Broken Promises and Mended Hearts

A/N: This is my first attempt at writing something like this, so any and all criticism is welcomed! Also, may contain very minor PP2 spoilers (honestly you wouldn't really know unless you saw the movie, but read at your own risk just in case!) Last but not least, enjoy!

Beca glanced up from her laptop after being attached to the screen for what seemed to be like days, when she realized that Fat Amy wasn't lying in bed snoring away with an episode of "Friends" playing in the background and having half of her body dangling freely off one side.

Fuck, Beca groaned as she looked at the clock, scratching her head as she watched the numbers change from 1:59 to 2:00 AM. She spent the entire night attempting to create a new and original song for her boss, seeing as he didn't approve of her regular mash-ups she was used to making previously. By the looks of what she came up with, she concluded she was screwed. Since she hadn't heard from Fat Amy in over twelve hours, she decided to call Jesse, hoping her boyfriend of three years would be able to give her the motivation she needed.

The phone rang several times before a hushed voice answered:

"Hello?" Jesse asked, sounding confused and out of it.

"Oh shoot, sorry! I didn't mean to wake you," Beca said in an empathetic tone. "I'm just stressed about the internship and I figured my best guy could give me one of his famous speeches so I don't feel like a total loser and failure."

"Aw man Bec, I would, but now isn't the greatest of times," Jesse said, still whispering into the phone.

"Jesse, come back to bed!"

"Who was that?" Beca asked nervously, hoping and praying that her biggest fear was not about to become a reality.

"It's uhh… my cousin!" Jesse hesitated, desperately trying to find the words to explain the predicament he found himself in. "She doesn't have anywhere to stay, so I told her she could crash with me until she sorted everything out."

"Don't lie to me, Jesse. I knew we would eventually grow apart once you decided you were leaving for Los Angeles, but please, at least have the decency to tell me things are over before you sleep with someone else." Tears started to form in Beca's eyes, but she fought them back as she anxiously waited for a reply, refusing to let one boy ruin the rest of her senior year at Barden.

Silence. Beca could hear Jesse fumbling on the other end, but no words came out of his mouth. Finally, he broke the silence:

"Beca… I'm so sorry. I was going to—"

"Save it. I don't want to hear what bullshit excuse you just came up with twenty seconds ago. I always thought I would get hurt, but I never thought it would be by you. Enjoy LA, I'm sure you'll have a blast," Beca said as she hung up, throwing her phone at the wall. Fuck.

Almost immediately, the tears Beca tried suppressing earlier hit her all at once. Her vision turned blurry, and every time she tried to blink so she could see, more tears began to form. She tried to hide her face in her pillow to silence her wails that started to involuntarily come from her mouth, but all that did was create a muffled scream that could only be heard a few feet outside of her door.

Thank god Fat Amy isn't here right now Beca thought with a sigh of relief as she searched for a tissue around her messy room. She would never let me live down just how ugly of a crier I am.

Suddenly, Beca heard a knock at her door. Fuck, she thought as she started scrambling around the room, picking up her phone and attempting to get rid of any trace that she just spent the past ten minutes bawling.

She heard a familiar voice outside of her door, and Beca's heart stopped.

"Hey Beca, are you okay?" The voice seemed worried and concerned, and based on the tone, Beca knew exactly who was knocking. Of course her best friend of three years would just happen to be up at this very moment and just happened to walk by as she was breaking down. Although she had a soft spot in her heart for the gorgeous redhead with the baby blue eyes (she always had), Chloe was the last person she wanted to see at the moment due to her puffy eyes and mascara-stained cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm fine Chlo—no need to worry," Beca replied, burying her head back into her pillow. But apparently that wasn't good enough for the redhead, because in a matter of seconds, Beca heard her door open and saw Chloe slowly creeping up the steps that led to her room.

"I know you said you were okay, but I could just tell something was wrong; the tone of your voice was different," Chloe stated, trying to justify her reasoning for checking in on her.

"Oh my god, what happened?" she asked, quickly running over to Beca's bed and plopping down next to the brunette, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Chlo, I'm fine. It's okay," she replied as she tried to hide her face in her hands, but Chloe stopped her, cupping her face with her hands and forcing her to make eye contact.

"No, tell me what's wrong. I know something happened because you're Beca effin Mitchell, and the only things you cry over are cheesy endings to movies and really good mash-ups," Chloe joked, hoping to lighten the mood.

A small smile crept upon Beca's face as she jokingly pushed the ginger's hands away, causing Chloe to lose her balance and fall backwards onto her bed.

"You're annoying, you know that?" Beca teased, wiping away the stray tears Chloe missed.

"No, but really, what's wrong?" Chloe insisted, still lying on her back, tracing the patterns on Beca's comforter.

"Let's just say I'm done with boys for a while," Beca replied, forcing a small laugh.

"You're joking," Chloe replied, immediately sitting up and locking eyes with Beca. "What happened to Jesse?"

"Well, I called him in hopes that he would cheer me up, seeing as he's a few hours behind us since he moved, and I knew he would still be awake… but I heard another girl on the phone asking him to come back to bed, and I kind of just put two and two together..." Beca's voice trailed off as she broke eye contact with Chloe, looking down at her comforter. "It just sucks, you know?" she continued, still staring at the wet spot where her tears began to collect. Chloe reached out and put a hand on Beca's shoulder in an attempt to console her.

"Boys suck, trust me," she stated as she pulled Beca in for a hug. "You deserve so much better."

The room fell silent as Beca collapsed into Chloe's arms, silently sobbing into her shirt.

"But do I really deserve better, Chlo? Can you honestly tell me I do? Because from how things played out with Jesse, I'm starting to doubt it." Beca pulled away from Chloe's grip, waiting for a response as she stared into her deep blue eyes, getting lost and momentarily forgetting where she was. Fuck. Her eyes were always able to capture Beca'a attention, and tonight was no exception.

Chloe stared at Beca for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. Finally, she speaks, making sure to look Beca directly in the eyes as she chose her next words wisely.

"You know what? Yes. Yes you do deserve better. Do you want to know something?" Chloe asked, waiting for Beca's approval to continue. Beca nodded nervously, her heart pounding out of her chest as she watched Chloe get up from her bed and began pacing around the room.

"I've had to sit idly by for three years and watch you be content with Jesse. Not happy, just content. Do you know how hard that was for me?"

She glances at Beca, her face screaming of vulnerability and pain, and then continues.

"I knew you weren't fully happy with Jesse; I could tell something was missing, but I figured you would have figured it out before wasting your entire college experience on one boy who didn't even know your favorite food. For god sakes Beca, he forgot your freakin' anniversary. He didn't deserve you."

Chloe stopped pacing and stood motionless in the middle of the room. She waited a moment, took a deep breath, and began walking back over to Beca, sitting down next to her. She placed one hand on Beca's and began again.

"You captured my attention the moment I saw you at the activities fair. Your smile made me dizzy, and Aubrey had to practically hold me up after you left because I was so taken back by you… And now, three years later, I still feel the same way every time I see your smile and hear your voice and … Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?" Chloe asked, watching Beca's eyes flicker back and forth before looking down again.

"I… think so?" she finally replied, looking back up at Chloe. Her mind was racing a mile a minute as she tried to piece together what just happened. Did Chloe just admit to having feelings for her... for THREE years? And fuck, why did it make her heart feel like it was doing a million backflips?

"There are so many things I want to say right now, like a million thoughts are rattling through my brain, so just hear me out, okay?" Chloe nodded as she continued to hold Beca's hand, gently stroking her palm with her thumb.

"You know I'm not good with feelings and emotions and getting attached. I think the reason I picked Jesse was because I was afraid… afraid of how I really felt. Jesse was just there, and he was so persistent, and I didn't know what I truly wanted… I just knew I wanted something, so I picked the easiest option. I knew with him I wouldn't have to figure anything out, I just knew it would be simple and easy. I didn't have to worry about getting hurt because I wasn't fully-committed in the first place. But maybe that's not what I really wanted…" She paused, waiting for a reaction, but all she got in return was a dumbfounded look on Chloe's face, so she continued.

"Did you honestly think I would have tried out for the Bellas because my dad told me to? Do you even know who I am?" she joked, cracking a smile at Chloe.

"I mean of course there was another reason why I sucked up my pride and went to that stupid audition. I never felt such serious feelings for anyone before, and it scared me… commitment scared me. I thought I would have figured it out by now, but I guess it took me a little longer than I initially thought."

She stopped, staring at Chloe, waiting for a reaction... anything to make it feel like she didn't just spill her guts out to get denied a second time in the matter of an hour.

"So… does this mean Cynthia Rose isn't the only girl in the group who's interested in women?" Chloe asked jokingly, winking at Beca.

"Shut up and come here, you nerd," Beca laughed, leaning in and gently kissing Chloe on her lips.

They tasted like cherry, and Beca thought there was an ironic statement to be made here, but ignored it as she grabbed the back of Chloe's neck for support as she went in for another kiss. As she gently laid Chloe on her back, Beca bit the ginger's bottom lip, causing a soft moan to escape from Chloe's mouth. Smiling, Beca began gently grazed her nails over Chloe's stomach as she started kissing Chloe's neck, starting from her ear and making her way down to her collarbone. Chloe arched her back at the touch of Beca's lips kissing one of the most sensitive spots on her body, and Beca used this as an opportunity to quickly take off her own shirt, revealing a black lace bra that she bought with Chloe the other day. She smiled as she put both of her hands on Chloe's hips, grabbing the fabric of her oversized t-shirt. Gently, she slid the shirt up her body, taking it off with ease. She stopped for a moment, looking down at Chloe's shirtless body, admiring every inch of skin with a smile on her face. She gazed into Chloe's eyes before leaning in for another kiss, one hand caressing her inner thigh and the other holding the side of Chloe's face as she effortlessly inserted her tongue into Chloe's mouth.

"OH SH—"

Beca and Chloe suddenly jumped and looked up, only to see the shocked face of Fat Amy standing at the top of the steps.

"FINALLY," she exclaimed, shooting the couple an approving smile. "It took you pitches long enough to find each other. WE WAITED THREE YEARS FOR THIS!"

"We?" Beca asked, confused.

But before Beca could get out another word, Fat Amy took off down the stairs and started yelling throughout the house, waking up the rest of the Bellas.


As Fat Amy continued to run rampant, Chloe looked at Beca and shot her a smile.

"Well, I guess that didn't take long."

"Trust me, it took way too long," Beca replied, returning the smile before gently kissing the redhead on the lips.

A/N: Thank you to all who have managed to get through this! Please feel free to let me know how you liked it, as I hope on writing more in the future!