James Buchanan Barnes.

He continued to say as the pickup he had stolen rattled along the rocky roads of Colorado. His journey was up the winding path to a mountain he sought to climb with another Hydra base he longed to destroy. His heavy breaths left his chapped lips in angry pants of white, frosty smoke. His beady eyes glared at the stretch of sharp twists ahead of him as he traveled further up the alp.

Best friend's since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers were inseparable in both school yard and battle field.

Inseparable my ass. He scoffed taking a sharp turn at a dangerously narrow bend. The tires groaned as gravel rolled down the impossibly far drop off the edge. He pushed down heavily on the clutch and shifted gears roughly before revving further up the hill.

He hoped listening to the man's commentary repeatedly at the Smithsonian would help trigger his memory, but a lot of use that had done. It had only added further fuel to his internal rage, it was aggravating that a man who he hadn't even met seemed to know more about his life than him.

He remembered Steve, well enough to stop punching him on that Hellicarrier, but it wasn't enough. There was a block, a wall in his mind much like the walls he used to scale and hide in to take out his targets. He couldn't reach far back enough to his memories and he knew there were seventy years worth. The reminder was overwhelming but the only way he knew how to deal with it is through anger, but no matter how many bases he had hunted down and destroyed it did not end the hate that simmered in his veins and fed him more than the rations he stole from unsuspecting grocery stores.


He flinched and shook his head.

There it was again, that beckoning call, it was a faint buzzing in his ears at first that soon grew a personality. It was a feminine voice that was familiar and a mystery all at the same time.


"Shut up." He growled under his breath through gritted teeth. He was sick of it, the voices, the flashes, the painful throbbing in his head. It was too much and nothing, nothing appeased it, even his thirst for revenge.

He was too aggravated that he almost didn't realized he had reached his destination. He slammed down on the foot-brake and pulled up on the handbrake simultaneously. The wheels skidded to a stop on the frost covered, icy grit roads.

Shoving open the door he jumped out, grabbed his gear and squinted up at the towering ice caped peak above him.

Mount Charteris. He knew he got the place right because he had been here before, he just didn't remember when.

His heart raced in a sudden excitement to vent out his frustrations on Hydra scum, but there was something else that kept his body pounding, a lingering fear and anticipation of coming across more than he bargained for.

So a introduction into the next story titled. EL MANANA. Omg I can't wait to release the first chapter Gotta give me a day or so though :).
