Takes place when Roxas' point of view and when he's is living in the fake Twilight Town (or at some point in time) and for some reason he's feeling like he's missing something. This is a happy birthday gift to the amazing Cloudhead. Happy Birthday buddy! Also, Happy (Slightly late) 6th anniversary for the release of Kingdom Hearts 358/2.

Eating sea-salt ice cream from off the clock tower as I watch the sunset. Watching the clouds turn colors like orange and yellow in front of the sun while a sweet and salty taste lingers on my tongue as I bite into the cold treat. Nothing quite like it. Today makes me feel good for some reason. I take big bites of my ice cream, savoring each bite.

"It's sweet but kinda salty too."

Huh. Where have I heard that voice before? Its very familiar. I know I've heard it before but I can't seem to remember it. Wondering who had said it before, I take another bite. Maybe it will jog my memory some more.

"Do you think I could be a friend too?"

A quick flash of light, right before my eyes. I was.. here before. Right here, sitting on the clock tower, watching the sunset, like now. Watching the sun's light filter into other colors.

"See light's made out of a lot of colors. And out of all those colors, red's the one that travels the farthest."

"The sunset! It's beautiful."

"Today it's special somehow."

"I'll never forget it."

For some reason I feel sad. I have an aching feeling, right in my chest. Like something's missing, like a piece is gone. My chest feels heavy. I can't watch the sunset much longer, so I dip my head, staring at the light blue ice cream. I blink my eyes, feeling something gather behind them.

Then something quickly drips down my cheek and falls off my chin, landing on my half-eaten ice cream bar. I stick my tongue out to taste the wet trail it left behind. Salt. Not like the kind I was eating, but one missing the sweetness. It tastes almost... sad.

I look back up at the sunset, which is beginning to fade. I feel wetness sticking onto my eyelashes, another tear dripping down my cheek and falling off, this time to the ground.

For a mere second, I watch the sunset and I see someone. A bright light. Coming and going as quick as lightning. I see a girl, raven hair and blue eyes as bright as mine. A smile gracing her features. She has tears in her eyes too. One word I heard. One word from her.


She was gone. Gone with the last of the sunset. My ice cream bar is melted, leaving a sticky feeling on my hand. One taste remains in my mouth. Salty. Just saltiness, mixed with sadness.

I'm sorry for the sadness. I cried when I first saw Xion's death and I still get emotional when I see it again. I hope we get to see her again, at least one more time in Kingdom Hearts 3, and Roxas too.

Happy Birthday again Cloudhead. In honor of this special day, I raise the strawberry popsicle that I'm eating right now to you and to the creators of Kingdom Hearst 358/2. Happy Birthday/Anniversary to you.