Today is just another day for Kuroko. He wakes up just in time for breakfast in his share apartment. A flock of green shuffles the fridge and mumbles when he couldn't find what he needs.

"Good morning, Midorima-kun," Kuroko rubs his eye.

"Who puts an empty container of milk inside?" Instead of a greeting, Midorima grunts while holding an empty plastic bottle.

Even without Kuroko's answer, they both know who did it.

"'Mornin. What's for breakfast?" Speak of the devil. Aomine enters the dining room, still yawning and scratching his stomach. He's clearly isn't fully awake yet as he couldn't avoid Midorima's empty-milk-container-attack.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Aomine yells as the container successfully landed on his unguarded head.

"Do not put an empty container inside. I thought we still have milk when I did our grocery shopping yesterday," Midorima says, as he sits on the sofa and flips through the channel.

"You don't have to throw it at me, stupid!" Aomine rubs his head and throw the empty container in the trash.

"Midorima-kun can't eat his usual cereal today. Thanks to you, Aomine-kun,"

"Aaaagh! Who the fuck cares!"

"I do! I decided that eating cereal while watching Oha-Asa my lucky ritual for each morning. Now since I'm the third last zodiac today, I need your responsibility if I encounter something unlucky today," Midorima pushes his glasses further and sends Aomine an annoyed 'tsk'.

"That's fine, Shintaro. Daiki will be doing grocery for today," Akashi calmly sits on the dining room, sipping at his tea.

"Eeeeh~ if Mine-chin going to the supermarket, can I get a year supply of maiubo?" Murasakibara appears right after Akashi, and sits beside Midorima.

"Nee nee, Mido-chin, what's my lucky candy for today? Is it grape lollipop?"

"There is no such thing, Murasakibara. Now be quiet. I'm waiting for my lucky person for today."

"If it appears to be Virgo, I'll annoy the shit out of your stoic face," Aomine hiss.

"I can hear you, Aomine."

"You guys are noisy~ what if I wake up and suddenly my face full of wrinkles? Please think about my modeling career, Aominecchi, Midorimacchi~"

Kise finally wakes up with his hair wrapped in a towel and still wearing his beauty mask from last night. The first morning Kise woke up with that appearance, the whole apartment screamed in shock and fear. Even Akashi's eyebrows twitched and Kuroko looked a bit more pale.

Kuroko sighs. In order to save time and money, the Generation of Miracle rent the same apartment. They were good friends in high school, and since they're attending the same college, Akashi offered to rent a big apartment and live together. But living with six different individual is everything but easy.

"I heard there will be a new student in your department, Daiki," Akashi takes a glimpse at Midorima's Oha-Asa verdict for today.

"Huh. Right in the middle of the first semester? In Physical Education department?" Aomine doesn't look like he cares and focusing on finishing his sandwich.

"He's a returnee from America. He'll attend the second semester. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll meet him on campus."

"If I meet him, he should be good enough for me."

"Hn, this should be interesting," Akashi's eyes glints with a sheer of excitement, "Well, I'll be leaving soon. My lecture starts early today,"

Akashi walks past the basketball field where all six of them usually play when he heard a skid noise following with ball bouncing on the floor. Heterochromatic eyes wanders carefully across the field.

A tall figure, almost as tall as Aomine with red, flaming hair with matching eyes, playing basketball by himself. Akashi doesn't know how long he stares, but the red haired man picks up his ball and stuff, almost fumbling with Akashi on his way out to the street.

"Oh, sorry little fella. Didn't see you there," the stranger smiles, "hey your hair is red too."

The stranger doesn't seem to notice Akashi's smile turns into dangerous sneer as he address The Emperor with 'little fella'.

"I see you're having fun. Your last dunk was incredible and powerful. Do you live nearby?"

"Uhh yeah, I live in that apartment, just arrived yesterday and damn, the jetlag still makes my body stiff," he answers as his eyes caught Akashi's books and notebooks. "Oh, you're on your way to class?"

"Yes. That reminds me, although I'd love to chat with you, I must attend my morning lecture. If you'll excuse me…" He lets out a cold tone that should chill the sun itself, but it doesn't deal any effect to the taller man.

"That's cool. But make sure next time we meet, don't forget to wear a proper sport wear!" The stranger smiles again, but this time with a wink.

"How did you know I play basketball?" Akashi stops, his eyes radiate with curiosity.

"You noticed my dunk. Have a nice day, little fella!"

Akashi's sneer melts back to a small smile. Letting the man live after calling him little fella twice? He knows this will be interesting.

Today is not Midorima Shintaro's best day. He woke up from the wrong side of bed, skipped breakfast, and on top of that, no one in his circle matches his lucky person for today. Now where can he find a Leo? Maybe if he hangs around the campus, and asking each person what his or her sign is -just like he did when he couldn't find a Pisces- he'll lucky enough and meet someone. He carefully put his dark green porcelain jar inside the rickshaw and begins pedaling.

He's just a few blocks away from the campus area when a basketball rolls near his front wheel, forcing him to stop, and almost make his lucky item rolls out from the rickshaw. Aomine is going to pay for this.

"Sorry! I'll get over there soon, stay there!" A man, about eight meters away from him is waving, but Midorima won't wait. His patience is running out.

"No. Stay there." He quickly picks the basketball and climbs down from his rickshaw.


With a blink of an eye, the ball flies from Midorima's hands, aiming straight to the man. Half of his heart wishes the man couldn't catch his shoot, but the other half hoping for the opposite. The man's gesture is steady and almost looks ready to catch his shoot, and he does.

Still amaze with the other's ability to catch, he doesn't notice that the man runs toward him.

"That was great! You played basketball too?" Since they're closer, Midorima could look carefully at the man. He has dark red hair, weird eyebrows and matching red eyes. And now those eyes are blinking with excitement.

"Only on weekends and special occasions."

"Man! Let's play one on one next time!" This man is probably a newcomer, Midorima thought. It's not the first time someone challenged him for a one-on-one, but he could feel a sudden excitement flowing inside his body.

"That's a good invitation. I hope we'll meet again next time."

"Heh. Can't wait to play my first game in Japan!"

"Hmph. And when we do, don't protest if you lose," Midorima could see the man grins. There's something about this man that entice Midorima's curiosity. Just before the red haired man leave, Midorima asks,

"Hey, what's your sign?"

"Huh? You're not asking my name but my sign?" The other man shoots a questioning look, but Midorima waits for his answer, "it's Leo. But just to make it complete, my name is Kagami Taiga. Remember it!"

Maybe this time, he should spare Aomine's life.

"Shit. Arrogant bastard. Giving orders like he's some kind of important person. Just for a fucking bottle of fucking milk," Aomine grumbles on his way to the supermarket, ignoring curious leers from people he passed.

Grocery shopping is too much hard work for Aomine, even compared to washing dishes. Not like convenient store, a supermarket is bigger, full of noisy people and smell awful. Aomine never understands how to compare prices or check the expired date. Or why he needs to buy raw ingredients, if he could just buy instant ramen and microwave-ready bento from the convenience store. That job suits Midorima, thank you very much.

His foul mood worsens when a crowd of housewives and female students occupies the dairy section. He caught a man, just as tall as him caught in the middle and doesn't seem to enjoy it.

"I'm not the store clerk, ma'am. Now if you'll excuse me- eh? No, I don't know why the prize is getting higher. Uhh… a little help here?" Aomine tries to ignore his cry, really. But those deep, red eyes keep finding their way to Aomine's blue orbs.

"Move away! Let me get my milk in peace! Shoo! All of you!" Aomine's bark startled the crowd, including the pleading man.

"Thanks… uh… sir."

"Whatever man. I'm here to buy some goddamn milk. You have weird sex appeal. Even grandmas will swoon over you."

"Don't ask me. I was minding my own business when a lady couldn't get the cheese from the top shelf. Guess they mistaken me for a clerk."

"Hahaha! You made a huge fuss for a fucking cheese!" Aomine couldn't contain his laughter, but the man doesn't look too pleased.

"Hey, mind your language! All I did was smile and wish them a nice day, and boom! They came like a horde of zombies," he sighs.

"I don't know, but you must did something more than that. Now since I don't have to rescue anyone from a mob of crazy lady, I'll be going home."

"Oh. Right. I must collect some ingredients for my lunch. Anyway, thank you for your help today. I hope we'll meet again in a less awkward situation," the redhead flashes a warm smile, picks up his bag and rushes to the cashier. Aomine recognize the bag; it's the same brand with his basketball bag, and aren't those basketball shoes? Aomine smirks as he unconsciously licks his lips.

Kagami whistles on his way back. After buying two bags full of ingredients, he decides to stop at the bakery and buy something for tomorrow's breakfast. But upon walking close to the bakery, he encounters a weird giant in front of the bakery. Correction. He encounters a weird purple giant in front of the bakery. And the giant plasters himself on the front door, scaring the shopkeeper inside.

"Excuse me, you're blocking my way," Kagami greets him, but the purple giant only moves his head.

"Hmm? You're going to buy something here?" The bigger man doesn't even bulge.

"Y-yeah, and you're blocking the door." Kagami moves closer and observes the man. His eyes are slanted, and lips curved downwards. Although he's much taller than Kagami, but his slouch makes him look shorter and lazier.

"I won't move unless you buy me cake."

"What kind of condition is that? You can't ask a stranger to buy you a cake!"

"But I wanna~ Kise-chin doesn't want to buy me anything on our way back from class. He's a meanie!" Not to mention his almost childish speech. What's this, a prank show? Kagami glances around but couldn't find a camera. So this is real.

"Okay. Here's the deal. I'll buy you a strawberry cake, but after that, you have to go somewhere else."

"Hmmmmmm~" The giant still doesn't bulge.

"I'll buy you a strawberry and chocolate cake."


The taller man peels himself off the front door and Kagami could see the shopkeeper sighs in relief. As he picks some bread for himself, he could sense a glare burning on his back. The man stops glaring when Kagami puts a chocolate and strawberry cake on his tray.

"Here. Now don't stand here, your mother probably searching for you."

"Thanks, weird eyebrows," the taller man smiles at Kagami, or probably at the cake, but suddenly stops, "eh? Where's Kise-chin?" He asks and turns his head around, looking for something.

"Kise-chin? Kise-chiiin~" the giant leaves Kagami and begin shouting Kise-chin over and over.

Kagami shrugs. The giant leaves the bakery peacefully and he considers his job done. Now it's time to go home, playing basketball and walking around without a second of sleep is much more tiring than he thinks. After fixing a quick meal, he'll take a long nap and wakes just in time for supper. He saw Maji burger near his apartment this morning, perfect place to eat at night. He lets his mind wanders, mostly between basketball and food, when Kagami hears footsteps coming closer to him.

"Noooooo! I'm not a model! I'm just a poor man with a beautiful face and soft blond hair, but I'm definitely not Kise Ryota!" A flash of blond passes Kagami in a rush, before stopping suddenly in front of the red hair and slips behind him.

"You! I'm sorry, please lend me your body to be my shield, they're gonna eat me alive!" Kagami couldn't even answers when the blond man hides behind him.

A much bigger crowd of woman and teenager than he meets from the supermarket came soon after the blond. When the women couldn't find what they're searching for, they let out sigh of disappointment and anger and disband as fast as they come.

"If you're hiding from those girls, they're gone now," Kagami whispers to the man behind him.

"They are?" He peeks from Kagami's back, carefully glancing at the street and hops to the side, "thank youuuu~ I'll give you my autograph and latest photo album for hiding me!"

"But you said you're not a model?"

"Oh! Did I say that? Well, I'm not doing any modeling job for a month, but-"

"Okay okay, I don't care whether you're a model or a pilot, but I guess you're safe for now and I must save myself from starving," without looking back, Kagami leaves the cheerful young man.

"Hey! You know I wanted to be a pilot! God must send you down here! Thanks again for your help~ let's meet again next time, and I'll give you my latest nude photo book!"

Kagami groans and make a self-note. He needs to stop being too kind in this town.

It's already 10 P.M when Kuroko exits the bookstore. He's locked inside for almost three hours, and even when the clerk went back to retrieve her forgotten key, she didn't notice Kuroko inside the bookstore.

When he thought college life would be more exiting, he never thought his presence grew thinner. Even when he's walking with Aomine or Kise, people still ignore him all the time. Kuroko almost give up reminding people of his presence, as long as he manages to purchase something from Maji burger or convenience store, it's enough.

Kuroko sitting at his usual table in Maji burger and sip a mouthful of vanilla shake when a tall redhead with mountain of burgers on his tray sits in front of him. Just like the usual, Kuroko doesn't bother remind his new companion for his presence when the man greets his first.

"Whaaa! You startled me! Didn't see you there, I thought this seat is empty."

"That's fine. It's the first time in this month a stranger talks to me," the man ready to stand and search for the other empty table when Kuroko speaks.

"In a whole month? Guess what? I met five strangers in a weird situation," he stares at Kuroko for a moment, "well, six. Six strangers and six weird situation," he chuckles and starts gobbling at the food, and the mountain of burgers soon replaced by empty wrappers.

"You sure eat a lot. Stranger-san"

"You only drink milk shake, little stranger."

"Eating too much is not healthy, stranger-san."

"Stop calling me that. I have a name!"

"What a coincidence. I have a name too. I'm Kuroko Tetsuya. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Kagami Taiga. Nice to meet 'cha, Kuroko."

"Likewise, Kagami-kun." Kuroko tries to hide his smile behind his cup of milk shake.

Hello~ and so sorry for the unannounced hiatus orz

Anyway, hope you enjoy the story. Thanks for reading~