By: WritingwithGusto

Description: A gang of five teenagers have been having strange dreams lately. Dreams of dinosaurs and epic adventures. As the dreams become more stubborn, these five are forced to work together and learn amazing things, just like they ancestors did long ago. They will learn lessons about friendship, about teamwork, and about love.

Disclaimer: I do not own Land Before Time, and probably never will. I also don't own any real world brands mentioned in this story.

Author's Note: This is my first work that I've decided to put on a website, so the first chapter might be kind of short. Also don't be afraid to leave a criticism if you have any. It helps me to improve my writing skills.

Chapter 1: First Encounter


Jordan Barnes heard the familiar sound of his alarm clock, signifying it was the time his grandpa let him set it to: 5:00 am. He wondered why it went off, then he looked at his calendar, and realized what happened. 'I'll have to thank grandpa, cause I'd be late on the first day of school otherwise. But darn it, I thought I had one more day. Oh well, school doesn't start 'til 7:00. Make the most of what you got left Jordan.' With that, he repeated his same routine: Shower, eat an early breakfast (usually a piece of toast or an apple), and watch his shows. He got done with the first two quickly, so that he could have more time to himself.

Normally, his grandparents would have been up by now, but Jordan promised them he could take care of himself on his first day of high school, allowing them a little more sleep. They usually tried to make things easy on Jordan. Ever since his mother died in the earthquake 9 years ago, all he had was them. Sure, he had a dad, but he barely saw him, because he was off running some big company. Jordan's grandparents tried to give him a good life, and he was sure to show them appreciation.

"Littlefoot, are you up?" Jordan recognized this voice. It was the voice of his grandmother. She and Jordan's grandfather were incredibly healthy for being in their mid 70s (but this was to be expected, as they always got outside, and took care of themselves), and Jordan knew they would probably live up to their 90s with the way they lived. With that, Jordan got up from the couch, as the detective show he was watching had just finished.

His grandfather spoke up. "Good, morning Littlefoot. I see your up early." Jordan smiled. 'Littlefoot' was the nickname given to him by his mother. He had always had small feet, more comparable to a girl's feet (he wore a Men's size 6 shoe at 14 years old), but then again, he was pretty small (5'4 to be specific). He didn't mind if his family called him it, but if any kid at school did, he would probably punch them square in the jaw.

His grandmother then spoke up, her voice calm and soothing. "He's up because you set his alarm clock too early, Martin," she said playfully. "Oh, come on, Edith. So long as he's not angry about it, that's okay." Grandpa said. Jordan's grandparents truly loved each-other. He would see them have a playful argument once in a while, but they would never fight. This made him happy, as well as everyone else in his family.

"Now, would you like a ride?"

"Sure grandpa. Just let me finish up real quick."

With that, Jordan ran into the bathroom. After he had brushed his teeth and washed his face, he took one last look in the mirror. His brown hair was short and wild, and he had pale skin. He didn't really have anything spectacular about him, other than his eyes. They were a bright reddish-brown, and often shone like gems. They were considered one of his most defining features. That and he was well built for a guy who doesn't work out that often, having lean muscles and visible abs. Even so, he was still a bit of a nerd. Regardless, after making sure he looked good, he went back into his room and grabbed his favorite necklace: with a pendant at the end of it with a silhouette of and Apatosaurus on it. This necklace is something he was given the day he was born, and he wears it all the time. With that, he was ready.

Once outside, Jordan went to his grandpa's car: a 1970 Dodge Challenger. This car was a gift, given to grandpa by his son-in-law, Atticus (Jordan's dad). Grandpa loved classic cars, and the Challenger was one of his favorites. Jordan got in and they began the drive. Within ten minutes, they were nearing the high school. Great Valley High School is an old school (Grandpa had went to it as a teenager), and right across the road from it was this little diner called 'The Tree Star', that was one of Jordan's favorite restaurants.

"Say Littlefoot, how about I pick you up after school. We can get take out from 'The Tree Star'," Grandpa suggested. Jordan wasn't shy to take him up on that offer. "That'd be great." They got into the parking lot, and Jordan got out. "See ya, grandpa!" He then headed inside, looking at his schedule. Not looking where he was going, he accidentally bumped into someone, and they both fell on the ground.

"Watch where your going, guy!" The voice practically yelled at him. It was a girl's voice, so he knew he had to apologize. He opened his eyes, and saw a beautiful girl standing in front of him. She was about his age and looked to be a little shorter than him, with blonde hair going a bit lower than her shoulders, fair skin, and bright green eyes, which right now were looking at him with a look of annoyance.

And when Jordan offered the girl his hand, she just stared at him a moment, then looked down, her cheeks getting a light shade of pink on them. She then disregarded his hand and got up. "Just keep your eyes open next time." She began to walk away, and could both feel their cheeks getting warm. He remembered something from his dream.

'"I'd never turn my back on you, Cera." the unknown voice said. "I care about you"'

At that moment, Sara remembered something from a dream she had last night.

'"I know you'd never betray me, Littlefoot," the unknown voice,"and I care about you too."'

The two walked away, and neither knew that across the campus, the other was trying to disregard a feeling of fuzziness in their hearts. And unbeknownst to anyone, they both thought the exact same thing.

'Who is that? And why did that moment seem so... familiar?'