Author Note: ...Surprise! PRONTO3000 desu! I find myself in boredom and tried to write a story... and this piece of shi-... peculiar story came to existence.

Please enjoy~!

...This is Kyousuke, reporting from my parents' house. Yesterday, Rin and I decided to go visit since it's weekend anyway.

Currently, I'm having a passionate time with my son and some soap in the bathroom.

But nothing lasts forever.

While having the most pleasurable time of my life, footsteps resounded from beyond the tightly closed door followed by a cheerful humming.

...Wait, is that Rin's voice?

...Holy shit! I forgot to lock the door! And my hand won't stop moving! I can't stop now! I'm... CUMMINGGGGG!

As I climaxed intensely, the door opened with a *bang* and Rin entered without any care in the world.

When she looked this way and noticed me crouching on the floor stark naked, she instantly averted her eyes and screamed like a woman that is being chased by Chikan Otoko. [1]

I hurriedly reached for the nearest thing in my surrounding, a bucket, and covered my privates with it.

"B-B-Boke! Why are you naked inside the bathroom?!" Her high voice pierced through my eardrums.

"Because I'm bathing, of course." I replied as calmly as I can possibly muster.

"It's your vault for not knocking first."

"S-Shut up! Idiot brother!" Rin turned her body backwards, obviously getting out of here, until her nose twitched.

She sniffed the air as if she sensed an unusual smell coming from somewhere in this room.

Her sharp, cat-like eyes turned towards me, and then downwards where my feet is.

"...Kyousuke, what is that white, smelly thing on your feet?" Crap. I didn't have the chance to wash it.

"I-It's nothing. Just some mucus." Rin showed a disgusted expression as I hurriedly poured water onto the smooth ceramics floor.

"Anyway, I'm done. Feel free to bathe as long as you want." After saying that, I left the scene of crime in haste.

Natsume Rin watched as her brother exited the room quickly as if he's being chased by a ghost.

She let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, the nuisance is gone."

The cat lover quietly locked the opened door and picked the abandoned soap lying on the floor.

For the next few minutes, a muffled purring and ecstatic cries could be heard from beyond the wall.

That evening, after reading some shonen manga I was feeling tired and decided to take another bath. I walked towards the bathroom and barged myself in nonchalantly.

Suddenly, I felt something sticky on my foot. I crouched down and touched the floor.

"...What the heck is this? Mucus...?"

[1] Molester Man. Y'know, this guy:

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