"Once upon a time, in these very halls, there was a recorded seeing of a ghost. She had red hair and unusual cat ears," Ayumi said.

Oh yeah! I remember that!

"Ayumi, I don't know if you're trying to tell us a story to scare us or make us laugh," Naomi said.

"And why are we doing this anyways? Didn't we learn our lesson from Sachiko?" Yoshiki asked.

But this isn't the same as that! I promise!

"You guys, I found this charm while I was looking through the Book of Shadows, on a separate piece of paper. If we replicate the same exact things we did and said on that night, and perform another ritual, we will get our friends back," Ayumi said.

"Onii-chan, is this really a good idea?" Yuka whispered to Satoshi.

"I have no earthly idea, Yuka," Satoshi answered quietly, shivering. Ayumi continued.

It is! Why would I lie to you guys!

"The thing about this girl is that no one remembers her. She has no records, no name, and didn't even attack the person who caught her on videotape. She just smiled and waved."

"What kind of ghost would do that?"

Are you really asking that?

"I have no idea, Kishinuma-kun. But she then walked up to the person and handed him a paper with instructions on a ritual said to bring back the dead."

"Are we really listening to something from the Book of Shadows?"

"Can you shut up, Kishinuma-kun?"

"Class rep," Naomi said, cutting off any arguments, "how do you perform the charm?"

"I'm glad you asked. So, first we all have to say, 'Hikaru-chan, we ask of you,' once for every person."

Someone call?

"Ayumi-oneechan does realize how close that sounds to the other charm, right?"

"Yes, I do. But it makes sense. This ghost literally doesn't exist. So everyone do that now."

But I'm right here! Can't you guys hear me?

5 seconds later…

"Everybody done?"

"I don't know why I did this."

"I hope this brings back Seiko."

"All done, class rep!"

"Yes, Ayumi-oneechan!"

"All right, now you do the same thing as the Sachiko Ever After charm."

People respond to my meows and tend to hear them, so MEOW!

The five of them grab the doll and rip it apart. As they do so, they hear a meow.

"Did someone hear a meow?" Satoshi asks.

"I don't know whether that meow was creepy or adorable," Naomi responds.


"Any second now…" Ayumi whispered.

Suddenly there was an earthquake, taking them through the hole.

"I thought you said this WOULDN'T HAPPEN, SHINOZAKI!" Yoshiki yells.

"I THOUGHT IT WOULDN'T!" Ayumi yells back.

They fall through the huge hole.

Yay! I hoped that would happen! Can't wait to talk to you guys in person!

Ayumi woke up to the feeling of someone playing with her pigtail. "What the…"

"Oh! You're up! Can you see me?"

She turned around. There was a ghost behind her! This one seemed different to her, though. It was smiling, and had no form of injury. It had cat ears, big blue eyes, and red hair. It looked to have the same dimensions as Ayumi.

"You can! How are you? My name's Hikaru! It's been SOOO long since I was able to chat with someone, Ayumi, you wouldn't believe!" The ghost exclaimed, while hugging Ayumi.

"How do you know my name?" Ayumi asked, gently pushing the ghost off her.

"I actually have no idea how I know you. I was just exploring the human world, and saw all nine of you perform the Sachiko Ever After ritual. When you guys came back, there were only 5 of you left, so I thought you would stumble over my ritual. Turns out I was right!" Hikaru said.

'This ghost is unlike any one I've seen so far. She's hyperactive and genuinely looks concerned for me,' Ayumi thought.

Suddenly, Hikaru was punched to the side.

"Oy, Shinozaki! Are you all right?"

Ayumi looked and saw Yoshiki, Satoshi, Naomi, and Yuka staring at her.

"Kishinuma-kun! She was a friendly ghost!"

Hikaru popped back up. "NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, uses last names here. It's either first names or nothing at all. We need to get to know each other better! And if you do that again, Yoshiki," Hikaru's hair started glowing a bright orange, "you will pay. I will force you to kiss Yuka."

"WHAT?!" Yuka, Yoshiki, and Satoshi yelled simultaneously.

"You heard me!"

"I thought you were gonna kill him for a second there," Naomi said.

"Of course not! Who does that kind of stuff?!"

Ayumi, Yoshiki, Naomi, Yuka, and Satoshi gawk at her.

"REALLY?!" They all yell.

"Why is that a surprise? Anyways, it's awesome to see all of you guys in person!"

Hikaru hugged Yuka. "You're so CUTE!"

Yuka, surprised hugged her back. "Thank you, umm. What should I call you?"

"Hikaru's my name!"

"Thank you, Hikaru."

Hikaru walked over to Yoshiki and patted his head. "I can totally see you and Ayumi getting together in real life!"

"Wait, what?"

"You like Ayummmmmppph?"

Yoshiki slapped his hand over her mouth for the last part of the sentence.

"YOU HAVEN'T TOLD HER?!" Hikaru yelled in surprise when his hand was off her mouth.

'Told who what?' Ayumi thought.


"Hikaru, you said you wouldn't kill anyone!" Satoshi said, trying to defuse the situation.

Hikaru then jumped on him and started kicking him. "YOU'RE THE SAME, YOU SPINELESS MORON!"

"Onii-chan!" Yuka cried.

After about thirty seconds of this, Hikaru walked into a corner of the room, crying, and started muttering to herself, "How am I supposed to work with these people? They are the same, and are dumb when it comes to love."

Ayumi came to her and patted her on the back. "Hikaru, I'm sure they aren't really that bad."

"Ayumi, you're the only sane person in this madness!" Hikaru said, while clinging on to Ayumi.

Ayumi hugged her back and dragged her towards the group. Confused about what to do, she started patting Hikaru on the head. Hikaru started purring, with her ears twitching, and let go of Ayumi.

Then Hikaru saw Naomi, and all h*ll broke loose.

Hikaru jumped on Naomi, and started squishing her breasts.

"Holy crap, your boobs are even bigger in real life!"

Naomi tried to push her off, to no avail. The pushing only got Hikaru to squish them more.

"Can I have your boobs? Not for long, there's this girl I know who keeps on teasing me about my boobs, and I would like to prove her wrong."

Ayumi, remembering how the patting worked, tried it again, successfully getting Hikaru off of Naomi.

"Thank you, class rep!"

"Anytime, Nakashima-san!"

"Is Naomi-oneechan alright?"

"I'm okay, Yuka."

Yoshiki nudged Satoshi. "Dude, you have a killer nosebleed."

"Wait, what?"

Hikaru clapped her hands. "Show's over for now, folks." Suddenly a bunch of beds, a toilet, and sandwiches appeared. Then Hikaru disappeared.

Can't wait to start the truths and dares.

"What the f*** was that all about?" Yoshiki asked.

And so I am starting a new story!

I will finish My Little World, but for now, I am organizing the details.

As of now, for another week, pls hold out!

Please comment! Criticism is accepted and added, just don't be too harsh!

If you have any dares, let me know in the comments!
