Okay, so this little story popped into my head one night. I am super nervous about this. I have never done anything like this before. I do have other chapters planned, however if this isn't well received then I will leave this as a one shot.

M-Rated for a reason. :)

Dominate me.

That's all it took. Those two simple yet demanding words. After that, everything changed between us.

It began a few months after his abduction from the Borg.

Walking aimlessly down the corridor after my grueling shift, I hear Jean Luc's voice echoing down the corridor. I knew that it was him by the timber in his voice – it is so distinct. As he is yelling at a very young ensign, I observe that his shoulders are rigid with tension.

Having never seen him yell at someone like that, the poor ensign is just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Shaking my head, I tiptoe behind Jean Luc and place a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Stopping in mid-rant, he glances over his shoulder.

Pure and unadulterated hatred passes through his normally cool gray eyes. Shrugging off my hand, he turns back to the ensign, presumably to berate him more.

My own fury flares. Stepping between the Captain and the ensign, I immediately dismiss the young officer. Then turning to Jean Luc, I lean in close and hiss, "Jean Luc, I don't know what all that was about but you need to get ahold of yourself. That ensign in no way deserves your wrath. If you are so angry at the world, then be angry on your own time."

Not backing down from a fight, Jean Luc steps in so close that we are practically nose to nose. "If you are so concerned about Ensign Wheeler, then by all means run after him, coddle him, fuck him for all I care. Otherwise, mind your own damn business." Turning on his heels, he resumes his previous course, I'm assuming to his quarters.

However, I am just as stubborn as he is and now, unfortunately for him, I'm am pissed off. Stalking after him, I roughly grab him by his arm and dump him into an unused room. "Don't you dare talk to me like that! I have done nothing to you to-"

Invading my personal space, he interrupts, "You stepped in between a Captain giving an ensign a well deserved lecture. Then you have the audacity to condemn me for doing my job."

Never one to back down from a fight, I step toe to toe with him and hiss, "And yet your response to me was respectful?!"

Seeing him take a deep breath in, once again I see incredible animosity passing through his features. It worries me. I've seen him angry before, but not like this.

And for one fleeting moment, I'm afraid that he is going to strike me, but then it quickly passes when he lets go of his hot breath and with it some of his resentment.

"No, it wasn't. My apologies, Doctor." Jerking down his uniform top, he shakes his head. "Back there, my anger got the better of me. One minute, I'm walking to my quarters and the next I'm blinded by rage. Ensign Wheeler was just at the wrong place and time. I will apologize to him as soon as possible."


Biting the side of his cheek, he stutters, "Uhh… Why, what?"

Now I know something is wrong. In the span of two seconds I see Jean Luc do things I have never seen him do; exhibit a nervous tick like biting his cheek and stuttering. He's made it abundantly clear to everyone that he has returned back to his old self after his encounter with the Borg, but how can one ever go back to "normal" after that horrific experience. On the outside he plays the part of "normal" perfectly, but on the inside I can sense that things are anything but. "Why are you angry?"

He shrugs his shoulders and looks away from me. Again, not normal behavior for him. I wonder if anyone else has seen it?

Capturing his chin between my thumb and pointer finger, I look deep into his stormy eyes. He tries to brush me off, but I hold tight. And then I see the reason for his uncontrollable rage.


Cold, hard, unrelenting weakness.

And deep down inside, my heart breaks for him.

I want to hold him and tell him that everything will be alright, but he would think that I was pitying him. He doesn't need to feel pity, he needs to feel in control again. Thanks to the Borg, they took his control away and maybe being the Captain of the Enterprise just isn't enough to get it back. They mentally took advantage of him and stripped every fiber of his being. He needs to harness it back before he goes completely mad.

But am I the one to help him?

I have healed his physical wounds but am I strong enough to help him heal his mental ones? I have an unconventional idea to help him. Knowing what steps need to be taken, I understand that Deanna can't be the one to do it. It would be crossing a line that I know she is not comfortable with. But I ask myself again, am I strong enough to help him?

Staring into his helpless eyes, I know that the risk is worth it.

Taking in a slow deep breath to calm my hammering heart, I kneel in front of him. Feeling my blood pounding in my ears, I glance up through my eyelashes and croak, "Dominate me."

Rolling his eyes, he shakes his head, "Beverly, what are you-"

Grasping his thighs, I repeat, "Dominate me."

Grabbing my shoulders, he tries to force me to stand. However, he doesn't get to far.

Clinging tightly to his legs, I lean forward and press my nose to his already hard cock. Yes, this is exactly what he needs. But will he take my offer? Taking in a deep breath, I whisper into the fabric of his pants, "Dominate me."

Sitting me back down on my knees, he stares at me for a heated moment, like he is weighing his options. Licking his parched lips, he demands, "Stay here."

He strolls over to the replicator and orders a robe and two pairs of cuffs. Throwing the robe at my feet, he orders, "Take off your clothes and put this on. When you come into the bedroom, I want you to kneel in front of the bed as if you are praying."

Silently nodding my head, I stand to take off my uniform. I notice before he walks into the bedroom, he turns to look at me.

He wants confirmation.

He needs his control back, he needs me to help him gain it back and who am I to deny him. I give him my confirmation by unzipping my uniform and sliding it down my body.

Giving me a slight nod, he turns and marches into the bedroom.

Instantly feeling aroused, my skin burns with anticipation as my shaky hands pulls over the robe. It is a gorgeous robe, but with my height, it stops just under my butt.


Stepping into the bedroom, I am not surprised to see that he is stripped down to his boxers and leaning back into a chair.

Following his orders, I kneel in front of the bed.

"Close your eyes and keep them shut."

Biting my lip hard, I press my thighs together to suppress the want and need that is reverberating down to my core. With my sight gone, I hear him stand up and pad closer to me. Reaching around my waist, he unties and slides off my sash that once held my robe closed. Feeling him lean in, his lips barely graze the top of my ear as he whispers, "If at anytime you feel uncomfortable, I want you to say 'Captain'. Do you understand?"

Nodding my head, my lips part as he ties the sash around my eyes.

"Stand up."

Feeling my legs wobble under my weight, my robe falls open, exposing my naked body for him to see.

Grasping my shoulders, he turns me around and pushes me back so that I fall onto the bed. "When I touch you, I don't want to hear any noises coming from you. If you cum, you will surely regret it. Nod once if you understand."

I nod once.

"Good. Lift your hands above your head."

Following his order, I try not to let out a moan as I feel my body stretch for him to view.

Binding my wrists with the cuffs, he demands, "Tell me the safe word."

I breath out, "Captain."


For a long time after that, nothing happened; at least on his part. My body, however, is pulsating with want and desire.

Then I feel the soft pads of his fingers lightly touch my collarbone and I just about explode. Biting down hard on my bottom lip, I barely suppress the moan that threatens to escape.

Then his touch is gone and for a split second my body is in agony.

Then it is back, but this time it is on my stomach. I grip the chains of the cuffs and pull down hard, however, I don't make a sound. Out of a natural reaction, I press my knees down to the mattress, opening my legs to him, inviting him to touch me.

"Ohhh…" I shiver as I feel his hot breath tickle my nipples. "You want me to touch you."

I don't dare make a sound. He knows exactly what I want.

"Do you want me to touch you here?" He touches my arm.

I stay quiet.

"How about here?" He touches me on my sternum.

Close but I stay quiet.

"How about here?" He lightly caresses my knee.

Quivering under his touch, I'm still quiet.

"Hmmm… I'm getting close. How about…" he lazily slides his finger up my leg and stops at the sweetest area of my body. Gently, he slips his finger in between my folds, "… here?"

Pressing my lips together with my teeth, I feel my head become dizzy with the beginning of an orgasim. Yet, I have not made a sound.

"Good job. You will rewarded."

My stomach flutters to new heights as I feel his finger flicker inside. Feeling bruises form underneath the cuffs, it doesn't stop me from pulling down on them to keep myself grounded.

"Very surprising, Beverly. Have you been a submissive before?"

I quickly shake my head. This is all brand new to me, however it seems like in his younger days he had no problem being dominate in the bedroom.

"You are incredible wet."

Feeling his warm breath caress my nipples, I fling my head back trying every trick I know not to make a sound. Then as his experienced finger circles my clit, his tongue darts out and sucks on my nipple.

And. I. Am. Done.

My orgasim hits me hard and fast. Pulling down on my cuffs, the pain that it causes adds more to my orgasim. Just as I am coming down from my high, I let out a long, slow sigh.

Then his finger disappears along with my glorious climax.

"Bad girl. I told you not to cum. Now you are going to be punished."

He unclamps my wrists from the cuffs and demands, "Get down on your knees."

Taking a raged breath, I push myself off the bed and onto the floor. My muscles feel weak under my weight.

He then cuffs my hands behind my back. "This is what happens when you disobey me. This will be your punishment." Lifting my chin with two of his delicate fingers, I smell my cum as he commands, "Open your mouth."

Slowly, I open it, heady of what's to come next.

"You will fuck my cock with your mouth until I cum. You will swallow. You will not be allowed to touch yourself."

My mouth waters with anticipation.

"Tell me the safe word."

Licking my dry lips, I whisper, "Captain."

Then without any notice, his cock slams into my mouth. I almost choke on his length, but he pulls out and slams back in. I soon become accustomed to his length as he slides in and out of my hot mouth.

Bobbing my head back and forth, I feel his hand grab my hair.

My pussy is so wet with wanted attention that I rub my thighs together to alleviate the pressure.

All of a sudden he pulls my hair back, removing his cock from my mouth with a faint pop. "You are not to touch yourself. Spread your knees apart."

After appeasing to his demand, he shoves his wet cock back in my mouth, however, this time I am ready for it. After a few pumps, my tongue swirls around the head of his penis every time he pulls away.

His grip on my hair tightens and I feel his muscles begin to quiver.

He is so close.

To help him along, I scrape my teeth along his shaft as he pumps in and out.

That was it.

"Ohhh… Fuck." Is all that he calls out as he cums into my mouth. My jaw is throbbing but I suck it all in, every last, delicious drop.

He pulls out of my mouth, picks me up by my shoulders and lays me on the bed. Placing his hands on my knees, he spreads my legs wide open. "You little minx." He makes me jump when he presses his nose into my sensitive bundle of nerves. "You are so wet. Do you want me to fuck you?"

He didn't have to look at my face to know my answer, it was touching his nose.

"Oh, you want me to fuck you, but I'm not. It's part of your punishment. Plus, I want you hot and ready for me for the next time. However, I am not that cruel, so until then…" His tongue make a delicious path from my asshole to my clit and then it swirls in a figure eight motion. I nearly cum again, but he stops just in time. "Until next time." He stands and uncovers my eyes from the make shift blindfold.

I blink at the bright light, like I was seeing a sun for the first time.

He turns away from me and pulls on his boxers.

God, I want him so badly. But he is in charge and I have to wait for the next time. My body tingles with anticipation with the thought of our next sexual encounter together.

After his uniform is on, he turns and stares at me. Unable to look away, I know that I am still open to him, hope budding within the pit of my stomach that he will fuck me hard to the point of oblivion.

He grins and shakes his head, "I don't think so." He grabs my shoulders and lifts me into a sitting position. Within a few seconds he has uncuffed me and is marching over to the living area.

Messaging my wrists, my body aches all over, but I have never felt so alive. Lifting myself off the bed, I follow Jean Luc towards my clothes. Slipping on my uniform, I can't help but grimace as the scratchy material glides against my fiery skin.

"Thank you, Beverly."

I turn to see him staring down at his hands. His voice is delicate yet a little bit of dominance from a moment before is shining through. Stepping up to him, I place my hand on his shoulder and smile, "Until next time, Jean Luc."

Raising his head hopefully, he exclaims, "You want to come back?"

Arching my brow, I quip, "Jean Luc, you need to finish what you started. Are you really going to leave me hanging with anticipation?" Seeing him silently shake his head, I grin as I make my way towards the door. However before I go through it, I look over my shoulder and add, "And try not to yell at anymore ensigns."

When I saunter into my quarters, I'm not surprised to see them empty. Wesley has a few more weeks to finish up class work and projects before going off to Starfleet Academy.

I make a beeline to my bedroom and shut the door. Shredding every stitch of clothing, I snuggle under the sheets and close my eyes. Every blessed image that runs through my mind is of him; touching me, licking me, dominating me. Leaving me so high with release, my hands make their way to my nipples, pulling and tugging at them until they are taunt and hard.

"Until next time." His deep baritone voice reverberates from deep within my hearts and sends a wet shockwave down to my most intimate area. Wanting to be touched, my fingers ghost over my clit as my other hand plays with my nipple.

His bedroom voice whispers in my mind, "You are so wet." and "Do you want me to fuck you?"

Mumbling into my pillow, my fingers easily slide through my slick folds. "Yes. Fuck me. Fuck me hard."

Burying my fingers deep within my hot, wet pussy, my mind keeps replaying tonight's events, paying special attention to the moments his cool fingers caress my steamy skin. Feeling my climax start to build, I add my other hand to do a figure eight motion over my clit. Imagining his hot tongue making the same motion, my stomach starts to clinch as my fingers start to move faster.

Matching the fast motion with my hips, I hiss into my pillow, "Oh… Oh, yes… Fuck me." Lifting my hips, my climax slams into me.

Basking in the afterglow, I caress my nipples with my cum stained fingers.

Twisting my sheets around my body, I still feel like I need a release – a release only Jean Luc can take care of. It isn't the same as if I had him between my legs, but it's as close as I'm going to get tonight. Cuddling into the mattress, I shiver with anticipation of the next time we meet as a dominate and a submissive. At least then, we will both get what we want.

I would really like to know what you think since this is something new for me! Any feedback is appreciated!