Summary: Jonathan is hurt while on a Skype call with Evan (a prompt from maonethedwarf on tumble)


Jonathan wasnt really sure what he did, or didnt do for that matter. But what he did know is that what ever he did... He was damn sorry for it.

He was talking to Evan on a Skype video chat, Evan had his camera on and Jonathan kept his off. Jonathan explained how he was in his mothers house for the weekend during a family reunion. His mother had wanted him to stay.

"Hey.. Delirious."

"mhmm?" Came the responding question.

"...what do you look like?" Vanoss asked his best friend. And even though Jonathan was, in fact, Evans best friend, Evan still hasn't had the privilege of seeing him face to face. He desperately wanted to see him, the mysterious air about his crazy friend always drew him in.

This came as a surprise to Jonathan and he was torn, 'should I show him? What if he hates me.. or what I look like!?'

" you...really want to see?"

Evan knew he could see him and nodded his head vigorously. "I really do." Evan could practically hear the fear.

"...just. promise me you won't hate me.."

This confused Evan greatly.

"Jonathan.." Evan used his first name for the first time since starting the call. "Why would I-..." As he spoke, his words were choked out by the large black screen suddenly illuminating and showing his best friend.

Jonathan had his head down, his brown hair slightly shaggy but still short. He looked up and his bright blue eyes made Evan forget to breathe.

Suddenly Evan started to laugh, startling Jonathan and making his eyes water.

Evan was laughing... Laughing. Jonathan felt himself tear up slightly and then asked Evan why he was laughing. Expecting a 'because your ugly and I don't know why I ever talked to you, that's why. Idiot' but when Evan looked back into his eyes all he said was "Wow. Your...beautiful."

Evan watched as Jonathan's eyes widened, the tears shimmering in his lower lids. His blue irises shining and surprised.

"R-really?" Jonathan asked wetly.

"Yes. You're fucking gorgeous. Damn... Even more than I imagined." Evan confessed to his best friend. He leaned back slightly in his office chair as Jonathan wiped his eyes. Laughing quietly in his bubbly way.

They talked for a bit more. An hour later found Evan joking about how he, wildcat, and nogla played WAW. Jonathan laughed hard and Evan felt his heart melt at the sight. They talked for about 15 minutes more, calming down and relaxing when Evan heard, or rather saw the door behind Jonathan open forcefully. Jonathan turned quickly. His fear hidden under his voiced confusion.

"M-mom? Whats wrong?"

Evan saw Jonathan tense as his Mother stalked up to him. He felt his stomach drop and churn fiercely when Jonathan's mother stalked closer.

He voiced a shout of interference when her fist shot up and clubbed Jonathan's head. Jonathan flew from his chair and his legs must have jolted his desk because the camera was now haphazardly centered on the middle of the room. It was tilted but Evan, to his dismay, could see Jonathan's upper body and he had full view of the woman. (She is obviously never going to have the right to be Jonathan's mother in his eyes.)His shout did nothing to quell her anger and distract her. Jonathan whimpered and cradled his ear and cheek. She bent down and dragged him closer to her, giving Evan a better (not really!) view of Jonathan. Evan watched with fearful eyes as she snarled.

"I told you to take the Fucking. Trash. Out!" Each word was punctuated by a forceful shake.

"Mom, you told me to do that yesterday!" Jonathan whimpered.

"Its still. FULL." She began to scream.

"That's...ufgh! Because-gah- we had guests over and you take out the trash.. AH!" As Jonathan was whimpering this the woman kicked his stomach. After he finished she kicked his face. He shouted and covered it, curling in on himself as she rained fists and feet upon him, some catching his arms. Most finding their way to his stomach or chest. Evan was frozen.

' ...oh god. What to do! Fuck she's crazy... I can't do anything!'

Jonathan's head phones are still plugged in and won't give off his voice.

He can't help him, what the fuck was he doing watching? He needs to- LUKE.

He almost completely forgot, Cartoonz lives like 7 minutes away from Jonathan. Evan heard a loud crack pound it's way into his ears and a horrific screech from Jonathan. He snapped his focus back and saw one of his arms completely bent, bone sticking out of his forearm and he started to cry. "Help me... Mom stop." His quiet pleas broke Evan in two. He screamed once more out of fear. "Stop! Stop it! You'll kill him!" She didn't stop and began to smash his head. She stomped his head and suddenly Jonathans cries quieted. The arm protecting his face slackened. She went back to attacking his torso.

Evan shot up and grabbed his cell phone. Dialing Cartoonz' number, he held his breath. 'Please.. please. Answer now.' The phone rang and rang. Suddenly it picked up. "Sup?"

"Luke! Go to Jonathan's house now! He's being hurt!"

"What?! W-"

"Luke!.. Oh god I think she's gonna kill him."

"I'm going! Stay on the phone."

Evan heard a door slam and feet on concrete. The engine of a car sounded and suddenly there were screaching tires.

"I'm going as ducking fast as I can. What's going on Evan?"

Luke's crisis deepened voice startled Evan out of his frantic thoughts.

"We were talking and his mother. She just came in and attacked him...He's not moving and she won't stop." Evan responded, voice tight.

"Lemme hang up. I'm almost there!" He turned back to see her stop her beating for a moment. "That should teach you, burden." She spat. As she walked out of the room Evan sat there, holding his breath. Jonathan hadn't stirred yet. Even when he was being hit. Suddenly loud shouts of protest filtered through Evans speakers.

Suddenly a very flustered and worried looking Luke was in the camera shot. He instantly fell to the ground besides Jonathan and put his hand in his neck, checking for a pulse. It was present and strong. Luke sighed and suddenly the very angered and flustered woman came running in. "Get out of my house NOW! OR I WILL CALL THE POLICE." She shouted at Luke.

She stomped forward and Luke put himself between her and Jonathan. "Back off lady, the cops are already on the way and I have video evidance of what you did. So. Back. Off." Luke growled. The woman's expression turned to horror as she raced to be anywhere but there.

Luke looked up at the computer, seeing Evan wave his hands and point to Jonathan's headphones. Luke pulled the plug out and Evan suddenly started to freak out. "Oh, god is he okay is he dead? Where did she go!? What happened?!"

"Evan, Evan! He's alive. Okay? He's bleeding a lot though, so I'm gonna lift him so his arm wont rub the floor." Evan nodded.

There was a short stomping of feet in the hall and then a woman in a uniform came in. She knelt by Luke and pulled her shoulder radio to her lips and said. "Get the EMT in here, we have an unconscious victim, Broken arm and bruising are visible." She rested her hand on Luke's shoulder. "Are you the one who called in?" He nodded. "Were you present when.. it happened?" He shook his head and pointed to the screen with Evan on it. "He saw it. Called me, and I called you guys."

Evan spent a decent amount of time talking to the lady, by then Jonathan was loaded on a stretcher. He was being wheeled out when Luke told Evan what hospital they were going to.

Evan got the hint and after gathering things up and giving the police his number and home address he ran out the door and drove to the airport. He was visiting Jonathan.

Jonathan opened his eyes, there was a deep throb in his chest and his arm burned slightly. He felt the weight of a cast. His face felt sore and he felt a needle in his other arm. He was in a hospital and when he turned his head he saw Luke there. "Luke?" He croaked, voice hoarse from screaming. Luke nodded and smiled broadly. "Someones here to see you Bro." And then Evan was above him, smiling and looking on the edge of tears. "Eyyyy.." Jonathan said weakly smiling softly at them. This made Evan snort and Luke chuckle.

"H-how bad is it?" He asked.

"Well, you have two bruised ribs and a broken arm, some huge bruises too." Luke answered.

Jonathan felt himself tear up and he lifted his arms, Luke and Evan both leaned in and let Jonathan hug them. Jonathan let the tears roll. He let them go and suddenly they all laughed. Jonathan was safe. For now.

Let me know if I should continue:3