Another month later, Natasha had passed most security issues and had been given her own badge. Director Fury, after initial concerns, had taken Clint's advice on the matter and decided she'd be good to work soon. However soon actually meant. They had put Natasha through some sort of super lie detector. She'd passed easily. She doubted her first missions would be anything big and certainly not solo. For the moment, she'd be under Barton's supervision. It wasn't a terrible deal as long as she got to do something. They'd given her an apartment close to Clint's after he'd argued for her case.

It was late when she got out of her shower and she instantly noticed something was amiss. She found Loki standing in the corner and once her attention was on him, he came out of the shadows.

"I thought you'd never show up."

"Have you missed me?" He mocked.

She just shrugged, rubbing her hair dry and waiting for him to speak. She didn't bother asking how he'd gotten in.

"Why are you here? Why not kill the messenger?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s a big network with a lot of contacts to some extraordinary people. It's easier to infiltrate and get information than trying to take it down by throwing pebbles. If anyone would get in the way of you trying to take over the world, it's these guys."

"I see… How clever of you."

"That's why you wanted me."

He nodded his agreement to that. "The boy fancies you."

"Barton? Yeah. He has a crush on me. It's kind of cute, actually."

Natasha sat down on the couch and he followed her example, sitting down next to her. The growl that passed his lips was barely audible but she heard it and raised an eyebrow in question.


"No. I simply do not like him."

She chuckled. She didn't believe him. Reading people was part of why she was so good at her job and, whatever he actually was, he wasn't hiding much right then.

"So, what's your deal anyway?"

"I do not understand."

"You make yourself sound like you're from another planet. And that thing you did when we first met. What was that?"

"It was magic. Not like your parlor tricks and illusions. And you are correct. I am not of this planet. I am Asgardian. A God."

"You have got to be shitting me." She mumbled. She threw her towel onto a chair close-by and rubbed her temple. Gods and magic would explain one or the other thing and a part of her certainly believed it.

"What about your plan?" She asked.

"As of right now, you are my plan. Everything else is going the way it should. I will tell you more when there is more to tell. I need you to find out more about those that would oppose us."

"And what about my rewards?"

"Do not worry, Natasha. You will have everything I have promised you."

He gave her a brief smile, mischief sparkling in his eyes. Everything was going perfectly. She was everything he had hoped for and more. This initiative was the perfect way to go and it had all come from her. He would not regret his decision to involve her.

"I will see you again soon."

He disappeared with a bow of his head, leaving her alone once more. She needed to gain Fury's trust further if she was to get close enough to gain information without appearing suspicious.

Clint asked her out a week later. She accepted. He was a fun guy to be around and he was cute. His crush was beyond obvious at this point, at least to her. They had only worked a couple of missions together since she had properly started at S.H.I.E.L.D. and they had done some great work together. So far, the evening out was going well. They had eaten dinner at a restaurant close to Central Park and had taken a walk around the park after. They were still talking when they reached his block and so decided to walk around it a few times.

"How do you like it so far? S.H.I.E.L.D., I mean."

"Besides Fury's office and my quarters when I'm there? And the tests?" She laughed, "Nobody's tried to kill me yet or lock me up so it's not too bad. I'm used to working alone. It's a… nice change. Thank you, for bringing me."

"Anytime." He smiled.

They stopped when they passed his door for the third time and Clint rubbed the back of his head nervously. He wanted to invite her in but he didn't want to spook her with the question and ruin something nice. She rolled her eyes with a sly grin and cupped his face between her hands before kissing him. He was too shocked to do anything at first but pulled her closer once he got over it. When they broke it again, they were both a little breathless.

"Wanna come up?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

They made it up to his apartment somehow, between clumsy stumbling up the stairs and them barely parting long enough to breathe.

The moment the door closed behind them, Natasha had him pinned against it. He just chuckled and pulled her into another kiss. Eventually, he flipped them over, her leg wrapped around his hip and he pushed her dress up higher. She smiled into the kiss, tugging at his lip when she pulled back again.

"My God, you're so beautiful."

Natasha smiled softly, then kissed him again all the same. His hand tangled in her hair and he deepened the kiss, keeping it gentle despite their lust for each other. This time, when they pulled apart, she stepped around him and walked towards his bedroom. She dropped her dress on the way there and Clint stared after her, completely enchanted. Natasha turned to look over her shoulder and the look she gave him was enough to spur him on and follow her.

They crashed together in a blur of kisses and clothes falling onto the floor until they finally got onto the bed.

Clint was deeply asleep, sprawled out on the bed, when she felt the shift in atmosphere. It was almost familiar to her. She sat up, the blanket covering her nude form. Loki stepped forward and she raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing here?"

His gaze fell onto the sleeping man next to her and he scoffed with narrowed eyes. He truly didn't like him.

"I am here to tell you that some of my plans are… on hold. For now. There is something else I need to take care of. I will not be able to come here for a little while."

"And that couldn't wait?"

"I waited until your little pet was asleep. It is urgent. I must leave."

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously, scooting closer to the end of the bed, and him.

The movement trained her hold on the blanket and she had to loosen it as to not wake up Clint. Loki barely gave the newly uncovered skin a glance.

"Asgard. My brother is to be made King. I will stop that from happening."

"One throne not enough for you?" She grinned before realizing what he had just said, "You're a prince?"

"At you service, my lady." He said with a bow and a polite smile.

She smiled briefly and he took a step closer.

"When will you be back?"

"I know not. I will return as soon as I can."

He placed a hand on her jaw, drawing her face up further.

"I trust you will have more once I return."

Despite the gentleness, his words held a threat and it didn't go past her. There was something icy about him now. She nodded, suddenly glad to be on his side. She had a feeling she would not enjoy experiencing his wrath. Loki let go of her again when he was sure she had understood and, after one last look at Clint, disappeared. She took a deep breath as soon as she felt his presence gone. She needed to find out something or she was afraid she'd lose her head. Just because Loki had chosen her to work with him didn't mean he wouldn't punish a lack of information.

Only after did she realize how fast her heart was beating. Natasha was unsure whether it was due to thrill or fear and she didn't know which she preferred. Interesting indeed.