurt blushed and it still surprised Blaine that it was probably weird for Kurt to hear that people actually liked him. Again, Blaine wondered what Kurt's former Dom had done to him. Would he ever hear the whole story?


"Come with me," Blaine took Kurt's hands, intertwining their fingers and pulling him closer.

"I can't. I'm going to the mall, remember?" Kurt gestured with his head to the stairs leading up to Dalton Academy where Jeff, Trent, Thad and Sebastian were already waiting.

"I thought we were going to buy Christmas presents together?" Blaine said with a teasing tone.

"We are." Kurt's eyes drifted to their joined hands, avoiding Blaine's eyes. He notices how good their hands fit. Like they were made for each other.

"Is something wrong?" Blaine asked worriedly.

"No." Kurt saw that Blaine didn't believe him. "I just – How am I supposed to buy you a Christmas present if you're with me?"

Blaine's mouth formed an "Oh" and he silently released a relieved breath that he didn't even know he was holding. He smiled. "You don't need to buy me anything, Kurt. I've already received the best present I could ever ask for. You." Kurt blushed to the roots of his chestnut hair. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and pulled him closer. "I don't need anything else."

Kurt felt Blaine's warm breath grazing his red cheeks and he thought he might faint. He felt so safe in Blaine's arms, so warm, happy and loved. He never wanted to let go, but he had too. He meant it; Kurt really didn't want to be on Rosa's bad side. She was a fierce woman. "I know, but I want to."

Blaine leaned in. Kurt met him halfway and their lips met hungrily, both longing for more than they could give. Kurt soaked in Blaine's warmth, his scent and his love. Everything was perfect. Nothing could break the spell –

"Hey Anderson! Hummel! Stop fucking around! The mall closes in two hours!"

Except the big mouth of one Sebastian Smythe, of course.

Blaine pulled away and glared at Sebastian who simply shrugged, not impressed with his death glare. He sighed. "I really do need to go."

"You should." Kurt nodded, forcing his body to move away from Blaine. "I'll see you tonight?"

"You don't have to stay up. I'll be late."

"I want too."

"Hummel, come on!" Trent shouted impatiently. "I'm hungry and I know this amazing Italian place."

Kurt sighed. "I better not stand in the way of Trent and his stomach."

Blaine smiled. "Yeah, we wouldn't want him to starve, right? I'll see you tonight." It took all his self-control to turn around and walk away, leaving Kurt in the safe hands of his friends.


Jeff, Trent, Thad, Sebastian and Kurt ate at the Italian restaurant Trent suggested. After, they went shopping, but so far, everything was either too expensive or just not good enough for Blaine.

The biggest problem Kurt was facing was that Blaine was rich. He may have left his family, but his father was still loaded. Blaine had spent years celebrating Christmas with his family, probably getting the most expensive gifts that Kurt could never – not in a million years – afford.

So nothing seemed to be good enough for Blaine.

Kurt stared at the newest collection of bowties. He knew Blaine liked bowties, but still. Giving him a bowtie for Christmas seemed… lame. He wanted to give Blaine something special. Something meaningful.

Kurt let his hands wander over a gold bowtie and looked at the price tag, immediately letting go. His dad would have to work a month for that amount of money. This was ridiculous.

'Of course, I could always make something for Blaine,' Kurt thought as they entered yet another shop with too many expensive clothes.

Kurt quickly shook his head as soon as that idea entered it. The old Kurt would have loved to make something for Blaine, but he wasn't that Kurt anymore. His love of fashion was dead. Buried, and it should stay that way.

He could feel a headache coming on and closed his eyes. As soon as his eyes closed, he could hear Adam laugh, sneering at him about how stupid he was. A memory popped up. He remembered as if it were yesterday.

He'd made a blue tie that matched Adam's eyes. He'd worked for hours on it, making it perfect, but as soon as Adam saw it, he just laughed at him, telling him how ugly it was. He ripped it apart, right in front of Kurt's eyes.

"Kurt." A hand on his shoulder pulled him out of the memory.

His whole body was shaking. He was trying to breathe, but his throat had closed. Kurt stared into the worried face of Sebastian. The others were scattered around the shop and hadn't seemed to notice his distress.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian asked worriedly.

"Y-yes. I just need some air." Kurt pulled himself free and ran from the shop. He heard Sebastian calling his name, but he just kept running.

He needed to get out, get away from the crowd. He needed some space.

He was near the exit of the shopping mall when he noticed a tall blonde man with his back turned towards him. Kurt couldn't see his face, but he had the same build as Adam, the same height. Kurt stopped dead in his tracks.

He wanted to move, to run away, but he just couldn't. He was standing behind the devil himself. He knew it. He knew Adam wouldn't be gone forever. He knew that he would come back for him someday. To take him away. To end everything.

He just didn't expect it to be so soon. Not when he finally felt safe. Not when he finally found love again.

The man was talking to a blond woman, her hand on his waist. She turned around and noticed Kurt immediately.

Shit, he had been discovered. And now she was going to tell Adam…

A worried frown appeared on her face. She asks something, but Kurt couldn't hear the words. Everything seemed to pass right through him, as if he were a ghost.

The woman poked the blond man. Kurt's heart stopped as the man slowly turned around and –

It was not Adam. His nose was bigger, his eyes were chocolate brown instead of Adam's cold blue. The longer Kurt stared, the lesser the man looked like Adam. He was going insane.

"Hey, dude, are you okay? You don't look-"

Kurt finally found the strength in his legs again and he moved. He ran towards the exit and as soon as he was outside, he kept running until he was in a quiet, calm park. A man was walking his dog, a young woman was feeding the ducks in the pond with her two kids, and a group of teenagers was hanging around next to a tree, talking and laughing.

Kurt took a deep breath to calm himself down. His first instinct was to call Blaine, to ask him to pick him up, take him back to Dalton and hold him until he fell asleep. He was already scrolling through his phone contacts, but his finger stopped before he could call Blaine.

Blaine was working. He needs the money if he ever wants to be truly free from his father. He couldn't call Blaine. He wouldn't be the one who ruined his future.

Kurt put his phone away and wandered around for a bit. He couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He looked around, but nobody seemed to be paying any attention to him.

His eyes wandered towards a tree and for a moment, he thought he saw a shadow quickly turning away. His heart beat painfully against his ribs. With shaking legs, he made his way towards the tree, but as soon as he came close enough to peek behind it, he was almost run over by two dogs. He jumped out of the way just in time.

A man quickly apologized before he ran after the two dogs, shouting and waving his arms. If Kurt wasn't so terrified, he would've laughed.

Again, he felt as if someone was watching him. He turned around. The space behind the tree was empty.

A hand fell on his shoulder. Kurt jumped and screamed. He spun around, his hands in front of his chest.

"Whoa, it's just me." Sebastian held his hands up in surrender. He was out of breath, as if he had run a marathon.

Kurt let out a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "Sorry, you scared me."

"I can see that," Sebastian stated calmly. He handed Kurt a bottle of water. "I thought you could use some water since you ran out of the mall like the hounds of hell were chasing you."

Kurt smiled at Sebastian's attempt at diffusing some of the tension and took the bottle with a soft thank you. He took a huge gulp of the water. Water was just what he needed to calm himself. "Thank you. That was just what I needed."

"I know. Tea works better, but water's a good second choice."

Kurt frowned, confused. "Works better?"

"Against an upcoming panic attack." Sebastian stared straight at Kurt.

Kurt froze. "I- I wasn't – I just-"

"Saw someone who looked like one of the monsters from your past?" Sebastian quirked an eyebrow.

Kurt swallowed. There was no use in denying it. He couldn't lie to Sebastian because he just knew. He knew what Kurt had gone through because he had lived it too. "Y-yeah. I'm sorry for lying."

"Don't be. Never apologize, Kurt. Not for something like that."

Kurt had never seen such compassion in Sebastian's eyes. It wasn't pity. It was understanding. Sebastian gestured to the closest empty bench and they both sat down.

"Talking helps, you know." Sebastian said after a beat of silence.

Kurt stared at his hands folded in his lap. He blinked the tears in his eyes away. "Will it ever stop? The nightmares? The memories?"


Kurt looked up into Sebastian's grey eyes. He was grateful that Sebastian was so honest, but he also hated it. He wanted to hear Sebastian say that the nightmares will eventually stop.

"But they'll fade away. The bad memories will be replaced by good, happy memories. As for the nightmares…" Sebastian hesitated. "…there only has to be one small incident and they'll return."

Only now Kurt noticed the dark circles under Sebastian's eyes, a tired smile covering his lips. He had been unusually quiet all day, but Kurt just thought that Sebastian was bored.

Kurt didn't need to say anything. One look was enough. "Yeah, I haven't been sleeping well since Ames beat me up," Sebastian admitted, averting his eyes to the snow covered ground as if he were ashamed. "It brought back bad memories."

"You don't have to talk about it."

"I do, and you need to do it to. Like I said, it'll help put the devil back in the box. It'll help you move on."

"I don't know if I'm ready."

"That's okay. I'll tell you my story, and then you can tell me yours. Deal?"

Kurt stared warily at Sebastian. Would Sebastian judge him after he heard his story? Would he think Kurt not worth his friendship, his time? Would he tell Blaine or anyone else? He wasn't ready for Blaine to find out. He wanted to hold onto his newfound happiness as long as he could.

But when he stared into Sebastian's eyes, he saw nothing but a good friend. Sebastian may have a bad attitude and a big mouth, but he also had a heart of gold. Deep down, Kurt knows that he would never betray his trust.


They shook hands to seal the deal.

Sebastian took a deep breath and began.


He was so close. Within reach. Of course Adam recognized Kurt immediately as soon as he entered the mall. Adam could've slapped himself for being so stupid. Kurt loves shopping and spending money on items that were too good for him. Adam should've gone to the mall as soon as he set foot in Westerville. That could've spared him a lot of trouble from having to deal with that stupid lawyer and his dumb son.

As soon as Adam saw Kurt, he couldn't turn his eyes away. The same chestnut hair, the porcelain skin, the piercing blue eyes, those pink sinful lips. Kurt looked so innocent.

He also looked happy.

Laughing with the small group of boys he was with, stalking the shops, biting worriedly on his bottom lip as soon as he saw the price tags.

There was no doubt in Adam's mind that Kurt was probably trying to find a Christmas present for Blaine.

Adam balled his hands into fists, shaking. He had to restrain himself from walking over and simply taking Kurt away. He was his; not Blaine's.

But he couldn't. Not yet. Kurt couldn't know about him. It was too soon. His plan wasn't ready yet, but that didn't stop Adam from following Kurt around. He didn't seem to notice anything, living in his happy bubble.

Strangely enough, it didn't bother Adam seeing Kurt so happy. He just had to think about his future plans with his sub to calm himself down. Besides, with how happy Kurt was, how much more fun would it be to rip it all away from him?

Adam kept his distance, making sure that Kurt didn't see him. He was in a dressing room when Kurt suddenly bolted out of the shop and made his way to the exit. Adam quickly followed. He saw how Kurt stopped and shook when he saw a blonde man who looked like Adam. He smiled, glad that Kurt still remembered his treatment. He had made sure that Kurt would never forget.

He followed Kurt outside to the park. For a moment, he was afraid Kurt had seen him behind the tree, but luckily, before he could discover him, he had been interrupted by two dogs running past him. Adam had never been so grateful in his life and quickly made his way, hiding behind a large bush.

Adam saw how Kurt peeked behind the tree. He was so close. Adam just had to reach out and he could touch him.

But before Adam could give in to his urge, a boy with a meerkat face made his way towards Kurt and touched his shoulder. Kurt jumped. They talked and sat down on a bench.

They seemed close. Like friends.

Kurt had already made new friends. He had a new boyfriend, a new life, and he looked happy.

That enraged Adam. Kurt didn't deserve it. Kurt had taken everything away from him. But let Kurt be happy. Let him have everything. That way he'll never see it coming when Adam comes and takes everything away from him.


Adam threw one last look at the two. They were talking, but he was too far away to hear anything. He turned around and left.


This was the worst Christmas shopping trip Jeff had ever experienced. This was the first time he had gone Christmas shopping without Nick. They always did it together, only separating for an hour to buy each other's presents, but now, Nick wasn't even there.

It wasn't like he was away for an hour to buy something from him. No. He just wasn't there.

Jeff's heart ached for the Dom. His calm, his warmth and his love. He missed kissing him, holding his hands, making jokes and making him blush by saying sexual innuendos.

With tears in his eyes, Jeff stared at a brown scarf that would match perfectly with the warm chocolate color of Nick's eyes. The scarf was soft too.

Jeff wrapped the warm scarf around his shoulders. He closed his eyes and pictured Nick was with him. Tears stung his eyes. It hurt too much.

"Jeff?" Trent popped up right next to him.

'Of course Trent had to pop up in my moment of weakness,' Jeff thought annoyed, quickly unwrapping himself from the scarf and hanging it back in place. "Yes?"

"Thad and I…" Trent trailed off. "Are you okay?" Trent noticed the tears in Jeff's eyes.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Jeff put on a brave smile, even though his heart was breaking. Again.

"I – I don't know," Trent said, unsure. "Anyway, it's almost closing time. We should head back."

"Okay, fine with me. Everything reminds me of Nick anyway." Jeff brushed past Trent and Thad who shared a worried look. Jeff suddenly stopped and turned back around. "Where are Sebastian and Kurt?"

"Sebastian texted me that he and Kurt are going to stay a little longer. Sebastian will drive them home," Thad explained. He glanced nervously at his watch. "Are we going?"

"Why are you in a hurry?" Jeff asked, suddenly curious. "It's Monday. We don't even have homework yet."

Thad shrugged, trying desperately to act casual. "Just because."

Trent grinned. He'd never seen Thad so nervous and he was pretty sure that it had something to do with a handsome boxer. Thad had made a decision about Travis' offer for a coffee date.

"Just because?" Jeff narrowed his eyes. "What are you hiding?"

"I'm not hiding anything." Thad blushed. Trent rolled his eyes. Thad was a really bad liar, but Trent had to agree that it wasn't a good idea for Jeff to find out about Thad and Travis. Especially since the boy was so heartbroken.

"Yeah right, or should I say someone?" Jeff gasped, jumping up and down. "You're in love!"

"I am not!" Thad exclaimed, his cheeks turning an even darker shade of red.

Jeff opened his mouth, but Trent interrupted him. "Shut up, Jeff. Just because is a really good reason. Let's go home." He pulled Jeff with him towards the exit of the shopping mall. Thad threw him a grateful look. Trent smiled.


"His name was Calvin O'Harris. His father was CEO of a hospital. I was fourteen when I met him. Calvin was a few years older." Sebastian scoffed. "He was wise, sweet, caring and I was naïve, young and desperate for love.

"You see, my parents… They weren't exactly the best. They were both successful in their work, but that just meant that I was all alone, and I don't have any sisters or brothers. My only company when I was young were the nanny's.

I've tried to impress my parents by busting my ass in school and in sports. My father was a famous football player when he was younger. I just wanted to make my parents proud." Sebastian's voice wavered and he looked down in shame.

Kurt could picture a little Sebastian trying to gain his parents love and attention. His heart broke for him and he swallowed the lump in his throat. It explained why Sebastian was so snarky and bitchy at times. It was to protect himself.

"I met Calvin at a party thrown by my parents," Sebastian continued. "They ordered me to stay in my room. They were afraid that I would ruin the party by my mere present." His tone was bitter. "But around 8pm, I was getting hungry. I'd been locked up for hours and hadn't even had dinner, so I snuck downstairs straight to the kitchen and checked for leftovers.

I found a cake and just when I went to take a bite, someone called me out. I startled and dropped the cake. It was a beautiful dark-skinned, young man. Calvin. He was so beautiful that he looked like he had just walked out of a Disney movie. As soon as I saw him, I was in love."

Sebastian shook his head. "I was stupid."

"You were young and it's normal to want love in life," Kurt said softly. Sebastian gave him an intense look and he just had to look away. "I mean, I can relate." He cleared his throat. He wanted to get the attention off of him. "So, what happened? Did Calvin betray you to your parents?"

"No." Sebastian sighed, a hint of a smile on his lips, as if he were thinking about a happy memory. "He got another cake from the party room and gave it to me. I asked him why. He said I was adorable. He flirted and I was gone for him immediately. We stayed in that kitchen all night, just talking until he had to go. He asked for my number, and I gave it to him. I was completely powerless against his charm. He promised to call me.

Of course, I didn't expect him to actually call me. He was way older than I was and cooler. But two weeks later, I got a call from him. He wanted to see me again. My parents were at work, so I invited him over. We, again, spent that afternoon talking. He left before my parents got home. I was completely charmed. I liked the idea of having a secret love.

About a month into our secretly meeting each other, Calvin confessed his feelings for me. He was in love. I was shocked at first. I was just fourteen, so how could a twenty something year old fall for me? He wanted to make it official.

I was overwhelmed, stunned that an older beautiful man like him could ever like me. Love me. Want to own me. So, we both told our parents."

Sebastian let out a shaky breath. "His parents took it quite well. They seemed happy. My parents on the other hand…" He fell silent.

"Let me guess…they didn't know you were gay?" Kurt asked.

Sebastian shook his head. "They didn't have a problem with me being gay. Their main concern was that Calvin was so much older than I was. More experienced. Especially my mother. She was most concerned. She kept asking me if I really wanted this. It was actually the only time in her life that she showed any interest in me. I was a teenager. I wanted to stand up for myself, to cause trouble. Show her that her only son had grown up and isn't that little kid she could control and manipulate. So I told her that I wanted it."

He swallowed. "I know now that she was right to be concerned. That she truly cared about me, in her own way." Tears stung in his eyes and he quickly blinked them away, but his breathing was louder and Kurt laced his fingers through Sebastian's and gave his hand a soft reassuring squeeze.

Kurt said nothing, and that was more consoling than any words. Sebastian gave him a grateful smile, happy that Kurt understood. He was probably the only person who fully understood what he'd been through. Of course, he had the love, devotion and protection of Hunter, but it was nice to talk to someone who really understood.

"Two months after I met Calvin, we Bonded. He took me on a two week trip to Ibiza. Sun, sea, beach and…" A pink blush covered Sebastian's cheeks. "…we had sex. It was my first time. Calvin was really gentle, sweet. I fell in love even more."

His eyes turned darker. "But that changed as soon as we returned. Calvin had his own apartment, an apartment I hardly ever got to leave. Calvin preferred to work from home and keep a close eye on me. I wasn't allowed to go out without his permission. When I asked when I would return to school, he just laughed at me. He said that I had better things to do. He gave me a book about how to be a good slave." Sebastian tensed, his eyes drifting far away as if he were reliving a bad memory.

That sounded familiar to Kurt. Adam didn't want him to study or leave the house either. It took a few weeks to realize he was a prisoner. A cold chill ran down his spine and Kurt shivered.

"Of course, I tried to fight for my rights. I would talk back, refuse to clean the house or cook." Sebastian shook his head. "Every time I refused to obey him, he would hit me. The first time it happened, I was a shaken mess. I couldn't believe it. Calvin apologized, saying that it was my own fault. That I shouldn't make him so upset. That I should just listen to him. I was so afraid that I obeyed him for a week. In that week, I noticed that Calvin had gone back to his old, sweet self. I thought that it had been a mistake. That he hadn't meant to hit me. So… I refused again and this time he made it clear. He beat me until he drew blood. After that he…" Sebastian swallowed. This time he couldn't control his tears. "… He raped me."

Kurt closed his eyes, memories of Adam raping him appearing in his mind. He quickly shook his head and opened his eyes. He took a deep breath, calming himself. He was trying to remind himself that Adam wasn't there. That he was safe.

Still, it was hard without Blaine there. He needed his warmth, his strong arms wrapped around him, telling him that everything was going to be okay. That Adam would never come near him again.

Kurt turned his attention towards Sebastian once more. He had never met such a strong and fierce Sub like Sebastian. Kurt had never expected that what had happened to him had also happened to someone like Sebastian. He was so brave.

Kurt reached out on his own and pulled Sebastian into a hug. At first, Sebastian froze, but soon he relaxed, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist, pulling his closer. Both needed a little comfort before continuing.

Sebastian was the first one who broke the contact, wiping away the tears from his cheeks. "Calvin controlled my every move. I wasn't allowed to socialize. I was afraid, so I gave into his demands. I stayed there for two years. A complaint from the neighbors set things in motion. Apparently, they had heard Calvin beating me. The police came immediately. They saw my beaten body and arrested Calvin. The last time I saw him was in court. He was sent to prison for 13 years and is forbidden in ever owning a Sub again."

"Had your parents ever noticed anything? Had they ever tried to make contact?" Kurt asked. If it wasn't for his dad, he would still be with Adam. Burt saved him. He couldn't imagine Sebastian's parents not trying to make contact.

"Calvin could be very convincing that I was okay." Sebastian shrugged. "They had a business to run. The welfare of their only son wasn't a priority. I was the one who wanted to leave after all. So I just had to save myself.

My dad didn't even bother showing up in court when Calvin was convicted. Only my mother came. She didn't say a word. She didn't cry. Didn't hug me. She just stared. After the trial was over, she just left."

Kurt stared at him in disbelief.

"After the hearing was over, I was taken to Dalton for safety. I was able to start up again with school. I was behind of course, but I'm blessed with a brilliant brain." A cocky smile appeared on his face, desperate to try to lighten the mood.

"Dalton is expensive. Who paid for your education?"

Sebastian looked deep in thought. "I never found out. When I asked, the director refused to answer. He said that the donation was brought in by someone who'd rather stay anonymous, but I can think of one person who would actually care about my welfare, even if she'd never admit it out loud."

"Your mother?"

Sebastian nodded.

"Have you spoken to her at all?"

Sebastian shook his head. "I've tried to call her, but it always leads to voicemail. Hunter and I went by my old house one time, only to discover that they had sold the house and have moved. Nobody knows where either."

Kurt swallowed. He had no idea what he would do if he didn't have his dad. He wouldn't be where he was today without him. He was all he had after his mom died. They'd been through so much. His life had changed a lot throughout his lifetime, but there was always one thing he could count on: his dad. "I'm so s-"

"Don't," Sebastian cut him off. "It's not your fault, Kurt. There are only two people to blame. Besides, I've found a new family now. Hunter is my future." He gave Kurt a soft smile.

Kurt smiled back, hoping that when Sebastian said "Family," he meant that Kurt was part of it too, even though they had only known each other for a few months.

Sebastian turned towards him. "So, what about you?"

Kurt tensed. "W-what about me?"

"Tell me your story."

"I don't-"

"Kurt, talking helps. I know that you've probably seen a few psychotherapists, but maybe it'll help you move forward if you talked to me. To someone who has actually been there too. Now, just take a deep breath and let's talk, okay?"

Kurt didn't want to talk about Adam, not when he had finally found happiness again, but Sebastian had told him his story. It was only fair for him to tell his own in return. So he took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay."

Sebastian smiled encouragingly. "Okay, let's start from the beginning. What was his name?"

"I'd rather not speak his name."

"Not calling the monster by it's name will only make him stronger. He's just a human being, Kurt. A despicable one, yes, but don't give him so much power by refusing to speak his name. He's not even worth it."

Kurt thought about it. Sebastian had a point. Adam's name was enough to send him into a panic attack, and he wasn't even worth it. "His name was Adam…"

As soon as those words left his lips, he couldn't stop talking. He told Sebastian everything.


Thad knew where Travis would be. It was Monday evening, and therefore he was training in the gym. Thad knew Travis' training schedule by heart, which Travis could never find out about or he'd run away from him as fast as he could.

Thad stopped in front of the dressing room and took a deep breath. He couldn't believe that he was really going to do this. He was going to ask Travis Brown out on a coffee date. Not even in his dreams had he imagined this. In his dreams, it was always Travis asking him out.

…Which he had, and Thad turned him down, so now it was up to him. The ball was in his court.

He nervously twisted his hands together, and then he knocked. He cursed. The dressing room was open to all students. Who knocks? Well apparently, he does. 'So stupid,' Thad cursed inwardly.

The door opened and a dark-haired Dom appeared dressed in jeans and a t-shirt that hugged his muscles nicely. Thad vaguely recognized him as one of Travis' friends. He didn't remember his name however. His cheeks turned pink under the intense gaze of the Dom.

The Dom frowned. "Um…. Can I help you with something or…? You know this is a public place right? You can use it whenever you want."

"I, um… I know that, actually. Thank you," stuttered Thad and he felt even more stupid than he had a couple minutes ago. "I, uh, was looking for Travis Brown?" He hated how unsure his voice sounded.

In the background, he heard someone turning off the shower.

The Dom smiled and looked over his shoulder. "Brown, you've got company. I've gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow." He brushed past Thad and disappeared, leaving the door open for Thad to enter.

Thad walked into the dressing room cautiously. The room was half-covered in steam from the showers, so it wasn't long before Thad's glasses had fogged up. He stumbled over something, his knee hitting something else – a bench, he thought – and he fell backwards, blinded.

Fortunately for him, he fell backwards onto something soft…someone. A warm wet body. Strong arms wrapped around his waist to keep him on his feet. "Whoa, easy there."

Thad froze. He would recognize that voice anywhere, even while he was temporarily blinded by foggy glasses. He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. He didn't dare turn around. Travis' hands on his waist were burning through his shirt.


Thad considered running away for a moment, but then again… he had come to see Travis. To ask him out. He didn't expect that he would be in Travis' arms quite this quickly though. Before he could move away, Travis spun him around easily, as if he weighed nothing.

Their eyes locked. Thad quickly removed the steam from his glasses and stared into Travis' beautiful brown eyes. The Dom smiled softly.

Thad's attention, however, was quickly drawn from his eyes and down to his body; a body that was still wet from the shower, to be precise. Thad could literally see the droplets gliding from Travis' neck, down his chest, ending at the top of the towel slung low on his hips.

Thad felt his knees go weak and he had to hold onto Travis firmly if he wanted to stay on his feet. He knew he was blushing. He was sweating. He was afraid he might faint.

Slowly his eyes returned to Travis'. Travis was staring at him warily and only now did Thad realize he hadn't said anything. He quickly let go of Travis and took a few steps back, creating a safe distance between them. He needed the space. He couldn't trust himself right now.

He cleared his throat. "I – I uh… I … I'm sorry, I just…" He was a mess. He couldn't even form words. He felt like an idiot. 'You are,' said a mean voice in his head. 'Look at him! He looks like a god. Do you honestly believe that he would ever date someone like you?'

"I'll just go…" Thad whispered, already moving towards the exit when he felt a warm hand lock around his bicep, stopping him. He turned around.

Travis was standing so close that he could feel his warmth and something else. A spark. Spreading through his whole body. Making his heart beat faster. Apparently he wasn't the only one who felt it because Travis quickly let go, a look of surprise on his face quickly followed by a bright smile. As if he knew what it meant.

Thad wished the Dom would explain it to him because he didn't understand it. His body had never reacted to a touch like that before. The only thing he knew was that he already missed the touch, the feeling. He wanted Travis to touch him again.

Ok, that sounded creepy, even in his own head.

"Tom said you were looking for me?" Travis asked, gesturing with his head towards the door and Thad knew he meant the other Dom who had just left.

"I…" 'Run away. Now.' But Thad forced his legs to stay. "Yes."

Travis turned around and dried his body with another towel. After putting on a shirt, he cocked his head curiously at Thad. "I guess you didn't come all this way just to walk me to my room?"

"I… um, no." Thad wished for his ability to speak to return. This was just terrible.

"Too bad. I could use a protector, you know?"

"I... You could?" Thad asked surprised.

"Sure." Travis shrugged. "My big match is coming up. I can't have anyone injure me right?" He said jokingly and Thad couldn't help but smile. "And I heard you're quite handy with a book."

Thad rolled his eyes, but his smile never faded. "I'm sure that a boxing champion can take care of himself."

"You can never be too careful," Travis winked. His smile widened when he saw the blush on Thad's cheeks turn a darker shade of pink.

Thad gave in. "Fine, I'll walk you to your room." Travis' eyes sparkled with glee. Thad didn't dare to think that he was responsible for that sparkle. It was now or never. "I… Travis, you were right. I didn't come here to walk you to your room. I was actually wondering if that offer to grab a cup of coffee still stands."

Travis' face lit up and Thad would swear that it could light up the entire world. "You mean it? I mean, of course. I'll always want to grab a cup of coffee with you. What about tomorrow during lunch?"

Thad smiled. "Tomorrow is fine."

"Great. It's a date then."

Thad opened his mouth to correct him, but the happy look on Travis' face made him close it again. He thought of Trent's words. He was right. Travis was worth breaking his promise. Sometimes you just need to let everything go to find happiness. "It's a date."

"If you just wait a few minutes, we could walk back together?" Travis asked, his voice unsure, as if he was afraid he had pushed too far, even though they had just agreed that Thad would walk Travis back to his room.


Travis jumped for joy. "My protector."

Thad rolled his eyes, but then quickly realized that Travis had asked for a few minutes so that he could get dressed. Mumbling a quick "I'll just wait outside," Thad left the room, stumbling mess that he was. He heard Travis chuckle.


Sebastian drove back. Kurt felt emotionally drained and was leaned back in his seat, listening to the radio. He had to admit that it felt good talking about his past with Sebastian. Sebastian had just let him talk, without interruption, and he listened. That was enough for Kurt to feel lighter than he had in months.

"Thank you."

Sebastian quirked an eyebrow, but kept his eyes on the road. "You're welcome."

That was all. Nothing else needed to be said.

"You know what we should do?" Kurt asked, perking up.

Sebastian spared him a quick glance before turning his eyes back to the road. "What?"

"Have a double date. With Blaine and Hunter."

Sebastian fully turned his eyes on Kurt, staring at him as if he was crazy.


Sebastian sighed, shaking his head and turning his eyes to the road once more.

"What?" Kurt repeated again.

Sebastian just shook his head again and turned the volume up on the radio. A tiny hint of a smile on his face.

A/N. Hope you liked to read about Sebastian's past, someone asked for it and I hope it makes you understand him a little bit better. He's a hero.

Anyway, please feel free to review. Reviews are like the oxygen of this story and keeps me motivated.