Sup guy's new chapter! I wanna say something first. You remember how Gohan acted when he went up against Buu I made him like that with a times 2 since he has a personality of a full Saiyan. I know how Goku was and everything but I made Gohan less hesitant. More bold since his fight with Buu. There are reason's. And Gohan became a full Saiyan because of the Mystic ritual thing to unlock his hidden potential. So his Saiyan cells eliminated his Human Cells. And for the comment I never watched DB I so have at least 3 times. I never was attacking anyone so don't think that I love every character the way they are but it's a fanfiction so I made him more ooc for my reason's. Anyway love you all even if you want to rip out my throat and send hateful comments my way. By the way he did know Videl but didn't have feelings for her. Anyway here we go on with the story!

Gohan and Rias were walking down the school hall straight for then entrance, so that they could head for the Occult Research Club outside of the school. As they were walking down the hallway they noticed several of the students were staring straight at them some with jealously and showing support. But mostly jealously.

Getting a little frustrated Gohan shot a glare at them "What you looking at?" Gohan shouted at them, facing forward again Gohan muttered "Fucking humans'. Rias giggled "Oh Gohan calm down." Gohan let out a breath of relief as they neared the exit.


As they entered the club they realized they were the first ones there. Rias let go of Gohan's arm and walk over to her desk. She then sat down putting her elbows on the desk while resting her head down on her hands and look over at Gohan "So Gohan what you think of the club? I know you was here last night but we did nothing really but sleep and talk."

Gohan shrugged "I guess its ok.. What are you trying to imply?" Raising a eyebrow at her and crossed his arms. Rias chuckled "Come here Gohan .." She ask patting her desk, as if asking to sit down on it.

Gohan complied and walk over towards her. When he got close he heard the door open, sighing Gohan turned around and met breast in his face, and felt a hand on the back of his head pushing him deeper into whoever chest this was. After a few seconds he manage to pull away to see the culprit, was none other then Akeno.

Akeno smiled "Hello Gohan, and Rias-sama." She then look slyly at Gohan who looked causally at her "Did you enjoy the feeling of my boobs Gohan? I can let you feel them again if you want.." Gohan was about to reply when they heard the door open again. They all turn to see Koneko walking in holding a ice cream. Koneko stared at them before returning to enjoy her ice cream, sitting herself on the couch.

After a few seconds they heard the door open again to see Kiba and someone behind him. Once Gohan saw Issei, he went to sit down on Rias desk remembering the incident from earlier. Issei stared and looked around to see each of the memebers of the Occult Research Club. He slightly winced when he saw Gohan but nodded towards him, which Gohan nodded back keeping his serious expression.

Rias then cleared her throat "Welcome Issei to the Occult Research Club. I'm sure you remember this person from yesterday." She stated tossing a picture toward's him. Issei caught the picture and his eyes widen "Yuma..." He whispered "So all that happened..."

Rias nodded "Yes I thought when you saw Gohan earlier today you would've known it was true but I guess I was wrong." Gohan glanced over at her with a raised eyebrow "Whose this Yuma your talking about? Is she.."

Gohan was caught off when Rias nodded "Yes Gohan that's her.. But her true name is Raynare, she is a fallen angel. She was sent here to kill you Issei." Issei mouth dropped as he jumped slightly back "W-what did I do?" Gohan's eyes narrowed after checking Issei's power "Why would he be targeted? His power is pitiful.." Everyone looked over towards Gohan then back at Issei.

Issei looked mad "Hey! Shut up before I kick your!..." He was cut off when Gohan disappeared and appeared in front of him, grabing him by the shirt lifting him up off the ground. Gohan was eye's narrowed "Human's think their so powerful. Ha what a joke." Issei was speechless 'How did he move so fast? I didn't even see move!' Issei thought to himself.

Rias stood up "Gohan thats enough! You made your point." She yelled at him. Gohan shot a glare back at her but sighed when he saw a worried look on her face. He then drop Issei who let out a sigh of relief. Gohan then walked out the door.

Issei sighed "Man what went up his ass and died?" He ask in a joking manner, Rias frowned at him "Issei take it to the heart to what I'm going to say. Stay out of Gohan's way and more importantly don't get him angry."

Kiba rubbed his chin "I wonder what was wrong with him... He didn't seem mad at Issei just mostly by his Issei's race." Eveyone looked over at Kiba with a confused face. There was a moment of silence before Kiba spoke again "Instead of threating Issei he made a comment about 'humans'." Rias sighed "Another thing to added to the list things Gohan hasn't told us yet..."

Everyone look over at her, as she crossed her arms "I found out today he used to have a tail, and keep muttering in his sleep about making someone named 'Buu' pay after screaming out who I assumed his brother's name." She stated rubbing her head, Koneko eyes widen when she heard tail. Akeno slyly smiled "Ara ara President. How did you find out if he had a tail and mutter stuff in his sleep hmm?" Akeno teased.

Rias felt her cheeks burn "S-shut up Akeno.. Anyway lets get down to business." She then glanced over at Issei again "Ok Issei the reason why the Fallen Angels were after you is because you posses a sacred gear." Issei look dumb folded "A sacred gear?"

Rias sighed this is going to be a long talk. She went on talking about the sacred gears and their powers. She then told him how he became a devil last night. She then help him in taking out his sacred gear.


"Kamehame!" Gohan shouted as he cupped his hands to his right hand side as he hovered in the air. He then struck them forward "Ha!" He shouted as the bright blue beam shot from his hands, straight at a mountain. After a few seconds the dust settled showing the mountain completely gone, with the exception of a rugged land scape where it once was. Gohan the sighed "Man I should've just calmed down."

Gohan then clenched his fist in anger "But that fucking Human. Eragh humans theres only few I accept because of their skills and they helped me when I need them the most." Gohan then let out another sigh thinking of his friends and family back in his dimension "Man I miss home. But..." He rub his hand against his forhead "Rias what are you doing to me? What is it that wants me to be by your side and stay here." Letting out a chuckle Gohan as his heart race began to increase. He turned around and began to fly back "Anyway I should head back." He then blasted off back towards the Occult Research Club.


Issei sat there and nodded as they showed their wings to him and told him about theirselves. He then let out a little yelped when his wings appeared out of his back as well when Rias snapped her fingers. Issei noticed they didn't say anything about Gohan so couldn't help but ask "So is that one asshole, Gohan a devil as well?"

Rias shook her head "No he isn't.. But I would refrain from calling him that.. You may want to sit down for this explanation." Issei curiosly sat down on the couch staring with interest at her for a answer. Rias walked over and stood across the room staring out the window.

She then took a breath before starting "He is not human that much is true.. He was half until he did some type of training that made his other side take over completely, giving him his current personality, abilities, etc. When he's not irrerated he's very calm." Turning to glance over towards Issei as he nodded before she continued "His was once other half now full is a Saiyan warrior. The Saiyan's were a alien race, intergalactic space pirate's who worked under a space tyrant before he wipe out their race and planet. Gohan's father was one of the handful of survivors. He was sent to earth as a baby and settled there before a bunch of more fights for the earth took place.. Gohan even saved the world at eleven years old." She stopped, letting Issei absorb the current information before continueing.

Rias took a quick breath before continueing "According to Gohan he's been fighting since he was four years old and has been fighting to keep his earth safe since. Gohan is not from this dimension at all. He say's he was in a battle but he saw a light then the next thing he knew he was here." Rias stated as she crossing her arms beginning to look out the window again.

Issei mouth flung open with astonishment "So how strong is he? I-I mean I didn't even see him move earlier. Did any of you?" He ask as he look around see all of them as they shook their heads. Rias rubbed her head "From his dimension there are fighters just as strong as he is.. And they all have enough power to blow up this planet entirely. As I said before with that space tyrant blowing up planets is a easy feat for them." Issei's eyes bugged out "N-no way.. Thats.. No way.."

"Yes way human. Or should I say halfbreed since Rias finished her speech?" Everyone turned towards the doorway to see Gohan who was brushing dirt on his school uniform. Rias turned around putting her hands to her hips with a frown on her face "Now where were you?" Gohan glanced at her a smiled "Blowing up mountains because of reasons." Not even glanceing at Issei but knew it was from his remark.

Rias mouth drop "B-but isn't the nearest mountains.." Gohan scofted "Five hundred miles due north I know." Gohan then smirked crossing his arms "Doubting my abilities already Rias, you just did explain them?" Rias shook her head "No but still amaze's me. All of that power in one body.."

Rias stopped as she saw Akeno starting to hug Gohan from behind "Ara ara why don't you use some of that power or more directly stamina on me?" She whispered in his ear but loud enough for Rias to hear. Rias red aura cracked around her in anger and jealously, as she gave them a glare that reminded him of his mothers.

Gohan to sweat "N-now Rias don't we have work to do or something." Gohan studderd nervously, earning some odd looks from some of the others in the room. Akeno began to let go of him and walked away from him after giving him a wink and a sly smile. Rias aura then began to die down as did her glare. Gohan let out a breath of relief.

Rias then cleared her throat "Yes now lets get back to buisness." She began to look at everyone waiting for their attention. Seeing she obtained it she began to speak again "We recieved a notice, so now we are going across town to take care of a stray devil. This devil left their master and has been eating unspecting humans that walk by in it's territory."

Issei cluched his head "Eating humans..." He asked weakly. Rias nodded "Yes and we've been ask to take care of the situation. The stray is at a abandoned warehouse across town." Everyone nodded. Gohan then cracked his knuckles "Finally some action. I've been bored doing nothing." He stated grinning.

Rias sighed "Are all Saiyan's like this?" Gohan nodded "Yes Saiyan's hunger for battle to prove our worth and test our power." He stated as he headed for the window opening it. Gohan then turned towards them "I'll met you guy's there." He then turned about to jump out the window, he felt a tug on his shirt. He looked over his shoulder to see a expression that he seen Goten give him. He sighed but smiled "You want me to carry you there don't you."

Rias looked stunned "H-how did you know?" Gohan grinned "My little brother Goten gave me that look when he wanted to fly with me." Rias eyes widen, she was right, Goten he muttered in his sleep was his brother. She gave him a warm smile "Yes I do." She then turned towards the others "We'll met you guy's there." Which they nodded to.

She then turn towards Gohan "So how are we.." She was cut off when Gohan picked her up bridal style. Gohan smiled at her "Like this of course.." He then glanced over his shoulder and smiled "See ya there.." He stated as he jumped out the window and flew up in the air. Earning some gasp from Issei since he didn't see Gohan fly yet and was curios how he was going to. Seeing him fly with out wings was werid but astonishing at the most.


Rias was holding tightly around his neck as Gohan floated in the air. Gohan began to chuckle "Man Rias I gotcha." Rias opened her eyes looking around staring around her. She then let out a breath of relief and looked up at Gohan "Next time a little warning would be nice." She stated slightly scared and embarrassed. Gohan nodded then began to fast but not fast enough to scare Rias again to the warehouse.

Rias then flelt the warmth from Gohan's chest, making her own chest feeling warm and fuzzy again. She began to smile as she curled up against his chest loving the warmth feeling. Gohan glaced down at her and smiled.


After flying for a minute or so Gohan and Rias landed infront of the warehouse. Gohan sensed a power level inside, and it felt dreadful from the amount of malicious in it. Shaking his head he put down Rias. A second later they saw a bright red glow emitting from behind. They turned around seeing Kiba, Akeno, Koneko, and Issei walking out of the transport portal. Akeno looked over at Gohan then to Rias "Ara ara President did you enjoy Gohan carrying you?" She teased

Rias face flushed red "S-shut up Akeno.." She studdered out. Akeno walked over and grabbed onto Gohan's arm "Will you give me a ride sometime Gohan?" She ask staring deep into his dark black eye's. They heard Issei muttered "lucky bastard" under his breath but ignored him. Gohan looked down at Akeno and smiled "Maybe sometime." He smiled but then turned to face the building with a serious look and began to walk in to the warehouse.

Rias glared at Akeno then follow Gohan inside. Akeno smiled and wouldn't cease it as she followed them inside, with the others behind her. They found Gohan standing in the empy room, looking up into the darkness of the right hand corner of the building. Rias looked up and saw nothing then looked back at Gohan "Gohan what are you?..." She was cut off as Gohan began to speak "I know your over there in the corner. I can sense your energy so come out of hiding." He spoke out into the darkness.

They all looked over at him with a confuse face, but then heard a bunch of rattling in the corner of the room Gohan was staring at. They all look back up and saw a half a women waist up looking normal, but waist down had a body of a gigantic monster from a rpg video game. She began to lick her lips "Such a sweet smell you have boy. I can't wait to see how you taste."

Issei's stiumbled back "What is that?" He questioned outloud but reached no answer. Rias's eye's narrowed "Go back to your master you treacherous fiend or suffer the consequences you stray devil." Issei's eye's shot towards Rias then back at the stray "So this is a stray devil." His eye's examed it until he found a interesting place "Oh look at the size of her boobs." He said with a perverted smile.

The stray began to laugh "You think I'm scared of you? Haha your just jealous that your breast will never be a beautiful as mine.. Prepare to die devil bitch" She then threw her head back then shot it forward spiting out acid at them. Gohan jumped infront of the group and put up a energy barrier blocking the attack. Rias look at Gohan in surprise "G-gohan..?" Gohan ignored her as he was putting down the barrier. He then began to walk forward with his eye's narrowing "You threaten Rias then attacked her and my friends... You deserve nothing but death you insolent bitch." He then slightly cupped his right hand prepareing a small ki blast.

He measured her power level easily since he knew no one knows how to hide it in this dimension. He charged it to where it would kill her in a instant and cause minimal damage. The stray devil's eyes widen in shock and fear as she went back a litle "N-no wait I change my mind... I'll go back please don't..." Gohan cut her off with a frown on his face "No you won't. I seen enough scum to know what you say isn't true. Besides I did mention your comments towards Rias then the next deed you did, so even if you actually was going to I wouldn't let you go anyway so.. Now die!" As he yelled out that last part he shot his hand forward shooting a energy blast at her. The blast engulfed her completely, vaporizing her instantly on the spot. After the small explosion and the dust cleared they saw nothing left of her, not even a blood or a limb. Just a scorch mark where he shot the blast.

Gohan then felt himself smirk "Besides your beauty is eons behind Rias's." Rias felt a blush hit her cheeks at Gohan's words, while standing with the other's in awes of Gohan's abilities. Gohan then turned to face his comrades. Seeing them awestruck of his power only boosted his Saiyan ego but Gohan controlled himself, because if one thing Gohan wouldn't let himself do is become as arrogant as Vegeta with his ego. He smiled a little remembering his friend of sort's.

Gohan the clasp his hands together "Well now that take's care of that lets go eat, I'm hungry." He smiled at them. Rias rubbed her head but smiled "Saiyan's and food..." Issei looked confused "What's wrong with him being hungry? I'm a little starved myself.." Kiba looked over at him "Oh yeah you don't have the same lunch as us.."

Issei was still confused but didn't say anything. He just thought he figure out why in a second.


Issei's spoon fell down on the table at the sight before him "N-no way.. Doesn't he get full from all that food..?" He questioned out loud as he was witnessing Gohan eating plate after plate of food. Issei quietly counted the amount of plates and bowel's on the table. After quitting counting cause every time he got close to being done bowels and plate's were being stacked more and more. Kiba laughed "I told you.."

Akneo chuckled "My my, Gohan is quite the hungry boy." Rias shooked her head chuckling as well "You should taste his cooking it taste very exquisitely good." She said out loud. Setting down his last bowel Gohan slouched back "Man Akeno your cooking is great I'm stuffed." He said grinning at her. Akeno had a light blush "Ara ara I'm happy my food satisfied your appetite Gohan.." Her smile began to sly a little "You can have a taste of me if your ready for desert.."

Gohan had a blush on his cheeks "W-well I uhh.." He stumbled out until he heard something break. He looked right next to him and saw broken chopsticks in Rias hand with a full blown glare at Akeno who just smile back at her.


After the interesting events with the meal and everything, everyone went on home. Gohan landed outside his apartment, and went to unlocked the door to go inside. After striping himself of his clothes except his boxers and a shirt, he made his way to his bed, and laid down on his side getting under the covers. After five minutes he felt his bed move a little. He looked over his shoulder and saw Rias naked getting under his covers as well. He rolled over and instantly began to embrace her once she laid down next to him. Rias was startled at first because she assumed he was asleep but began to embrace back. Gohan looked down into her eye's and smiled "I would've gave you a ride if you wanted to come with me."

Rias smiled back "Yeah I know but I had to take care of something.." She wanted to say more but didn't. So she just settled with snuggling deeper into his chest as she wrapped up against his one of his arms. Gohan had a questioning look with what Rias had to do but didn't ponder it. He assumed Rias would tell him when she was ready. Beside's he knew Rias would do the same because she was. She knew he had more stuff to her but didn't ask because she knew he would tell her eventually. Gohan wanted to tell her but his pride told him other wise. Rias then looked up at him "Gohan how do you see me? Do you see me as Rias or Rias Gremory?"

Gohan looked down her with a confused face until he got what she was saying "Rias I'm not one for title's.. I really don't care for that stuff. Rias I didn't call the Prince of my race prince just his name.. So why would I start now? When I see you I only see Rias..." He said as he played with her hair with his free hand.

Rias's then unexpectedly leaned upwards and kissed on the cheek. Gohan had blushing red cheeks "W-what was that for?" He asked a startled. Rias giggled at his response "I wanted to thank you for earlier.." Gohan looked at her with a questioning look. Rias then began speak again "For protecting everyone back at the warehouse... And for saying I-I'm beautiful... But for what you said." Gohan then lowered his head and kissed her on the cheek greatly surprising her. Gohan then laid his head back down on the pillow staring at the madly blushing Rias "I only said it because it's true." He said smiling as he began to close his eye's as he drifted off to sleep. As he slept Rias began to ponder the feeling she was well feeling in her chest as well as his words 'Am I... Falling in... Love? Wait of course I am... Gohan your making me feel great, wanted and you talk to me because I'm me.. I'm in love with this Saiyan from another dimension.. I'm in love with you Son Gohan..' Rias concluded to her self. Rias felt her heart began to race when she came to this conclusion. She loved this warm feeling. She then smiled and snuggled deeper into his chest again as sleep began to take her.

How was this chapter? Hope you enjoyed it. Should I do the trait when a saiyan mate's the female recieve's his memory's?.. See ya next time! Dark signing out!