A/N: HALT! Beware all ye who enter here to this chapter. You should know that this particular chapter includes a very graphic love scene and if that offends you, please proceed to the next chapter. (If there isn't one yet, please be patient, it will be there soon, I promise.) Know that this scene is not crucial to story progression, and if you're not into it, I'm not keen on forcing people to read something that offends while also including crucial plot. With that said, everyone else, please enjoy this passionate love making session.

Her lips grazed from his ear, across his cheek to find his lips. Her hands released his pinned wrists as she slid them gently down his arms to grasp his face. Her tongue parted his lips to meet his as she ran her fingers through his silky blonde hair.

Finally free from her grip, his hands grabbed her hips to pull her closer to him. Her skin felt hot against his.

She gently nibbled on his lower lip; then sat upright to take in the sight of him.

His blue eyes caught the dim light beautifully, she thought. He lay there, motionless, staring at her dubiously with those beautiful eyes, almost unprepared for her sudden outspoken desire. It was an emotion she'd never seen cross his face. She ran her fingers over the curve of the muscles in his chest and shoulders, staring back into those eyes with a mischievous, almost hungry grin on her lips. She pulled him up gently by his shoulders into a sitting position so she was now sitting facing him on his lap.

His arms clutched her close to him as he brushed his lips over her neck, taking nibbles of the soft flesh at the crook of her shoulder, tracing a path of hot kisses along her collarbones.

As soft gasp escaped her lips as she felt sweet heat rising in her belly. The torturing ache spread outward and produced a layer of goosebumps across her skin.

Rufus' tongue followed the column of her throat, taking in the salty sweet taste of her skin, his fingers heavily mapping the curve of her waist to dig into the swell of her backside. In his lust-drunk stupor, he soon realized there was only a blessed few articles of clothing to remove between them.

Apparently a couple steps ahead of him on that venture, Tifa smirked playfully and raised both of her arms, demanding an immediate gesture from him. At the moment, she was feeling more alive than she had in many, many months, and her confidence in was soaring.

Dumbstruck for an instant, Rufus looked up at her face inquisitively, almost as if searching for a second-guess from her, but the heat amid their approximate laps was palpable. Not wasting another moment, or risking that possible second-guess, he peeled the offending article from her torso.

The cool air from the room hit Tifa's newly unconfined damp skin, but Rufus was quick to address that, after of course, admiring his view, though new concerns sprang to his mind after seeing a long dark scar grace the space between her bosom. He wondered briefly as to how she came into possession of such an injury, but decided this was a question for a later time. His arms cradled her back, encircling her as he shifted their weight forward together to place Tifa backward against the canvas and repositioned himself. He took the peak of one breast between his lips and flicked his tongue across it softly to gauge her reaction.

When a gasp of pleasure escaped her mouth, he continued his tongue's onslaught, adding a gentle nibble into the mix, followed by tender suckling. With a damp 'pop', her nipple came free from his lips, hard and pleading for more. He searched her face for a reaction; her eyes were looking at him with a half-lidded stare, a husky moan escaping her throat as she grasped his hair tightly. Worried that this might be too soon after the week's events, he had to stop himself from asking her, "Are you sure this is what you want?" He knew he'd only be greeted with an exasperated sigh and a probable termination of the moment. She'd given him enough lecturing that she was not a fragile porcelain doll. He trusted that she would indeed tell him if he went too far.

Whether he could stop himself now was an entirely different game. He decided to give attention to the other breast with his mouth as he slid his hand deftly over the former, using his fingers to please as well.

The soft noises she emitted urged him on as her nails dragged down his neck, digging into his back letting him know he was on the right track.

Her hips slightly bucked up against his pelvis, her hand snuck its way under the waistband of his sweats as he continued his attentions, and his breath hitched in surprise against her skin as her fingers hungrily grasped his already rigid manhood. A growl escaped the back of his throat against her chest.

There was no doubt to what she wanted, now. Impatient hands flew to the waistband of her yoga pants and panties as she giggled. He yanked until they came free of her legs and he leaned back on his knees to revel in the sight. Every inch of her was perfect. Her toned yet feminine musculature was exquisite; the swell of her hips, backside and fit, thick thighs in contrast to her trim waist and flat stomach was heavenly. He'd never met another woman with her figure. She obviously worked hard on her perfecting her kick boxing, the resulting body it had given her was a stunning gift. The smirk on his lips portrayed his immense approval.

Those lips found their way back to hers shortly and she grinned into the kiss before his fingers gently delved into the honeyed alcove between her legs. Her mouth opened tentatively against his to give him a breathy moan of appreciation and her hips began to buck again. Her back arched off the canvas and she loosely wrapped her long legs around his waist. He continued until she'd all but squealed his name.

Waves of pleasure rocked though her, branching out from her stomach. Breathlessly trembling in her euphoria, Tifa wasted no time in dragging his pants down to his thighs and gripping his well-muscled buttocks in show of her own approval.

Unable to bear the ache below any longer, Rufus sat back up and gripped the junctions of her hips to pull her ever closer. As he proceeded to press forward, her arms reached for his own hips. He made the first thrust tentatively; she shuddered with a delightful moan. As he made the second, her encircled legs tightened around his waist and her hands drew his face to her own. Her forehead pressed to his as she stared into his eyes, her hips thrusting to meet his. Their breathing gave way to pleasured gasps and moans. He supported his weight on his elbows and stroked her hair behind an ear as he looked at her tenderly. Little by little, the pleasure built until it was staggering. When he could finally restrain himself no more, he gave a final lunge in a burst of ecstasy; his body quaked and gave way on top of hers.

His forehead met the canvas against her cheek, his lips nuzzled up against her neck, continuing to kiss her skin, his bare chest heaving against her own.

She kissed the top of his head and studied him, his eyes were closed, brows furrowed as he breathed, in yet another expression she'd never seen his face make. She smiled to herself against his forehead, reveling in the notion that she was the reason for that satisfied expression.

Both of them breathed raggedly as her hands gently caressed his back in a soothing manner.

A cloud of euphoria dominated his brain as he rolled off to her side onto his back and turned his head to look at her.

She breathlessly looked back at him with those sparkling merlot eyes and winked. The minx.

He chuckled and pulled his sweat pants back up to his waist before turning toward her on his side and propping his head up on his hand, pulling her close to him with the other.

"I suppose they don't teach that particular art in kick boxing." He said quietly, sweeping a tendril of her hair from her face behind her ear.

She chuckled. "Obviously not. But I suppose it isn't a branch of training for ShinRa employees either?"

He shook his head with a grin. "Not at all." He gave her one last sweeping glance before noting the time on his watch. "Better get dressed. We should be long gone before the night shift SOLDIERs begin their workouts."

She sulked for a moment before reaching for her yoga pants.

"If you feel so inclined, you may find the bed in the master bedroom at my place to be much more comfortable than the guest bed." He said with a smirk, looking for her reaction.

"As if I could refuse such a generous offer." She said as she adjusted her sport bra, reaching in to kiss his nose.

There was a feeling of excitement and mischief as they snuck out of the gym in their socks; right on schedule as they ducked behind a column, a group of Junon soldiers in ShinRa workout gear started to file toward the room that Rufus and Tifa had just left. It took all they had to keep from laughing like giddy teenagers, loud enough for the soldiers to hear.

Back at his flat, they showered away their previous sparring match, dried off and climbed into his bed. Rufus relished the way her backside fit against his hips while nestled up against him, his arm wrapped over her waist.

She giggled as she draped her arm over his and grasped his hand. "You weren't wrong, I do find this much more comfortable than the guest room."

Rufus hid the most honest smile he'd ever let grace across his face into her hair. Never more content as he was now, he kissed her shoulder as they both lazily faded off to sleep.

A/N: WHEW I'm back! Apologies for the lateness, life/work/feelings get in the way sometimes… oh and and hurricanes and all that. Anywhoo I'm posting this and starting the next chapter right now, hopefully I'll have something more for you posted up pretty soon. I sincerely hope you enjoy this chapter, you pervy reader, and as a pervy writer, I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. *wink* Was it worth it? Should I continue my writing career writing scintillating love novels? Please lemme know in a review, I appreciate any and all feedback! Peace, love, and hair gel!