As time passes, she notices that her love for him matures as she does. It is different from her adoration for the handsome general when she did not know him and it is not exactly like the way she loved him when she kissed him that fateful night in the capital. She loves him without the constant need to tell him so, she loves him more comfortably. And her love grows stronger by every passing day.
She can't sleep without his warmth, so she waits for him when he works late and she likes it when he comes into their room, exhausted, but insists on spending time telling her about his day and asking about hers. She feels proud when he comes to her for solutions to problems his advisers cannot solve and she blushes with pride when he remarks on her intelligence.

She knows that he makes a conscious effort to spend as time with her as possible, and that thought fills her with adoration. She also notices that despite the fact that he despises her tea, (she is fairly sure that that was what their first ever argument had been about, it had escalated more than she had intended) he encourages all the guests to try it and truth be told she finds it endearing. She also loves the fact that whenever he goes out of town he brings back a small gift for her.
"I looked at it and thought about you." He says, shrugging in his nonchalant way, and her heart swells with affection every time.

She cannot remember a time that she was in more pain than the time she was sick. It hurt to even breathe and she was confined to bed for more than two weeks. She does not remember much of anything during that time, except for the feel of his hand in hers and his voice soothing her fears. He gave her the will to cling to her life and she likes to think that it was his presence and constant companionship that spurred her recovery.

Sometimes, she wonders what it would have been like if Yura had been one of those girls who were after the fortune and the title that came along with marriage to the general. She finds it difficult to swallow, the thought of him being with another woman. It's not jealousy, no, but a sense of wrong. There could be no else for him like there would never be anyone for her. But naturally, she does not boast that they are flawless, because they do indeed have their flaws and their disagreements. They just accept the flaws as part of the one they love, as something that makes them, them.

She will never understand the lives of those women who gather together at parties to complain and nitpick over the flaws of their spouses, nor will she understand those women who sacrifice all for money. She will never know what it is like to be the wife of a tyrant who thinks that women are just decorative dolls who have enough brains to mutter pretty words of no real consequence. And she is all the more glad for it.

No, they are not the perfect couple, but they are perfect for each other.

Well, i feel an overwhelming sense of satisfaction. I feel like this was a much better ending than my final chapter, no?
As always, thank you for the support.