Life without Phoebe

A/N: Hey my sweets. I'm back with another update on life without Phoebe. I'm still trying to get my stories organized, yet really I don't see that happening anytime soon. ^~^ But I will try to update more often, lol I can feel the disbelieving stares but really I will...try.

If you haven't noticed the next few chapters are going to be flash backs, I'm personally trying to bet back into writing all my stories will be a little... just bare with me! Thank you loves ^.^=

Chapter 18: It's a girl pt2

Miriam ran her fingers through her hair, her sleeping child squirming in the small crib next to her. She simply closed her eyes oblivious to her child's discomfort. Really the renewed mother had other thing's on her mind, she was stressed out. Why did her husband react like that? His reaction replayed over and over in her mind. The disappointment on his face, his sudden cold attitude, the way he looked down right... disgusted by the sight of their new daughter. She gave a shaky sigh, rubbing her eyes roughly. As if to erase it from her mind, a small cry next to her brought her back to the present.

Miriam jumped a little then looked down at her daughter. How could she be thinking such thoughts when her new born needed her?! Miriam sighed, then picked up the little one tenderly. "Yes, my little angel?" She cooed softly, the child quickly becoming more at ease in her mothers arms. Miriam smiled at this she then checked, and fed the small girl. In little to no time, the baby went back to sleep. After Miriam was given her check up, she was once again left with her thoughts. This time she was left to wonder where was her husbands now? She hadn't heard from him since their daughter was born. Miriam frowned, he said something about a call or another, didn't he? Miriam sat up holding her hands in her lap thoughtfully.

Speck of the devil and he shall come.

Big Bob Pataki slipped into his wife's room, softly closing the door behind him. Miriam jumped back slightly startled. "O-Oh, hey B." She said nervously. Giving him a warm smile, she grew tense when he didn't return it. "What the matt-" she was interrupted by his cold voice. "We have to get rid of it." There was no hesitation in his voice. Looking down at his wife. She could only see his cold glare that showed he meant business

Miriam looked at her husband wounded. "Do what?" She asked not wanting to believe what he just said. However, Mr. Pataki was very serious as he paced the room growing more frustrated. "Miriam, the plan was one girl and one boy! This girl is throwing off our whole image!" He yelled angrily, causing the newborn to stir. Obviously upset by the quite peaceful atmosphere being shattered by an anger loud voice. Miriam once again couldn't focus on the little life next to her. She glared at her husband through she was to tired to argue she knew that she was still going to. "Bob, we will do no such thing! This is our daughter, she is our responsibility!" She yelled in a harsh whisper.

"We laid down and willingly made this child. a-and you want to get rid of her because she's not the gender you wanted? That's completely unreasonable!" Miriam growled growing frustrated herself. Her reasoning was valid, yet Bob Pataki's logic was ruled by greed and selfishness. He didn't care, with which he was very vocal about. "Miriam, I don't want this, ugly mouth to feed." He bit back, unaware of the baby softly scowling in the bed next to them. The scowl almost resembled that of someone, she didn't know she wasn't fond of. "Dammit women! Don't you see that this child is going to ruin our image?! One boy, one girl! That was the idea, that's what I said we were going to have!" He said growing louder with each word.

Miriam flinched, looking at her husband in a new light. She was shocked, Miriam always knew that Bob thought his reputation was important, but this?! This was a life he was talking about! A life they both made together. And he regrets that?! Miriam's heart monitor was racing with the rage that was boiling inside of her. Bob continued to pace the room his frustration making him restless.

"Bob you disgust me." Miriam said through the darkness, her hands balling up the blankets under her, her head downcast. Bob turned around in shock, he looked at his wife in disbelief before he scowled. The brut marched over to his wife not giving to damns about the baby next to them. He took Miriam's face roughly in one of his hands.

Thrown off by the attack she yelped, the needle for the IV drip sharply stabbing at her. Her heart monitor shot up so slightly as Bob loomed closer. "Are you really going to protect that, Bitch. After all I've done for you Woman." He growled lowly. Miriam was shaken again by how cold Bob acted towards her. Miriam's already tired heart was racing with fear, and the loud beeps of the monitor made that obvious.

But as she looked into Bob's eyes she looked fearless. "Helga is a wonderful girl, I know she is." Miriam said with confidence. Bob growled and raised his hand ready to strike Miriam for her disobedience. Yet just then a Nurses rushed in causing Bob to jump back. "Mrs. Pataki! What's the matter your heart rate is out of control!" The female nurse asked worriedly.

Bob, being the quickest one to compose himself, answered acting slightly flushed. "Oh, hah! Sorry about that it's just been a while since I was with my wife I missed her." He said giving the nurse his most charming grin. The nurse, only understanding the underline implication; still frowned in a scolding manner. "Mr. Pataki, your wife just gave birth to you daughter. Her body is still under a lot of strain." The nurse said softly. Bob fought off the snarl at the reminder of... The girl. The nurse looked over at Miriam, who was watching Bob with this a mixture of emotions on her face.

Miriam was finally able to process the scenes that just took place after she heard the nurse gasp in slight horror. "Mrs. Pataki! Your arm." The nurse said rushing over to her. Miriam, slightly dazed, looked down her left arm, it looked completely normal except her tattoo, then she trailed her eyes over to her right arm. She herself was taken aback by the flushed looking wound that obviously looked swollen and feverish. Miriam tried to raise her arm and gasped as a sharp pain rain through her. It felt like liquid fire,but as she looked over at Bob.

The burn of the pain, was replaced with adrenaline and rage at the sight of the smug smile that pulled at his lips. "It's not that bad sweetie." Miriam said trying to ease the nurse. Finally unable to ignore the noise and lights in her room any longer, the small baby finally named Helga, gave a loud yell. One that showed distress and hunger. Bob looked down at the cause of this mess with a small scowl but it was gone as fast as it came. He gave a small chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. "I'm sorry Miriam, I didn't mean to hurt you, and we woke the girl." He said in such a way that the nurse couldn't find rude.

But Miriam knew what he meant, she knew and was disgusted all over again. As the room filled with the sound of her daughter's crying Miriam felt a migraine coming on, damn she was just... so tired. 'Well each pregnancy is different.' She said jokingly to herself.

'But God, I need a drink.' She thought to herself. Though she hadn't touch that stuff since before her oldest daughter was born.

The nurse looked over at Bob, frowning as she gently ran her finger over Miriam's irritated flesh trying to feel the needle, thank the gods it hadn't broken off. "Mr. Pataki, I believe you should go home, give your wife and daughter the chance to recover." She said her gentle tone, still pumping out authority. Bob once again had to fight off a scowl. He sighed a little rubbing the back of his neck, mocking a remorseful expression. "You right, unfortunately. I just wanted to love my wife and... the girl before I went off on my business trip." He said, if Bob felt like dealing with more idiots and bullshit, he could probably be an actor.

Miriam looked at her husband giving him no reply, which Bob wouldn't really care for anyways. After Bob walked out the room closing the door with a soft 'click', Miriam released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

It took a second for Miriam to comprehend the silence, wasn't her daughter crying? Miriam opened her tired eyes to see the female Nurse feeding her daughter a formula bottle. She took this as a chance to finally take in the nurse's appearance. She looked like a young African woman, her thick dreads pulled back into a ponytail. Her clothes... was it professional to wear Minnie mouse scrubs? Miriam wasn't sure, but she couldn't help but smile, it was comforting to see such playfulness right now."Have you decided a name for your daughter yet?"

Miriam blinked.

"I'm just wondering because it seems like your husband doesn't know it yet." She continued, gently placing a sleeping Helga back in her crib. Miriam frowned looking away. "Mrs. Pataki?" The nurse asked walking over and checking on Miriam's arm again, it was looking better much to her relief. Miriam looked down at the nurse who was tending to her, and she given a warm genuine smile in return. Miriam flinched, for some reason, the sight of that smile made her feel ashamed.. Maybe for saying nothing about what her husband did.

However Miriam shook her head brushing off those thoughts. "I-I've decided to mane her, Helga." She said bashfully. The nurse smiled. "That's a lovely name, what made you pick it? I saw your records, don't you have a daughter named, Olga?" She asked not seeing why parents want to give their child a name that would be so close to another's. "Talk about the confusion." She joked. Miriam relaxed, she even held up her other hand to hide a giggle. "I know what your thinking. Yet I do have a good reason for deciding that name." She said happily.

The nurse smiled leaning her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands. "Well, I would love to hear it." She said kindly. Miriam could feel a few sparkles return to her eyes, she would have love to talk to Bob about this, but...

Miriam twiddles her thumbs around each other. "Well... both Olga and Helga mean blessed, yet the name Olga is a lot more.. gentle and seems more caring when you say it, a-and I could just see it on her face. I was even proven correct after all these years, and Helga, while they both mean blessed and with talent, Olga is soft while the name Helga is fierce with determination." Miriam said each word growing more passionate. The nurse looked at her with wide eyes that shined with amusement.

"That makes a lot of sense and I think it's cute." The nurse said warmly. Miriam smiled. "Thank you, um.." Miriam said trying to discreetly find her badge. She failed miserably. The nurse chuckled. "Nurse Debra." She said nicely. "And you're welcome, I love working with new mothers each with different stories. Oh it must be so nice to have children!" Debra said excitedly. The tired mother before her laid back looking at the young woman with a smile. "Why don't you have some of your own?" She asked in genuine curiosity. Now it was the nurse's turn to be bashful. "I would love a few of my own... but I can't... bare children..." She said with a shrug. Miriam gasped, she wanted to apologies, yet before she could do so, she heard the beeping sound of Debra's beeper going off.

"Well geez, I knew I was spending a lot of time here." She said pouting childishly. She looked over at Miriam who was looking back at her with a slight guilty expression. One the nurse bushed off as she shook her head. The same warm smile still gracing her face, she was trying to give Miriam some reassurance, which she did.

"Well this is the end of my shift, but it was so nice to get to talk to you and see little Helga." Debra said standing up. Miriam smiled sinking deeper into her bed, they were slightly uncomfortable. Yet as the yawn she was trying to keep at bay, ripped through her loudly, she didn't care. Debra laughed. "It was nice to meet you, Miriam. I look forward to seeing you around the hospital before you go." She said giving the new mother a wave before she clicked off the light and let herself out.

Miriam laid there the only light on now was the one over her and Helga's bed. Even if she was exhausted, Miriam felt happy again, and thankful for that small visit. That was until her flip phone gave a small ping beside her, breaking the soft atmosphere Debra left. Miriam frowned confused, her parents will be here tomorrow, they had no need to message her. As she flipped her phone open, she wanted to throw her phone after seeing it was a message from Bob.

Big Bob :) : I want that girl gone before I get home, Miriam. Or you will regret it.

Miriam glared at her phone, debating if she would really reply to him. Finally with a smirk, she made her decision.

The Woman: You are going to love her, Helga will be a wonder.

Bob Pataki growled at his phone on the plane, the growl was so low the woman next to him trembled before putting on her headphone. If only Miriam knew what was to come, she would have made plans to get away...

A/N: I AM SO VERY VERY SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG! YOU GUYS DESERVE BETTER! 8M8 this chapter is 2k+ words long I hope that makes up for it and the next chapter WILL be up by next week and it will be an even longer chapter! Plus the last chapter before we get back to the gang. Thank you! Until next time!

Reality is an illusion, gravity is a lie, buy gold, byeeee~