Chapter 21 – Finale

Kagome woke up but didn't open her eyes, she remembered what happened right before she passed out, she was ambushed. She listened and hear voices a small way away from her, she lightly opened her eyes and saw she was in a bedroom and the voices were coming from the living room of wherever they were.

"We delivered the girl, now where is our money?!" Bonkotsu shouted

"I will give it to you in time, I don't have that kind of money on me." Naraku said plainly.

"Are you kidding?!" Bonkostu yelled louder.

It was then that Kagome noticed someone else in the room with her, it was a woman who looked vaguely familiar. The woman just smiled and lightly laughed at the conversation going on outside. As the men shouted Kagura got close to Kagome and whispered "I'm so sorry for everything he did. I had to bring you here for my safety but I am leaving, I won't tie you up and leave a gun on the nightstand. Good luck." Then there was smashing coming from the living room "that's my que" She said. She had a rope tied to her waist and tied the other end to a metal bar in the room. After a few safety tugs she put two fingers to her brow and saluted Kagome with a wink and scaled down the building.

Kagome looked at the gun and picked it up and starred at the door.

"We're gonna come back tomorrow and you better have our money! If you take off we WILL track you down!" Bonkotsu yelled as they all stormed out.

Kagome to a deep breath and was shaking. She heard Naraku walking around and getting closer to the door. Don't be afraid of the gun, be afraid of what you're shooting. Both eyes open, feet planted firmly on the ground. Sango's voice ran through Kagome's mind. She slid off the bed and planted her feet firmly on the ground and held up the door pointing it at the door. Don't be afraid of the gun, be afraid of what you're shooting. The door opened BANG! Naraku's eyes were open wide and he fell backwards.

Kagome looked at him in shock and then at the gun in her hand. She walked up to him and saw the blood pouring out of the hole she created in his forehead. She smiled and put the gun down on the dresser and picked up the phone, the only number she knew was 9-1-1.

"Hello, my name is Kagome Higurashi and I'm at a hotel, I was kidnapped" She explained, the operator asked which hotel and she looked around for a sign of where she was and saw a note pad next to the phone that said "Sesshomaru Hotels, Thank you for your business." She smiled and told her where she was.


InuYasha woke up to the phone ringing he looked around and saw Ginta going after it "DON'T" He called

"What?" Ginta asked confused, still tired himself.

"Sesshomaru doesn't want anyone answering his phone or his door." He said stretching trying to wake up.

"Oh, Oops" Ginta said walking away.

"Oops?" InuYasha questioned, Sango and Miroku were now also waking up.

"Well, I opened the door last night but it was just doctors for Kagome." He said shrugging.

"Doctors?" Sango asked looking worriedly at InuYasha and Miroku.

The three of them ran up the stairs, InuYasha leading the way. They got to Kagome's room and saw she was gone, they proceeded to search the house shouting her name helplessly.

"DAMNIT!" InuYasha yelled punching the wall.

"Whaaaaaat is all the noise about?" Kouga said coming out of his room grumpily.

"Kagome's been nabbed, again." Miroku explained.

"What?" He said pulling out his phone "Give me a minute" he walked back into his room "Sesshomaru, these morons allowed Kagome to be kidnapped!"

"You are also to blame, I left her in all of your protection." He said flatly.

"You seem pretty calm! She could be dead!" He said surprised by Sesshomaru's coldness.

"She's fine. I'm on my way to see her now." He said still calm.

"What?!" he shouted and everyone came into his room to see what was going on.

"She killed him, the police are there now. It's at the hotel nearest to my house, dumbass was stupid enough to stay at one of my hotels under a different name. Someone alerted me he was there but by the time I got the police to go there, I was getting calls about a gun shot in the hotel. I thought he had just shot her but then she called the police. I'm pulling in now, you can all meet me here but stay outside the hotel because it's now a crime scene." He hung up the phone and looked at the group starring at him waiting for answers.

"She's alive" He smiled, InuYasha took a huge breath and everyone else also relaxed.

"Where is she?" InuYasha said feeling anxious.

"Let's get into my car, she's at your brother's hotel." He said walking out.

"Um, Kouga, there's only four seats in your sports car…" Hakkaku said awkwardly. Him and Ginta had also become quite fond of Kagome and wanted to see her too.

"That's okay, we'll follow you in Miroku's car" InuYasha said wanting to go as soon as possible.

They all got into the cars and sped off. When they pulled up they saw Kagome sitting on a bench being looked at by paramedics. InuYasha ran as fast as he could to her "KAGOME!" She sprang up and ran into his arms, he hugged her tight spinning her around and kissing her passionately, he was so grateful she was safe.

"What happened?" Sango asked catching up to him, Kagome let go of InuYasha and hugged her friend tightly.

"Thank you!" Kagome said squeezing her tighter.

"For?" Sango said trying to breathe.

"I did everything you said, I wasn't afraid, I pulled the trigger." She then turned to see everyone looking at her "He's dead." Everyone burst into cheers


After the crime scene was examined and everything was settled, the four friends traveled back to their village. Kagome and InuYasha got their own place together, Sango moved in with Miroku two months later after they became serious. Sango and Kagome's School of Defense was very profitable, they made sure every man, woman, and child, was able to defend themselves. Kouga finally found a girl that he found extremely attractive and she found him extremely rich. It was superficial but it worked for the two of them. Eventually Sesshomaru found a woman as well and Rin loved her like a mother. The group still sees Sesshomaru from time to time, usually birthdays and holidays.

And everyone lived happily ever after.

A/N: Okay corny ending, so sue me. All characters borrowed from InuYasha blah blah blah, no copy right infringement. Let me know what you think. Like I said last chapter I will try to finish all my unfinished stories this week. (But no promises.)