Author's 1st Note: Hello lovely Pitch Perfect fans and fellow Bechloe shippers! This is my first ever Bechloe fic and I'm really excited to write it. As said in the summary, it takes place the Christmas before Pitch Perfect 2. Also, Beca and Jesse are just friends. No offense to Jesse, he's a great guy and all, but just no. Bechloe all the way!

Now without further ado, I give you: "Under the Mistletoe."

Hope you enjoy it! :D

Beca sighed in relief and pulled her head phones out of her bag as she exited the class. She placed them around her ears and selected a song from her 'favorites' playlist. The walk to the Bella's house was a less than pleasant journey. Luckily the tunes that rang in her ears drifted the DJ to a better place. In any situation, all Beca had to do was let her music play and the world around her would just disappear.

Finals were finally over at Barden University, leaving the students to enjoy their three week Christmas break however they pleased. Between making sets for The Bellas' performances and overall school work, Beca hadn't had much free time to herself lately. She was relieved to know she finally had a whole three weeks to make mixes she had been dying to work on. As she heard inspiration around her, Beca jotted down her ideas in a spiral notebook; desperately waiting for the break to arrive.

She arrived at the house and chuckled at the amusing sight displayed before her. Lilly and Cynthia Rose struggled to keep the bottom of the ladder in place while Fat Amy clumsily put up the Christmas lights around the roof. Beca didn't quite understand why Fat Amy was the one trying to accomplish the difficult task. Although, she had to admit her friends weren't necessarily known for being logical.

She approached the circus act and laughed. "What are you guys doing?"

Fat Amy looked down in response to the recognizable voice. "Oh, hey Beca! You know, we're just getting the house ready for the Christmas party."

Beca's face fell. "What Christmas party?"

Fat Amy teetered as she untangled another string of lights. "You know, the party we're hosting tomorrow."

Beca's eyes went wide."Tomorrow!? But Christmas isn't for a few more days!"

Beca jerked out of the way when Amy almost lost her balance. Cynthia and Lily quickly held the ladder still.

"Woah!" Cynthia hollered.

"This would be easier if I still had my robotic arms." Lilly murmured.

Beca blinked and returned her attention to Fat Amy. "Well since most of us are spending Christmas with our families, Chloe wanted us all to be together for the party."


Of course it was Chloe's idea. Beca groaned and frustratingly ran her hands up her face and into her hair. As annoyed as she was at the idea of having a party so soon, she couldn't help but commend Chloe's love for her fellow sisters. She was always the one to remind everyone how important family was. Chloe was definitely the glue that kept the Bellas together. She always kept the peace whenever fights broke out amongst the girls and she always tried to keep everyone positive and optimistic. These traits Beca couldn't help but love, though she would never admit it.

She sighed in defeat and looked back up at Amy. "Alright, well have fun out here." She said and entered the house.

"Don't forget we have our Secret Santa exchanges to–NIGHT!" Amy yelped as the ladder started to fall back off of the roof.

"Amy!" Cynthia yelled and forcefully pushed the ladder forward, crashing it back down onto the gutter.

It took Amy a few moments to breath again. "Phew..." She looked down at the girls, "What a crazy trust exercise, huh?"

Beca walked in and was greeted by Flo wrapping decorations around the staircase, the sound of Christmas music, and the smell of freshly baked cookies. The sound of the front door closing caught the hispanic woman's attention.

"Hey, Beca!" She grinned. "You like?" She asked, spreading her arms out to parallel the railing.

Beca smiled amusingly. Although going all out on decorations for the holidays was never one of Beca's 'things', she did think the house looked great.

"Yeah Flo, it looks really good."

Flo smiled and nodded in agreement. "Thank you." She turned her head towards the kitchen and used her very powerful lungs that Spanish women are known for to call out, "CHLOE! BECA'S HERE!" Beca flinched and shoved her fingers into her ears.

The redhead eagerly appeared from around the corner and smiled broadly at the arrival of her friend.

"There you are!" She greeted Beca with a firm hug and kept her hands on the shorter woman's shoulders after they separated, "How were your finals?"

Chloe had a rare gift that Beca still couldn't quite understand. Beca was never the type of person to let people get to her. She always kept everyone at arms length to ensure she wouldn't get hurt when they would eventually leave. But Chloe, Chloe was someone entirely different.

Chloe didn't believe in boundaries or personal space. And the strong wall Beca tirelessly built over the years didn't intimidate the redhead what so ever. In fact, she found it to be an exciting challenge to break it down piece by piece. If anyone else had tried to do so, Beca would immediately be annoyed and cut them loose. But with Chloe, for some reason, she didn't mind it. In fact, she even kind of wanted it.

Over the last few years, Chloe had certainly made stunning progress. She and Beca had never been closer.

The brunette shrugged, "Alright, I guess. I'm just glad they're finally over," she said.

Chloe grinned, "Good." She reached down, wrapped her fingers around Beca's wrists and pulled her in; disregarding her personal boundaries, again. And Beca found it hard to keep a blush from spreading across her face.

But wait, why would she even blush? It's not like she liked it, or anything. It was just Chloe being Chloe.


"I'm glad you're home. Come with me." Chloe tightened her grip and pulled the DJ into the kitchen; the aroma of freshly baked cookies stronger than ever.

Chloe grabbed one of the cookies displayed on the island counter and took a small bite out of it before handing the rest to Beca.

"Try it," she grinned.

Beca smirked and bit into the cookie, enjoying the sweet taste that satisfied her tastebuds. Chloe always had a knack for baking. She made birthday cakes for the girls every year, and on holidays she would make trays of cookies specifically decorated to compliment whatever the celebration called for.

"Mmm..." Beca covered her mouth to speak, "It's delicious." She mumbled, still chewing. She swallowed the last bit and smirked, "As usual."

"You know it." Chloe grinned and winked before going back to the tray to finish organizing the pastries.

Beca laughed quietly to herself and sat down to join her best friend; entertained by Chloe's apparent OCD when it came to organizing her masterpieces.

"You ready for Secret Santa tonight?" Chloe asked without lifting her head.

"Yeah, my gift is upstairs."

"Who'd you get?"

Beca slowly reached forward and gently pulled out a cookie from it's perfect little spot in the display, earning a threatening, but not serious, glare from Chloe.

"Really, Beca?" She asked, flatly.

Beca gave a closed, guilty smile, pieces of cookie visible against the inside of her cheeks. "It's your fault for making them taste so good," she muttered.

Chloe tried not to laugh at how cute Beca looked at the moment. She shook her head and started to reorganize the pastries. "So who did you get?"

"I thought the whole point of Secret Santa was to keep it a secret," Beca smirked.

Chloe shot her head up with excitement, "Is it me?"

Beca couldn't help but laugh at the look on her face. She looked like a puppy that was about to receive a treat or a piece of bacon. Beca was almost sad she had to break the news to her puppy that no, she wasn't her Secret Santa.

"Sorry Chlo, but no you're not." Beca gave her her best puppy dog pout.

Chloe's face fell a bit and looked as though she was actually bummed to hear that. Beca noticed this, but didn't want to look too much into it.

"Oh...So who'd you get?" She asked again, returning her attention to her cookies.

"Fat Amy." Beca answered, standing up to get a drink from the refrigerator.

Chloe chuckled, "What'd you get her?"

Beca grabbed a water bottle and took a sip before answering, "I honestly didn't know what to get her." She said, sitting back down in the chair, "So, I went online and found a pink and grey shirt that says 'Private Dancer' on it."

Chloe laughed and looked at her friend, "You did not."

Beca shrugged and snickered, "I don't know. I thought maybe she'd think it was funny."

Chloe loved how much of a dork her best friend secretly was. Even though Beca tried really hard to hide it. For some reason her dorkiness slipped out the most when she was around Chloe. She never faltered around anyone else.

"It is pretty funny, actually." Chloe giggled and finished her tray. She wrapped it with tin foil and set it aside on the kitchen counter. She then moved to the sink and washed her hands.

"So who did you get?" Beca asked, genuinely curious.

After her hands were clean, Chloe grabbed a paper towel and turned to face Beca, leaning up against the sink. The look on her face was puzzling. Her eyes gleamed and her smile was between a grin and a smirk. Beca wasn't sure what to make of it and she couldn't explain why it made her stomach flip.

Before Chloe could respond, Fat Amy poked her head around the corner. "Guys! Come on! Come check out the house!" She gleed.

Beca and Chloe followed her outside and joined the rest of the Bellas already looking up at the house. To Beca's surprise, Amy managed to get all the lights up without getting physically injured; She did a pretty good job too. Their Bella house now sparkled with white twinkle lights and a giant inflatable snowman sat on the lawn, ready to greet all of the future guests arriving tomorrow evening.

After a few moments of admiration and complimenting from the group, Chloe separated and clapped her hands together.

"Alright, great job girls! The house looks amazing." It was impossible not to hear the excitement in her voice. "Let's go inside, clean up and get comfortable for our Secret Santa exchange!"

The Bellas responded with "Woos!" and "Yeahs," and together they all strolled back into the house.

Author's 2nd Note: There it is! Chapter 1, done.

Yesss, I wrote it so that it was Beca who gave Fat Amy that "Private Dancer" shirt she wore in PP2. It was a window of opportunity I just could not pass up. x)

Please leave reviews. I wanna know how you guys like, or don't like the story. I really wanna do justice for my fellow Bechloe lovers. This one's for you guys. :)