Chap 1

Since the bonding ceremony the palace had been in an uproar. Ianto had slept around the clock and then risen feeling like a new man. Taller and somehow full of life, with Prince Jack more attentive than he was with Princess Sofia. The kingdom rejoiced as they came to the realisation that it was a true-love-bond. Their beloved Prince Jack had found love again.

Some were confused when it was revealed that Ianto was the One True King but his reassurances that he and his bond-mate would rule together as linked in their thrones as their heartbeats soon quelled any negative rumblings, well from their two kingdoms.

Three months later and the coronation was slowly approaching. It seemed that it would take time with the Hart family still placing roadblocks at every avenue they could in their effort to hinder the fall of their reign.

With Lisa refusing to tell who had helped with the attempted sabotage and the families still arguing about what to do with her, she still sat in the cells.

Jack looked up as Ianto blew into the dining hall. Ianto smiled sweetly at his bond-mate as he sat next to him for their morning meal. A plate was placed in front of him and he made a noise of appreciation as he dug into the bacon.

Jack rested his chin in his hand as he watched Ianto demolish the meal. Ianto was over half way through when he paused and widened his eyes. To Jack's utter astonishment Ianto pushed his chair back and clapped his hand over his mouth as he hurried from the room.

Jack followed Ianto to their bathroom where Ianto was losing his food into the toilet bowl. Jack knelt by his mate and comforted him as he dry heaved. Finally he appeared finished and Jack helped Ianto stager to the bed.

As Ianto sank into the pillows Jack yelled for the healers.




"Poisoned? Are you insane?" King John roared as the healer shrank under his gaze.

"I'm sorry my liege, but without a proper examination we can only ascertain that your bond-son has been poisoned due to the onset of his illness." The healer simpered as he backed away.

Jack was keeping everyone at bay as he protected Ianto with a fierceness they had not seen before. Only the children were allowed into the chambers and since going in, they hadn't come out.

Finally Queen Rose approached the doors and Jack opened them ready to argue but relented to her. She entered and turned to watch her son close and reseal the doors. She followed him through the sitting room into the bedroom and approached the large bed.

Alice lay in the middle, cuddled up to Ianto whom she had bonded with immediately. She now saw his as a parental. Steven lay the other side of Ianto, his little hands clasping Ianto's shirt as he snuggled in, half woken by the door. Jack crawled up his side of the bed and kissed his daughter who smiled at her father before turning to watch her grandmother reach for Ianto's hand.

As Rose placed her hand over Ianto's which rested in Steven's small back and she felt the flame of heat. Ianto opened his eyes and looked blearily up at the queen who smiled as she stroked his cheek.

"Poor little chick' she crooned as Ianto sighed softly.

"He's not eaten all afternoon Mama" Jack whined as he watched his mother looking into Ianto's face.

"Not hungry little one?" she said softly and Ianto made a noise as he screwed up his nose.

"Not even some roast beast with rich gravy over fresh steamed vegetables?" she prodded and Ianto's eyes widened.

"Oh. Roast Beast?" Ianto whispered and she smiled as she looked over at her son's stunned face.

"I believe you are hungry my little love. Perhaps some fresh juice with your meal? I know you only have the occasional glass of wine with your meal but perhaps if you leave that alone you will feel a bit fitter" she brushed her fingers across his brow and silently noted her granddaughter following the fingertips with her eyes.

Ianto sat up eagerly as the food bearers arrived and the children soon followed. After due process, the food was declared safe by the food inspectors who nervously fled the room as quickly as custom would allow due to Prince Jack's low growls each time their instruments got too close to Prince Ianto.

Once they were alone, Jack piled the plate high with food then presented it to his mate on a silver tray and Ianto demanded a kiss as Jack leaned over to tuck the napkin around his neck.

Queen Rose watched as Ianto carefully offered the first mouthful to Steven who moaned with pleasure.

Then he lovingly watched Alive choose a spoon and dig into the mashed potatoes on his plate. Finally he began to eat as well. His groan of delight as he chewed the meat made her smile. She accepted a small plate from Jack who knew her preference to graze rather than gorge and he then took his own plate to sit by the bed.

"This is lovely. Such juicy meat Cariad" Ianto said as he reached for another slice.

To the queen's surprise he offered it to Steven who opened his mouth like a little sparrow for Ianto to drop the meat into. Jack laughed at his mother's expression and then told her that Steven had decided Ianto was his Mommy and no-one could dissuade him.

"Tadda Ianto is ours!" Alice joined the conversation as she placed a hand on Ianto's leg, still digging into the potatoes with the spoon.

"Darling, please how many times must I ask you to eat your greens?" Ianto sighed as she shook her head.

"Only eating white today?" he asked and she grinned as she nodded.

"I'll tell the cook. Gods, white. I wonder what she'll get" Jack said kissing his errant child.

"Maybe a white rat on a stick" Ianto said widening his eyes innocently as Alice howled with horror.

"No beloved. I think that pretty horse she rides is white isn't it?" Jack asked as he carefully turned the plate.

Alice glared at them both as she stuck a Brussel-sprout in her mouth and they tried not to laugh as their deception worked.