The final day of iridium high (part 2 finale)

Authors note:

Well here's the final chapter guys! Hope you enjoy it! Read and review :-)

angelcreature13: Thank u so much for your kind review. I hope you like the final chapter :-)

the same Wings4148: it will be awkward lol. Hope you like this chapter :-)

Guest: well here's part two I hope you enjoy it, you review was so nice it made my day so thank u :-)

Jax's point of view.

After we dropped Jessie off the awkward chitchat had died down so now it was just awkward silence. I guess Emma is the heart of all of our conversations, well its either that or Andi and Philip can sense her anger. I glanced at my girlfriend and her scowl had morphed into a frown. She looked really sad and her eyes began to well up with tears. She noticed my stare so looked at me, she then looked down hoping I hadn't seen her expression.

"Uh Philip, Andi could you give us some time to talk?"

"Where are we meant to g-" I cut Andi off.

"Just walk in front for a while and have your own conversation it wasn't a question!" I snapped. They did as suggested.

"Jax..." Emma said her voice barely above a whisper. I stared into her beautiful eyes and silently encouraged her to continue. I'll be your rock Em.

"Do you think my dad has forgotten about my mom... I mean I know I was only three when she..."

"Go on..."

"Its just my dad hasn't dated since Mrs Van Pelt but he was under a spell then, what if he really likes her? What if they fall in love? What if she's really mean? What if they get married? What if she becomes my step mom? What if they move in with us? What if she already has kids? What if I'm forced to have a step sibling? What if he hardly ever talks about my mom anymore? What if he completely forgets about me because she'll take up all of his time? What if he expects me t-to just forget about my mom a-and view Katie as her replacement? I don't remember much about my mom but certain memories spring to mind when I think really hard and sometimes I use magic to look back on the times I can't remember with her and I-I just wish I got more time with her..." She faced me then as I wiped away her tears.

"It's not your fault your mom passed away just like its not mine that my mum passed away too. Emma the way your dad described Katie too me she seemed like nothing compared to your mom. He described her as his teenage love and he finds it hard to give away his heart to anyone else. If they do fall in love your dad will never forget your mom and he'll never forget about you. You mean the world to him and you should know that he loves you and if anything else were to happen I'm sure your dad wouldn't force it on you, it would all happen gradually to give you some time to get used to it all. If he didn't care for you do you think he'd be so overprotective of you!? I mean look how much he hated your first boyfriend. If everything works out your life could change but who knows maybe for the better. Maybe Katie will be the best stepmom ever, you'll just have to wait a while and try to adjust. But don't hold your breath waiting just roll with the flow the best way you can and when you get home I'm sure your dad will explain everything to you."

"Thanks Jaxy, I needed some reassurance but I'm still...a little worried." She looked down.

"Just remember I'll be right by your side."

"I could never forget that even if I tried." She smiled. I found that hard to believe but judging from her gorgeous face I could tell she meant it and that alone made my heart fill with pride.

"Maybe we should call the love birds back." She forced me out of my thoughts. I looked over at Phandi and they were tickling each other lost in each others company. They were laughing and making jokes and flirting. Deep down I knew they were a perfect match almost as good as me and Em but I didn't want to say it directly to them just to make Andi feel even more cocky than before.

"Actually Jax just one thing."

"What is it Em?"

"You gave Jessie a piggy back yesterday. I want one!" She complained. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Hop on." She jumped onto my back as I supported her legs, she was as light as air.

"Am I too heavy?"

"No." I laughed.

"Oh yeah." She rolled her eyes. "It's your masculine strength and ripped muscles, I definitely have a hot boyfriend " She blurted. She then blushed... I think that was supposed to stay a thought. I turned my head to see the beauty upon my back and smirked. Well, well, well Emma of course I'm sexy.

"Like what you see Em?" I chuckled flexing my bicep and kissing it. She blushed a deeper shade of red. She nodded only to rapidly shake her head she then covered her face.

"Wanna touch it?" I teased. Before she even thought about it she did touch it only to yank her betraying hand away. I laughed a little surprised. After her embarrassment died down with me still smirking she remembered Andi and Philip.

"Let's catch up to the guys! Let's see how fast you are Jaxy!"

"OK, hold on!" She gripped onto me tighter. I sprinted to Phandi as fast I could purposely jumping high to scare her. She gripped me even tighter and although I couldn't see her face I'd guess she was biting her tongue with furrowed eyebrows and a hilarious look on her face that had 'oh no' written on it. We arrived near our friends and we all walked school for the final time well actually Emma was getting a free ride with a strong shoulder to act as a pillow for her head. She hugged my neck closer and we all got lost in friendly conversation.

Philip's point of view.

After arriving at school Jax and I ushered the girls to get to their first period asap so we could chat. We may have forgotten about our prank for a while but we've had the ultimate prank ready for ages, we've just never used it. Daniel then arrived with Mia trying to act cool. He has officially made 'cool' a deadly disease no one wanted to catch.

"Sup guys? Ready to plan? Am I right my man?" He tried to fist bump us and we put our hands behind our backs. I'm really trying not to pity Daniel (because everyone does) but it's really hard he's just so lame it's unbearable. I don't know why Jax let Daniel help us with the plan although we're going to need all the help we need, I get Mia though she'll be a big help.

"So guys we're ready to help! What do we need to do first?" Mia curiously wondered. Mia had been involved in Andis plan so technically she was double crossing but their plan didn't really go to plan all that well so we're letting her off.

"OK, Daniel go get the duct tape from the janitor's closet."

"Can Mia come with me?"

"Awww are you going to miss me?"

"Well yeah but I'm also afraid of the dark." He then sucked his thumb.

"Daniel stop doing that when you get scared!" She scolded. He removed his thumb.

"No Daniel we need Mia for something else, man up!"

"O-Ok, I'll do it for you Jax."

"Good, now get los- I mean go man, go." He wandered off anxiously towards the janitor's closet.

"Mia we need rope and could you make us some ice?"

"Sure!" She agreed.

"It's you and me now Philip, let's go!" We walked towards our destination. I hope Andi doesn't kill me to much afterwards.

Mia's point of view.

Due to my rebellious nature and loyal traits I decided to make the ice, collect the rope and then tell Andi and Emma about the ultimate prank. I have to be loyal since they let me join their plan and they were really nice. I quickly made the ice via my kanay skills and grabbed some rope. I gave it to the guys and entered science for first period with Emma and Andi. I tried my best to sneak to the back without the teacher catching me.

"Miss Black, care to explain why you're late?" She didn't even glance up from her magazine at her desk. How did she catch me!? Evil teachers everywhere here! I hope the ones at college aren't like this.

"Uh I was...busy?" Yeah great excuse Mia.

"With what?"

Oh you know just making ice for an ultimate prank. "I was helping a nearby teacher who had fallen!" I blurted. What is wrong with you Mia!? That excuse caused some students to glance over curiously including Emma, Maddie and Andi. Maddie and Andi seemed to smirk.

"Which teacher?" She finally put her magazine down and glared at me.

"Oh uhm you know that one with the...brown? Yes brown hair!" I twirled my own hair nervously.

"Are they ok? Oh you know what I don't care just sit down."

"Gladly." I took a seat next to Emma. I could tell she was about to ask what that was all about but Daniel burst through the door screaming.

"Mr Miller! You interrupted my teacher gossip magazine!"

"Oh uh sorry." He stuttered.

"Why was you so late? Oh you know what just sit down, I've had enough of stupid excuses."

"Yes Miss!" He hurried next to me.

"Did you get the duct tape?" I asked when the teacher carried on reading her magazine making sure Emma wasn't listening.

"Yup! I was really brave!"

"Well done!" I congratulated. He then kissed my cheek sending tingles through my veins.

"Wait why were you screaming?"

"Oh after I returned the duct tape to Jax and Philip they told me to get to class. And being the cool person I am I decided to wander for a bit right? But then I saw a spider so ran."


"But that's not it, because I was running I bumped into that brown haired teacher and she fell on the floor, I tried to help her up by letting her grab my hand but then I fell ontop of her and then everything got awkward. I quickly jumped up and was about to help her again when she started swearing at me claiming i was 'creeper' and if she ever saw me again she'd 'beat me real hard with a broom!' and while I was running from her she grabbed my foot and I kinda fell on the door screaming but managed to stay up." He explained and then ran a hand through his hair.

"Well, where is she now?"

"Lying on the floor I would tell Miss Jones but I think she'd not be too bothered."

"So technically my excuse was true." I said out loud.


"Oh nothing. Daniel we're going to tell the girls about the ultimate prank."

"But we were sworn to secrecy."

"Technically we weren't they just said 'try not to tell the girls' and may I add pointedly to you."

"Oh right." 5 minutes later the girls knew about the ultimate prank and they were more than ready for their boyfriends even Maddie and the panthers were willing to help (which says a lot). Well this afternoon will be fun. The ultimate prank had officially turned into the classical prank. We snuck out the T3 and Jessie from the elementary part of school to help us. They are the ultimate pranksters after all and Jessie was just too funny. We gathered Gigi and Sebastian to film everything and we set off to the cafeteria where the boys were awaiting us for a 'surprise'.

Andi's point of view.

We were so ready for the boys. Gigi, Sebastian, Daniel, Mia, Maddie, Diego, Sophie, Katie, the T3 and Jessie awaited our signal hiding behind the bush/plant in the cafeteria (the one Sophie eats from and most of us hide behind in desperate times:this was one). Emma and I entered the cafeteria with our team fully equipped. We saw Philip and Jax awaiting us, the tables were cleared for space and there was a record player in the corner of the room. Philip switched it on and turned the lights off, both boys simultaneously walked towards us taking our hands. My hand tingled and my heart was beating. What's going on?

"What's going on?" Philip put a finger to my mouth and shushed me.

"Shush you'll ruin the moment." I looked over at Emma and she seemed just as confused as me.

"Jax...?" Emma began. He shushed her too.

"What is this!?" I demanded.

"Our prom" Philip whispered as his warm breath tickled my ear. He put my hands around his neck and he put his around my waist. He gently led my feet into a slow dance.

"Philip I can't dance." I looked down embarrassed. I looked over to Emma and she was slow dancing with Jax across from me resting her head on his shoulder. She gave me a reassuring 'go on' look and I closed my eyes. Jemma then began to waltz as Jax spun Emma around as she giggled.

"Listen to the music and watch my feet, I learnt for you." He whispered.

My eyes snapped open. "You did?"

"Yes it took some time but is was worth it because you were dance." He instructed. I followed his feet stepping on them a few times until with help I was dancing flawlessly across the cafeteria. We then spun into a waltz. Philip spun me making my heart race, he then spun me in. I smiled it wasn't that bad actually it was quite fun.

"Is this to make up for prom?"

"Yes, A" my heart fluttered once again hearing my special nickname he only ever called me sometimes. He stared into my eyes and I forgot about everything in that moment.

Mia's point of view.

I peaked my head up above the weird plant that Sophie had already began to eat from. Emma and Andi are useless! Their dancing with their boyfriends. We were all squatted in a line and Maddie was moaning. I returned to her hushed whining.

"How much longer! My feet hurt from squatting!"

"Oh stop being a baby!" I rolled my eyes. She gave me the dirtiest look I'd ever seen.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard!" I hissed. This caused a gasp from the panthers and the T3 and Jessie sniggered.

"That is so going my blog!" Gigi exclaimed.

"You wanna hear my fist against your face!"

"Hey back off!" Daniel half yelled half whispered. Aww he was standing up for me.

"Guys come on we have to be quiet we're helping our friends." Diego reminded.

"They're not even doing anything, they're dancing! Where's the prank? they've obviously forgotten. I thought this would be fun. It's your fault Mia!" Maddie hissed back. Before I could answer the kids decided to but in.

"Then let's do it ourselves!" The T3 whispered indicating to the rope. Jessie nodded her head and Robbie took this time to stare at her which was weird. Luckily Daniel didn't notice.

"We can't we have to wait for the signal!" I grabbed the rope away from prying hands being loyal to me friends. Everyone was becoming grumpy. I had to get the girls' attention. I crawled around the bush and under the tables that had been cleared for a dance floor. I waved my hands in the air like a lunatic to get Emma and Andi's attention but they were lost in their soulmate's eyes and the dark was acting as my camouflage.

"Mia!" Daniel whisper yelled.

"What!?" I snapped.

"I think I should call my mom to see what she'd do!"

"NO! ENOUGH ABOUT YOUR MOM!" I shouted. Jemma and Phandi finally looked over at me and stopped dancing as Daniel flinched at my words.

"Now!" Jessie screamed. Robbie pulled the rope at her command and then everything happened too fast. Me, Andi, Philip, Jax and Emma were covered in sweet honey and then feathers were pelted gently downwards effectively sticking to our sticky bodies, rainbow coloured sprinkles fell too and we all looked like rainbow coloured chickens. We all screamed. The floor was also covered with it so it looked like a feathery bright carpet. Well this did not go to plan everything was meant to go on the subjects frames only so it wouldn't be too much trouble to clean up. Gigi had managed to film everything and skipped off with Sebastian trailing behind her. Diego, Maddie and the panthers, the T3 plus Jessie all stood up and laughed unaffected. Daniel trudged through the sticky honey and helped me to my feet making everything worse as he slipped and was covered in the classic cartoon formula too.

"What's going on?!" Mrs Jones' voice echoed through the hallways. Oh no this is not good. Everyone ran off leaving Jemma, Phandi, Daniel and I stuck in the mess. I received pointed glares from the two couples but it was too late to run (everyone was too shocked and were only just processing what had happened anyway) because Mrs Jones was already in. She switched the lights on and gasped.

"You six are in big trouble!" She bellowed as we all winced awaiting our punishment.

"But it's the last day of school!" Daniel moaned. I covered my face. Way to go Daniel.

"Each Saturday of your holidays detention! You may all have graduated after your exams were over but you're still part of iridium high until you start your first day of college!"

"But miss-" I tried.

"No miss Black! Now go clean yourselves up and then this cafeteria! Trying to prank on the last day of school wait till your dad hears about this Miss Alonso and I heard about what you did to that brown haired teacher earlier Mr Miller!" We all exited the cafeteria silently.

Emma's point of view.

As soon as we were out of the cafeteria we all glanced at each other and went into hysterics.

"That was so funny!" Philip snorted.

"I can't believe our ultimate prank was found out about about, well done Daniel!" Jax was serious again but his serious voice made everyone laugh harder especially Mia.

"It wasn't me!" Daniel defended. The laughter died down but everyone was still smiling even Jax.

"Oh really?" Philip asked.

"It was me!" Mia admitted.


"You betrayed us?!" I'm sure I just heard Jax's voice crack slightly when he said that.

"Calm down Jaxy! You did deserve that, didn't you!?" I teased.

"Well...yes, sorry babe." He kissed my cheek.

"You're forgiven." I giggled. We all laughed again.

The school day finally finished and I looked up at the iridium high building once more through tears in my eyes. I'm going to miss this place. Miego, the panthers, Dia, Phandi and my boyfriend and I all exited the school ready to break up our small weird friendship group and collected the elementary siblings.

"Well bye guys see ya next Saturday." Mia half laughed half frowned.

"Yeah bye guys, I'll walk you home Mia." Daniel offered much to Robbie's disappointment leaving Jessie. Jax noticed this and gave his sister a 'we shall talk when we get to Emma's' look. She nervously gulped as he unexpectedly gave her a sweet cheek kiss.

"OK." Mia agreed. She then hugged me, Jax, Philip, Andi, Diego and finally (quite awkwardly) Sophie, Katie and Maddie. We all said our sweet goodbyes and Dia left. Philip was walking Andi home so wasn't walking with the panthers, Diego and Maddie to their house. They all hugged us with Diego letting out a few small sobs and they left too. Phandi then left and we all had a group hug.

"See you next Saturday guys!" Andi chirped.

"And at college!" Philip chimed. Although I knew I'd see them again it still felt like we'd not see each other again.

"Bye guys!" Jax said.

"Bye." I sniffled. We entered my house and greeted my dad.

"Emma we need to talk about what happened in the cafeteria, you too Jax, run along jessie." His voice was edged with seriousness.

"Yes Mr Alonso." She obeyed with a smirk on her face. That's not fair she was involved too!

"Sit." Oh no. This is going to be a long summer.