A/N: Question: A couple of times in Found, I forgot to replace the bold 'Ranger's Apprentice' with a line break. Did that bother anyone? Would you guys be good if I stopped doing line breaks and left the bold 'Ranger's Apprentice'?

Gold: I think Talia is my most complex character. She shifts a lot. As for Finley...she may show up a few more times in the Themes but as far as the main story...no more :)

AER: You and Crowley...

Saberin: Yep. I remember finding that name...I went to a babyname website and searched for names 'Will' could be short for aside from 'William' and...Wilkes was the weirdest one that still fit the British style. It's like a last name for a first name.

Aubrey: Yes, this is the last one of Found :)

Disclaimer: Still not John Flanagan.

Horace, Cassandra, and their children made it back in time to have dinner with Duncan. Duncan gripped Horace's hand and embraced his daughter. He knelt down and greeted each of his grandchildren. He had to have Horace help him back up. With old age came a bad back.

"I'm not as young as I once was," Duncan sighed as he braced against his younger son-in-law.

"None of us are." Horace smiled as he noticed his twins arguing over which of them was the faster sprinter. The honest answer was William. His eldest son led a much more active life than his sister. However Rosalina refused to admit a fault, much like her mother. It made Cassandra a good diplomat and negotiator. She and Alyss were the perfect tag-team. If Gilan ever figured out a way to get Will to Castle Araluen then no doubt a lot more would get done simply because Alyss would follow him and enter Cassandra's inner circle. He partially wondered who would win the argument between his children. William wanted to race but Rosalina was too smart for that. She had a chance at talking her way into his believing she was faster without any proof.

"I guess not," Duncan agreed. He grunted as he lifted Ace up. "Were you good, Prince Ace?'

"Yes!" Ace squealed. Horace felt very familiar hands grip his upper arm. He turned and met Cassandra's lips with his.

"Would you two like for me to see to the children tonight?" Duncan asked with a coy smile.

Cassandra waited with her fierce eyes bearing into Horace's heart. "You won't mind?" Horace asked without taking his gaze off her.

Duncan shook his head. "William, Rosalina, come. I've got something to show all of you."

He dropped Ace to his feet and led the children away.

Halt and Pauline arrived back at their apartment with Kane in tow. It was late and Kane went directly to bed. Halt and Pauline silently washed up before getting into theirs and even then didn't fall asleep immediately.

"He looks just like his mother," Pauline whispered.

"He does. Talia seems to be a good person."

"Why do you think she didn't come back here with us?"

Halt thought about it for several moments. "I think she has a lot to figure out before she settles somewhere. She's had a hard life and we've made sure Kane doesn't need her to be happy. She reminds me a lot of Lina when she first turned up in our kitchen."

Pauline smiled at the memory. "Lina seemed so scared and lost back then…but so fierce and strong at the same time. I suppose Talia does seem a bit like that. Do you think she'll come back?"

Halt nodded. "I do. She's just got some things to finish first."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

Pauline stared at the ceiling. "I do hope she stays in Kane's life. He doesn't need her but…I think it'd be terrible knowing you've got a parent out there but just never see them."

"Yeah, it is."

Pauline rolled over to face him. "Did you ever miss your family in Hibernia when you left?"

Halt nodded. "My father was too concerned with my becoming king. Ferris tried to kill me all the time. But aside from those two I did miss them. My mother passed away about the same time Caitlyn had Sean, if I remember correctly. I wish we could have a daughter to name after one of them. They were great people."

"Were they?" Pauline asked with a slight smile. Halt nodded.

"There were those who despised my father and almost everyone ended up hating Ferris. There were plenty of death threats against them and me but my mother and sister never got any. Everybody loved them."

Pauline looked over at him. "Maybe we could adopt another child."

Halt grimaced. He loved Kane but had no desire to have another baby. Pauline just laughed and kissed him.

Sean and Kineta rode ahead of their guard. They were confident there were no enemies between the isolated trail and the harbor where their ship waited. If they did, Kineta was a trained assassin and Sean had seen his share of battles.

When Kineta joined his service Sean had been taken by her. The pure Hibernian beauty caught his eye a few times but he didn't fall hard for her until he saw her in action. She talked her way out of more tight situations than he ever had and could shoot an arrow with greater accuracy than at least half of the Elite Royal Archers. Her strength attracted him. His mother had been gentle and the people had loved her for it but Sean couldn't see himself with somebody so gentle. He needed a strong companion that would keep him in check so that he wouldn't become like Ferris but also stunning and charming.

He went over all the pointless details of Kineta's life that intrigued him. Her true name wasn't Kineta. She remembered being given a new name upon entering the Academy but couldn't remember her old one. She remembered having a father but not a mother and that her father died when she was six. She liked haddock flavored with any kind of citrus juice available with apple cider or apple wine. She kept her hair exactly four inches past her shoulders, which was mid-length and even short compared to most Hibernian girls who grew theirs to their hips. Day-to-day she kept it secure with a leather strap with small sections braided and at formal events she wrapped it in woven strands across her head.

She liked dark blues. She preferred watching a sunrise to a sunset because it meant the beginning of a new day full of promise. She preferred winter to summer because in the winter she could curl up next to a fire. The past few winters she'd curled up next to him. Her guilty pleasure was reading the sappy romantic short stories ladies of court and royal families indulged in. She said they were the only stories where nobody died.

All that and she could ride a horse, shoot a bow, and negotiate with such intensity even Skandians feared her. She wasn't the woman Sean had dreamed about but she was the woman he fell in love with.

And she wore garments that somehow balanced a proper amount of modesty while showing as much skin as possible with confidence.

Liam put Scout to bed. He kissed his daughter's cheek as he pulled the blankets up to her chin. "I love you, Papa," she told him.

"I love you too, Scout," he whispered. "Go to sleep."

Scout's eyes drooped. "Night night," she sighed as she drifted off. He kissed her cheek again before leaving the room. He went to his wife and got into bed with her. A week had passed since they returned to Redmont and he swore she'd gotten bigger. He saw her smile as he settled next to her with his hand over her stomach.

"How big did you get with Scout?" he whispered.

"A lot bigger than this," she replied. Unlike last time, she felt happy. She'd been happy carrying Scout but going through such a rough time without Liam had dimmed her overall outtake. She felt safe being next to him with his arms around her. "The last several weeks I could only get out of bed with help."

Liam smiled and buried his face in her hair. "I look forward to that."

Lina laughed. "Me getting big?"

"That and you needing someone to help you. You hardly ever need somebody to help you."

Lina rubbed her twisted foot against his leg. "I think that's changed now."

"Even better."

Lina smiled when he kissed her. "I love you Liam."

"I love you too, Lina. Have you thought of any names for our newest?"

"I'm not sure about names for a son. Halt, obviously, but…I don't know."

"I guess you already picked out a girl's then?"

Lina shook her head. "I'm just not sure."

"Well we've got time."

Liam kissed her. "I love you Lina."

"I love you too."

A/N: Be sure to keep an eye out for Search, 3rd of this series! Also go over to the 100 Themes Revival to check out oneshots centered on background and unanswered questions from this main story. If you'd like alerts sent to your email, be sure to add me as a 'Favorite Author' or 'Author Alert'.