Chapter 1: The plan.

Author's Note: Hi everyone this is my first fan fiction and I decided to write it based on every witch way cuz its awesome! So read and review hopefully you like it plz excuse any grammar mistakes I'm not the best at English although I love writing stories. I'll try to update at least once a week. Plz enjoy :-) Disclaimer: I do not own every witch way or any of the characters.

Emma's point of view

It was the final week of high school - all my exams were done and I was ready for the holidays to roll on. This is it - my last week of high school, after this week and the holidays I will be going to college! I have to leave a few friends behind but Andi, Jax and Philip are coming with me. Maddie and Diego are going to a different college - one that Maddie's father had went to, so her proxy would follow. Mia and Daniel (now an item) are going to a college that used to be for kanays only but have recently let witches and humans join - this is where all the kanays were hiding their were more after all, now the college do courses for kanays, witches and basic education for humans Mia had informed me. Diego would go but he can't leave Maddie. I actually think I'm going to miss Iridium high it's been a great adventure. I'm really excited for college though. Not to mention prom is on Thursday Jax better ask me to be his date.

"Emma I'm leaving for work you have to be at school in 10 minutes, there's an emergency cafeteria... uhm... well emergency, would you like me to drop you off early?" Dad asked.

"No thanks, Jax is picking me up" I hummed. Dad gave a stern look with a raised eyebrow.

"On his dirt bike?"


"Uhm... well you see-" Dads phone went off cutting me off before I could make an excuse. He looked down at it.

"Uh never mind I got to go just wear a helmet, love you"

"Love you too dad bye" I waved as he shut the door.

I cast a quick spell to put a little make-up on - not too much. I then got a slice of toast on my glittery plate and then brushed my teeth. I was spraying perfume when the doorbell rang. Ooooh Jax is here! I flipped my hair out of my eyes and then rushed to the door and opened it.

"Hi Jaxy" I said with a smile.

"Hey, Em" He gave me a quick peck on the lips making me blush. He smirked. "Ready to go?" He said happily staring into my eyes.

"As I'll ever be!" I half smiled.

"You'll be fine!" He assured.

I've been on Jax's dirt bike before, not as many times as you'd expect because you know my dad exists, but I genuinely prefer walking. I'm not scared or anything... OK I am a bit, I trust Jax and all he'd never even imagine hurting me, it's just - well a bit nerve racking.

"Of course I'll be fine" I stated.

Jax cast a spell to get me a helmet and I put it on. We walked outside and clambered on. I wrapped my arms around his middle and with a quick rev of the engine we were off.

Jax's point of view

Emma's grip around my waist was as soft as a dove's breast. I mentally smiled - she thinks she might hurt me if she holds on too tight, as I sped up she tightened her grip. She's so funny - she does this every time.

"Em you're fine I got you" I told her. She visibly relaxed and I could tell she was blushing it makes me so happy to have that effect on her, she's so cute. "Well actually you got me, babe". I laughed.

We arrived at school 5 minutes later. Emma pulled off her helmet her chocolate, wavy locks flowing way past her shoulders. Her cherry pink lips curved into a smile as she grabbed my hand dragging me into the building with her. I sighed this is the place where I met Emma and changed my life around standing my ground with my dad. Weird stuff happens here along with well... Sophie, it's fun too (when magic is involved) but still plain weird. Most of my favorite memories with Emma lie here. I still can't believe she chose me over Daniel a few years ago it seems just yesterday. We've been dating for about two years now and I love it! Emma's gorgeous, cute, innocent, gullible, clumsy, kind, powerful and a bit of a girly girl although I find that attractive. Not to mention her awesome scrapbooking skills. She's my chosen one. I'm completely head over heels for her yet she fails to see that - I only have eyes for her.

We arrived at Em's locker with mine right next to hers, I traded with some other kid who didn't own a variety of violent weapons. Andi's was on the other side and had stayed there for the last 2 years since I tried to take hers - she... well has problems and chainsaws so...

"So Em..." I trailed off as she leaned in and kissed me passionately, her hands around my neck. After my shock went down I put my hands around her thin middle. She pulled away and had a look on her face I'd never seen before, it was very attractive - she smirked. Whoa where'd this Emma come from.

"What was that for?" I asked my hands still around her waist.

"Just reminding you that you're mine" she replied too innocently. She elbowed my stomach playfully. "Thats it time for the tickle monster". As I tickled her she squealed with laughter.

"Jax -*snort*- s-stop" she laughed pushing her hands against my stomach. I reluctantly stopped still smiling. She had a glint of humour and daringness in her eyes. Wow she looked so beautiful.

"Sup Em, Jax" Andi greeted, she was dragging Philip with her.

"When you guys flirt give us a warning please" she performed her signature gag as Philip rolled his eyes and smiled a bit dazed while staring at her. Andi realized he was staring at her and blushed while smirking at him. They stared into eachothers eyes. Now it was my turn to gag. Emma coughed and snapped her best friend outta whatever trance she was in.

"So" Emma raised an eyebrow "You told him yet?" Directing her gaze to Philip.

"Nope, you told him?" Andi asked pointing at me.

"Tell us what?" Philip asked.

"Nothing" both girls replied giggling.

"Bye Jaxy, I have science with Andi, I'll see you in English with miss Jones" she chimed. She leaned towards my lips as I was ready for another kiss and then pecked me on the cheek laughing.

"Got ya" she whispered for my ears only. This was a rare occasion where I blushed..

Both girls flounced off to English early.

"Any idea what that was about bro?" Philip asked curiously as we walked to his locker.

"No idea, first the kiss from Emma then she was flirting" she got me gooood. "Now they're being secretive and walking to science early!" I gathered.

Phillip looked amused, crap am I blushing!? "Emma kissed you, when was the last time she did that? Actually I got a kiss from Andi this morning and she was flirting too. She only kisses me when I buy her zombie apocalypse games."

I smirked, sounds like Andi.

"Well if both girls are being suspicious we better find out what they're up to" I declared offering my hand to Philip's.

"Deal!" He agreed shaking my hand. The bell sounded as our cue to get to class. Next up social studies yay - not. Hmmm I hope Emma stays flirty for the rest of the day I wonder what we could get up to...

Emma's point of view

I sat in science with Andi, she was talking about her *cough, cough* 'our' awesome plan for the boys. Andi saw fit that as it was our final week of high school that we should get the boys back for all the years of torment. It would all soon be over. She was going on like it was a serious issue. At first it sounded kind mean being Andi related - you know she owns chainsaws and is overall a violent person - until I realized they deserved it. Jax and Philip always pranked us - little pranks (you know I really don't know what the big deal is) but they were 'pranks nevertheless' as Andi had put it. Our plan wasn't any ordinary extreme prank like Daniel's siblings, it involved messing with their heads a little getting them back for every single blush (I agree with this part, Jax loves making me blush). If all goes smoothly then they should already be suspicious, the flirting must work guys love it, it definitely made Jaxy blush. Bet you wasn't expecting that Jaxy ha. Jax is a good prankster (not as good as the T3) but still great. Jax is amazing at everything though. I see the way other girls look at him during swim practice, I see the way they smile when he raises his hand in class. He could easily have any girl in our year but he chose me and I still consider myself lucky. He could of given up on me years ago and I'd be stuck with Daniel. But he kept fighting. He's all mine...

"And then finally I was thinking" Andi concluded.

"Uhuh" I muttered still thinking about Jax. I can see the way the girls look at him during swim ppractice, have you seen those abs...

Andi hit my arm hard.

"Owwww! What was that for?" I questioned.

"For not listening to my plan and day dreaming about your boyfriend! Seriously Emma you were blushing people must think you're crazy!" She made me blush harder.

"What type of best friend have I got" Andi mumbled.

"Touchay chainsaw girl" I smirked.

"Calm down don't get your glitter in a twist" she teased.

"Oh no you didn't!" I fiercely sassed.

Andi gave me a concerned look, she knows not to go to far with insulting my glitter right?

"Oh yes I did"...

"I'm sorry Andi, but what did you just say?" I politely asked. She gave me a nervous glance. I gave her a 'go on and see what happens' look.

" no speak ingles" she expressed.

"That's what I thought" I huffed in triumph.

As me and Andi continued to...ur... fight, I noticed Mia approaching.

"Hey Mia"

"Hi" she said.


"So what'd you want?" Andi rudely inquired.

"Hey!" I glared.

She glanced at me with puppy eyes that said 'what.' Mia and I get along but Andi's always kept her distance since she tried to 'defeat' me.

"To answer your question Andi I want in" she demanded.

Andi and I exchanged a look.

"In on what? You don't know about our plan, which we don't have...?" I played dumb.

"Don't play dumb" she pleaded. Darn it! I thought she fell for it! Andi gave me a 'nice going' look and slapped her palm to her forehead. "I want to mess with the guys too! Including my boyfriend" she wickedly smiled.

Andi leaned in closer "I'm listening" she reconsidered.

About 15 minutes later Mia was in.

Jax's point of view

Our social studies teacher was droning on to the point where Philip and I were almost asleep - actually Philip was and had been for a while now. Even though it was the last week of school teachers still decided to pile us with info we already knew. Seriously our exams are over its like revision all over again! Because my girlfriend told me it's rude to sleep in lesson (unless you had no sleep the night before - magic related) I decided to spend my time thinking about my gorgeous, powerful Em. Ever since Emma and I started dating we've been irrespirable. We've only had a few fights and quickly made up afterwards. I can't wait to see her surprise when I ask her to prom the Jax way she'll probably blush and say yes and cry and then I might even receive a kiss. I'm so in love with her I can't not think about her for longer than 7 minutes even when she's talking, cuddling or kissing me! Who knew miss Emma Alonso, queen glitter loved passion and danger secretly. I gave it to her perfectly - more than Daniel ever did. He didn't appreciate what he had -


"MR Van-Pelt!" The teacher snapped. Philip woke up eyes wide.


"I would appreciate it if you wouldn't sleep in my lesson! Lunch detention today" the teacher snorted then continued her lesson. I stifled a laugh as Phillip pouted.

"But Jax was asleep to!" He complained. Hey! That would of been true of I hadn't stopped myself. The teacher turned back around annoyed.

"No I wasn't!" I defended. Philip looked at me shock written on his face. I gave him a I'm a changed man look and smirked.

"That's enough Phillip! You have a detention at lunch end of!" She yelled. Philip sighed as Miss Brown continued her lesson.

"Philip, I have a plan for the girls, I think we should give them one last prank before school ends, they deserve it for being suspicious" I whispered. He gave me a 'I can't duh! I have a lunch detention not enough planning time!' Look. I rolled my eyes and cast a spell to wipe the teacher's memory of giving him a detention. He smirked and we fist bumped. This final week of school will be unforgettable.