Lily in Full Blossom

Chapter 15: Masquerade

Pre-Author's Notes: This fic is based on the manga, Hanazakari no Kimitachi e also known as For You in Full Blossom. I had to change some elements from the Harry Potter story to make it work, so live with it. Yes, I am aware that some of the facts from the Harry Potter series is off, but I had to change it for the story. ^^

It took a while before everything settled down after the full moon. Remus emerged from it, not knowing what had truly happened until Sirius explained to him. He apologized, but Remus wasn't talking to him. Sirius wasn't talking to James because he told Snape what was happening. Peter was torn.

James and Lily talked about what had happened. She felt bad about the whole thing. James called Sirius stupid, but Lily quickly told him that he wasn't. She actually defended Sirius in the argument. James got annoyed with her and left to go and get some fresh air.

It was that same day that Arabella Figg dropped by for a visit. They didn't get to talk to each other that often, even though they saw each other all the time in the Great Hall. Lily was extremely surprised to see her. "Bella! It's good to see you like this," exclaimed Lily.

"May I come in?" asked Arabella.

Lily opened the door wider. "Yeah, of course. What's up?"

"Actually, I just came from Professor Dumbledore's office. I thought it would be great this year if there was a ball on Valentine's Day," said Arabella.

"Really?" asked Lily as her eyes widened. "I don't believe it. And he approved?"

"Yes," said Arabella happily as she nodded and smiled. "It's going to be a lot of fun, Lily. We can get dresses and do our hair, and--"

Lily interrupted her, "But, I can't do any of those things. No one knows I'm really a girl, Bella." She bit her lip. "I guess I should get some boy dress robes."

"No, there's no need to. Didn't I tell you?" said Arabella with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Tell me what?"

"It's a masquerade. Everyone has to wear a costume," said Arabella. "Don't tell me you didn't have any faith in me. I thought of that. Besides, it would be really cute to dress you up as a girl. I mean almost every boy around here already thinks you look like a girl."

"So, I get to go as a girl? That's wonderful!" exclaimed Lily, catching Arabella's excitement. "What should I wear?"

"Well, you have to wear something that goes with your eyes," said Arabella thoughtfully. "I know what we're going to do. We dress you up without telling anyone, even James. Let's see what everyone thinks."

"Yes, that would be a good idea," said Lily thoughtfully. They planned what they were going to do for the ball. More importantly, what Lily was going to wear.


As soon as the masquerade ball was announced, everyone was excited. Professor Dumbledore put the Head Boy and Head Girl in charge of planning the event. In turn, orders were passed down to the prefects of each house, and they passed down orders to others.

The ball was enough to get James and Sirius working together. Lily decided that she would rather help Arabella, so that they could plan her costume. The time they spent together led to some interesting rumors. People started thinking that Arabella was dating "Lucas."

"Hey, Lucas, how did you get Arabella Figg to go out with you?" asked Frank one morning.

"Huh?" asked Lily.

"Yeah, Arabella Figg is the most popular girl in Ravenclaw. How did you pull it off?" asked Sirius. He wasn't so annoyed with Lily anymore because she wasn't spending as much time with James over the past few days. He also sort of admired Lily for getting Arabella to "go out with" her.

"Um...we're not dating. We're just friends," insisted Lily.

James sat there in silent amusement because he knew something that almost everyone else didn't know. He and Lily talked about the ball, but she didn't talk about her costume. She told him it was something she wanted to do with Arabella. James agreed, even though he wanted her as his date. This made him think that she was up to something.

The four Marauders decided to go together as a group as well. Sirius wanted to get a date, but James didn't want to . He didn't bother to explain to Sirius; he enjoyed withholding the information from him. Remus could have easily gotten a date, but he agreed. Peter was happy with this arrangement because it took off the pressure for him.

Dates weren't mandatory for the dance, only appropriate costumes. It was a Valentine's Day dance, so there were going to be loads of couples. However, there were a good amount of groups of friends coming to the ball. Everyone talked about what they were going to wear, even some of the teachers were going to attend.

Arabella would be just leaving the room whenever James came back. "What did you guys talk about?" he asked as he closed the door behind him.

"Just more stuff about the dance," replied Lily. "I'm so excited. It's only a week away, but I have to go to Hogsmeade to get my costume."

"What are you wearing?" asked James. He and the rest of the Marauders decided to dress up like those characters from the Muggle book, The Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas. Remus had suggested it because it was one of his favorite books. James, Sirius, and Remus were going as Athos, Aramis, and Porthos. Peter was going as D'Artagnan.

"It's a surprise," replied Lily with a smile. It resembled the Cheshire Cat's smile. "We couldn't have gone together without everyone getting suspicious."

"Yeah, I suppose it's better that you have your 'girlfriend.' Sirius is accusing me of having an imaginary girlfriend," said James with a chuckle. "Just save a dance for me, okay?"

"You can have all the dances you want," said Lily.

"So, what's your costume?" asked James again. Lily rolled her eyes at him and turned her attention back to her homework.


Valentine's Day rolled around and everyone was happy, even those who didn't have anyone special. There were singing valentines, blooming flowers, and chocolates. The students were getting ready early in the morning because a lot of them still had to put the finishing touches on their costumes.

The Marauders had something planned for the dance, but they were very careful not to say anything to anyone. Everything was so busy that even Snape wasn't keeping his eye on them. He didn't really have a costume, but he was dressing in a cloak and a mask. He didn't really give any effort.

James found himself kicked out of his own room, so he had to dress in Sirius, Remus, and Peter's room. He told them that Lily wanted to be with Arabella, which caused a lot of attention from the guys. "So, why didn't you go with your girlfriend?" asked Sirius with a snicker.

James laughed along with him. "My girlfriend will be there. I'll meet her there," he said.

Sirius stopped laughing. "Hey! That's not fair. No one said anything about meeting dates there. Well, it's not too late for me to arrange--"

"No," said Remus. "You can't."

"You can't stop me," retorted Sirius.

"But, you guys aren't suppose to get dates," wailed Peter. "I--I mean--"

"Don't worry about it, Wormtail. She's going with her friend to the dance, so it's not really a date. I'll just be seeing her there. So, the no date clause is still in effect," said James. "No date, Padfoot. Besides, you're supposed to listen to everything, Moony tells you. You're still in trouble."

Sirius glanced at Remus. He had been on his best behavior since the night of the full moon. Remus wasn't talking to Sirius unless necessary. However, it wasn't too bad because Sirius was expecting worse from James. James didn't say anything about the incident, but Sirius could feel the disappointment from him. At least they were talking. Sirius was still wondering what was really going on with James. Who was this mysterious girlfriend?

"Let's make sure that everything is prepared for tonight," said James. The Marauders nodded in agreement.


The evening of the ball was one that many students would remember. It would go down in Hogwarts history. The Marauders were already dressed up in their costumes. James looked for Lily, but he couldn't find her because she hadn't arrived yet.

The dance started without Lily or Arabella. There was a lot of things going, while James kept looking for her. Suddenly, everyone was quiet because a couple had entered the room.

The boy was dressed in an old Victorian suit. It was burgundy with cream trim. His collar was high. His hair was tied in the back. He wore shiny, black boots up to his thighs. His slacks were cream colored. He had dark hair.

The girl standing next to him wore an emerald green dress. It had a corset in the front. She had red hair that was piled on the top of her head in an upswept do, revealing her beautiful swan like neck. She had emerald green eyes. She wore white gloves.

Both were the same height and wearing black masks. They were a beautiful couple. The rest of the students were flabbergasted by the sight of them. They were stunning. They both smiled.

"Who are those two?"

"I have no idea."

"They're so pretty."

The girls sighed at the boy, while the other the boys couldn't take their eyes off the girl. They went to the dance floor. The music started to play. They danced very well, but there was something odd about the way they were dancing. It seemed rehearsed because the boy looked as if he had just learned. Rather, "he" had just learned how to lead.

James watched them with his mouth slightly opened. He immediately recognized the girl, but her hair wasn't short like it normally was. It seemed as if they had put a spell to grow out her hair before the dance. She looked beautiful in her dress. The music stopped. James fought his way through the crowd to find Lily in it.

He found her surrounded by the boys. "Which house are you from?" asked one of them.

"Judging by the green, Slytherin," said one of them.

Lily shook her head. "No, don't you see her eyes are green. The dress matches her eyes," said another.

"Excuse me," said James, causing all of them to stop. "May I have this dance?"

"Yes," whispered Lily as she took his hand. They went to the floor, causing even more of a scene than Lily and Arabella before them. The moment they started dancing, the world seemed to dissolve. The music started low as they moved.

"What do you think?" asked Lily in a whisper.

"You look beautiful," whispered James. He held her closer as the rest of the students started dancing again. He could smell her scent; it was lilac mixed with something else. "So, do I get the rest of the dances or what?"

"I said you could get as many as you want," whispered Lily.

They continued to dance as the rest of the Marauders came up to see them. Sirius and Remus watched them. Peter watched them with his jaw opened. "Who is that?" he squeaked.

"I have no idea, but that might be the girlfriend, he's been talking about," said Sirius. "And a red head, too."

"But, she came in with someone else," said Remus.

James continued to dance with her. He saw Arabella smiling at them. She was dressed like a boy, so almost every girl was working up the courage to dance with her, but she was trying to be nice. Some of the girls said that her "date" had already started dancing with someone else anyway. However, Arabella wouldn't dance with any of them.

As the song came to a close, James leaned down and kissed Lily in front of everyone. This surprised the Marauders the most.

Frank Longbottom was looking for Lily, so he asked out loud, "Where's Lucas Evans? I thought he'd be going here with Arabella Figg? Where are they?"

Remus looked at him. "They should be around here somewhere," he said. His eyes fell on Arabella who was keeping her female admirers at bay. His eyes widened as he glanced at Sirius. He was looking at the couple on the dance floor. Remus' eyes now fell on the red headed girl who was dancing with James. "Sirius," he hissed in a whisper, not wanting to draw any attention to themselves.

"I should have gotten a date," said Sirius.

"No, we have to talk," whispered Remus.

"What? Can't it wait, Remus?" whined Sirius. "Look, I just want to dance."

"It's about James' girlfriend," said Remus. This was more than enough to perk Sirius' interests up. "It's that girl, isn't it?" he said.

"It's more than that. Come with me," said Remus. He and Sirius walked out of the party to find a quieter place to talk. Severus Snape was now paying attention, so he followed them. He had a feeling they were up to something. He followed them until they were in the courtyard. They kept going until they were away from all the couples.

"What is it?" asked Sirius. "What about James' girlfriend?"

"Lucas Evans. Didn't you notice? The girl's got red hair just like hers. There's no other person Hogwarts with that shade," said Remus.

Sirius chuckled at him, "Don't tell me you've memorize every girl's hair color here?"

"That's not the point," said Remus hotly. "I think that girl is Lucas Evans. She's even got the same height and build."

" mean that girl isn't a girl at all, but a boy dressed up as a girl? Does James know?" asked Sirius.

"I think he does. But I think you're a little mixed up. Evans isn't a boy at all. She's been a girl the entire time," said Remus. "In fact, the boy that was with her was Arabella Figg. I'm positive of it."

"But, if James knew all along--wait, if she's been masquerading as a boy and if the teachers find out...she could be expelled," said Sirius. "We've got to do something."

"I know what I'm going to do, Black," said Severus Snape coldly as he stepped out of the shadows, causing the pair to whirl on them. "So, there's a lot of secrets in Gryffindor House. There's a werewolf." Remus visible stiffened, while Sirius glared at him. "And now there's a girl who's been lying to almost the entire school for months."

"You're not going to do anything," snarled Sirius.

"You can't stop me. They're already keeping an eye on you, Black. I don't think that Dumbledore believed Potter when he covered for you. And now, I'm going to tell everyone that you knew about his little girlfriend. The slut's been living--"

"Mobilicorpus!" shouted Remus as he quickly drew his wand. Severus found himself bound in invisible strings. "Sorry, Snape, but I haven't got a choice. Lucas would have already found out that I was a werewolf because of his--I mean her--report. Thus far, she hasn't said anything about it. So, I can't let you expose her like this."

Severus landed in a heap. His arms were bound up and he was struggling to free himself. He couldn't quite reach his wand. His mask had come off in his struggle.

"Untie me!" roared Severus. "The whole lot of you will be expelled!"

"Shut it, you git!" shouted Sirius. "I'm tired of you always trying to get us expelled."

"You won't stop me from telling the truth," said Severus angrily.

"Want to bet?" asked Sirius as he drew out his wand. "I can make you forget the whole thing. All I need to do is use a memory charm on you."

"Enough," said a voice from behind them. "You have done enough to each other."

The boys looked at the source of the voice. It was Professor Dumbledore.


James and Lily were having the time of their lives. The world didn't seem to matter at all. Lily really did feel like Cinderella at the ball. Arabella was having just as much fun with the girls. She always thought that she would make a very handsome boy.

"Are you going to cut your hair when this is over?" asked James.

"Probably," answered Lily.

"I wish you wouldn't. It looks better longer," he told her. She turned a little red. She spotted Professor McGonagall talking to Professor Dumbledore. She also noticed that Remus and Sirius were standing with Severus. All three looked extremely serious.

"What's going on over there?" asked Lily. "Behind you."

James turned around. He saw what was happening. "I'm not sure. We were supposed to play this prank. Well, it's not really a prank."

"What did you plan?" asked Lily, quite exasperated at him.

"You'll see," replied James.

Professor Dumbledore raised his arms to quiet everything down. "It has come to my attention that there has been something going on for quite some time. I think it's time we all remove our masks."

People started to take off their masks. The announcement only made Lily put her hands on her mask. James made no move to remove his, neither did Arabella. Sirius and Remus had already removed their masks when they were in the courtyard.

Dumbledore's eyes fell on James and Lily. James reluctantly took off his mask. "And you, too, Miss Evans."

Miss Evans.

This made Lily freeze. She stared at everyone around her. There came a murmur from the crowd. Lily stared at Professor Dumbledore. He didn't look angry. His eyes were still twinkling. She sighed. As she made a move to remove her mask. James' hands stopped her.

"Do not worry, Mister Potter," said Professor Dumbledore.

James didn't remove his hands. He looked at her. His eyes asked a question, which she nodded to as an answer. He was the one who slowly took off her mask. People stopped murmuring for a moment, only to gasp.

The murmurs grew louder. Lily felt like her face was on fire, as she could see James' was. The mask was still in James' hand, but with his other hand he grabbed hers. James looked towards Sirius and Remus. They kind of gave him a nod to show that they had figured it out before everyone else did.

The attention was distracted from them by something most unusual. There came a loud noise that stopped all the murmurs again. It was the signal of the prank that the Marauders had set up. The lights flickered on and off. Professor Dumbledore looked slightly amused at this.

It seemed that Peter had gone into action without anyone having to tell him to. James, Sirius, and Remus had gotten distracted. But, the prank wasn't anything major. It had been James' idea. In fact, some would argue that it wasn't a prank at all.

A team of fairies flew in with streams of red and white crepe paper. They circled around everyone. The teachers had no idea what to make of it. They dove into the crowd, which made people scramble. James didn't let go of Lily's hand as she mouthed the words, "You did this, didn't you?" James gave her a nod as the fairies took another dive.

Oddly enough, Professor Dumbledore didn't make the teachers do anything. He was laughing as he watched. The fairies weren't doing anything harmful. This was a night that many would definitely remember.


The next day, Lily was summoned to Professor Dumbledore's to discuss what had happened. She had to tell him pretty much everything. He listened to everything without interruption. When she was done, Lily stood there awaiting her fate.

"Miss Evans, I must say I am impressed that you were able to get away with it for as long as you did. I, myself, didn't realize you were a girl for some weeks since after arrived," said Professor Dumbledore. "It was remarkable that you were able to help James Potter."

"What?" asked Lily, utterly confused.

"James will have a wonderful future. It was just that he lacked direction. He needed someone to guide him. He also needed someone he respected," said Professor Dumbledore. "At first, I thought he had changed for you, but in reality, he proved that he was changing for himself."

"Are you going to kick me out of Hogwarts? Are you going to tell my parents what I've done?" asked Lily.

Professor Dumbledore pursed his lips as he looked at her. "No, you will not be kicked out of Hogwarts. You are too exceptional a witch for me to do that. You have some of the highest scores in your year. As for your parents, you will have to tell them yourself. There is the issue of you living with James Potter. I'm afraid that school standards will not allow for it, now that everyone knows. Therefore, you will have to move to the girls' dorms."

Lily nodded. She had no idea what was worse: telling her parents the truth or moving out of the room.

"There is another thing, Lily," said Professor Dumbledore. She had told everyone her name by now.


"Remus Lupin says you know the truth about him. I must say that I appreciate you not saying anything to the rest of the student body."

"I didn't think it was my place to say anything. I don't blame him. It would cause unnecessary panic. He's a good person. He deserves to go to this school," said Lily bravely. "Probably more than I do."

Professor Dumbledore nodded. "Than go and talk to your friends. I assume that James is very concerned about what will happen to you."

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore," said Lily. She left his office. As soon as the gargoyle opened up, she saw James waiting for her. She gave him a smile of reassurance.

"So, what happened?" asked James. Lily explained everything to him. He looked a little sad at the end of the explanation. "Oh, I knew they'd move you out. That's why I didn't want to say anything earlier."

"It's okay. It's not like we won't see each other again," Lily reassured him.

"Remus says thank you for keeping his secret," said James.

"It's no problem," said Lily. "Everyone has been reacting funny. I guess they're in shock."

James started laughing. "I guess they would be. I knew that this day would come, but everything will be fine," he said. They took each other's hand as they went forward.

Everything ended up working out just fine. James had to put up with Sirius' razzing for a while, but eventually everything was back to normal. Remus and Lily became good friends over time. Lucius Malfoy was more than shocked to find out that Lily was really a girl. He was really hoping that James preferred girls over boys. Severus Snape was beside himself with anger because no one got punished in the end. It was just another let down for him. Everything settled down.

James and Lily became one of the premiere couples of the school. They continued to date until the end of school. After school, James asked Lily to marry him and she accepted. That story has already been written.

Post Author's Note: And thus ends this story. I never thought I'd make it this far and actually finish this story. Now, I'll take some time off and read the fifth book. I might come back with more, but I don't think I'll do another story like this. I know that this ending was abrupt. I'm sorry, but I was running out of time. And I was going on vacation just before the 21st. Okay, it's not like anyone will care how this ended once book five is out. ^_^ Either way, I must thank everyone who reviewed. Look for my next story.

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (For You in Full Blossom). I just borrowed these for my fic.