Hi. Sorry I published this late... Really late. Thx 4 reading :-)

Arnold again found himself staring at Helga Pataki during recess as she wrote in her pink journal

His cheeks filled with color as she looked up at him and swiftly got up, put her journal in her backpack, and walked towards him.

A sly smile played on her lips as she spoke to him "You know football head" Helga said "If i didn't know any better I'd think you have a crush on me."

Arnold chuckled nervously as his blush began to deepen.Does she know how on the nose she is? He asked himself then suddenly began to be very interested in his shoes. Am I that transperant?

Helga saw how nervouse he looked and began to giggle.

Arnold raised an eyebrow.She's really cute when she does that.

"I-I could say the same aboutyou, Helga" Arnold said.

Helga stopped giggling as Arnold leaned into her "Could you plaese tell me how great of a kisser I am again?"

Helga blushed as Arnold leaned just a bit closer.

I have to make sure he keeps that a secret Helga thought, Not wanting anyone to know that she thought that he was a good kisser.

Helga scowled and clutched the colar of his shirt. "I swear if you tell ANYONE what I said last night..." She lifted Arnold a few inches off the ground "I will END YOU! Understand Football head?"

Arnold's eyes were wide and he nodded "O-Of c-course Helga... I swear I wont!"

Helga nodded once and dropped him.

She gave him an appologetic smile "Sorry Arnold-o but I had to make sure you wouldn't tell"

Helga moved close to him and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

Arnold gave a small gasp when she did that and he immediatly felt warm.

He touched his cheek, a small smile formed on his lips.

After a moment of the two blonds smiling at each other Arnold laughed "You could have asked nicely Helga and I wouldn't have told anybody"

Helga shrugged "Where's the fun in that, football head?"

Arnold sighed and shook his head slightly.Of course.

Before eigther of them saw Asher was Tapping Helga on the shoulder.

"I need to talk to you" He said when he finally got Helga's attention.

Asher looked at Arnold and then back at Helga 'Sorry' he mouthed to her.

Helga sighed "Oh um" she shrugged at Arnold "see ya later than Arnold."

Arnold scowled fiercly at Asher as he walked away with Helga.

He sighed then smiled. Maybe there was a small chance Helga liked Arnold too.

And he was happy with that.

Arnold felt someone grip his hand very tightly.

He turned to see Lila.

Her teeth were gritted as she spoke "I would ever so appreciate it if you never hung out with Helga again"

sorry this is really short. thank you to everyone who reviewed , followed, favorited, or read this. Thanks :-)