A Demon's Memories and a Dragon's Kindness

Hey everyone I know I saw this I nearly every chapter I write but you're comment favourites and all are greatly appreciated. For this story I really only plan on doing 4-5 chapters at most unless it gets really popular in that case I'll continue with it and make more like it. By the way if you like this story you should check out my others that I have done both of which are still in progress. So give it a read if you like the concept of the story and if not well no harm done.


The year is X777 the date July 4, in the town of Byzel we find a young girl at the mercy of angry mob, the girl was most likely no older than 5 years of age, she had long black hair that reached midway down her back, she wore black knee high socks and plain flat shoes. She also wore a pale white kimono like gown that had pale blue across the chest, her face was scuffed and bruised from people throwing rocks at her, her eyes were a light shade of pink and were rimmed with purple, but her most noticeable features was the demonic markings on her shoulder and the spiral shaped one on her forehead as well as two small horns rising from her head.

"Get out of our town you demon" one man shouted "I haven't done anything, I'm not a demon" the girl continued to think to herself "KILL HER!KILL HER NOW!" another voice shouted out in the crowd. The girl saw the crowd advance towards she then closes her eyes saying while gradually turning into a scream "someone…someone please HELP ME!"

The girl then opens her eyes after hearing the voice of a boy in front of her saying "Karyu no Hoko" (fire dragon's roar) watching the girl sat there in awe as a small to medium sized torrent of orange and yellow flames, still it was enough to take out a large portion of the crowd. "What are you doing boy, why would defend a demon?"

"More like what do you think you're doing you old bastard? So what if she's a demon she's got as much right to be alive as you or me." The boy looked about seven years old and was a few inches taller than her; he had piercing black eyes and short spiky pink hair. He wore a pair of ragged white shorts, a scale patterned white scarf and had a dragon shaped amulet with a red and orange gem in the centre that looked like flames. The girl then stood up and hid behind the boy, she didn't know why, maybe because he didn't even know her and was willing to help or maybe it was the fact that she felt safe around him.

A middle aged man then walked up to Natsu saying "Kid if you don't want to get hurt then please hand over the demon bit..." the man was cut short due to Natsu slamming a flaming fist into the man's face breaking several of his teeth and leaving him unconscious on the ground. After seeing this the crowd dispersed and grabbing the girl's hand Natsu motioned the girl to follow him not noticing the small blush on her cheeks neither of the two not being old enough to know what it meant.

After five minutes the girl saw that they were in the forest, so she nervously asked "umm where are you taking me?" he voice seemed rough as she talked. Natsu turned to face her saying in his usual less than care-free tone "oops, guess I forgot to say anything, first off my name is Natsu, Natsu Dragneel and I'm taking you to see my dad Igneel he knows a little about healing magic so he should be able to heal your cuts and bruises, if not we can always visit his acquaintance."

"Thank you for earlier and again for this Natsu, my name is Sayla" the girl said in a shy but cute tone. "Sayla huh, that's a pretty name but don't you have a second name?" Natsu asked following his compliment, which didn't go unnoticed by the now known Sayla whose eyes sparkled at his words.

It took her a while to snap out of her daze to answer his question, "well I don't have any memories of before today all I know is the name Sayla and that's it." Natsu then started to scratch the back of his head while pondering for a solution "no second name that won't do," he said as he started looking around still scratching his head. "Dragneel" he blurted out, "huh" Sayla replied confused, "how about Dragneel, I mean since you don't have anywhere to go you can stay with me and my dad."

Smiling at the sound of her new name as she ran it through her head, "Sayla Dragneel, I like I really like!" the small demon exclaimed excitedly. A few minutes had passed and Natsu had guided her to the opening of a large cave and started to shout into it "Dad! I'm back," as for Sayla she was puzzled as to why they were at the mouth of such a large cave until she heard it.

Large footsteps that made the very earth beneath their feet shake coupled with an equally powerful voice "NATSU WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!" an almighty voice roared as the girl looked up terrified at the sight of the creature who owned said voice. "A drag…dragon no way" the demon shook in fear and hid behind her new friend like earlier.

The dragon brought his head down to their level which about maybe five or six times the size of Natsu at this time. Sayla could feel the immense radiate off the dragon's every breath, the heat was almost enough to knock over then it spoke again this time in a softer but still slightly pissed off tone.

"So boy do you plan on telling me what you've been doing this past hour, you were supposed to be training so where were you?" the massive red dragon said giving a heavy sigh to emphasise his annoyance. "Sorry Igneel I went exploring and found some people trying to hurt my friend in the town over there" Natsu said gesturing to Sayla with one hand and with the other to the mentioned town.

Only now really taking notice of the girl who Igneel immediately recognised as a demon he then swiftly look back to his son, "Boy you know she's a demon don't you?" The dragon said with a perplexed tone as he remembered teaching the boy about demons. "Aw not you too pops, why does everyone seem to think that demons are all bad? She doesn't want to harm anyone." The dragonslayer said giving a displeased look to his father

"Hold on Natsu I never said there was anything wrong with it I was only making sure that you understood." "However more importantly my boy why did you bring her to me, if it's to heal her remember my skills are limited in that area?" Igneel asked raising one scaly eyebrow awaiting the young boy's answer.

Taking a deep breathe Natsu knew what he was about to ask of his father would test his arguing abilities as he knew apart from himself Igneel hated socializing with…well anyone even other dragons. "I have two reason pops, one is to heal her cuts and bruises," the boy said pausing waiting for his father's answer "okay I believe I should be able to do that." Now grinning the pink haired boy's confidence went up a notch as he went two his second demand "and secondly I want you to let Sayla join are family!"

Igneel's face remained emotionless for a few seconds, this surprised the boy and Sayla for that matter they expected the dragon to reject the notion before Natsu got a chance to finish, but then Natsu's words started to sink in as the dragon roared out "WHAT! What do you think you're trying to do reduce the almighty great Igneel to babysitter?"

"Aw come on dad your always telling me to be more mature and responsible think of this as my first step." Natsu pleaded down on his hands and knees, Igneel sweat dropped at this unable to comprehend where the boy drew this logic from. The massive red dragon stood up on his hind legs revealing massive scars across the dragon's underbelly, the dragon started to massage his scaly temple gaining a headache from his son's constant onslaught of arguing. Igneel couldn't help but give in to his son's demand as he felt sympathy for the girl, she was lost without home or memory and it reminded him of when he first found Natsu as a child, physically she may not have been human but she was more human emotionally than most true human themselves.

"Okay, it's not like you'd give up anyway" The dragon huffed out in exhaustion and started thinking to himself "boy that heart of yours would put a dragon's to shame". Hearing his words both children jumped for joy at the dragon giving into Natsu's demand. "Thanks pops, this is great our family just got bigger" Natsu started cheering while Sayla had walked over to Igneel and bowed in front of him, "thank you Igneel, I guess dragons aren't so scary after all." The young girl said with a glowing smile that in turn caused Igneel to smile.

"Think nothing of it child, you and Natsu are more similar than you can imagine" the dragon said with a neutral tone of voice, his words confused Sayla who just walked over to Natsu and the two stared running around playing. The two seemed to enjoy themselves and while Igneel himself enjoyed the sight of his pink haired son playing the feeling was heavily outweighed as he realised that that impending day was soon approaching.

July 6 x777

For the past two and a half days Natsu and Sayla had been enjoying each other's company, they played together, explored together, ate together well the point is they were never really without the other by their side, that is until today.

"I'm sorry Natsu we can't take her with us, the place we are going is strictly for dragons and dragonslayers." Igneel said as he was trying to explain his predicament to his son. "No way, she has to come with us, just teach some dragonslayer magic then!" the young boy shouted at his father tears rolling down his eyes, the light of the sunset passing through every tear that fell.

Sayla then walked up and grabbed Natsu by the arm causing him to turn around; he could see her head was tilted so that her hair and the shadow it caused obscured her eyes from sight. Slowly she lifted up her head so that Natsu could see her eyes, her eyes had pools of tears in the corners and it took everything she had not to let go. She then started to speak but her voice was shaky and raspy due to her emotions "you have…to…go…with him…I don't want…to be the reason you lose him" she managed to say gasping for air between each word.

Hearing her words Natsu knew it would hurt her if she was the reason he didn't go with his father, but still he didn't want to leave her alone, he didn't want her to fell like she did before. The young dragon slayer had to bite his lip to make sure any more tears fell, he then gave Sayla a hug "this isn't goodbye, I promise you I will find and won't stop searching until I find you." He said his voice just as shaky as hers.

Releasing her from the hug he then took off his amulet a placed it around the demon girl's neck saying "as long as you have this I'll be able to find you, Igneel made it himself so it's one of a kind." Picking up the amulet with her own hands she could feel a heat coming of the orange and red gem as if it was fire itself, but it didn't hurt her if anything it was rather soothing.

The two then looked at each other smiling their brightest smile knowing this wouldn't be the last time the two met. Getting into the palm off Igneel's palm Natsu was prepared to bid Sayla farewell when his father spoke up, "if you have nowhere to go there is a town about a day or two walk north of here, there you might find something to make of your life." The girl nodded showing she understand still teary eyed as was our dragonslayer but both would meet again.

Flapping his enormous wings Igneel started rising into the air, Sayla looked up at shrinking silhouette of Natsu waving her good buy and did the same using both arms and shouting out to him not to forget his promise, and so the two were now parted and although they only knew each other for a short amount of time, for both of them it was the best time of their lives…so far

17 years later in the Tartarus guild (counting seven year skip)

In the dark guild Tartarus the only remaining faction of the Barem Alliance which is currently at war with Fairytail, had sounded their alarms so that all guild members would know what was going on, the announcement that followed troubled one of the members dearly "three of the…no five of the nine demon gates have fallen!"

The troubled member in question was a woman in her early twenties; about five six she had long purple black hair and pink eyes rimmed with purple. She had an hour-glass figure with a sizeable bust and had strange demonic pattern on one of her visible shoulders and a more demonic spiral one on her forehead, but her most prominent and noticeable feature was two long upward curved horns.

The woman was in what looked to be a library and huffed as a man wearing a mask barged in saying "mistress Sayla you are needed it is urgent!" and as fast as he had entered he had gone. Sayla then placed her hands on a familiar dragon shaped amulet with a flame coloured gem in the centre, "will he ever find me and can he accept what I've done.

She stared into the gem for what seemed like minutes, but so entranced by the heat she felt lost within it, that is until she felt a very large quake which snapped her out of her daze. As she looked around she saw book shelves tumbling, decorations hitting the floor and then noticed her hour glass according to which from when she last checked that it had been over an hour since she was called.

As she leapt up to get going she heard a strange voice that at the same time was slightly nostalgic "god damn assholes what do they think they're doing using etherion" the voice said as it was getting closer, before she knew it the heat from the gem around Sayla's neck started to increase exponentially although not enough to burn her it was still very noticeable all the same.

It was long before she heard footsteps outside the door suddenly come to a halt followed by the unmistakeable sound of someone sniffing the air. Sayla knew Fairytail had its share of dragonslayers, she also knew the most powerful of which was out of the picture much to MardGeer's relief but as for the other three only knew of the nicknames, so assumed it was either, Black Steel, the Sky Maiden or the Salamander.

Sayla readied herself transforming into her eitherious form to fight her unknown opponent but as the doors open all the malice, hate and frustration she was about to release upon her enemy dissipated as she shifted back to her demon/human form out of shock of who was before her who happened to be equally shocked at who was before him.

Tears filled one another's eyes as they were still sceptical if whether or not the person before them was who they thought it was, the two stood there motionless completely forgetting in that moment that etherion would strike any moment still shock had taken over their system's before they could only utter a single word each



And end chapter, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you want me to continue then tell in the comments. Just so you know I did this pairing not because I ship it it's just I can pair Natsu with almost anyone and I thought it would make for a good story you know, anyway let me know what you think for now Fairytailguild1 out