Fitz POV

Hi, is Olivia here?"

I felt her fingers thread through mine before she moved to stand in front of me, facing the visitor. It's like we talked her up.

"Hey Liv."

"Hey Quinn."

I looked between the two women and felt my stomach turning at what our home would be turning into today. Abby and CJ could be heard approaching and the four females stared at one another. I could feel the silent conversations they were having, each with a billion questions moving across their features. All this damn estrogen was going to become exhausting if they kept it up.

I really couldn't wait for my son to arrive.

"Who's she?" Abby was the first to speak up and feeling the tension in the room, CJ moved to my side and made it clear that she wanted to be held again.

I lifted her onto my hip and discretely moved Olivia just an inch behind me before staring at Quinn.

"How did you know where we lived?"

She looked as nervous as Olivia did and stumbled over her words while looking between the both of us.

"I uh, the guy that worked at your dads …job or whatever, the creepy, quiet guy. He was at the hospital that time I visited you and your dad there. You liked him and trusted him."

"What about him?" My voice was clipped wondering how she had any contact with Huck.

"He showed up right after you left Olivia a few days ago and gave me a phone and at first it, it confused me but then it rang and he told me to come to the state line then had me stay at a hotel last night and this morning gave me the address after interrogating me this morning. He's scary as shit.. I mean heck."

I couldn't imagine him not communicating with us that she would be showing up this morning.

"Where's my phone or yours?" I looked at Olivia knowing she understood what I was thinking.

Olivia moved to get her purse before returning with her phone and an open text from Huck.

"He called a few times after my session but it was on silent so he sent texts."

I grabbed the phone before reading the simple text from Huck. 'She's clear'

I gave her the phone back and gestured for her to enter before closing the door and locking it behind her. We all stood awkwardly watching Olivia and Quinn stare at one another until Quinn moved forward and pulled her into an unexpected hug.

I was prepared to pull her away but Olivia's arms went around her just as quickly and the two began sobbing.

Wanting to give them their privacy I moved CJ and I into them kitchen but stopped when I realized Abby didn't follow. I grabbed a hold of her arm and all but dragged her away from the two women and didn't release her until we were in the kitchen.

"Who is that?"

"It's a random lady selling cookie dough." I rolled my eyes before turning the stove on and grabbing the lunch ingredients that neither of them got out minutes ago.

"It's her friend from home."

"Does she know everything?"

"Apparently. Liv went down there this weekend and was able to see some of her friends but it didn't go so well with this one. I'm hoping she's here to apologize and make things right."

I noticed Abby start to inch closer to the living room and cleared my throat, fighting the urge to make her leave altogether. I was too worried about Liv to focus on taming the red head.

"Watch this please. Ceej I'll be right back, stay here."

I pointed towards the grilled cheese sandwich, left the two of them in the kitchen and moved up behind Olivia and touched her back.

She was still hugging Quinn and both ladies were in tears.

"Why don't you use the office for privacy okay? I'll bring you some food in a minute."

"I'm not.."

"I want you to eat. Go ahead."

Quinn's gaze was pointed to the floor but she followed Olivia down the hallway and into the old playroom turned half office.

We'd finally perfected the set up of the office/playroom and figured the couch added a nice touch to it and it was just the perfect amount of space to set up the desk near the entrance of the room and my office files were mostly stored in the closet.


We stared at each other. Neither of us knew what to say and it was obvious we were both anxious to be in the room together.

"I was wrong."

My head shot up at the sound of her voice. I wasn't expecting that at all. Yes she had come to apologize and seemed to want to make things right but that wasn't the case lately. I felt like in the past year I'd been the one to mess everything up and apologizing had become my speciality.

"Is it….is the baby kicking?"

Pressing against and patting my stomach was such a habit that responding to my little boy's kicks was an unconscious reaction. Her voice was timid and unsure as she stared at my stomach with curious eyes. Wondrous eyes. What she said days ago had come back to me in that moment.

"I had one of those.."

"Yea he's really active anytime I'm sitting down for the most part. And when I'm sleeping."

"He? It's a boy?"

"Yes. We found out a few weeks ago."

"That's really great Liv, you always wanted to have a boy first."

I nodded and opened my mouth to ask her about what she'd said, but she kept speaking.

"You didn't deserve that response from me at the hospital and definitely not at my place. It was rude and selfish. You had been going through so much with your dad getting sick and I should have known that you need patience once he passed."

"I didn't give you or anyone a chance to support me Quinn let alone be patient with me."

"And we should have pushed back. I should have pushed back. You're the most giving person I know and I always had to force you to let me take care of you but I just didn't know how to this time."

"I had shut out almost everyone the second I started caring for my dad. You were there for me every step of the way but after he died.. I just couldn't be around anyone. I was so conflicted with what I was feeling."

"Still, I prided myself in knowing you and being that person you let in and I didn't fight for that the way I should have once you pushed me away. I could have pushed harder and I didn't."

"I probably wouldn't have let you.."

"I should have tried regardless."


"No. You don't get to take ownership of this. It was my fault and I'm sorry. I don't want to be that kind of friend anymore Liv. You have this entire life that I really want to be a part of but I'm willing to build back what we lost. I know it will take time but I want my best friend back. Can you forgive me?"

Before I could respond there was a soft knock on the door. Fitz's face was apologetic as he sat a plate down on the desk along with a bottle of my favorite coconut water.

"Thank you baby. Can you bring a sandwich for Quinn too? Tabasco on the side?"

He chuckled before nodding and coming to kiss the top of my head, and left just as quickly.

"You didn't have to do that."

"He makes the best grilled cheese there is. Trust me you'll want it."

"Better than Joe's?" She asked referring to our favorite corner store in ATL.

"Afraid so. He can pretty much cook anything if he's convinced."

"Does he bake for you or is that still your jurisdiction?"

"Even if I wanted him to bake, he'd pout about it so nope still mine. He bakes with me willingly but not on his own."

"He seems really great Liv. He's really protective of you."

"He is and it's kinda nice. He makes me feel safe and I hadn't felt that in a long time."

"I'm sure he won't let anything happen to you."

"He won't but it's more than that. He makes me feel safe mentally and emotionally too. Even before we fell in love I was able to let my guard down with him. I hadn't been vulnerable with anyone in so long but he gave me the space to just open up and reveal the good, bad and ugly. Then he loved me through it."

"And his family? You don't.. I mean I'm just curious you don't have to tell me."

"No it's fine. His family is amazing. It's really just his mom and CJ and they're incredible. They welcomed me in and they're my family now. CJ was so curious about me when she realized I was here in the beginning and it was her that I opened up to first."

"She's adorable"

"She really is and his mom was worried at first about the secret they were keeping from her but she listened to me and has been so supportive. We've become this family and we're all happy about this little guy coming in November."

"It sounds like you've made an incredible life for yourself here."

My eyes were already swimming with tears recalling how far I'd come with Fitz and her words were the tipping point.

"As much as it all hurt I don't regret any of it because it led me to this life. Even this moment."

I moved closer to her and reached for her hand.

"I forgive you Quinn. I'm really ready to have my best friend be a part of my life again. My new life."


I could tell my timing was not the best when I saw the two women embracing one another. I sat the second plate of food down on the desk before muttering sorry at the pair of eyes that were now on me. I closed the door behind me and heard them laughing before faintly hearing a new conversation start as I moved down the hall.

"Liv he's hot as hell! Does he have a brother?"

I had a feeling the brunette would be a familiar face around here and as much as I felt completely outnumbered, I couldn't be happier that my Livvie has so much support in her life.

I'd left CJ downstairs with Abby to finish eating, my nerves taking away my appetite for the most part. Abby always indulged my kid in watching the twin movies and I told her she could watch one of the shorter ones while she ate. I opened up the nursery door and sat on the small stool in the middle of the room and got back to work on my sons crib.

My son.

The further along Olivia got in her pregnancy, the more emotional I felt I was getting. I knew it had everything to do with the reality of bringing a son of my own home. CJ would always be so special to me as my first baby but after losing my father at just eleven years old, I wanted to be everything for my son. So many memories of my dad and I were resurfacing and I couldn't wait to be the type of dad to my son that I remember my father being to me. I had a good amount of memories but my favorite had always been stories my mom would tell me of my dad when I was younger; where my own memories didn't reach. I knew I wanted my fathers memory to be alive in our home and lives and while I wasn't sure how to make that possible with a daughter, there was one particular way I could with a son.

The room was decorated for the most part but a few touches had to be made once the furniture was all rightfully placed. The sea turtle puzzle set the entire tone of the room and I had to admit the different shades of turquoise, blues and greens made it serene and calming. The rocking chair was up, the dresser had been set up with the changing pad and diaper essentials but the old furniture needed some work and had been sent to a local shop to be fixed up. As for the crib, I had only started working on the crib yesterday. One day after hours of saying no to seemingly hundreds of different cribs, Olivia admitted to wanting a circular crib for our boy. She was obsessed with the Stokke Sleepi brand and took it upon herself to order the expensive furniture then made a joke about having a dead wealthy father. I knew she wasn't ready to dive into the conversation of her father's wealth and what she really wanted to do with the money, but I encouraged her to speak with Yolanda about it when she was ready.

The crib was beautiful and the price tag was due to the solid beech wood and also the unique design that allowed the crib to grow with your child from birth to ten years old. After researching it myself I'd agree that it was a great investment and only hoped CJ find the desire to have one of her own.

The answer would be a resounding No.

We decided to not purchase anything else after much encouragement from my mother to make a baby registry and allow people bless us. I assumed she meant her church friends which she did but when Liv brought up to Abby, she'd agreed as well. They'd made it clear that I didn't need to worry about it at all and my only job would be to ensure Olivia was there and I was out of the way whenever it happened. One thing we were still deciding on is what we wanted to have in our room for the first few months. We could bring the crib in our room but having something more compact was ideal and preferable. The Stokke Sleepi has a mini bed for zero to six months but neither of us thought it frugal to spend that much on a second crib. We had time and plenty of options to choose from.

I stood the crib up after screwing the wheels into the bottom before locking them and shaking it a bit.


I looked up as CJ galloped into the room with Abby trailing behind at the door, taking in the room.

"It's so sweet." She whispered, moving a bit closer as I began to put my tools out of CJ's reach. "Is this the crib? Pretty fancy."

"Yea.. here Ceej lets see if Daddy did a good job building it."

I hoisted her up and set her in the oval shaped bed and was pleased when it didn't budge at all. She was bright eyed and but immediately poured when I took her out before she could break it. This particular set up was only meant for up to eighteen months and while she was petite, she weighed more than your average eighteen month old.

"I'm gonna head out but Tuesday at three right?"

"Yep. If it changes I'll let you know. Thanks Abby, we'll walk you out."

When she was gone I stopped CJ from going down the hall where she knew Olivia and the mysterious woman were.

"They need privacy Ceej so we are going to respect that.

Go get your shoes on and you can ride your bike."

I knew she was itching to get in there but they needed this time to catch up. We would give them as much time as they needed.


"Baby….that feels..uhn God!"

Fitz moved my thighs further apart, pushing him deeper inside of me, driving me completely insane. I swear it had never felt this good and I could tell Fitz was aware. He knew something was different in how I was responding to him.

My eyes shot open at the intense wave of pleasure and pain in my chest and when I looked down I immediately saw why. I sat back in Fitz's lap changing the direction that he was curved inside of me and reached for his hands that were covering my breasts.

"Ahh I can't.."

He apologized quickly and moved to release them but I stopped him and brought his hands back towards my breasts.


Fitz took my hands and placed them on his chest before raising his open hands, until his palms were flush with my hardened nipples. I began slowly grinding my hips into his while pushing my breast against his palms, this being the first time since they became sensitive that it was actually pleasurable.

"Harder baby"

He obliged and in the same second his hands gripped my breasts and he pushed himself up and took my right breast in his mouth, softly sucking on my flesh.

It didn't take long before I pushed his free hand down to rub against my super swollen but and within seconds I was collapsed against him. I was admittedly so wrapped up in coming down and regulating my breathing, his release seemed to come out of nowhere.

Fitz helped me settle into the bed before he curled up behind me, fully aware it would only take minutes before I demanded a shower. Our mixed bodily fluids something I preferred to deal with sooner than later after love making.

His lips left short trails between my shoulder, neck and back as his his right hand moved against my stomach and his left intertwined with mine.

"You alright?"

I smiled expecting that question. I burrowed deeper into his embrace, purposely rubbing against him.

"Why do you ask?"

"Mmmmm you don't play fair Livvie and you know it."

"You know you love it."

We teased each other for much longer than planned before he was entering me from behind and beginning round two. We moved quickly knowing we had a time limit before we really needed to be done savoring our alone time.

"That can never grow old. Damn baby."

I could feel him smile against my back and knew he was proud of himself.

"I promise to always live up to those words."

"Good.. well there he goes. You woke him up."


"The baby, he's all wound up now, feel."

I moved his hand across the front of my stomach to where it was cushioned against the bed and our active boy lay.

"He's doing summersalts in there."

"Yea thanks daddy."

"What do you mean?"

"Babe you woke him up with all the… bouncing."

"Bounci- .. what the. Livvie really? He didn't wake up because of that. He never has."

He pulled away from me and scooted about a foot away from me before sitting up and looking almost horrified. Not caring about being modest in the slightest, I stacked a pillow behind me before sitting up and holding my stomach.

"When he was smaller and we had sex, it basically rocked him to sleep." I cupped my stomach and leaned down toward the stretched skin. "But now he's bigger and smarter so he knows daddy's doing something to mommy that wakes him up."

"Liv don't."

The look on his face was a mixture of guilt and almost disgust.

"Fitz it is what it is babe, don't be embarrassed or weird. He's always moving around now.."

"He is but you just said I woke him up with my….?"

"Your stroke babe."

He was officially mortified and I was doing my best to catch my breath between laughing and snorting.

"I'm showering then going to pick up CJ. You and our traumatized baby can wait and get yourself together once I'm gone."

He shook his head before climbing out of the bed and going into the bathroom muttering all kinds of profanities under his breath.

"I love you!"

Mid-morning sex really was my favorite right now. CJ started camp last week and without fail the second he returned from dropping her off, I was on him. CJ had been crawling into bed with us more than her usual once a week so we had to be careful at night but the mornings once she was at camp was ours.


Today was shaping out to be really nice even with the sudden change on plans. While Fitz showered that afternoon Quinn had called asking if I was up for going shopping for themselves but mostly the baby. It was Friday and while we had plans for her to visit later that evening, I was more than happy to accept her offer. I was also glad she was wanting to come around so much. Fitz had been great that first day giving us complete privacy and again when she'd returned the following two days. Quinn has driven back to Georgia after that but I made sure she knew she was welcome back anytime.

With our shopping trip planned, instead of picking CJ up from camp at three-thirty, he met them at the water park they went to Friday's and decided to let CJ spend a little more time swimming and exerting herself. I knew they'd be home any minute and were glad we'd immediately started washing the clothes we got for the baby. Quinn and I also included the few clothing items Fitz and I had either picked up ourselves or gotten from Lillian. It would be plenty to go around for when CJ got home. This would be the perfect way to break the ice between them and ease the almost seven year olds shyness.


I watched Quinn's eyes grow in size as CJ's loud voice was heard from the kitchen. We'd both faintly heard the garage opening and I knew Quinn was excited but also nervous. Fitz was cautious about CJ meeting her and I too didn't think it was best for her to meet CJ right away. I had to make sure things between us were solid and that she wouldn't be someone that would disappear out of our lives. With the past week turning out the way it had, Fitz didn't mind CJ actually meeting Quinn when they got home today. She'd seen her each time she came by but it was getting more difficult to keep the little girl away. She loved meeting new people and someone spending a lot of time with me made CJ all the more intrigued.

CJ ran directly into the living room and without any hesitation hugged my neck before plopping down in front of me, her smiling face angled towards mine. I sat down the clothes I was folding and smiled at her, realizing she hadn't noticed someone else was in the room with us.

"Hi sweetie" I smiled leaning forward to brush the damp hair out of her face. Her hands were instantly on my stomach feeling around for her baby brother as she always did. She only smiled at me as her hands continued to move around my stomach. I caught Quinn watching us with a large smile on her face and what looked to be tears in her eyes. She'd been wanting to meet her and I was excited for her to finally be able to. She had heard all about the little girl in my life; the one I loved like my own.

"Did you have fun with your dad?"

"mhmm he let me swim after all camp left and then we got the thing for the baby to get his diaper changed."

"Oh you mean the dresser?" I knew exactly what she meant as she nodded excitedly.

"Hucky is helping!"

My attention was immediately drawn to shuffling and I turned to see Fitz and Huck carrying the large piece of furniture towards the staircase.

"All fixed up? Is it how we wanted?" I spoke loudly so Fitz could hear me.

"Yep it is. Ceej mind your manners. Hey Quinn."

CJ instantly turned around hearing Quinn's name and finally realized we had company. Her shyness was full blown as she shifted herself onto my thigh, and cuddled closely to my chest. This was a new normal for her lately, especially with me being able to leave the house as I saw fit. If she was home when I returned from therapy, the store, anywhere, she was all over me once Fitz let her loose. We realized that it had to do with us expanding our lives to other people and my attention being divided. Yolanda had assured me and Fitz that CJ needed time to adjust to the changes she didn't think were possible before due to hiding me from everyone in her world. She explained her clinging was normal and expected it to settle the more she was reassured that I was still available to her even though she had to share me. It was also great practice for when the baby came.

I smiled at Quinn, pulling CJ in a little closer and rubbing her leg.

"Ceej you're gonna have to take a shower in a few minutes okay? Get all that chlorine off." I spoke softly to her feeling her dry skin and smelling the remnants of sunscreen on her sun-kissed skin.

She nodded while looking at me and continued playing with her fingers.

Her confidence was still there but when her excitement got the best of her she always needed a bit of extra security lately with all the changes happening.

"CJ this is one of my… this is my best friend Ms. Quinn. Can you say hi?"

She waved one timid hand but kept her eyes focused on me.

"Hey be brave ok? She's nice and she' gonna be visiting us a lot so you can say hi okay?"

She didn't move an inch but before I could say anything, Quinn had inched a bit closer and moved to fold more clothes.

"It's kind of weird to have all these boy clothes for a baby sister."

"It's not a baby sister." She spoke instantly.

I smiled at Quinn knowing her plan to get CJ talking would work. I'd told her all about CJ proudly being the one to tell us the gender. Plus CJ was way too stubborn to not correct her.

"Oh? I thought you were having a girl Liv?"

CJ sat up staring at me with a look of confusion and a hint of betrayal. All I did was shrug.

"It's a baby brother. I saw the picture on the tv at the doctors and she let me tell Livia and Daddy."

"Oh really? So it's a baby brother? Are you excited about having a baby brother?"

"Yea! I get to teach him how to do everything except daddy has to teach him how to use the bathroom cuz I don't have a penis."

We both stifled a laugh and I knew all the ice had been broken.

"Sit here Ceej and help us fold some of the baby's clothes before your dad starts your shower. We washed all of his clothes and once your dad sets the dresser up we can put it all away. You wanna help with that too?"

I moved her until she was sitting in between my legs and handed her a few pair of socks and pants she could easily put together and fold.

"Me and daddy got more baby clothes today that you gotta wash too."

I rolled my eyes playfully and sent Quinn a pointed stare before shaking my head.

"I told you. It's daddy's fault he's got a bigger wardrobe that the both of us."

"So CJ, Liv told me that you're starting second grade soon. That's exciting."

"I guess so." She shrugged and concentrated on stacking more pants in the pile she'd stared.

"We found out last week that the school got approved to hire more teachers so they split the classrooms and a few of CJ's friends won't be in her class."

"It's not fair and I don't wanna go there anymore."

Quinn looked at me apologetically and I shook my head letting her know it was okay. We liked that CJ was so verbal about what she did and didn't like as long as she wasn't being rude.

"I know but we will see if playing with them at recess is a possibility and maybe even have some play dates."

She turned around with a wide smile on her face. The thought of having a friend over was new and exciting.


I nodded before leaning forward and kissing her head.

"I promise."

"BUG! Shower time, let's go."

We all turned at Fitz's voice ringing out from upstairs and I gave CJ a pointed look when she sent pleading eyes my way, not wanting to take a shower.

"I'm gonna start dinner in a minute so if you wanna help with dessert you gotta get a move on. Can you say bye to Ms. Quinn?"

"Are you gonna come back?"

She moved to her knees and leaned back into me staring at Quinn curiously.

"Cassandra Jane lets go!"

"I'll come back to visit CJ."

I squeezed her waist and patted her bottom, quietly telling her to go upstairs but she wouldn't budge.

"Can you come help me?"

"I can once I finish up down here okay? But I need you to go listen to your daddy okay?"

There was a deep pout on her face and the second she wrapped her arms around my neck, I knew she wasn't going to make it easy. I also knew there was a big possibility that she was going to lose many privileges tonight if Fitz had to come down and get her.

"Liv?" Fitz called and I knew he was wondering why CJ hadn't come up yet.

"In a minute!" I wrapped my arms around CJ and rubbed her back for a few seconds.

"Bug look at me…" I used her favorite term of endearment knowing she'd listen. I rarely called her by it but I knew she liked when I did. "You know I'm not going anywhere right? Hey look at me. I'm gonna be right here when you get done okay? I promise."

Fitz had now come to the bottom landing and sighed at what he saw.


I glanced at Quinn who looked concerned before kneeling down next to Olivia and CJ. I wasn't sure what brought on her sudden clinging but knew she would be more upset about being reprimanded in front of Quinn than actually being reprimanded.

"Bug come on, the showers running." I tried, giving her one chance to come on her own, but she didn't budge.

"CJ, eyes now."

My stern voice caused her to turn and face me but she still kept her head on Liv's shoulder.

"You need to come upstairs. You're about to lose electronics for today and tomorrow. This is your choice."

"Can Livia take me?"

"No she has company right now."

"But I didn't see her all day. Everyone else got to see her."

Tears slipped from her eyes and I admittedly felt bad. It was true that this entire week CJ only saw Olivia once she was home from camp and between my mom, Abby, Quinn or even me, someone else was always there as well. CJ thrived on quality time with each of us and her time with Olivia had been honesty lacking. For the past several months it had practically been the three of us, and CJ was making it clear that Olivia's newfound freedom was overwhelming.

"We're gonna talk about this once you're done okay? All three of us. Come on."

"I'll be right up okay? Go ahead." Olivia turned her head towards her and spoke quietly.

Olivia kissed her cheek and CJ finally listened and ran for the steps before climbing them as fast as she could.

"Sorry about that. I'm gonna go make sure she actually gets in there."


"I'm sorry Quinn I should.."

"No it's ok, go be with her. That broke my heart."

I started putting the stacks of clothes in the hamper we'd been using and did my best to hold back the tears threatening to spill over.

"Hey Liv what it is? She's gonna be ok."

I stood up and sent Quinn a grateful smile when she put the rest of the clothes inside then reached for my hand.

"I know I just feel sad for her. She's been having a hard time with everything these past few weeks and I know it's really about her place in my life. She's so little and doesn't understand what she's feeling but it's insecurity and I just know that if we can't figure this out soon, it'll be even worse when the baby comes."

"That makes sense. I'm gonna get out of your hair and start heading back. Call or text me later okay?"

"Are you sure? You came all this way, Quinn."

"Absolutely, this is your family Liv. She's…. she's your little girl Liv. You need to focus on her. I'll make it home no later than ten and can sleep all day tomorrow. I'll text you when I make it okay?"

I hugged her before walking her out and locking up. By the time I made it upstairs, Fitz was leaned against the sink and instructing CJ to start washing her hair. He followed me into her bedroom where I began pulling out underwear and pajamas for her to wear.

"Livvie she's alright."

"She's not!"

I faced him, frustrated that he would try to sugarcoat this. I didn't understand how he wasn't gutted by this like I was.

"She's not ok Fitz. She's scared that I'm not available to her and if she were older it would be different but she's still only six. I know it's nothing I'm intentionally doing but I, we can't ignore this and hope it goes away or fixes itself. The second the baby comes everything will change and I want her to be secure of her place in my life."

"Daddy I'm done!"

"Let me get her out. Can you start dinner?"

A kiss to the forehead was his only response before he walked out of the bedroom and downstairs. I grabbed CJ's towel before telling her to turn the water off and step out. I could tell she was surprised that I was the one helping her and only smiled at her timid demeanor. I wrapped her in the fluffy towel before squatting down in front of her and holding onto her arms.

"Your daddy's starting dinner so I was thinking I could braid your hair before we went down. What do you think?"

"Is Ms. Quinn still here?"

I squeezed the towel against her arms before tightening it around her small frame.

"She went home. It's just us."

Her smile was small but visible as she wiggled her arms out before wrapping them around my neck in a hug.


"Is she out?"

Olivia nodded before shedding her robe and pulling the satin slip over her head.

"She is. Snoring and all. Picture time?"

I perked up loving our weekly ritual and knowing tonight was a special picture.

"Yep, against the wall beautiful. Are we still taking a picture Sunday?"

"Definitely but today officially marks my third trimester so we have to document it for sure."

I snapped a couple of pictures, more than anything enjoying the show she was putting on.

"You look incredible baby."

"Yea you're just saying that so you get laid."

I tossed the phone on the mattress before dragging her between my legs. I rubbed my hands over her hardened belly before landing them on her hips.

"Well I won't deny getting laid but regardless you still look incredible."

"I feel like I've finally popped. He's growing so much."

"He's got a bit longer to cook and get even bigger."

"Don't remind me. I can already feel my back starting to ache if I sit in certain positions for too long."

She moved away and redressed in her slip. She loved the cool material against her skin. I moved back against the pillows and reached for the Ipad as she joined me.

"Folding clothes on the floor is no longer possible until this baby boy is out. My hips gave me fair warning today."

"Then no more of that. I can do the clothes from now on if need be."

"It's alright I will just do it at the table instead. It's another thing CJ can really help with and she likes it. We gotta milk that for as long as we can." She said laughing.

"Noted. Thank you for taking the time with her tonight." Before and after dinner."

"I needed it as much as her. I love my one on one time with her. You know that."

"Yes and I love you for that." I leaned in and kissed her softly.

"What are you looking at?"

"Oh I started the registry. For both stores we wanted. I put down all the stuff we still needed, look."

Olivia skimmed through the items on the list, her eyes warm as she nodded, agreeing to nearly everything but changing a few color schemes as she scrolled through the items.

"We need to put a Doc-A-Tot on here."

"A what?"

"It's basically a cushion that the baby can lay and sleep on. We can have it in the bed with us or on the island in the kitchen, wherever. We still have to figure out what he's sleeping in for the first few months before he's in the nursery."

"I'm still not sure either."

"Almost everything else is done. That and the name are probably the last big things to do. Your mom's still insistent on getting the stroller and car seat so anything else people get is really just a plus. Last I heard this is a formality and most people will buy whatever they think is cute for the little guy."

"Speaking of the little guy and his name, there was a name I really want to throw into the mix."

She stopped scrolling and looked up at me, no doubt hearing the seriousness in my voice.

"Of course. What is it?"

"Well I know we like James as a middle name and we really weren't sure about having another "CJ" type name but I want to consider naming him after my dad. I really like Carter. It would mean a lot to me if we considered it."


"Carter… Carter."

I tried the name on my lips a few times before slowly nodding and smiling brightly at Fitz.

"We don't have to decide now. We can think on it."

"I don't think we need to think on it."

I brought his hands to my stomach and kept mine atop his. The weight of us naming our son in this moment catching me off guard and choking me up.

"This is our Carter James. Our second little CJ."

I couldn't stop the tears from spilling over when he kissed me softly.

"Carter James Grant, you are so loved baby boy."

I spoke the words softly towards my stomach, meaning them so deeply.

"Are you sure you don't want to use Pope-Grant?"

"Not at al." I spoke without hesitation.

"I don't want him to be the only Pope-Grant. More than anything I don't want CJ to feel that her little brother has a part of me that she doesn't. If marrying me is still in your plans, I want to be Olivia Grant. I want us all to be Grants."

The force in which he kissed me brought tears to my eyes and when I pulled away tears were swimming in his. He leaned down and kissed my stomach several times, keeping his lips against me for a few quiet moments before he spoke softly.

"Carter James Grant, you have no idea how lucky we are."