I watched my crew scatter around deck, all doing their jobs. My hair was down, it's messy yet wild look had brought many men to their knees, of course the natural curves of my body helped out. I had on a dark blue hat, a white and black feather sticking from it, the widely known and feared symbol of Saber tooth on the side of it encrusted with gold. Brushing the bottom of my hat was a gold masquerade mask that hid the top of my nose and the skin around my eyes to the middle of my forehead. My coat was the same deep blue as my hat, it came down to the back of my knees but fit perfect, the edges trimmed with gold, it was opened and you could see the black corset like top I had on, amplifying my features although it didn't squeeze the life out of me. I had been wearing them all my life anyway. My pants were skin tight and black, matching the knee high black leather boots. At my side was a sword, a gun, and a pouch with multiple slots in them that held keys, some silver and some gold, twelve gold to be exact. On the other side of my hip were two whips, one black and brown with a sharp heart at the end; the other looked like a silver capsule but when I brought it out it was a dazzling blue with stars on it.

I looked once again at my crew before taking a deep breath of the sea air, casting my eyes across the waves that had been my home for two years now, and within a year and a half of that time the terror and the terrible tales of the Sabertooth had grown.

"Captain!" I averted my eyes too my first mate, his blonde hair spiked as usual and the bottom half of his chest revealed.

"Aye?" I asked and he came up the steps, coming to my side. I didn't move my hands from the rail as his body pressed against my side, his lips against the back of my cheek, right in front of my ear where the mask ended.

"You seem troubled." He murmured into my skin. I hummed softly yet I still didn't look at him.

"Troubled? Not at all, I would say tired from a restless night." I murmured back. I felt his sigh against my skin then his lips against my neck, his arms around my waist before resting his head on my shoulder.

"Sting, shouldn't you be instructing our newest member?" I asked, ignoring the slight comfort I took in his embrace. He shouldn't be showing affection like this in the open where the crew could see. They weren't supposed to know I was soft for him. He chuckled and looked down at the girl with deep blue hair, a deeper-than-mine-blue corset on her with black pants like mine, a coat that matched the corset over her shoulders, a fluffy white fringe on the sides of it. He let out a puff of air and I finally looked at him, his face not in my view but his white Sabertooth mark on his shoulder twitched along his shoulder as he chuckled.

"She's a powerful mage, a good gunmen, but her work with the sword needs to be very much improved. Although she's not as good as you with the trigger. Maybe just a second or two difference in reaction time." He reported before removing his blue gloved hands from my waist so I could see him fully as he stood up. The scar across his eyebrow twitched as he raised his brows.

"Well then you should be teaching her swords." I said calmly and he flinched playfully, sticking his tongue out into the crisp air. We were sailing away from winter, the entire crew had agreed we should target tourists that had headed to the tropics to escape the bite of winter winds.

"Ouch. Alright, I'll have her training intensified tomorrow." He said before leaning in and brushing his lips against mine before kissing me completely. I kissed back for just a moment before I pulled away, putting a hand in his hair and ruffling them affectionately before turning back to the crew.

"June!" I called, causing the girl to snap out of her trance and look at me, the serious expression on her face and determined eyes met mine.

"Yes Captain!" She called out obediently and I resisted the urge to smirk.

"I request you spar, choose your opponent wisely. You will spar with them however many times it takes you to win. You will spar with them once every day while under instruction of first mate Sting." I ordered and her face didn't change, she just nodded determinedly.

"Aye Aye captain!" She called, looking around to find her new sparring partner. A chuckle sounded next to me.

"Lucille, do you really think that's necessary?" He asked and my eyes narrowed, flashbacks of six months ago running through my head.

"Well, you're supposed to be one of the best swordsman ever. With your instruction maybe she'll be able to defend herself." I snapped and he flinched visibly, not in a joking matter as his eyes turned serious.

"They took me by surprise." He said softly and I shook my head, regretting bringing up what had happened.

"They took us all by surprise." I said gently, putting a hand on his Sabertooth mark. He nodded, knowing that this was my form of apology yet a heaviness had already been brought into the conversation that wouldn't leave until later on that night when we relaxed or when we became occupied with something else.

"But you can't say we didn't hit them right back twice as hard." He said after a few moments of silence and a small smirk came to my lips as I remembered the white hair being stained red.

"Pinkie is nothing without his lizard." I muttered as a red exceed floated over. Sting grinned widely, his canines visible at what I had said and the approach of his number one ego-booster.

"Lector!" He said gleefully and Lector panted for a moment, resting on the railing.

"Captain! An enemy ship approaches!" He exclaimed and a loud growl ripped through my throat as I uncrossed my arms, grabbing the spyglass from my second mate's side who jumped slightly as he was steering the boat, having ignored all of Stings displays of affection and our entire conversation to begin with. Rouge cocked his head curiously as I walked briskly to the side at which Lector had pointed too, holding it up and looking through it. I steadied it and closed one eye. I saw the image of a winged orange symbol, a pointed tail and I snarled loudly, ripping away from the side.

"Speak of the devil." I muttered before going to the railing.

"ALL HANDS ON DECK! MOVE YOU SCUM! PREPARE FOR BATTLE." I screamed loudly, projecting my voice. Everyone scrambled to where they needed to be as Sting looked through the spyglass next to me, humming to himself.

"They haven't been spotted for a while...especially with Salamander in charge again." He muttered and I felt the rage starting to build up. I whipped around, pacing back to the railing at the top of the helm I leaned over, spotting the blue-haired beauty.

"JUNE!" Her attention snapped to me, pausing with the gun she was placing in her belt.

"GET UP HERE NOW." I yelled and she rushed towards me as I walked back towards Sting, taking the spyglass again. They were gaining on us. I looked over at Rouge, "swing us around," I ordered and he nodded, gritting his teeth as he swung the wheel hard. I stayed with my feet apart so I didn't lose balance as everyone else stumbled a bit at the sudden jerk of the ship.

"FLY THE COLORS!" I shouted as June appeared next to me. She looked at me, her eyes wide in fear and excitement. This was her first battle, and of all things, it was Fairy Tail we were fighting. I looked at her, an angry scowl on my face before I remembered why I had called her up.

"June...give them a little bit of a...rocky ride. Let's see if we can't activate Salamanders motion sickness." I said and a smirk appeared upon her face, nodding to me and turning. I watched her as she lifted her hands up as high as she could then brought them down quickly, screaming in either rage or effort as she swung her arms to the side, most of her body as well. I smirked slowly as I crossed my arms, a large wave hitting the side of the enemy boat. It jerked to the side and you could hear the distant shouts of surprise from the sudden wave. June did it again but this time on the other side.

"Keep it up." I said gruffly before turning and looking at the crew.

"ALRIGHT! LISTEN UP!" I screamed and everyone gathered, we were just waiting for the boat to be in range.

"We've fought them before!" I said sternly and loudly, my hand gripping my sword tightly. "These idiots don't know when to stop! Remember who they took from us! What they took from us!" I yelled and some shuffling and muttered agreements "We are Sabertooth! We are the most feared name out there! Are we going to let children who still believe in fairy tales take away our title?!" I yelled and my crew answered me, all yelling 'no!'. "These children are sleeping! Their heads in the clouds! And I think it's time we wake them up!" I screamed, my crew screaming back their agreement as I drew my sword, letting out my war cry.

"Kill them all except one! We'll let the one spread the word..SABERTOOTH WILL NEVER BE TAKEN DOWN!" Everyone drew their own swords, chanting their agreement. I looked to the side. The ship had just gotten into range and I brought my sword down quickly.

"Fire the cannons off the starboard!" I yelled and a second later the thundering noises were sounded, smoke quickly coming into the air as cannon balls fused with magic shot forward, locking onto their target and hitting it. The ship turned to it's side, starting to go parallel with us. I smirked as Rouge brought us in closer.

"Let's dance Salamander."

-edited version-

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