I`m so sorry…. A lot of you may not know me, but I actually used to write fanfics, but There`s been a hiatus of a couple of months because of school, the thing is, I actually wrote the entire series of all my unfinished fanfics.. I just wanted to give you guys the content and entertainment I hope you were waiting for... but my computer died two months ago... and believe it or not I got really depressed because of it and I couldn´t even think of the letdown I would give you guys... this site is one of my main supports in creativity and self esteem... and losing it was one of my greatest fears. I recently got out of my depression and started writing again... but I can`t write about these fanfics anymore... I`m officially cancelling all of my unfinished series until I decide to continue writing about these... and maybe you think that this is an exaggeration and that I shouldn´t be even writing this, but to those people, I beg you.. finishing these stories brought a lot of joy to my heart and I wanted to upload them as soon as possible, but I`m the kind of person that has to constantly make new content or I get depressed again.. and all of my inspiration has come to a new series I hope you will like, so these stories were finished and done with... so unless I remember and write EVERYTHING I wrote... I don`t think they are coming back to life... let's just hope that in the future I can be inspired to write an even better story for the ones I just cancelled, and probably you are reading right now, and I hope you understand...

With a heavy heart -LumbarRouge8