A/N - Hello everyone! I am so happy with the reaction I got from the first chapter, I was worried that no one would like it haha. Thank you to anyone who had read my stories, and thank you for the lovely comment's, follows and fav's. It means a lot. I'm dyslexic, so I struggle to get my words out right, especially when I'm writing. Also, my spelling is awful XD. If I hadn't of used Spell Checker, I'm pretty sure this would have been illegible haha. Anyways, here's chapter 2. I hope you like it!

Summary - Since moving to LA, Kendall is struggling to cope with his feelings for Logan. James says he should go for it and see if Logan likes him back. Will Kendall go for it or will he and Logan just stay friends?

Rating - M.

Pairing - Kendall/Logan.

Warnings - Sex, swearing, some violence.

Before I could ask James what his plan was he'd walked into 2J. I quickly followed him, smiling when I saw Logan. He was sat on our bright orange sofa, first aid box in his lap as he inspected Carlos' arm. I'd always found it cute when Logan went into 'doctor mode'. He had a little frown on his face as he gently wrapped Carlos' injured arm in a bandage, being careful not to hurt him.

I watched as James walked away to his bedroom, wondering what his plan could be. I decided not to follow him and took a seat on the sofa beside Logan. He glanced over at me for a brief second when he noticed me, offering me a smile before looking back to Carlos. He truly was adorable.

"So, what's the damage?" I asked, looking to Carlos' arm as I sipped my pink smoothie. I was still holding Logan's too so I put it on the coffee table.

"Just a sprain, nothing broken. He should be fine in a few days." Logan said as he carefully helped Carlos back into the sling.

I nodded, chuckling when I saw the pout on Carlos' face.

"Don't worry, bud. You'll be back to swirly-sliding and causing mayhem in the Palmwoods in no time." I told him.

This seemed to cheer him up. He grinned at me before turning to Logan.

"Thanks, Logie." He smiled, resting back against the sofa.

Logan smiled too, packing everything back into the first aid box. "No problem. Just try and be more careful next time."

Carlos rolled his eyes. "Okay, mom."

Logan rolled his eyes back at him before standing and moving to the kitchen to put the first aid box away.

"Well," James said suddenly, appearing from his and Carlos' shared room. "Seen as Carlos can't do anything too active for a while, how about we watch a movie?"

He was holding up a DVD case, grinning knowingly at me. I looked at the DVD properly, blinking when I realised what it was. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2013). James knew all too well how much Logan disliked horror movies, so I'm assuming this was part of his plan to help me make a move on him. However cliché the idea was, it was actually a pretty good plan.

Carlos grinned, nodding eagerly. I nodded too before looking over to Logan.

"You wanna watch, Logie?" I asked with a smile.

Logan walked over to James, his face paling slightly when he realised what movie we would be watching. "Um…"

"Aw, is little Logie-bear scared?" James teased, ruffling Logan's hair.

Logan glared at him, pushing his hand away. "I'm not scared."

James raised an eyebrow. "So you'll watch the movie?"

"Sure." Logan said as casually as he could, but I could see he was nervous.

He moved to the couch as James went to the TV to put the DVD in the player. I tried not to smile as Logan sat beside me, and leaned over to him, lowering my voice so nobody else could hear me.

"You don't have to watch it, Logie. I know you don't like these kinds of movies."

Logan looked to me, biting his lip. He shook his head. "It's okay. I'll watch."

I nodded softly, shuffling closer to him. "Just tell me if it's bothering you. We can always turn it off."

Logan nodded too, smiling slightly. "Thanks."

I swear I could see a faint blush on his cheeks as he smiled at me, but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

James finished setting up the movie and hopped onto the couch, sitting beside Carlos.

"This is gonna be awesome, I've been dying to watch this movie." He grinned, pressing 'play' on the remote.

"Try not to pee your pants, Logie." Carlos teased, making James laugh.

Logan reached over me to punch Carlos' good arm. I had to stifle a gasp as he pressed against me. My skin tingled under his weight.

"Shut up or I'll sprain your other arm." Logan mumbled.

Carlos and James laughed at this, and Logan settled back against the sofa, folding his arms over his chest childishly. I chuckled softly, taking the opportunity to wrap an arm around his shoulder.

"Take no notice of them." I whispered in his ear, pulling him closer.

Logan nodded softly before looking to the TV. I watched him for a second longer before also turning my attention to the movie.


We were about half way into the movie when Logan freaked out. I was actually pretty proud of him; it usually only took about ten minutes of watching a scary movie for him to lose it.

I still had an arm wrapped around his shoulder, holding him close to me. Throughout the movie, Logan had shifted closer to me. He was currently gripping onto the front of my shirt with one hand as he watched the screen. He looked like he was going to be sick.

We were at the part where the group of teens had just driven away from the house, but the chainsaw-wielding maniac had managed to slice one of their tyres. The car skidded down the road before veering off the road. It toppled over, rolling a few times before stopping upside down. The two girls gasped and sat up straight while the male teen was unconscious. All of a sudden, a chainsaw ripped through one of the windows, glass shattering as the two girls screamed.

I felt Logan jump beside me and then a weight settled on my chest. I looked down to see Logan's face pressed into my shirt, his hand still clutching the material tightly. I moved my arm that was around him down, resting my hand on his back.

"Logie, do you want to turn it off?" I whispered, rubbing small circles on his back as he trembled against me.

He shook his head defiantly, looking back to the screen. It only took a few more minutes before his face was pressed into my shirt again. I heard Carlos snort from beside me. I turned to glare at him, not missing the shit-eating grin James had on his face as he noticed the position Logan and I were in.

"Come on, let's go to our room." I said quietly to Logan, nudging him with my shoulder.

Logan didn't protest, standing on shaky legs. I kept an arm around him and guided him to our shared bedroom, closing the door gently behind me.

Logan let out a shaky sigh. "How can anyone like those movies?" he asked with a shudder.

I chuckled softly, moving to ruffle his hair. "Some people would ask how you can like doing homework."

Logan turned to glare playfully at me before shaking his head. "You can go back in if you want to watch the movie. Don't feel like you have to stay because of me."

Oh, Logan. If only you knew.

"Nah, I don't mind. It was getting pretty boring anyway." I said nonchalantly.

Logan looked at me incredulously, shocked at how I could find a movie like that boring. To tell the truth, I hadn't really paid much attention to the movie. I'd been too focused on Logan the whole time. But I couldn't tell him that.

"So, what do you wanna do now?" I asked, looking to the dim glow of the clock on my bedside table. It was only 3pm, and I was hoping Logan and I could go and do something together.

"I think I'll head to the library for a while to do some studying." Logan said, moving to his desk to pick up some of his school books.

I rolled my eyes fondly at him. I admired how smart Logan was; a lot of people took it for granted.

"That sounds fun, mind if I tag along?" I asked with a smile.

I didn't miss how Logan swivelled around to face me, looking at me strangely. "Kendall Knight, going to a library…willingly? Are you sure you're okay?"

I laughed at this and grabbed my jacket off my bed, nodding as I slid it on. "Yeah. I want to come."

Logan was still looking at me, his eyebrows raised. "But you don't like studying… Or reading for that matter."

"No, I don't. But I like being with you. We don't get to hang out as much as we used to back in Minnesota. " I said honestly with a small shrug, willing myself not to blush.

Logan's face softened at this but he tilted his head, chuckling. "Kendall, we live together. We see each other every day."

"Yeah, but we're always with James and Carlos, or at the studio rehearsing. We haven't spent a lot of time together, just us two." I rubbed the back of my neck as I spoke.

Logan smiled softly when he heard this, and I found myself smiling back at him.

"Yeah, we haven't, have we?" He said with a hum, holding his books to his chest as he looked up to me. He looked so fucking cute with his big doe eyes staring up at me, his crooked smile making my heart flutter.

"So I can come?" I asked hopefully.

Logan chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully. "Of course you can. I'd love for you to come."

I grinned, my stomach doing backflips as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. We walked into the living room, seeing James and Carlos still absorbed in the movie. Logan glanced at the movie still playing on the TV, letting out a squeak as a woman on the screen got shot in the head. He quickly fled the apartment and I chuckled to myself.

"Guys, we're heading to the library. Tell my mom we'll be home for dinner." I said to my two friends.

James blinked, looking away from the screen. He frowned as he took in what I said. "You're going to the library? Are you feeling alright?"

What was with everyone thinking I'd never voluntarily step foot into a library?

I rolled my eyes at him, glancing at Carlos to make sure he wasn't listening to us before I spoke. "I'm going with Logan."

"Oh." James said, a grin coming to his lips. He winked at me. "Have fun."

I rolled my eyes, flipping him off before heading out of the door.


Once we reached the library, Logan headed straight for the medical section. I chuckled, trailing behind him. He picked a few books from one of the many shelves before finding an empty table. I sat beside him as he put down his small stack of books, opening his notepad that he often used in school for taking notes.

I watched in amazement as Logan seemed to get completely absorbed in the book within a few seconds of opening it. His chocolate eyes danced over the words, flickering to his notebook every now and again to write something down. I watched him for a while, finding it cute how he stuck his tongue out in concentration.

I glanced around the library, finding it mostly empty. As I looked around, I realised why I'd never actually set foot in a library before. To put it simply; it was boring.

I leaned back in my chair, my eyes going back to Logan again. I shuffled my chair closer to his, not getting a reaction from him. He was completely focused on reading. I rested my arms on the table, leaning close to get a look at the book he was reading. I didn't understand a lot of it, I could barely pronounce half of the complicated medical terms, let alone comprehend what they meant.

"Kendall," Logan said, drawing my attention away from the book.

I turned my head, not realising how close our faces were. Our lips were only centimetres apart, and I wanted so badly just to lean in and close the gap between us.

"Yeah?" I asked quietly.

"What are you doing?"

"Reading." I said, grinning sheepishly.

"You do know that there are thousands of other books here, right?" He chuckled.

I blushed, shrugging softly. "I don't want to read, it's boring."

Logan looked even more amused at this. "You don't want to read, yet you've come to the place built for people to come and read in?"

I shrugged again at this, smiling sweetly. "Like I said, I just wanted to spend some time with you."

Logan smiled softly at this, closing his medical book. I frowned in confusion, watching as he grabbed his Math book that he'd brought with him.

"Well, why don't we study together?" He suggested, opening the exercise book. "I can help you with Algebra."

I groaned inwardly. "Logie, I don't want to study." I whined childishly.

I knew I wouldn't say no to him though; I couldn't, even if that did mean having to study my least favourite subject.

Logan rolled his eyes at me, handing me a pencil from the pot on the table. "Look, it's not that hard, really. We'll go through my notes."

He used his own pencil to point to an equation as he spoke, explaining how to work out the formula or something. I tried to listen, honestly I did, but I was finding it extremely difficult to do so. Logan kept leaning closer as he explained the work to me, placing his hand on my arm every now and again to make sure I was paying attention. Each time he touched my, my skin tingled, feeling as though I was on fire.

"Kendall," I was brought away from my thoughts as something poked me in the side.

I looked down, noticing he'd jabbed me with his pencil.

"Are you listening?" he asked.

I grinned at him. "Of course I was, Logie."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Okay, what's the value of x then?"

I blinked at this, looking back to his notepad. None of it made sense as I scanned the long equation he'd written out. "Uh…nineteen?"

Logan rolled his eyes, poking me with the pencil again, this time in the chest. "Pay attention."

I smirked at this, remembering I had my own pencil in hand. I poked his side with the peace of led, just below his ribs, looking at him in surprise as he squeaked.

"Is someone ticklish?" I asked, grinning wickedly at him.

"No!" Logan defended, a little too quickly and I hummed.

"I think you are." I poked him with the pencil again and smirked when he made the same sound.

"Stop it, Kendall." He said, trying to sound irritated, but I could see the corners of his mouth turning up ever so slightly.

I poked him a few more times, revelling in how he wriggled at the touch, until the pencil was snatched out of my hand by Logan.

"Ha." He grinned, poking my arm with both pencils.

I smirked, lifting my hands and wriggling my fingers. "I still have these, Logie."

Logan's eyes widened and he made an attempt to get out of his chair but I quickly grabbed him around the waist, tugging him into my lap. I ran my fingers over his sides and stomach, grinning as he squirmed and shrieked.

"K-Kendall… Stop- Ah!" he laughed, trying to turn around in my lap, his hands moving to my own sides in an attempt to tickle me.

He caught me off guard when he jabbed his fingers into my stomach, the only place I was ticklish and I jolted backwards, my chair tipping over. I fell backwards with a shriek, pulling Logan with me. I landed with a thud on my back; Logan sprawled out on top of me. We were both panting slightly, still laughing from our little fight.

As I got my breath back, I realised my hands were still around his waist, holding him against me. Logan seemed to notice too, shifting slightly as he cleared his throat. I had to stifle a gasp as he rubbed against me, biting my lip. He tried to get up but I tightened my hold on hip waist. I looked up, meeting Logan's eyes. He was blushing darkly, from the tickle fight or the position we were in, I wasn't sure.

"Kendall, I need to get up." He whispered, attempting to pull away again.

I let him this time, chuckling as he stood. He held his hands out to me, which I took, and hauled myself up.

"So much for studying." Logan said, but he was smiling.

He bent over to pick up some of his paper that had fallen off the desk due to our little wrestling match. I bit my lip, averting my eyes so that I didn't stare at his ass. I noticed a woman sitting on a table across the room, watching us with an amused smile. I felt myself blush more.

Logan finally stood up straight, picking up the library books and putting them back on the shelves. He turned and smiled at me, picking up own books.

"Wanna head back?" he asked and I nodded.

I was still a little dazed about what had just happened. I wasn't sure how to feel about Logan's reaction to our little tickle fight. He hadn't really reacted at all, really. However, he hadn't pulled away from me straight away, either. That was something, I guessed.

We walked back to the Palmwoods, chatting casually about work and school, and other things. Logan made a comment about my 'caterpillar eyebrows' at some point, causing me to chase him the rest of the way back to the Palmwoods. Once we were both inside the lobby we were panting heavily, trying to catch our breaths.

"Damn, for someone so small, you can run so fast." I said breathlessly, earning a playful glare and a punch to the shoulder from Logan.

"I don't get why I'm teased about being short so much. Carlos is shorter than me." Logan said with a pout, his lips puckered, looking so very temptingly kissable.

I grinned, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him to my side as we stepped into the elevator. "I like that you're short. It's cute."

I blinked in surprise at my own words, having said them without really thinking about it. I felt Logan become still in my hold and I prayed I hadn't screwed this up.

"Cute?" Logan asked, looking up to me.

I looked down to him, trying to act as casual as I could. "Yeah… I don't know. Carlos is short too, but… It just works for you. It's cute."

Logan stayed quiet after this, the only noise being heard coming from the elevator as we reached our floor. I tried to keep calm, wishing he would say something as we walked back to 2J.

I reluctantly removed my arm from his shoulders as we reached the apartment, digging in my pocket for my keys. As I put the key to the lock, Logan spoke up.

"Am I really cute?" He asked, looking up to me, his nose scrunched up as he said the word.

Logan, you are literally the definition of 'cute'.

I shrugged softly, smiling at him. "Yeah." I answered honestly.

After a few seconds, Logan gave me a small smile before brushing past me into 2J. I bit my lip as I followed him inside; glad to see he didn't rush to our room. I wasn't sure what had just happened; Logan's reaction throwing me off a little.

I closed the door behind me and slipped my jacket off.

"Hey sweetie." My mom said from where she was cooking in the kitchen.

I smiled at her, walking towards her to see if she needed any help. "Hey, mom. Need any help?"

She smiled as he shook her head, dishing up a huge plate of fish sticks and tater tots.

"No thank you, sweetie. But can you go get James and Carlos, dinner is just about ready."

I nodded, kissing her cheek before heading upstairs to find my friends.


I tugged my shirt over my head as I changed for bed, pulling on a pair of sweats. I didn't bother putting a shirt on and climbed straight into bed. I looked up when the door opened and smiled at Logan. He smiled back before heading to his closet, also changing.

During dinner, Logan had been completely fine with me. I'd expected him to be awkward with me after he'd rushed off earlier. I was glad when he took his usual seat beside me at the dining table, fighting with me over who got the most tater tots.

I glanced back at Logan, seeing he'd finished changing. I opened my mouth to speak, stopping when there was a knock on the bedroom door. I smiled as my mom poked her head into the room.

"Hey, boys. Just saying goodnight." She said with a smile, moving to my bed to kiss my head. I smiled softly, giving her a quick hug.

"Night, mom."

She moved to Logan, giving him a quick hug too. "Thank you for taking care of Carlos earlier, Logan. I don't know what that boy would do without you."

Logan blushed, smiling shyly and shrugging at her. "No problem, Mama Knight."

My mom smiled again, kissing his cheek. "Goodnight, boys." She said before leaving the room.

I looked over to Logan who was climbing into bed, a small frown set on his face.

"You okay, Logie?"

Logan jumped at my voice, clearly lost in his thoughts.

"Oh, yeah… Sorry." He chuckled quietly. "Just thinking."

I turned on my side, looking at him properly. "About what?"

"Your mom," He said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "She's really great, Kendall. She's… She's a lot warmer than mine."

I frowned when I heard this, my heart aching. He looked so sad as he spoke, his voice small. I'd learned at a young age how strict Logan's mother could be. When we were growing up in Minnesota, she was always one for rules and discipline; she liked everything a set way. She was a business woman, a very good one actually. However, when Logan was growing up, she seemed to forget when to stop being a business woman and to be a mother.

When it came to Logan, she tended to focus more on his school grades than showing him affection. She expected perfect results, even when Logan was a young boy. If Logan didn't make a grade up to her standing, she could be very cold with him.

Don't get me wrong, she was never abusive to Logan. No, I knew she'd never hurt him. However, she didn't show him enough love. I knew that was why Logan pushed himself so much with school and studying. The rare times that his mother would show affection; it was often when he got a really good grade in school. I'd always felt sorry for Logan because of that.

"Logie," I said softly, gaining his attention and his big brown eyes on me. "Your mom loves you, I know she does. She just doesn't show it the way my mom does."

Logan nodded softly at my words, giving me a small, sad smile before lying back against his pillow. I could feel my heart tearing at seeing him so down. I wanted nothing more than to jump out of bed and scoop him up into my arms, hold him close and tell him that everything would be alright, that I'd fix all of his problems for him. I wanted to kiss away that frown and make him smile. I wanted to show him how loved and wanted he was. I wanted him to feel as special as he was to me.

I wanted to give Logan Mitchell everything.

A/N - Well, there we go. That was chapter 2. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

I'll try to upload chapter 3 in a few days. Thanks again. Feedback is always welcome. xX