This could technically be viewed as a sixth part to 'Break Off', 'Flight Hazard', 'Solo Mission', 'Rough Skies' and 'Gravity'. I could hardly leave EOS out.

"I'm amazed every time you trust your life to that tiny capable. And slightest failure and splat! You're a dark spot on Tracy Island."

"Everything Brains designed has a huge safety margin and you know it Sure you're not still an evil computer program?"

"Ask my programmer. No, wait, that was you."

Every baby had to learn their way around the world and she was no different. EOS was a child of a different kind and she has come a long way from where she started. The programme held no malice and intent to do whatever good it was capable of. John was a friend not an enemy and the world below actually was beautiful. Tracy Island was just as much a safe place as Thunderbird Five, a nice place to visit, no matter how brief.

She didn't always get everything, she was slow at times (for a computer) and batted to the wrong end of the field. But then how was she to know the difference between Cirus and CIRUS?

She hadn't learnt everything yet either. There was more the world could offer her and more John wanted to show her, but most importantly, there was more she wanted to know. Every day – no matter how serious their operations ended up being – she and John found something to laugh at, something to smile at, something to share that made her glad for her very high memory capacity.

But of all the things she's been learning, all the emotions she's gained since day one, fear had yet to be one of them.

"I hope you're happy."

It was one of the things she cared for – that and her spare processors, which John would of course replace.

"John, Thunderbird Five is venting atmosphere. We need to get your helmet on."

'We', not 'you'.

Friend no foe.

If she lost him, there was no one else to understand her in the same way. John had promised she wouldn't be alone, and that she intended to hold him to.



Of all the things she now knew and loved, that moment, that amount of fear, was the one she hated.

I hope you enjoyed this (and the series if anyone's read it - not that you have to get each individual piece). I will continue to thank you all for your support, all the reviews, favourites and alerts and simply just for reading.