Chapter 32:

"Are you ready men?" a small preteen boy whispered back to the men behind him. A dozen soldiers covered in climbing gear nodded at their leader, and Rickon Stark looked back forward. They were at the bottom of a tall keep, near the riverbed below. They snuck past the outer guards easy enough, a small party didn't attract much attention. However, Rickon felt a strange sensation that something was wrong here. He'd heard his Uncle Edmure, rightful ruler of the Riverlands, was in a dungeon in this part of the castle. For some reason though, he felt the number of guards around this place didn't match the importance of the hostage they had captive.

"Lord Rickon?" one of the men right behind him questioned. He was a beast of a man, but still fifty pounds lighter than his older brother the Greatjon. George Umber walked up close to the small boy at the front of their pack, "I will go first if it pleases you My Lord."

"No, that's quite alright Lord George," the boy replied. Fear wasn't what had him stopped at the base of the wall, but caution. Still, he couldn't look afraid in front of his men who were already skeptical about following a twelve year old on a rescue mission. Rickon stepped up a little with his foot on the wall, finding a good foothold, and then he slammed his pick into the wall. He started to climb, and could hear the clanks of more steel on stone beneath him as he started to rise. "Don't miss your step, and make sure each hold you get is true before putting your whole weight on it," he looked down to his right a little, "that means you Lord George."

"Oi," the largest man in the group muttered up, while the others all chuckled at the boy's joke.

Rickon grinned, and looked out across the water they trudged across to get to the keep of the Twins. Stay Shaggydog. We'll be right back. Rickon continued to climb, and he could see the window they were going to break in from. All of a sudden, he heard noises, and he whispered loud enough for his men to hear, "Halt."

Every man on the keep's outer walls froze where they were. In the silence, they could hear the voices as well. They were coming from their right, and the men turned to see two men walking across a path between two towers. They were already halfway up the keep to the window, but if even a single one of them were to move a muscle, both of those guards would see them.

"… a true monster of a man isn't he?"

"I hear he chopped a man in two vertically for saying just that," the other guard warned his buddy as they continued walking.

"Well he is," the first one spoke again. "Just one look at the 'man' makes my stomach churn. I wouldn't want to be the poor bastard who next tries to fight him."

"Well then don't be," the second one growled again, keeping his voice quiet. "You have no idea where he could be, he could be watching us right now."

"Then he's about to watch me take a nice piss off this here wall," the guard taunting the unknown figure said, turning to his right while whipping out his cock. As he turned, he noticed a lot of bumps that aren't normally on the wall in front of him. "Holy-" he started, and the next second there was a knife sticking out of his chest. He was standing right on the edge to take a piss, so when the knife hit him he grunted and fell forward, falling off the Twins.

"Trev-" the other guard began shouting as he ran for the side where his friend just took a dive, but before he even finished calling out Trevor's name, a blade stuck in his throat as well. He fell forward with his momentum, and slid towards the edge of the wall, but only his head and the top of his body were off the wall, while the rest of him stayed up there.

"Shit," the man who threw the knife, Hue, mumbled as he stared at the unmoving body he wished a gust of wind would knock off the wall for them.

"If someone sees that man," George warned the boy above him.

Rickon thought quickly, and made his decision quickly, "Then we'll have to find my Uncle before that happens." He looked back up and found a good foothold, stepping up and then finding a new handhold just as fast to slam his pick.

Everyone else looked back and forth at each other, but George Umber looked down at them and growled, "You heard your Lord, get your asses moving." He looked back up and followed Rickon Stark up the wall towards the window.

When Rickon got to the window, he looked inside and saw an empty staircase on the other side. There were some bars on the outer part of the window, on the other side of the glass from the inside. He whistled a light tone twice, and Lord George and the second largest man, Goris, moved up to his position. They looked inside at the bars, and the two heavset men stabled themselves on the wall. They looped ropes through belts they had on and strapped themselves to the walls, while everyone else stayed quiet beneath them. "Alright," Rickon whispered, "do it."

George and Goris grabbed the bars with their arms and tugged back hard. Rickon thought maybe they would have to loop the hooks around and get the rest of the men to tug, but just the two large Northmen were able to yank the bars out of the wall. "Either the Freys are shitty builders," Goris started as he pulled the bars to the side, then leaned them up against the inner wall of the window, "or you, Mi'-Lord, are part giant." Goris felt like he had only a small part to play in ripping those bars off, while the larger man who was the little brother to the Greatjon laughed heartily.

"We very well may be," Lord George said, then moved aside as Rickon slid his way up into the open area between the bars and the glass on the inside.

The boy grabbed the outside of the glass and pulled out towards him, moving one of the glass panes over towards the bars Goris had leaned up against the outer wall, and then he moved the other window frame as well so that the opening was large enough for his men. Rick put his right hand down at his waist, and then hopped inside and landed on the stairs on the other side of the window. He looked out into the darkness and motioned with his head inside.

Rickon looked up the stairs and narrowed his eyes as he heard voices coming from the top of the stairs. It didn't sound like anyone was walking down, but he listened closely to make sure they didn't hear him and his men. He heard the men behind him dropping to the ground, and they all remained absolutely quiet as they lined up with him on the staircase. The boy looked back and watched as Hue walked in, the one eyed thirty year old man better at throwing knives that any man he'd ever met. It was an odd trait for a Northman, but Hue wasn't born in the North, though he'd come to live there for quite a while and was loyal to the Starks just like the rest of them. "Alright men," Rickon drew his blade from his side, "on me," he charged up the stairs right as he saw some figures walking around the bend. They were caught completely off guard, and the the first man he hit he ran through the stomach with his sword.

"HAA!" George yelled and chopped the man next to him's head off. Another figure who was higher up on the winding staircase saw them and stumbled back, falling on his ass and then turning and running up the stairs. He almost made it to the door up top, when a blade stuck right between his shoulder blades. Hue sighed a breath of relief as the man he chased didn't get to alerting more enemies. However, at that exact moment, someone discovered the dead body they left on the outer wall earlier. Bells started ringing and screams were heard throughout the castle.

"Shit," Rickon muttered, looking around at his men who were coming up the stairs with him.

"We should retreat mi'Lord," one of the men said, fear apparent in his voice now that they were discovered.

"We can't take on the entire Twins," Goris agreed, the big man had a bead of sweat rolling down the left side of his face too.

Rickon looked up the stairs again, then back down past the window they came in from. "Alright men, half stay here with Lord George. Guard our escape route." Rickon turned up the stairs and started running up with his bloody sword in hand, "The rest of you, with me. We're not leaving without my Uncle."

Morning on the Thousand Sunny was the most relaxing time of the day. Sanji woke up early to prepare breakfast, and he did not have to worry about the sneaky captain coming in and taking any food early, as the rubber idiot would surely still be sleeping. Robin sat out on the deck, and it was enjoyable to listen to only the sounds of the waves for a little, before the shouting of the playing crewmates, and the grunting of those training filled the air. This morning, Nami was up pretty early and she was tending to the tangerine grove on the back of the ship.

She was watering her bushes for a little when she heard footsteps coming up to her side. She looked to her right and smiled at the man taking a knee next to her, "Hey Nami," Usopp greeted. "What's up?"

"Not much," she replied, a smile on her face as she continued to water her plants. "How're the new fingers treating you?" she asked, looking at his hand that looked perfectly fine. You could not even tell they were made of metal underneath the fake skin Franky provided him. "They look great."

Usopp nodded, curling his new fingers in a few times to show they were working fine. He was wearing his usual pair of overalls, now that they had reached far enough south that the days were warm. Nami had a small white shirt on that left her belly exposed, and did not have any sleeves, and she was wearing a very short pair of blue shorts. "Thanks," Usopp whispered. He fell backwards from his knees onto his back next to the orange haired navigator. The long nosed man put his arms behind his head and stared up at the sky, the foggy sky.

Nami punched him in the head. "Ow!" He snapped back up to his butt and scooted a little away from her. "What was that for?"

"You just woke up, and now you're trying to take a nap? Get to work," she ordered, taking a commanding tone.

"Ohh, but I was working," Usopp said. "I was thinking of strategies for fighting the Lannisters…"

"Liar," she called him out, "you're just lazy."

"Ehh?" he asked. "Alright, well I did come to keep you company back here, but I guess I could get a work out in while I do." Usopp smirked mentally as he flipped over and started doing push ups next to Nami who rolled her eyes at him. She continued to water her garden while the teen next to her continued building up his muscle strength, even though he was still the skinniest member of the crew. Well, maybe besides Bran.

Nami finished up watering her tangerine grove, and when she put down the watering can, she looked back up. Her eyes widened, "Whoa," she whispered, seeing both sides of the ship now covered in a dense fog she somewhat noticed when she left the cabin earlier. "It's really come rolling in." She stood up and started walking away, making Usopp jump up as he saw she wasn't watching him do push ups.

"Where are you going?" he asked her.

She looked back at him, "I'm going to look off the bow and make sure we don't run into anything. Can't be too careful in a fog like this." The woman smiled at him and put on her best puppy-dog eyes, "Could you please ask Sanji to bring me a plate of breakfast."

"Yeah yeah," Usopp waved her off, imagining what the chef's reaction to that would be.

He started to walk off the other way, but Nami paused and looked back at him. "And, maybe you could get a plate too," she continued, making Usopp look back though she turned towards the bow, "and come eat up front with me," she finished, walking away so he wouldn't see the red tint to her face.

Usopp smiled and pumped his fist, seeing that his company had been appreciated. Captain Usopp will oblige! He ran off to go get a few plates from Sanji before going after her to the bow.

At this point, most of the crew were up and about inside the cabin, though it was still pretty calm as they were tired while awakening. Luffy yawned and went over to the table, sitting down and lifting up his silverware, chanting in a half-asleep voice, "Food! Food!"

"Quiet!" Sanji yelled over at him. "It'll be another five minutes, just wait quietly until-"

"FOOD!" Luffy shouted impatiently, receiving an annoyed kick from the cook who he was yelling at.

Gendry laughed as he walked by the table, wearing a brown shirt and darker pants with his sword at his side. He walked out on the deck and moved to the side as Usopp slid past him, in a rush for some reason. He chuckled seeing the sharpshooter's excited face, but then gained a serious expression as it seemed pretty dark outside. He understood the reason soon enough though, as the sun was covered up by the fog that rolled above their ship and on all sides. "Damn, how do we ever know where we're going in this?" he muttered.

"I am sure Nami-san has it handled," a voice said from down below him. Gendry stepped forward and looked off the railing near the kitchen door down to the main grass deck of the ship where Nico Robin was sprawled out on a lawn chair.

He nodded seeing the woman's calm expression, but as he looked up towards the bow of the ship to see Nami, all he saw was a silhouette. "Wow," he mumbled, starting to walk his way up there himself. He wanted to know how it was she could navigate through this. Gendry walked down the steps, and walked by Franky who was tinkering with something on the side of the ship, looking like he was trying to attach it to the outer railings. He would ask what that was later, but kept making his way towards the bow for now.

"You bring the food?" Nami asked, turning around as she heard footsteps approaching. She saw who it was and lost her smile, but only a little and still greeted the knight who came up to her. He started asking how she could see through all this, and she said it wasn't just seeing the rocks before they came, but that the current would change if the surface below the water became too high, or if something was about to be in their path. Gendry sounded amazed that she could pick up on slight details like that, and Nami boasted some more about her amazing navigation skills.

Usopp came up a minute later with some food, and the two of them started to eat while looking off the bow. Gendry saw the way the two of them looked at each other, and he was about to excuse himself, when he heard something coming from ahead of him. But that doesn't make sense, we're on the bow. It did not sound like waves, or the splashing of fish jumping out of the water, but he couldn't place his finger on what it was. Nami and Usopp were talking and laughing, but Gendry walked up next to them, and then all the way up front so he was standing behind the Thousand Sunny's figurehead.

Nami tilted her head at the slightly older man, "What are you-"

"Shh," Gendry interrupted. Her and Usopp looked at him, and saw him lower his right hand down to the hilt at his waist, making both of them jump up.

"What is it? Enemies?" Usopp exclaimed.

"SHHH!" Gendry turned this time, annoyed they kept making noises right when he thought he was hearing it again. This time, Usopp and Nami both stayed quiet and just stepped up near him, looking out over the water, into the dense fog ahead.

The splashing of waves was all they could hear for five, ten seconds. And then… "Hey what's up?"

All three of them spun around with fingers lifted up to their lips and shushed the girl who walked up behind them. Arya sweatdrop at the action, but then saw their serious expressions as they looked over the bow. She opened her mouth to ask what they were looking for, but then remembered the shush a second earlier and just decided to step up and look out herself. This is weird, she thought, seeing how quiet all of them were being. Then her eyes widened, as did the two pirates with her as they heard it for the first time.

"Mmmm, hm hmm, hm Mm Hmm hmm," the low humming was louder than the first time Gendry heard it.

"It's getting closer," he whispered.

"What is it?" Usopp asked, trying to keep his legs from shaking at the ominous humming coming from the fog.

Then, all four of them saw it. Usopp first, then Nami, and the other two not far behind. It appeared in the fog, a black shadow. It was small at first, but the front grew larger, and they could finally see what it was.

"A ship?" Arya asked. She looked up to try and see if there was a sail above it, and there was, but she couldn't make out the sigil yet.

"Could be from House Tyrell," Gendry muttered. "We still are in the Reach's waters I believe."

"You see that?" a voice called from up above, and the four on the bow looked up towards the crow's nest to see Zoro looking the same way.

"What's going on?" Franky called up to the nest as Zoro shouted towards the bow. Robin sat up from her lounge chair a little too, and then all of them heard what those on the front of the ship were already hearing.

"Hmm hmm, hmmmm, hmm hmm Hmmmm hmm…" The voice stopped, and everything was eerily quiet on the ship for a few seconds. "Hmmm, hmm mm mmm, HMM hmm hmm hmmmm, hmm hmm, hm hMMmmHmm," the humming wasn't just a low buzz, but it kept raising up and down, as if in a tune.

"What is that?" Nami whispered, trying to figure it out.

Gendry and Arya both realized it at the same time, and their eyes widened. "I know that song," Arya whispered. Her eyes focused on the sail of the ship some more, and the form of a large cat started to appear.

"And who, are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so lowww?" the humming changed, now a loud but low voice speaking in a tone that carried over the fog. It sounded spooky, creeping many of the members out who felt shivers run down their spines. "Only a cat, of a diff-er-ent coat, that's all the truth I knowwwww…"

"Lannisters," Arya whispered, seeing the sail's sigil in full now. Nami and Usopp looked at her, and she shouted, "That's their song. The Rains of Castamere."

"What is it about?" Usopp whispered, feeling scared just from the tune the man singing it was using.

Gendry spoke in a low voice, "The Lannisters used to have a rival, a house almost as rich as they were, almost as powerful… and they killed them all. The red lion of House Reyne, destroyed."

"IN A COAT OF GOLD, OR A COAT OF RED," his voice boomed with a loud crash on his ship, followed by loud splashes in the water on the side of it. "A LION STILL HAS CLAWS!" His voice was raising, but he kept the tune with it the entire time.

Gendry looked over the bow of the ship and saw near the hull of the enemy's ship that was approaching. There were holes on the bottom, right above the water, and liquid was pouring out of them. The ship continued to sail right towards them, moving so that it was coming on their starboard side. "AND MINE, ARE LONG, AND SHARP MY LORD. As long and sharp, as yoursssss," his voice got quieter and faded off.

The knight on the front right of the ship suddenly opened his eyes up wide, his heart skipping a beat as he stared at the liquid coming out of the ship. "We need to get out of here, NOW!" Gendry shouted. The others on the front of the ship with him suddenly got confused looks on their faces.

"Huh? Why?" Usopp asked.

"We took on a whole fleet of Ironborn," Arya started telling her close friend, "I'm sure we can take one Lannister-"

"NOW!" Gendry repeated loudly. The ship was getting closer, so the bow was almost reaching them. The tone of Gendry's voice was freaking some of them out worse than the creepy song being sung.

"Calm down," Franky told the guy as he was getting up to the front of the ship along with Robin. Zoro jumped down from the crow's nest and the others inside were making their ways out from inside the cabin.

And then the voice started back up, quietly again but more unnerving than ever. "And so he spoke, and so he spoke," they looked over towards the approaching ship, and could now see a single lit torch on the deck. It came out of the fog well enough that they could see a shadow of a man holding that torch, and the voice was coming from him. "That Lord of Cast-a-mere."

Gendry's eyes widened even further, "We won't make it… no wait!" He spun to Franky, "Use a Coup de Burst!"

"Huh, why?" Luffy asked as he jumped up to the front of the ship. "If they want a fight, then let's give them one!"

Zoro smirked and started to draw his swords, but Gendry shook his head madly. "You don't understand, we can't stay here!" He opened his mouth to explain, but heard the song starting again, almost fully on the side of their ship now.

"But now the Rains, weep o'er his halls, with no one there, to hear…"

"Franky," Gendry shouted, his voice more serious than they'd ever heard him. "Get us out of here now, or we're all dead!" The cyborg did not hesitate even a second and sprinted back for the doors of the cabin.

"Franky wait," Luffy called out.

"Luffy!" Gendry shouted at the rubber man.

"This isn't your ship," Zoro warned the man, narrowing his eyes a little.


Robin was standing on the starboard side of the bow, looking over at the ship carefully as it floated past. The single shadow on the boat holding up a torch became more clear to her now, and as she saw his face she could make out that he looked entirely insane. She also noticed the splashing down in the water below her, and she looked down between the two of their ships, where a liquid was pouring out of the enemy's boat and filling up the water below them with something.


"FRANKY NOW!" Gendry screamed, seeing the man holding the torch step up to the side of his ship.

Luffy had been planning on arguing again, but this wasn't a serious man telling him what to do, this was a man scared for his life and everyone around him. Gendry's eyes widened as he saw the man walk right to the edge of his ship, and all of the Straw Hats looked over at him as well. The surface of the deck of the ship he was on was covered in some sort of liquid, and Franky turned on the high beams he installed in his eyes, illuminating the ship through the fog as it was completely on their starboard side now, and almost sailing past them. The guy who Franky's beams pointed on did not seemed phased by them at all, as he had an insane look in his eyes, and a twisted smile on his burned face. The entire ship around him was coated in a green liquid, and some of the light from his torch shone down on the water below that was entirely green now as well.

Jon Snow walked over to the side where Robin was already looking down, and he suddenly realized what Gendry was freaking out about. "Oh shi-"

"And not, a SOUooOUUllLL-" the crazy man shouted, singing the song loudly and to the right rhythm, up until the end. He started leaning off the side of his ship with the torch still in hand, "TO HEAR!" The man took a dive off the side of his ship.

"It's too late," Gendry whispered. He turned to Arya as the man fell off his ship, and he dove on top of the girl.

Jon pulled Robin away from the edge and tackled both of them away as the guy fell, torch in hand.

Bran was sitting in his Walkatron, or Walker, and he finally recognized what the green liquid Franky's high beams were illuminating was. "Wildfire," the boy whispered.

"GET DOWN!" Jon yelled as he rolled Nico Robin under him, clenching his eyes shut.

Zoro's eyes widened as the enemy man went down further than he could see over the railing, but he heard the splash, and then…


Franky was below the deck and he shouted out, "Cola is charged!" Then, the explosion hit. The right side of the room he was in ripped the pieces instantly, green flames ripping through the Adam Wood that made up the Thousand Sunny's hull. The force of the explosion alone sent the large robot slamming into the wall on the port side, but then more explosions followed.

Luffy had been closest to the edge without being pulled back, and the explosion alone sent him flying. Zoro turned seeing the captain lift off so fast he would fall in the water somewhere. "Shit Luf-" he started to shout, but the floor beneath him ripped to shreds, throwing him aside and a huge pile of green flames landed on his body as he lifted off the bow.

Half the ship was gone with the initial blast. The man's torch touched the water, and the wildfire spread fast. When it reached the inside of the ship the lone man was sailing forward, still filled with hundreds of gallons of wildfire, his ship blew apart in one of the biggest explosions any of them had ever seen, except most of them didn't see it. If it weren't for the strong materials Franky built his ship out of, the Thousand Sunny would have torn apart in an instant. Instead, it took a little longer.

Green flames flew across the inside of the cabin and burns floors, walls, beds. It burned through the kitchen, and the tangerine grove in the back. While Zoro went flying, he opened up his clenched eyes a little, looking towards the ship through the green flames rising on his chest, and he saw the crow's nest where he trained tilting, covered in green flames as it cracked and fell. The sail with the Straw Hat's skull and crossbones, and the black flag up above, both burned with green fire. He felt an immediate rage, followed by the intense pain he had to scream about as the wildfire tore through his skin.

The wood beneath where Jon was lying got lifted off the ship by the explosion, sent flying through the air. He did not know how long he was up for, but he heard another blast behind him, that only accelerated the chunk of wood he was on through the air. A splash of fire slammed into the bottom of it, and he could feel the intense heat from the side of the debris he was falling off of. "I can not swim," Robin reminded the man she went flying with, saying it in a calm manner as she tried not to scream in fear.

Jon was shellshocked from the explosion, and had no idea why she was telling her this. Then, the two of them hit the water. He was disoriented, struggling around as he tried to find which way was up, and then he saw her sinking down in front of him. Shit, she can't swim! He calmed himself and swam down, which was all he could do as the surface above him was literally on fire.

The sea was ablaze, and Sanji stood on the left side of the Thousand Sunny with eyes as large as saucers. He'd been sent sprawling backwards by the first blast, but hit the railing on the other side of the ship and stayed there when the main explosion happened. His vision was blurry, shaking, and in front of him he could see the enormous blaze of green that burned his face just from looking at it. It looked like half of the crew were gone, he had no idea where, but those who remained probably had it worse off in his opinion.

"Summer! Jump!" Bran shouted at the wolf on his side. The golden furred wolf wouldn't run though, not while its master's legs were trapped inside the flaming broken Walker. The huge direwolf jumped up and closed its jaws carefully around the back of Bran's neck, yanking him from the flaming device on the ground. The wolf's tail and its left leg were on fire, but it ignored the pain and sprinted through more flames on the ship to dive off the port side where the flames on the water were more dispersed.

Sanji could barely focus on them for a few seconds though, as he felt severe pain in his left leg and looked down, seeing a shard of wood going right through his calf, and another larger one stuck in his thigh. He reached down for them, but his arm bumped into something and he looked down to see a shard sticking out of his right side too. At that moment he coughed and blood splattered out over his sitting body.

"Sanji! Sanji!" Usopp was shouting right into the chef's face, but Sanji's eyes were just rolling around, focusing on something for a second and then looking at something else. He coughed up blood on his body and some of it got on the sharpshooter in front of him. "Did you see where Nami went? Sanji!" Usopp yelled, but even talking about a woman's safety couldn't make the yellow haired man focus at the moment. That was what made Usopp realize that he needed to save him, and he snapped his head around one more time looking for the girl he was with on the deck up until just a few seconds ago. One look around the deck of the Thousand Sunny told him that she was not there, and it also told him that there was no salvaging this ship.

"Let's go Sanji!" Usopp yelled, reaching down and grabbing the chef under the shoulders. Sanji's eyes were focused now, but they weren't on Usopp, instead focusing over towards the grassy area of the ship, completely covered in green flames. Usopp glanced over as well, wondering what he was looking at, and his eyes widened, his mouth dropping as he saw him.

"Ahh, ah ah, AHHH!" Chopper rolled around, trying to put out the flames all over his body. Everywhere he rolled though, there were even more flames. Jumping off the ship and drowning since he was a Devil Fruit Eater would be preferable at this point, but he couldn't open his eyes and let the flames burning on his face get in, so he couldn't find the edge of the ship.

"Chopper!" Usopp yelled. Right then, the middle of the ship blew open up in the air, and a flaming form flew out from beneath. "Franky!" Usopp yelled, seeing the robot almost entirely on fire, though his back was still not flaming and that was the only part of him not made of metal, so he looked like he was okay for the moment. Most of his skin had burned off though, and the steel being turned towards Usopp with glowing red eyes. Usopp didn't care about the scary cyborg's face though, and pointed instead at the flaming creature who stopped rolling around on the deck. "Get Chopper!" Usopp yelled, and then the ship beneath him blew apart with green flames.

The wildfire hit Usopp's legs, and he screamed, stumbling backwards with Sanji still on his shoulder. He fell over the flaming railing behind him and he and the chef toppled over the side of the ship.

Franky ran over and picked up Chopper, looking around as he did. My dream ship. Sunny, tears flowed from Franky's mechanical eyes, something he enabled to make himself feel more human at the time, but helped right now as his face was on fire. Goodbye, Sunny. Franky ran to the port side and dove off the ship, right into a pile of green flames off the side.

A/N ... ... Goodbye, Sunny.