Disclaimer: Still applies, this totally would have happened if I had it my way.

If you have any suggestions as to moments that I could do in the show, just let me know!

Everlasting (5x11)

He knew that there were times that he would be worried about her on the job, but he never thought that he would have to be worried about her while she was at the station. At least that's how he thought before he had gotten shot, but even then he didn't stop to think something would happen to her while she was inside of 15. But when the whole station had shook roughly, his first thought was 'where's Andy?'

He didn't fathom that it was an explosion; he just knew something was wrong as the alarm began to sound. The whole interview room shook and the lights flickered, but still he didn't think that it was an explosion. Yet that didn't stop him from getting up on autopilot to find his girlfriend. He rounded the corner and found Jarvis walking towards him.

"Sir, what the hell is going on?" He asked looking to either side of him. Jarvis shrugged.

"I don't know, but let's evacuate the building" Sam nodded, although instead he turned around and ran up the stairs towards where the slight haze in the air seemed to be coming from. He turned the corner and paused. The evidence room hall was filled with shattered glass and smoke. People were coughing on the ground and it hit him like a ton of bricks when he remembered. Andy was in there.

"What the hell happened?" He asked a young cop rushing past him, he saw a body on the floor, and rushed to see who it was.

"McNally?" He asked turning the cop over. The woman looked up at him.

"It's alright, I'm okay" He almost felt bad for not asking if she was, but it wasn't his main concern.

"Have you seen McNally?" He asked another cop who had come to check on the woman as well, and he shook his head no. Sam ran frantically in search of her, his mind automatically thinking the worst. He noticed Oliver up ahead, talking into his radio and Sam yelled to his brother.

"Where's McNally?" He screamed and Oliver turned towards him.

"I don't know!" He yelled back, before calling for a bomb squad to sweep the entire floor. Sam rushed past him into the evidence room.

"Chip, you alright?" He asked the officer at the desk, he was just standing up and he nodded, "Yeah, I think so."

"Where's McNally?" He asked him, and he pointed to the evidence room.

"She's in there!" Glass crunched loudly under Sam's feet as the door slammed open. He ran to the gate and screamed her name as he opened it.

"McNally!" He called through the rubble, pulling his hand back as the metal gated door shocked him. Adrenaline was coursing through him, along with fear and panic. She was in the midst of the explosion, and it had obviously caused extensive damage. He kept looking for her, but with every passing second he saw the end of his world becoming more and more of a reality.

"Andy?" He called, his voice beginning to get rough form the smoke, he pushed away a shelf, giving him more room to look around. Another metal shelf lay across the floor blocking his path and he threw it across the room without a second thought.

He couldn't lose her. He refused to be left without her, especially since he really had only just gotten her back. He had never been so happy in his life than with her in it, and he knew that he couldn't go back to being a shell of a person. He existed for her, and he now knew that his God-given purpose on Earth was to be the best man he could be, for her.

"I'm going to help Sam" He heard Oliver shout to someone, although he wasn't paying attention to whom that person was.

"Sam, do you see her?" His friend yelled into the room and it scared Sam even more because, no he still had yet to find her. He ignored his friend and kept searching.

"McNally!" He screamed desperately, and Oliver watched from the doorway, his heart aching for his friend as he watched the figure of Sam searching the room in a panic, trying to find the love of his life.

"What?" He heard a small voice call back, and Sam ripped past the two shelves blocking his path from her. He looked around for a moment before seeing her body curled up against the brick wall, yet another shelf in the way, just barely hiding her from his line of sight. Her body was slouched over debris and when Sam was able to he dropped roughly to his knees beside her.

"Hey," His voice cracked as he pulled her towards him, and he knew that he was crying. "Are you okay?"

"I can't really hear anything," She replied, her voice cracking, thick with smoke. He squinted his eyes to look at her and waved his hand back and forth in a futile attempt to clear away the smoke from around them.

"That's okay." He croaked before letting out a shaky laugh, she looked at him and then observed the damage of the room.

"Are you okay?" He asked again, only the second of no doubt many more times to come. His breathing was heavy as he tried to clear the emotion away from his face at the thought that he had lost her.

"Are you crying?" She asked, as she noticed the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"No!" Sam let out a breathy gasp; she didn't need to know how scared he was, not just yet. There was too much to deal with yet. When they got home they would talk about it.

"I got smoke in my eye" He waved around the room, and his voice was steadier now, but Sam saw that she didn't buy it.

"You thought I was dead." It was spoken as a statement rather than a question and it took everything that Sam had not to lose it right there, because he had thought she was dead. He thought he had lost his world. His life was so close to having come crashing down within a matter of minutes and if it had, he wouldn't have been able to survive.

"Didn't you?" He breathed deeply, not taking his eyes off of her for even a moment as he sat back on his legs. There had been a lot of times where he worried about her life, but this was the closest call.

After a minute of just watching her, making sure she was really there and not just a figment of his imagination he stood up and pulled her to him. One hand went up to her hair and the other was wrapped tightly around her waist, making sure that even if she were to fall, that she wouldn't touch the ground. Andy wrapped her hands around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder, letting him relish in the knowledge that she was okay.

"I love you so much, McNally" He said, his voice gruff. She pulled back and gently kissed his cheek.

"I love you Sam." She replied and they made their way out of the former evidence room, Sam scooping her up into his arms. She wrapped her hands back around his neck, knowing that he needed her as close as possible.

"Andy, are you okay?" Oliver asked, concerned when he saw that Sam was carrying her. She nodded, giving him a smile.

"I'm okay, Sam is just being dramatic" She joked and Sam placed her gently on the ground, one hand still firmly resting in the small of her back. Sam made a face, it was still too early for jokes for him.

"I can't hear though" She said with a smirk and Oliver pulled her into a hug.

"Good cause Sammy can't live without his rookie." He told her while giving him a pointed look, but it was true. Sam knew that he would be incapable of surviving without his doe-eyed rookie.