Kage no Kenshi

Thank you so much for reading! I was amazed that the archive the was so small I see smaller series get just as much and NGNL is just so small. I mean the hype for the anime was HUGE, something must be seriously wrong with the fan-base.

and a big thanks to the people who followed/Favorited TPIAPASBTM (Wow that's really long).

Here is Chapter II The Flawless Beauty's Wrath

"Aren't you going a little far? I muttered as I leaned against the door-frame as Shiro who had just woken up and was trying to get the knots out of her hair.

"Not until I get stupid Steph back-I got even MORE skimpy outfits for her to wear!" She proclaimed rather proudly.

"Do you think it will work? I mean she's got you now, I don't think she will be phased by it anymore".

"Ow!" I let out a sigh as Shiro who's hair was now just a mess and even entangled even more as I sat her down in front of the vanity and took the brush from her hand.

"Did Steph order you to fix yourself?"

"She's so bossy she said my hair was unkempt-Shiro needs only Sora to take care of her. Don't laugh brother".

"I'm not laughing, you don't need to try hard just be Shiro-Steph doesn't see what I see." I heard Shiro sigh as I continued brushing her hair.

"And what is that?" She said not looking up.

"A Flawless Beauty" I said as I placed my hands on her and turned her to the mirror and and leaned over and added a crown to her head "Who's about to show her wrath"

A small smile appeared on her face with a hint of red appearing on her cheeks but it instantly disappeared when the door opened with a bang and standing there was...

"Shiro, How are you feeling Princess?"

"Steph stop being annoying-"

"What was that Shiro?"


"Come now that is not Princess-like behavior, you will scare all your suitors away"

"What is that you want Steph? Stop playing games and out with it"

"I don't want to hear that coming from you So-Alright fine, I made the time for Shiro to be measured for her dress for the ball make sure she attends" She said as she left the room as I placed my arm in front of Shiro who was about to get ready to strangle Steph.

"I hate you brother" She said as she sat down in front of the vanity.

"Come now there is still one thing that you haven't tried to get back at Steph yet" I winked at her as a small smirk appeared on her face.

Today was going to be a good day as I skipped happily through the halls saying hello to everybody it was now the Afternoon but my mood was halted when I stopped mid-stride at the sound of the two familiar voices as I took a peek.

It was Shiro and she was with Jibril and she was actually studying as I watched on as Shiro repeated and memorized everything Jibril said.

This was suspicious-Shiro never studied, something is off as I thought but which was interrupted by the sound of a big thump, I looked to see that it was Sora he was carrying some books for Shiro and I was waiting to be scolded but Sora just gave me a small smile and asked if I could help him.

Oh no, don't smile at me like that. I can't control myself. I immediately ran to the wall and banged my head "Wait a minute, Sora being nice?! Since when?! I immediately turned back but Sora was already up and heading into the same room Shiro was in.

I discreetly followed Sora and hid behind a column near the room as I listened:

"Jibril you can leave us now-I will tutor Shiro now. Something was wrong Sora never had to tutor Shiro it's not even his job.

"Alright Master and thank you" I crouched as soon as Jibril left the room happily occupied the device in her hand to even notice the door was now half closed as I peeked back and was shocked at I what I saw.

The books Sora had were now discarded on the floor and Sora had Shiro pinned down on the table and he was leaning over with this smirk of his-I felt something wet coming from my nose.

"Steph what are you doing?" I turned to see that Jibril had returned a smile appeared on her face after she took a peek at what I was looking at and flew off with that very same smile shouting to everyone she saw that I was a pervert.

"Wait, wait it's not what it is" I shouted as I ran after her earning repulsive looks from everyone along the way.

Moments before after Steph left the room...

"Don't do anything for the next couple of days. Do everything that you normally wouldn't do."

"Why? What would that accomplish?" I said angrily.

"Because dear little sister-You can't get her back properly without her throwing it in your face but you can drive her insane, She will be too busy figuring out what it is that you supposedly had done."

"Brother you just earned yourself a Free from Shiro pass"

...Back to the present...

"Fun, what fun. Get Back Steph accomplished" Shiro muttered in her sleep as I watched her sleep peaceful as she tossed and turned in her sheets.

I turned to see outside to see Steph outside talking to the planners for Shiro's engagement as I frowned and left the room in a huff.

"Don't worry Shiro-It will be a war indeed." I muttered quietly as I closed the door.

This will be the only chapter I will be updating for the time being and since the holidays are coming up soon I will be writing up more during that time. As I said at the beginning of Chapter I I mentioned that I visited various archives and will be writing for some of those as well. Next on my planned list will be focusing on these archives for now: Aria The Scarlet Ammo, Aikatsu!,Mondaijitachi ga Isekai kara Kuru sou desu yo, Tokyo Ravens and Watashi ni xx Shinasai!

Shiro got her revenge and next Chapter will move the story along I promise! Sort of!

Thank you for reading!