Chapter 1 April's Ninja Training Session

April O' Neil was just like other teenagers. She goes to High School and likes to hang with her friends. But what makes April's life different from a normal teenager is that her four friends happened to be four mutant talking turtles that have been trained in the art of ninjutsu by their adoptive father/sensei Master Splinter who was once a human named Hamato Yoshi. He and the turtles became mutants after an encounter with an evil alien race called the kraang who were making plans to invade Earth with a substance called Mutagen that turns anyone into the last thing they touched. The last thing that touched the turtles was Hamato Yoshi and the last thing that touched him was a rat. Hamato Yoshi turned into a giant talking rat and the four baby turtles became somewhat human but they were still turtles except for the fact that they could walk and talk. For 15 years they lived in the sewers together as a family and Master Splinter raised and loved them as his sons which he named each of the turtles after his favorite Italian Renaissance painters, Leonardo was the oldest who wore a blue mask that matched his blue eyes and he was the leader. Raphael was the second oldest who had green eyes, wore a red mask and had anger issues. Then their Donatello the third oldest of the turtles who was really smart and built amazing inventions. His eyes were brown and he wore a purple mask and he has his gap in mouth that showed every time he smiled. Last but not least was the youngest of the turtles Michelangelo who has blue eyes just like his oldest brother Leonardo but wore an orange mask and was a bit of a goof ball.

April met the turtles one night when they rescued her from the kraang after they kidnapped her and her father. Even though Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo failed to rescue her father that night she was grateful to her new mutant friends and they become really close. Donatello was especially fond of April because ever since he first laid eyes on her he developed a huge crush on April and wanted more than anything to be by her side always. Ever since April met the turtles she spends as much time with her unique friends as she can whenever she got out of School or on the weekend. Master Splinter even started training April as a Kunoichi which is a female ninja. One day after school April went to see her friends the turtles. She found a manhole with nobody around to see her go in and down to the lair she went. When April arrived Donatello was the first one to greet her. "Hi April how are you today?" he asked his friend while blushing at the sight of her. "I'm doing ok Donnie thank you for asking. How are you?" April asked him back. He answered, "I'm doing just fine." April started to wonder why Donnie always blushed every time she would come to the lair. She couldn't put her finger on it but she started to believe that Donnie was secretly in love with her but April wasn't sure on that and just kept it to herself.

Master Splinter walked up to her and greeted her as he always does, "Konnichiwa April. Are you ready to continue your training?" He asked her. April answered, "Yes sensei I'm ready." Splinter was pleased to hear her say that. Ever since he started training April to be a Kunoichi she was doing very well and he was very impressed on what a fast learner April had become. He even gave April a Tessen a Japanese metal fan as April's signature weapon when she is in a fight. Master Splinter told April, "I was originally going to give this Tessen to my own daughter when she was old enough. Miwa would have been the same age as you are right now if she were…" "It's ok Master Splinter you don't need to say it. You miss her very much and your wife as well. April interrupted him before he could finish the last thing he was going to say. "Thank you for the Tessen. It's beautiful and I promise to use it well." Then Master Splinter said, "For today's training session you will spar against my sons. Are you ready?" "Yes sensei I'm ready. Bring it on" Answered April. Splinter was happy to hear her say and called his sons to the Dojo. "What's up Master Splinter?" his oldest son Leo asked. "For April's training session she will spar against each and every one of you. Who will like to go first?" Splinter asked his sons. "I'll go first sensei" Leo said as he was curious to see how far April has gone in her training. April and Leo prepared themselves before they began. "Are you ready?" Leo asked her. "I'm more than ready so bring it!" April exclaimed. With that said Leo and April started to spar with each other and they were at it. The sparring match went on for a while and even though April was doing very well Leo got the upper hand and knocked her down. After April lost to Leo he did the right thing by helping her up and said, "Not bad April. You almost had me but when you weren't looking I took the opportunity to strike." "Thanks for helping me up Leo and hopefully one day I'll be able to beat you" April replied. "Who would like to go next?" Master Splinter asked.

"I'll go next" said Mikey. "I want to see if April can keep up with my mad ninja skills." When they were both ready April made the first strike and the sparring match between the two of them didn't last long because no matter what moves Mikey threw at her April countered it and beat Mikey in no time. "Not bad Mikey but just like me you need to practice more" April said to her friend as she helped him up. Before Master Splinter asked if Donnie or Raph would like to go next Raph volunteered to go next which neither April or Master Splinter mind at all. While April and Raph were sparring with each other Donnie watched April as she threw some punches, kicks and her Tessen at his second older brother. Donnie loved watching April fight and how determined she was to improve her skills as a Kunoichi. The sparring match between April and Raph ended in a draw because surprisingly those two were evenly matched. Donnie wasn't paying attention when Master Splinter called him to spar with April next. He was thinking to himself, "April is so pretty and an amazing Kunoichi in training." Then Master Splinter shouted out, "Donatello your next" which finally got Donnie's attention so he got up from where he was sitting and got himself ready to spar with the girl of his dreams. Before he began Donnie thought to himself, "I'm going to do my best not to hurt her." Master Splinter told them to begin and off they both went at each other.

Donnie went at April with every known ninja move that he knew and so did April. While they were sparring Donnie couldn't help but admire how well April was doing against him. Donnie was lost in his thoughts which resulted in April knocking him down with a swift kick but he quickly got back up and they both charged towards each other and kept going at it until April tripped over the rug in the Dojo and fell on top of Donnie. Their faces were so close to each other it was like they were about to kiss. Both April and Donnie were blushing and quickly got up. "Are you ok April?" Donnie asked her. "I'm fine Donnie" she replied. "I'm sorry that I landed on you." "It's ok April. I'm glad that you weren't hurt and better me than the floor" said Donnie. Master Splinter walked up to Donnie and April and said to the both of them, "Very good Donatello and April. I think we'll conclude the training for today." The turtles and April were relieved that the training session was over for the day because they needed a break and it was time to eat. Mikey went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for his family. While Mikey was cooking Leo was watching Space Heroes and Raph was working out because he couldn't believe his match with April ended in draw. As for Donnie and April they were in Donnie's lab because April needed help with her trig homework and who better to help her than a genius turtle. "Thanks for helping me with my trig homework. I understand trigonometry a lot better when you explain a problem I got wrong or just don't understand" April said to Donnie. "It's my pleasure April and if you want I can be your personal tutor. I know you told me that you have a big trigonometry test coming up and that you really want to get a high grade" Donnie stated. "Donnie that would be great if you can be my tutor. I need all the help I can get because my grade in trigonometry is slipping and I don't want to fail and take it over again next year" April exclaimed as she hugged her friend which Donnie returned the hug.

When April was finished her homework Donnie checked it to see how many answers she got right Donnie was pleased that she barely got any of them wrong and showed her how to correct the problems that she made a miscalculation on. After that Mikey called everyone to the living room to have dinner which was pizza. When everyone was done eating April told her friends she it was time for her to go home. "I can walk you home if you want April" Offered Donnie. "Thanks Donnie I would like that every much" said April. Donnie and April left the lair together and out of the sewers they went as soon as they came out of a manhole which nobody was around to see them. While they were walking together April asked her friend, "Um Donnie can I ask you something?" "Of course you can ask me anything" replied Donnie. Before April can ask Donnie was he going easy on her during their sparring match all of a sudden an army of kraang bots appeared out of nowhere and started shooting at them. "The kraang sees the target April O' Neil with one of the turtles known as Donatello. Kraang will destroy the turtle known as Donatello and kraang will capture April O' Neil for the plan of kraang to success" one of the kraang bots said. Donnie and April prepared themselves for a fight because there was no way Donnie wasn't going to let the kraang kidnapped April again. April managed to call the other turtles for help because they were outnumbered and in a flash Leo, Ralph and Mikey came out of the sewers and were kicking some major kraang butt.

The turtles and April managed to defeat the kraang bots and then Leo asked, "Are you two ok?" April answered, "Yes we're fine. Thanks for coming right away." Leo thought it would be for the best if all of them escorted April home to make sure if anything else happened they would be ready. When April and the turtles got to her place she thanked her friends for getting her home safely. Before the turtles left Donnie asked April, "What was it that you wanted to ask me earlier?" She replied, "It's not really important so don't worry about it." Donnie was still curious to know what was it that April wanted to ask him but he didn't want to pester her about it so he left it alone and went home with his brothers. Unknowing to both the turtles and April someone was watching them from the rooftops and she wasn't a friend. In fact the person watching them was a Kunoichi named Karai a member of an evil clan called the foot clan. "Hmmm interesting the turtles and that girl defeated those weird alien robots with no problem. Plus those alien robots seemed to be after the one called April O' Neil. I must tell him at once" Karai said to herself and off she went to inform her master of what she saw.

Author's Note: This is chapter 1 of my new fanfiction based on the 2012 series of Teenage Mutant Ninja. I want this fanfiction to have as much action and suspense as possible. I'll be including some romance but it will be a surprise when I write about the part with romance in it. What can I say I love a story with love in it. Stay tune for the next chapter of my fanfiction because I'll be updating soon.