Chapter 52

"Are you happy?"

"Very. Incredibly happy." Kenna leaned on Bash and gripped his hands, which he had wrapped around her body.

They were finally alone. The guests were gone, the celebration finished. And no one would bother them now. Everyone knew, that the ceremony to consummate the marriage, was something special. Even though, it was already her second marriage and she was no virgin anymore.

Bash bent down and nibbled on her ear. "Tell me what you want, very specifically."

Kenna had to grin involuntarily. "You remember?" she teased him.

"It was our first night together." he said softly. "How could I ever forget that?"

"I didn't know you were such a romantic." She smiled.

"You made me one." He kissed her lips lightly.

"I remember well the first time. You were full of doubts and hesitant. And I was already in love with you and wanted nothing more than to consummate our marriage."

"You were always eager. But I loved that. I still do." He grinned and pulled her closer. "You seduced me with your body, your eyes..." His lips moved from her neck to her cleavage.

"That's not true! You seduced me. I just told you how to do it." She stifled a moan, when he began to nibble her ear again.

„Tell me..." he whispered hoarsely with excitement." Tell me what you want."

She turned to him and whispered in his ear and closed her eyes, as he began to open the buttons of her dress while he continued kissing her neck and shoulder. She would take care of his clothes later, Kenna thought dazed with lust, while he slowly undressed her. She saw when her dress fell to the floor and noticed, how his hands worked quickly and efficient to open the lacing of her corset, until she finally stood naked in front of him.

"You're so beautiful!" He didn't dare to touch her, he could only stare with admiration. His pulse quickened and his excitement grew with each passing minute. But he didn't want to push it. Quick sex was not what he was looking for. He wanted to savor every moment, until they were finally completely united.

"It's my turn now..." Kenna's pulse rate had also increased. She tugged impatiently on his clothes. She wanted to feel him, with her body and soul. But she knew, as long as he wasn't completely undressed, he would not touch her. What a sweet torment! Finally! His shirt fell, then his pants. And she trembled with excitement, when he finally embraced her, pressed his naked body to hers. The way to the bed seemed to be far away, but they managed and fell onto the bed, still embracing each other. Nothing could separate them anymore, she thought, as she responded to his passionate kisses, her body quivering under his sensual touch. She wanted to feel him with all her senses. And when they finally became one, they were swept away by a wave of passion.


"The person who said that sex in marriage is even better, did not lie." Kenna snuggled up closer to Bash and smiled.

"Who said that?" He raised an eyebrow, questioningly.

"I don't remember." She shrugged her shoulders. "But it's true."

He carefully placed a hand on her slightly rounded belly. "I was wondering, whether she or he could feel something when we made love."

She put her hand over his. "I hope, he or she is as happy as I am now." She turned her head and kissed him lightly. "And that we are here now, living in the Castle, makes it perfect."

Bash felt a slight twinge in his stomach. He had tried to block it out, what he had experienced with Mary on the dance floor. But now it all came back and with it the weird feeling. "Kenna..." he started hesitantly. "We should talk about this again..."

She sat up, and looked at him, confused, because of his odd statement. "Talk? What do you mean?"

He took a deep breath. "I think this is not the right time for this."

"If there is something to talk about, I want to talk about it now!" she insisted stubbornly. "You haven't changed your mind, have you? I've already told Lola and Emeline and Mary, of course."

"You can undo it." The words slipped out of him before he could stop it.

"Undo?" she repeated incredulously. "Why?"

He started to sweat. And it wasn't the sex they had had before. It was the inability to tell her the truth. The truth about Mary's true feelings for him. And the fear of the consequences, what it would mean for him, his job and his marriage. He knew Mary well enough that he knew that she just took, what she wanted. And he would be damned, if he would allow her to get what she wanted this time! He couldn't put his marriage at risk, Kenna's happiness, his own, that of their children... He felt her confused and questioning look and suppressed a sigh.

"Not now, Kenna. I am tired. Let's talk about it another time." He noticed relieved that she laid down again. He pulled her closer and kissed her. "I love you! Don't ever forget that. We talk about it tomorrow. I promise."

She didn't reply, she just put her head on his chest and nodded. And while he fell asleep, she was lying awake next to him, with eyes wide open, waiting for the next day.

to be continued...