Disclaimer : I don't own Fairy Tail or the characters, just the plot and this story.

Lucy's P.O.V

"Wake up!" a voice yelled.

"Five more minutes," I mumbled, rolling under the blanket to sleep again.

Suddenly fingers started to rub at my side. It was too late for me once I realized I was being tickled.

I started laughing and screaming. My body felt like it was getting weaker. My lungs eventually got worn out and I couldn't breathe.


Once the tickling finally stopped I looked around my bed to see my cousin Michelle standing beside my bed. Michelle was more like a sister than a cousin since we both grew up together. Her parents constantly work overseas so she stays with our family.

"LUCY HEARTIFILIA! Aren't you going to be late?! You are supposed meet up with your friends today to go shopping!"

"WHAT?! How much time is left?!" I screamed while rushing to get ready.

"About 30 minutes until then. You want a quick breakfast?"

"I'll buy something don't worry!"

After about twenty minutes, I was ready to go. I was finally allowed to get a cellphone for high school, since my dad thought I was too young to have one. Michelle already has one so she can call her parents every now and then.

"I'm going now! Tell dad where I am when he wakes up," I said. I want dad to rest as much as he could since being a businessman is very tiring.

"Sure," Michelle said. "And send me a message when you get yourself a phone so I can add your number into mine."

"I will, bye!" I said, running down the streets in my neighborhood.


By the time I reached the area, I was already late by five minutes. My friends and I were supposed meet up at a cafe, where I couldn't find. I looked at the crowd of people hoping I can find one of them already. I didn't now want to look like a loner. I saw a group of girls. One of them had red hair, while the other has white hair. The other two had blue hair. I smiled and ran to the four.

"Hey! Sorry, I'm late," I said.

"Hi. We are going to get lunch now, did you eat yet?" said the white haired girl. Her name was Mirajane Strauss. She was one of the prettiest people I ever meet, and popular.

"Sure. What are you guys going to get?" I asked as I sat down on one of the chairs around the table.

"I'm getting strawberry cake," the redhead replied. Erza Scarlet, her hair colour suits her last name very well. She is a very strict person, and you do not want to be on her bad side.

"Don't you eat cake a little too much?" asked the bluettes with wavey hair, Juvia Lockser. She joined our circle of friends recently, since she transferred to our middle school for the third year. And for some odd reason, she refers to herself in third person.

"Are you questioning why I eat my favourite food?" Erza said as she glared at Juvia.

"No! It's not that. Juvia is just worried it will affect your health," the other bluette, Levy McGarden, said. She is the short for her age and tends to look younger than she actually looks but she is one of the smartest in our grade.

"Let's go eat already, I'm hungry," Mirajane said.

After a full out argument, we finally decided to have omelette rice, and later have cake for Erza.


"So, you are finally getting a phone, right?" Juvia asked me while eating the last bits of her slice of cake.


"What kind of phone though?" asked Levy.

"I actually never gave it some thought," I admitted.

"Maybe something popular like an iPhone?" Mirajane suggested.

"She shouldn't, they always release newer versions. Next thing we know there's an iPhone 7," Erza said after finally finishing her third slice of cake.

I sighed. "I'll just get an iPhone since it has a lot of functions. And it's pretty common to have one nowadays."

"True, and since Erza is finally finished eating, let's go!'' Mirajane said excitedly


After the long and hard process of getting one, I finally held a phone that I can call mine.

''Thank the gods that blessed me with a phone for the first time in my fifthteen years!" I said.

"No need to get all dramatic over a phone, Lucy. Didn't you say you had to text Michelle once you got your phone so that she can add your number?" Erza asked.

"Oh ya... I forgot. I'll do it right now! After I set it up," I replied back.

"Let's just give her a moment," Levy said

"Juvia thinks that Lucy should send a photo of herself so that Michelle knows it's her and not some weirdo," said Juvia

"That's a great idea Juvia! Lucy did you hear what she said?" Mirajane said.

"Yes I did," I replied,"And two more minutes, guys. I'm almost done."

"I don't want to be in the photo," Erza simply said.

"I don't either, but I think Michelle would think that the both of us weren't here if we stay out of the photo so let's just stand further back behind them," Mirajane suggested.


"Then it'll be me and Juvia with Lucy!" Levy said.

"Okay, I'm done now!" I said.

"That was quicker than Juvia thought it would take."

"It doesn't matter let's take the photo already."

We all postitioned ourselfs.

"3,2,1!" I snapped the button that takes photos on the phone.

We all gathered around to see the photo. I was holding the phone doing a peace sign with my left hand. Levy putted her head over the arm I was using to hold the phone with and sticked out her tongue. Juvia looked like she was about to blink, but luckily she didn't. In the background Mirajane had her hand up and waved but instead made a blur in the photo while Erza was looking at her phone, which she had out at the moment.

"Good enough," I said while typing in Michelle's number in the messages app.

I typed 'Finally got my phone' and attached the photo.

"And send," I said.

"Now, can we go buy some clothes now?" Juvia asked.

"If there is nothing left to do, then let's go," Erza said.

After a few minutes I got a reply. As I opened my messages I did not realized it was going to be a response that I was not expecting.

(A/N) - So this is my first fanfic so it might be pretty bad.

This chapter was shorter than I thought so I'll try to make it a little longer next time.