Note: So sorry for the long wait, it was a crazy two weeks and then one whole week was spent at the hospital. Anyway, the plot kind of thickens from here on out! Please be sure to read and review! I kind of feel like the pace is too slow, so I will probably go back and edit later on.

Recommended tracks: Yoko Kanno/Seatbelts – Digging My Potato; The Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Maps; Sigur Rós – Hún Jörð ...

There once was a world of energy and light, with strange and wonderful fluctuations of power and matter. This world of pure potential was connected to two other worlds, reflecting the dreams and wishes of the inhabitants of both. Normally this place was bright and vibrant but it was currently being warped by Vamdemon for his own dark purposes. The world was dark but the air cold and heavy, oppressive and suffocating. The longer the evil digimon stayed in this world, the more charged the air became, the more power he required even to move and evolve. Like a dying star, this energy was unsustainable and had begun to collapse on itself. This world could no longer contain the evil power that was being created and it was spilling into the other worlds, the Digital World and Earth.

As Vamdemon sat on a black marble throne, his pale blue eyes were fixed on a silver reflecting pool alternating views between the two worlds. Though he had not spoken of this to his companions, he could not currently maintain his evolution. He refused to speculate on the reason and focused his whole being on moving forward with his plan. The digimon registered movement in the shadows of the dark hall and Ladydevimon and Piemon stepped forward. Vamdemon noted with interest that the two ultimate digimon paused to exchange a look before approaching him. The vampire sneered at their hesitance, though he supposed he had been a bit unpredictable of late. Dropping to her knee, Ladydevimon craned her neck to gaze up and spoke with a cocky smirk, "We've found the Chosen Children's partners, my lord. We begin the attack at your command."

If anyone had thought it odd that two young men were carrying another unconscious young man up a flight of stairs, no one had found it necessary to say so. Ishida Yamato was carrying Daisuke piggy-back while Takeru carried their three bags, held doors, made nervous apologies, and helped them balance as they slowly ascended the steps. They stopped at the Motomiya's door where Takeru patted his friend down for the key. Yamato shifted Daisuke higher on his back, saying wryly, "Well it's nice to know that we could murder someone and carry their corpse around Odaiba without attracting too much attention…." Takeru chuckled while fiddling with the key ring, "Duly noted. But it is pretty dark outside, they probably just thought that Daisuke is one of those bad kids who skips school and goes drinking in the park… not that they're that far off…" Yamato laughed as the door swung open to a dark hallway. He quirked an eyebrow at Takeru, who shrugged, "I'm pretty sure Motomiya-san is on some kind of business trip this month and his Mom just got a promotion a few weeks back so she's been working late."

The two navigated through the hallway until they could gently drop the redhead onto the couch. "Where's Jun then?" Yamato asked as he went to close the door and switch on the lights. Takeru shrugged as he fiddled with his phone, "She got an apartment closer to the Tokyo campus but I texted her to come over. Okaasan has Motomiya-san's phone number but he isn't even in the country, so that would just worry him for nothing... but, he hasn't even woken up, maybe we should just take him to the hospital.." His brother went to check on Daisuke, brushing his hand over the teen's forehead. "I think he might just be exhausted from work, maybe he needs to eat more or something. He seems to be resting fine. Let's wait and see, besides, how do you know so much about the Motomiyas anyway, little brother?" Takeru blushed for a moment before throwing a dark look over his shoulder, "We study together a lot! Besides, Motomiya-san works for the same company as Okaasan so they run into each other sometimes too. Hey, wipe that smug look off your face, there's nothing going on here." The elder brother held his hands up and backed away, smirking a little. "No worries, little bro, your overreaction says everything. But I'll leave you to sigh and swoon over his face and go buy us some dinner so we don't starve before Jun gets here." Takeru's expression was annoyed before and icy now, but he shook his head, "No need for that, Daisuke usually cooks food after work or before school. There should be something on the stove we can heat up if we make some rice." Seeing the awkward expression on his brother's face, he hurried over to the kitchen, "Relax, I've done it before, and it's usually just the two of us eating dinner here before he heads to work and I go to juku anyway. Besides, the Motomiyas love me."

The brothers entered the kitchen and peered into the large stock pot. "Curry, huh? Well if I hadn't skipped lunch, I would never agree to this." Yamato said as he peered incredulously at the brown stew, "I guess we'll find out if Daisuke has any potential as a chef the hard way, ow!" Takeru has cheerfully tugged at his brother's precious golden head, "You are a nonbeliever and haven't had any of his cooking since he was 12. It wasn't easy to get that apprenticeship, you have to impress them! You fry some eggs and I'll prepare the rice." With that, he found a clean towel and soaked it in cool water to put on Daisuke's head. After making sure he was resting comfortably, Takeru set to work. For a moment, just a few seconds really, his heart sped up. There was something painfully bittersweet about preparing a meal with his brother. If he closed his eyes while scrubbing the rice, he could focus on the clink of metal hitting ceramic, the hiss of egg being dropped into hot oil, and feel like he was only five or six again. They were still a family, they still lived with their parents; they were just making dinner together, same as usual. His eyes flew open when he felt rice tumble over the brim of the pot into the sink. This time it was Yamato who ruffled his hair. "Well at least someone's cooking has gotten better than it was when he was 12." Takeru laughed while he scooped up the rice and turned the rice cooker on.

As his older brother searched for napkins and bowls, Takeru had gone to his friend's side to check on him. He sat there for a moment just watching him, the pinched expression on his face hinted at unpleasant dreams. He knew he should get up to help or at least try texting Jun again, but he couldn't drag his eyes away from Daisuke's sun-kissed face, thick lashes, or those red, full lips. His eyes flickered down when he was hit in the head by a dish towel. Takeru turned to see Yamato sitting with a grin next to a table full of steaming dishes. If the rice was already done, he must have zoned out for quite some time. Flushing, he joined his older brother and watched him ladle curry onto rice that he had molded into domes, and then place perfectly fried eggs on top. He noticed with some satisfaction that his brother had prepared a third bowl for Daisuke and was about to tuck in when Yamato smacked his hand away to sprinkle a generous amount of furikake over the dish. Rolling his eyes at the unchecked perfectionism, or was it OCD, he quickly murmured "Itadakimasu," and dove in. There was silence as the brothers took in the sweetness of the Japanese style curry; the tender chunks of pork complemented bites of meaty eggplant and spring peas. Yamato didn't say anything but Takeru could tell by his face and how he slowly he ate that he was enjoying the food.

He felt a small burn of pride for his friend as he ate. It wasn't the best curry he'd ever eaten, but much better than most home cooks could prepare. You could taste the love Daisuke put into it. "So how long, Takeru?" His blue eyes shot up to Yamato, who discreetly pointed his spoon at the slumbering body on the couch. Blushing, he ducked his head down again, wishing his bangs were longer and could give him some cover. "How long have you had feelings for Daisuke? And why didn't you tell me so I could tell you not to bother with that blockhead?" Takeru rolled his eyes and doggedly ignored his brother's questions, focusing on his bowl. Takaishi and Ishida men weren't all that great at expressing their feelings in the first place so Yamato probably didn't expect an answer. But since the opportunity had presented itself, and Daisuke was still in dreamland, he could use some guidance on the subject, tricky as it was. Coughing slightly, Takeru spoke slowly and quietly, "For some time now. I mean, my feelings really changed when he went to such lengths to help Ken feel like he was a part of the team. I thought he was such a good friend and wanted him to be like that with me. Then when you and Sora became a couple a few years back, I realized just how much you and she complemented each other and how happy you seemed. That's when… when I first thought that Daisuke could make me happy like that. And now that I know how I feel, I've seen all of this weird tension between Daisuke and Ken and it's made me…" "Jealous?"

He nodded his head, "I mean I'm jealous but I also don't feel ready to tell him. What if he doesn't feel the same way? What if it hurts our friendship? But then, what if there's something seriously wrong with him? How could I burden him with my feelings if he has to deal with a major health issue-" His older brother sighed and interrupted him again, "Baka, don't do that to yourself. You could talk yourself out of anything! It's best to be honest, no matter the consequences. Sora felt the same way, actually, when she told me. I wish now that I hadn't been such an angsty teenage brat, then I could've been the one to confess first. Besides, Takeru, if there's something seriously wrong, which I highly doubt, you'll be there every step of the way."

Before Takeru could consider this surprisingly helpful advice, he felt the vibrations of something in his pocket. Pulling out his phone, he saw Jun had gotten his text and was on her way home. As he opened his phone to reply, he got a flurry of texts from Koushiro: SOS FROM DIGIMON, UNDER ATTACK BY ULTIMATES, PIEMON SPOTTED. GET TO DIGITAL WORLD ASAP. Panicking, he scrambled to his feet, unable to speak. Cold dread coiled in his belly and he felt a chill sweep over him. Yamato jumped up, face calm but his eyes burning with anger, having read a similar text on his phone, "Does Daisuke have a computer?" For the second time, Takeru felt lost in the moment and unable to compose himself amidst a jumble of thoughts. Yamato stalked over and put a firm hand on his shoulder, "Takeru, this is no time to panic, we need to get to the Digital World to help them. You can stay here until the Motomiya's get back home. Where is there a computer?" Takeru shook his head, "No, n-no, Jun's on her way now. I'll go with you. It's in his room." He texted Jun back that he was sorry for the mess but that an emergency had come up and walked over to check one more time on Daisuke. Leaving him like this felt wrong but what could he do? He brushed the red bangs back gently, feeling for his normal temperature before joining Yamato in the bedroom. Gripping his Digivice, now glowing an eerie red, he felt a dreadful foreboding as the light of the gate pulled him and his brother into the Digital World. As the light faded, Daisuke began to tremble and trash in the grip of his dreams. Dreams that were quickly becoming reality.