Misty Mermaid
Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon, nor its characters. Nintendo, Gamefreak and 4kids productions do. Please note: Some of the events in this story are invented by the movie 'The Thirteenth Year'. I do not own any of those ideas either.

By the way, this is set after episode 83(or something like that). You know, the one where Brock left? But this is before they meet Tracy(Kenji), so it's just Ash, Misty and Pikachu. I have one thing I wonder: How will they survive each other's arguing that long? ( I'd like to know how long Ash'll survive with Misty's mallets....) Please note that the absense of Togepi is on purpose. It's not that I don't like him, it's just that he doesn't do anything(in my opinion) worthwhile to include him in a fanfic-for now.

This is not my fanfic but i don't know who the author is so plese enjoy the story... (fanfare) "Misty Mermaid"

**Prolouge: How it all began**

Seaweed shot past below her. Fishing boats were there, just waiting for something like her. But she was lucky. If someone saw her tail, they'd just think she was a Vaporeon. An extra large Vaporeon. On second thought, maybe she wasn't so safe. Her young daughter swam alongside, orange-red hair waving in the water. Misty's mother held her hand tightly as they swam. Misty stared as the boat passed. Misty knew something was up, and changed from a fin to legs. (She ended up with clothes. She was already wearing her yellow shirt. What? Odd? I think not.) She clutched to her mother as the boats drew closer.

Being seven didn't make her any less frightened. Her mother was petrified, but in her own way told her daughter to head for land, where she could pass for a human and live. Misty didn't want to go, but her mother forced her to. ((((Go! It is the only way!)))) ((((But...)))) ((((No buts. Go my daughter. Save yourself. I will be fine. Go now! You can't stay any longer! Goodbye, my love!)))) As Misty swam as fast as she could for shore, she looked back and saw her mother. her mother wouldn't make it. She didn't look back any longer. ((((Goodbye, mother. I shall see you again someday, mother.)))) She pushed forward, and reached shore.

A young woman watched her daughters swim. 'They're always so wonderful at swimming...' The woman thought but then she saw something. Instead of three girls, there were four! A small girl, of about seven or eight pushed towards land, swimming better and faster than all of her daughters combined! The lady didn't have time to think about it though. The girl had made her way to shore, clearly exausted. Then she collapsed. The woman ran to the girl and helped her up. The three girls ran up. By this time Misty was standing. The lady asked Misty a question which she dreaded.

"Where are your parents?"

((((I don't have any.)))) Misty answered back, in her own language.

"Poor thing. She must have been through a lot. She may be feverish. She can't talk clearly."

((((But I am talking clearly! Oh, I get it. You can't understand mermaids.)))) Misty then spoke in the human tongue. "Is that better?" The lady was shocked, but asked the question again.

"Where are your parents?" Misty looked back at the ocean. Then she said one word, and how she hated it, though she knew it was true.


"Hmm... Do you want to come and live with my family then?" Misty regretted doing it, for she wanted to go back home, but it wasn't safe for her there for now. She'd go back when she was older. Looking once back at her ocean home, she said a silent goodbye and nodded. Misty and her new family went to her new home.

Far out to sea, a Mermaid with blue-green hair watched as her daughter walked away with the humans. A salty tear rolled down her cheek as she watched. ((((Goodbye, my love.)))) She called quietly, and then dove under the water again.


Misty stirred in her sleep, remembering that day from long ago. Startled, she awoke from her dream, sweating heavily. She looked around and saw that no one was awake. ((((Mother...)))) She called quietly, in the mermaid language. She was mistaken in her thought that no one was awake. Pikachu's ears twitched as it listened."Pika..." 'S....She speaks in th mermaid tounge.... Long forgotten is the existence of mermaids. The only way she could know the language of the mermaids is if she is one, but that's an impossibility. But there are stories of certain ones who became human in time of danger...' The electric mouse thought, wondering.

Misty saw Pikachu. ((((Please Pikachu, don't tell anyone.))))

"Pika pikapi?" [Not even Ash?] ((((Especially not Ash.))))

"Pika?" [Why?] ((((That's not to be answered right now. Pikachu, I want to go home, but yet, I want to stay.))))

"Pikachu, pika pikachu pika." [I know how you feel.] (((( We'll talk more later. I'm tired.))))

"Pi ka." [Me too.] Little did Misty know that the next morning would change her life....

(End Prolouge)

**Part one, The Race against Time.**

The next morning, Misty was woken up by a megaphone shoved near her ear.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISTY!" Misty shot strait up out of her sleeping back. Standing up, she advanced menacingly on Ash, who was holding the megaphone and grinning nervously.

'DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN ASH KETCHUM!" She shouted, while whacking him repeatedly with a mallet. Pikachu watched and sweatdropped.

"Pika pika pika chu." [Way to try out the new mallet Misty.] Misty grinned and tossed the mallet. Ash was just starting to get up when the mallet landed on his head and knocked him down. "Pika chu...." [Nice aim.]

"Why thank you, Pikachu." Pikachu facefaulted.

"Pikachu..." [You're strange sometimes.]

"I'M STRANGE?!" Misy advanced on the rodent.

"Pi...ka...." [Don't come any closer or I'll shock you.] Misty suddenly stopped and remembered something.

"Uh...oh...." By this time, Ash had recovered.

"What 'uh-oh'? Is that a new pokemon? If so I wanna capture it!" Misty turned into a big giant head. (You know. Not really, just that funny anime thing that happens when a character is really mad and when they don't burst in flames)


"Um...." Misty rolled her eyes and whacked him. When Ash had dropped unconscious for a few seconds Misty quickly explained to Pikachu.

((((Pikachu.... today is my 13th birthday.))))

"Pika?! Pi....ka...." [13th?! Oh...no...] ((((Oh no is right. I have to get to Cerulean beach by sundown or else I'll never be the same!)))) Misty then grabbed the back of the unconscious Ash's jacket collar and started dragging him East.

"Pi, pika?" [Uh, Misty?]


"Pikachu pika pi pika cha." [Cerulean Beach is that way." Pikachu said, pointing North. Misty sweatdropped but turned north. The still groggy Ash was thought to be unconscious, but he wasn't. By now, he was good at faking it. He heard Misty conversing with Pikachu in her own language, which to anyone else's ears, it would sound like clicks and whistles. (You know, like a Dolphin. Don't worry. Mermaids in this speak english too!) But strangely, he understood it too. Shocked at this, Ash fainted.

Misty kept dragging Ash, only must faster this time. She had to get back in her home waters again soon, or else.... She thought on the changes merpeople go trough the night of their thirteenth birthday. Unless they are in their home waters before sundown, they will get their fins back again, but won't be able to change back and forth any longer. Misty thought of something else. Today was Ash's thirteenth birthday as well...

Meanwhile, behind some bushes, Team Rocket was watching Misty. They all were confused. It was plain that Misty was tallking, but to them it wasn't even a language they had heard of! It sounded kind of unhuman. But not like a pokemon. Pokemon say their names. Misty certainly wasn't doing that! Jessie watched what Misty was doing closely, then turned to James.

"This is the perfect time for our plan! The main brat's unconscious, and the other's are too busy dragging him to be paying attention! We could just grab Pikachu right now!" James looked up from his meal.

"Can't we at least finish eating first?" Meowth turned toward Jessie from stuffing his face too.

"I'm wit James on dis one." Jessie flared up at this.

"CAN'T YOU TWO THINK OF ANYTHING BESIDES EATING?!" She shouted, while whacking them. James nodded.

"I can think about donuts and their many flavors!" Meowth chimed in on aggrivating Jessie, even hough he knew it would get him whacked again. He could always retaliate with his claws!

"I can tink about how good fwied chicken is..." Jessie rolled her eyes and then proceeded to whack them again and again. When she turned back to where Ash-tachi had been, she was met by a suprise. They were so far ahead of them that they were just tiny specks!

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She yelled, while whacking them and then dragged them off at the speed of light to catch up.

In the meantime, Misty was getting more worried with every passing minute. ((((It's starting, Pikachu.))))

"Pikachu!" [Oh, no!] "Pika chu?" [The thirst starting already?] It asked worriedly, for Misty was drinking unaturaly large amounts of water. In between gulps, she answered. ((((I'm afraid so. Pikachu, we haven't got much time, and I still have to worry about what Ash will think!)))) Ash, though still unconscious was having most strange dreams...

In his first dream, he was somewhere underwater, probably in the ocean because there were many different kinds of ocean pokemon there. Strangely, he wasn't gasping for air. In fact, he was breathing underwater! For some reason though, he wasn't suprised or even shocked. Swimming alongside him was a strange lady. She ha long black hair and brown eyes, like him. Except she didn't have legs, she had a fin! Ash for some reason wasn't shocked though. It was almost as if this was a past memory and not a dream.

He also wasn't suprised by the fact that he had a fin, too. He was swimming slightly in front of the lady, but he was turned towards her and didn't see a tentacruel in front of him. Tentacruel are rightfully named, for they ruthlessly attack anything that gets in their way, and Ash so happened to be in its way. The lady rushed forward and knocked Ash out of the way. He went spiraling through the water and hit his head. Before falling unconscious, he saw the tentacruel sting the lady. For some reason this filled him with such sadness.

In a few seconds he found that he had legs. He swam for the shore not daring to look back. It was too late to do anything. Once a Tentacruel has stung you, you have almost no chance of surviving. He found himself walking. Soon he pulled himself out of the water and collapsed.

Then, he opened his eyes. There was no beach, only a dusty brown path leading through woods. There was no black-haired mermaid there-for, he realized, that's what it was-only Misty. There was no angry tentacruel, only Pikachu. He blinked a few times and tried to stand up. He did, but Misty unknowingly still had him by the collar while she ran. Feeling sick, Ash did his best to run backwards.

Misty's strength was failing fast. And so was the light. It was nearing sunset, and they still hadn't even seen Cerulean Beach. If she didn't hurry, stage two would start and her arm fins would start to come out. Even as she ran, two fins appeared on her arms, just above her wrists, sort of enlarging her wrists.

Ash felt a pain rushing through his arms. His gloves were unusually tight. Though he was thirsty, he had kept running. Now he paused long enough(And just when Misty did too.) to take off his gloves. What he saw, for some reason, didn't suprise him-too much, that is. Small fins identacle to Misty's were on his arms. He did the only thing that's not suprising. He fainted.

Misty, though in pain, kept running. Time was running out, and fast. Sunset would happen in about half an hour. She wasn't sure she would make it on time, but she sped up and tried her hardest. Pikachu, using its agility saw the fins on Ash's arms. Its eyes grew wide.

"PIKA!" [MISTY!] Misty slowed down. ((((What?)))) Pikachu said nothing, but pointed to Ash. Misty looked and saw the same kind of fins she had on her arms, except these were on Ash's arms instead. She gasped, but quickly resumed her running. There would be plenty of time to gawk and ask questions later. She needed to get to Cerulean beach. More than ever, for Ash needed to get there too whether he knew it or not. But she didn't know that Team Rocket had set a trap that would slow her down....

(End part one)