"Defiance and disobedience. These are things that I shall not tolerate, and through me the fire nation. The nomadic monks or air benders defied us, and now what are they? A charred corpse living atop a ruin. Disobedience will be punished both physically and mentally" his chillingly emotionless voice rang loud in the deafening silence; as he said this Zukos father turned towards him and began to reach for the ties that held up his pants.

Zuko began to move backwards on his hands and knees, away from his father and the deranged look in his eye.

He knew this method, it was the same one that could demoralise an entire nation.

He flipped over and began to crawl to the side glancing around for help. But no one would help him, they would never defie their lord. Zukos retreat was halted by a harsh tug to his ankle, He was yanked back, his knees scraping along the ground.

The humiliation alone made him want to die, and it had only just begun.

In a flash zukos pants were gone and a searing pain spread through his ass and up him spine and hips.

The move was so sudden that the air was knocked out of him and he couldn't manage a scream. Just a choking noise as he tried to force air into his lungs.

Ozais retreat is what finally triggered a sound. Zukos piercing scream rent through the air loud in the stunned silence that had taken hold of the observers. The look in their eyes revealed their thoughts, even this was too harsh a punishment.

The women in the crowd began to wretch as another scream was driven from his throat. Followed by the maniacal laughter of the man at his back.

The man he called father.

Ozais hands were on either side of his hips gripping with such force it would bruise, his pelvis ramming into Zuko with each thrust.

He could feel a warm liquid running down his legs and glanced down to find blood staining his legs and pants.

Each thrust caused fire to erupt in his ass, his knees scraping along the ground as they were rubbed raw.

Tears began to blur his vision, but only seeped from his eyes when he felt Ozais release within.

The tears ran freely down his face and he tasted blood from where he had bit the side of his mouth to keep from screaming.

The ground rose to meet his face as he was dropped unceremoniously to the floor.

Through to the ringing in his ears and the quiet murmurs of the crowd that had begun again in sporadic bursts.

He heard his father declare his exile, until he could regain his honor through his death or the capture of the avatar.

He was given one hour to leave and the crowd was told to disperse. The shuffling of feet soon followed until all was silent, Zuko lay there thinking he was finally alone, but he was wrong.

He heard his father speak again. The last words he ever spoke to him.

"You are beneath me and that is where you will stay, do well to not forget that".

The sound of retreating boots soon followed that statement and Zuko was left on the floor covered in blood and cum; sore and more broken then he had ever been.

The dream always ended there, he never dreamt about his uncle helping him up and cleaning him. Or his uncle staying with him after.

He only ever dreamt about the pain, humiliation and the fact that no one helped, they simple looked on.

The dream always tore him up on the inside, but also renewed his determination to find the avatar.

He would return home with his honor and with the whole fire nation hearing and knowing that he; the disgraced prince succeed where his father and their mighty lord had failed.