Chapter 1

- Bill -

I watched him sleep. So sound and peaceful. His chest softly rose up and down, his face contorted in serene slumber. Oh how gorgeous he was, how pure and sweet. My fingers twitched in desperate need to hold him. I settled for a small satisfaction in lazily running my fingers through his silky dark brown hair. His eyes fluttered from behind his shut lids and his mouth slightly twitched. My sweet little Pine Tree…my dear little pet. His curiosity and love for mystery is what attracted me to him. Not that I could ever be swayed, but he somehow did it. I don't know if it was his witty remarks, his strategic mind, his bravery, or his foolishness. It was probably all of them to be honest. I mean how anyone could resist his bright and wonderful chocolate brown eyes, his soft tan skin, and his smooth yet deep voice, is beyond me!

He was mine since I first saw him, I had claimed him already as mine. Though he didn't know. After all he was still young, twelve is not my ideal age of courting. So I let him grow, I let him experience life, all of the hardships, all of the pain. I even dealt with his random girlfriends, but I made sure to steer his thoughts away from sex and stuff. He was mine to touch in that way. I wanted him to be pure, to stay pure…until I take him as my own. But then he found her, more like she stole him from me, and decided to ask for her hand. I couldn't allow that, he belonged to me, I claimed him before she did! I'm the one who was to supposed take all that he had to give, not some random slut.

He was mine, not hers.

I watched as Dipper shifted slightly from under the covers, his mouth moving and softly spoken words mumbling from him. Strange, I thought. I leaned closer, trying to catch a few snips of his words.

"-ary…Mary…" He whispered lovingly. I almost gagged and a deep fire swirled within me. I almost burned the very girl he spoke of. That was his bride-to-be's name. The one who "took his breath away". I hated that spoiled brat, I wanted my Pine Tree to only say my name. I wanted him to only know me. I wanted my name to be the one he whispers, the one he moans. I swore to whoever could hear me that I would make my name the only one he remembers. He shifted once more, the blanket exposing his bare chest. I licked my lips, oh god how I wanted to touch him, to feel him writhe beneath me. I could feel myself twitch with need.

I wanted him so badly. I needed him more though.

But I couldn't take him just yet, I had to wait. My plan had to go smoothly before he was mine. I let out a small sigh before gently caressing his pale cheek. I cherished the way he leaned more into my touch, this is what I wanted. I was what he needed. Not her. Not anyone else. Just me. I carefully stepped away from his bed, thank goodness his Grunkle stopped him from sharing a room with his sister. I watched him as I merged into one with the darkness. Yes, everything was going just nicely. Soon I would have him. The moment was so close…so close…the plan was working.

You will be mine, Dipper Pines.

- Dipper –

As I stared at my reflection, my heart was racing. I could barely contain my excitement. Here I was, standing in front a mirror in one of the church's back room, waiting for the greatest moment of my life. Today was the day. I was finally going to be united as one with my fiancée, Mary Cartwell, soon to be known as Mary Pines. We had met in college, me being twenty-three and her twenty-one. We had both been checking out books at the library when the next thing we know, we were sent crashing to the floor. I was stunned when I saw her. Her light blue eyes twinkling like stars, her red hair twisting in gentle curls, her pale face and sweet voice sent shivers throughout me. But it was her smile that got me hooked. Ever since then, we had been inseparable. Always going on dates, holding hands, random movie nights. Mary was the kindest person anyone could have ever met, she was professional at times but had a great sense of humor. She was fun and loveable, enjoyed making sweaters, something with which Mabel adored her for. She even enjoyed going on monster and mystery hunts with me.

Needless to say, she was perfect. And she was all mine to enjoy.

I smiled at myself in the reflection, my nervousness began to slowly creep in. What if things don't work out? Would she leave me? Would we end up hating each other? I had to force myself to calm down.

No, everything's going to be okay, Dipper Pines. You both love each other very much otherwise she would've said no. You're going to be great, you're both going to live a long happy life together.


I let out a startled yelp as another face entered the mirror. It was my twin sister, Mabel. She had a mixture of confusion and humor on her face. I quickly calmed myself and cleared my throat.

"Y-yes?" I said, thankful my voice didn't crack. She gave a gentle smile before walking towards me. I was slightly taken aback by her sudden hug, but I was grateful for it in the end. Now that I was getting married, we didn't have much time to hang out with each other. No more sleepovers, mini golf games in the house, no more hanging out. I had entered the adult world now, while she was still looking for Mr. Right. I felt sorry for her, I truly did. I didn't want to leave her by herself.

"Hey, I'm really happy you're getting married Dipping Sauce," I chuckled at the nickname, "But I'm going to really miss you."

"I know Mabel, I'm going to miss you too, but I'll make sure to visit, after all, we are still siblings," I said hugging her tightly, "And we will forever be the Mystery Twins." It was her turn to laugh at the name, but nonetheless, I could hear her soft sniffles. I leaned back and looked at her, I could feel my own tears forming.

"Oh Dipper, it seems like we were only twelve yesterday, and now we're both grown up, you're getting married, I'm going to miss our childhood years," She choked out. I swallowed thickly.

"Aw geez Mabel," I half chuckled, had cried out, "I'm going to miss everything we did too!" I pulled her in for another hug, and before I knew it was sobbing fest time. Who knew that your wedding day could be both happy, but at the same time so scary? I knew what I was leaving behind; my friends, family, best sister in the world. It was frightening. After a while, we both managed to calm down. After all, I had a bride waiting for me.

"Oh goodness, thankfully I put on water proof makeup," Mabel said as she carefully wiped away her tears. I grinned.

"And this is why I am happy I'm a guy," I replied to which I earned a playful punch on my arm, "H-hey! I need this for the wedding!" I said feigning hurt. Mabel laughed full heartedly before walking towards the door.

"Whatever broseph, I'll see you at the wedding," She chuckled. I nodded and waved goodbye, watching as my best friend disappeared through the door. I had a calm assurance that everything would be alright, nothing would go wrong.

"Okay Dipper Pines," I said seriously, gazing at myself in the mirror, "it's show time!"

I opened my door ready to head out, but I bumped into someone before I could even take a step. I gasped and gently rubbed my nose.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there," I said blinking. I looked up at the person, my eyes knitted in confusion, "uh…I'm sorry, do I know you?" The person, well man from what I could tell, continued to stare at me from the darkened hallway. I stared at him, red flags raising at the top of my head. I gulped silently, crap I'm doomed!

The man tilted his head to the side, curiously inspecting me. I could see a small smile form on his lips. I blinked, I could've sworn I saw pointed teeth. He took a step forward, to which I took one back. He kept walking until he was in the room, where I could see him and my breath hitched. He was dressed in a long flowy golden suit, with a white dress shirt underneath. He was wearing black dress pants and shoes. His suit's jacket was adorned with triangular shaped buttons, a black bowtie, and at the top of his long unruly golden hair, a part of his bangs were covering one eye, a simple black top hat. His hands, which were covered by black gloves, were holding tightly to a black cane. The man's smile grew wider. I looked at the door, but only a quick glance so he couldn't tell. There was something familiar about him, but the need to get away from him was stronger than my curiosity.

"Mine," I heard him growl. I tensed, his? Did he think I was his groom or something? Perhaps he was confused.

"I-I'm sorry, but uh…I think you have the wrong person," I began, "Y-you see, I don't know you and I have to get to my own wedding…so if you could kindly please leave-!" I immediately stopped when I felt the stranger's hand caress my cheek. I flinched, my heart was racing instead of my legs. I felt like I couldn't move. The room was getting smaller as the man came closer.

"No, I'm positively sure I have the right person," He said, his voice low and husky. I swallowed again, this was not good! I breathed in deeply, inhaling some of his cologne; a strong scent of the woods and something else. I cleared my throat and straightened up.

"Please move," I said sternly, giving him the darkest glare I could muster up. His eyebrows quirked up, as if he was slightly impressed, "I won't ask you again, I need to get to my-!" He was closer than before, his eyes drawn into a half lidded gaze.

I shrieked as he leaned in and without thinking I made a beeline for the door. Before I could leave however, he had grabbed me by the arm and yanked me back. I let out a yelp as I felt myself being forced back into his arms. The door shut by itself and the lock clicked into place. I froze, who was this guy? But…did I really want to stay to find out? Heck no! I squirmed and struggled to get out of his vice like grip, my senses had gone into overload and I couldn't think another thought, other than trying to escape. As the man's hand rose to my mouth I bit it, hard, to the point where I could taste his metallic blood through the silk. He cried out and dropped me, to which I quickly scooted away from him.

My heart was racing a million beats a millisecond. I was panting as I watched the stranger carefully.

"Damn Pine Tree, you sure are persistent, huh?" I heard him say with amusement. I froze, that name…that nickname…where did I hear it before?

Then it clicked.

"Oh no," I whispered, horror filling my entire being. The man slinked closer.

"Oh yes," He chuckled. My wide terror-stricken eyes looked up at his looming figure. It was him, how could I not tell? It was so easy, the triangles, the one eye…the hints were there. So how did I miss it?!

"N-no…nonononono! Not now, not today!" I begged. I blinked, he was still there. I blinked again, he was closer. I yelled and jumped back, "Stay away! Go away!" He frowned.

"Why Pine Tree, I'm hurt," He said, before his smile returned, "But I can't leave without my husband-to-be," He said. I felt numb, did that mean…?

"You can't be serious," I said gaping. He chuckled darkly.

"As serious as a heart attack kiddo," He said, his voice full of malice and something else I couldn't quite place. I began to breathe faster, my head began to spin. I felt sick to my stomach. This was not happening, I was dreaming! That's it! I had fallen asleep somehow after Mabel left!

"You're not real, you can't be real…this-this is just a dream!" I shouted at him. The demon before me grinned.

"Oh trust me Pine Tree, if this was a dream, I'd make it become a nightmare," He said. I gulped.

"Please…not today…please no," I pleaded. He sighed.

"Oh my sweet pet, you're going to make a huge mistake if I let you stay," he said, his tone was so sickenly sweet it added to my nervousness. I weakly stood up, trying to regain my thoughts.

"No…this is my life, you can't control it!" I argued, Bill, the demon, laughed before giving me the most chilling look I have ever seen. I shuddered as he took a step towards me, to which I stepped back.

"Oh but you see, Pine Tree," he began, "I can. And I'm telling you, that that girl out there is not meant for you." I felt myself growing dizzier, the room around me was slowly turning a light grey, what was happening?

"L-let me go…" It barely came out as a whisper before I felt my knees give out from beneath me. I fell to the ground, my head was spinning, nothing was clear. I could only see Bill and the…and the grey background. Grey everywhere.

"Sorry my dear, but I won't let you go," He smirked down at me, "ever again." I felt a small sigh escape my lips as my eyes slowly started to droop down.

"You belong to me now, Dipper Pines," I heard his dark ominous voice echo as my world faded to black.