So I was having way too much fun playing with format in this one. What? Me? Playing with format? Totally crazy, I know! So this one is very experimental. I keep flip flopping between loving it and hating it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Wally West. :)

1Ek = ½mv2




Nonononono, hemust slowdown!


Ahh, words need spaces between them, he recalls.

Spacesbetween. Opps, spaces between the words help you understand what's being said.

His thoughts had been so fast that he couldn't even understand them.

Like a blurr of ahummingbird'swings… hummingbird's wings.

Each thought had been so close to another that you couldn't separate them.

Instead of: flap, flap, flap… he could only make out flapflapflaflaflap.

At the first moment when he was conscious of the fact that he could feel the energy. He could feel the

Voltage upon voltage course through his body.

His blood is heat. His skin is energy. He is speed.


The constant, c, interrelates space and time.

Nothing is as it was.

"Slow down!"

Before, the world had been too slow, but he had learned and had been able to slow himself down, so he wouldn't miss too much.

Before he could actually stop and just experience. He could amble just for the hell of it.

Now just the thought of slow is nearly unfathomable.

Now he is speed.

Or a part of speed?

He is kinetic energy.

186000 miles per second

Concerning his current state,

everything is kinetic .

Everything is light.

His feet move

without fail

without cessation.

Isn't it strange?

≈3.00×108 m/s

Some part of him recognizes that he is running. It recognizes that one foot propels him forward with each bound. It is so familiar a motion that he could not confuse it with anything of him knows that he was born to run.

"My little Roadrunner"

However, to run is very different now. It's natural, more natural than having to remember to separate his words from each other.

The energy that courses through his body is natural.

But he cannot recall where he begins and where he ends. He cannot recall whether or not the energy came before or after.

Before? After?

Location? Time?

Time means everything and nothing. Is it? Was it? When?

He is so fast that he very well may be everywhere all at once.

What is location and time if he is nowhere and everywhere all at once and never at all?


ħ = h⁄2 π

Light travels through a vacuum.

He runs faster than the light.

Never before could he reach such intense speeds.

299792458 meters per second?

He surpasses it all.

"Kid Flash!"

He surpasses it all. The parameters that describe speed are obsolete and too small, too slow to describe how he runs.

"Slow down!"

He is speed.

Everything is kinetic.


He runs.

He runs.

He runs.

And that's all he knows.

Please, leave me some feedback. Hated it? Cool. Loved it? Sweet. Confused? I don't blame you. Just let me know your reactions. :D