I don't own Naruto and I don't make a profit off of my stories

Rated M for sexual content and language and violence

(I'm thinking)
"I'm speaking"
/Author's comments\

Pairing: Hentai F/M, Yuri F/F - fem Naruto 'Naruko' x Kakashi

Last Time:

"you deserved that brother" said Itachi, but he had no idea how right he was. As Naruko fled the room he watched his brother nurse his busted lip and possible broken tooth.


The next day was exciting for most of the students since they had no classes to worry about, except for one however …

A tired looking Naruko sat on the steps to the school … she glanced up as she heard someone coming towards her and saw Itachi "well at least it's you. I still want to hit your brother"

"yes … understandable … if it helps you did chip a couple of his teeth" said Itachi with a half hearted chuckle "I am sorry about what happened" he sincerely apologized to her.

"it's alright, I don't blame you … Hey, Over here!" Naruko smiled as she stood up while lifting her large purse onto her shoulder and waved at a silver haired woman. The beautiful woman smiled and came over to them. Itachi blushed lightly as the woman pulled Naruko into a kiss that left the blonde a little flushed and dazed "… Itachi this is my girlfriend Kana, Kana this is Itachi Uchiha"

Kana raised an eyebrow and looked at the raven with a calculating gaze "Uchiha? Are you the fool or asshole?-ow" Kana flinched slightly as Naruko nudged her with her elbow.

"be nice Kana, it wasn't his idea. Sasuke was the one who drugged me" the blonde scolded.

Itachi shook his head "no it's alright Naruko. I deserved that. I'm the fool in this equation Kana. You guys enjoy the day off. I'll be dealing with my brother" the women left with a wave, but Itachi raised an eyebrow as he watched them "I thought most calls were prohibited so how did Kana know about what happened already?" he shrugged the thought away and went to have a much needed chat with his dear little brother.


"it was pure luck, are you sure you're alright Kakashi?" said Naruko as she held the silver haired demon's hand while they walked down the dirt path that lead to town.

"yes, I'm alive because of you and that luck of yours" Kakashi smiled and wrapped her arm around the blonde's waist as they walked together …


Naruko slowly opened her eyes "what the … what happened? ... Where am I?" she looked around the room she was in … it was the alter room in Warriors temple and suddenly she remembered what happened "Sasuke you asshole … he tied me down too! I'll kill him!" she said as she tugged at the ties holding her wrists to the alter.

"I'll do that" the blonde looked up and smiled as she saw the large demon hound "I smelled your blood … what's wrong?" asked Kakashi as he saw his soul mate has paled heavily and looked horrified.

"Kakashi stop! Run! This room is filled with those charms" Naruko screamed … she cursed herself for not seeing those charms plastered all over the walls. But nothing could be done except get Kakashi to leave safely "Run! It's a trap!"

Kakashi stopped in his tracks and nodded "ok I'll handle this another-AHHHHHH" the second Kakashi tried backing out of the room all the charms activated ad the demon was consumed by blue flames.

"Kakashi!" Naruko screamed and thrashed against her restraints. Finally the ties holding her wrists snapped and she ran to the demon hound. A blast of heat threw her back and she collided with the alter.

*clink* the blonde heard something hit the floor and roll over to her, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from Kakashi's screams until something cool touched her fingers … she looked through her tears at the object that touched her. Naruko's eyes widened … it was a small pot with symbols like the pot Kakashi was sealed in! … it was small and not the same, but it was worth a shot …

Naruko grabbed the pot and its lid and ran to her lover's side "Kakashi seal yourself in here quick!" she saw Kakashi collapse into silver vapors and head for the pot, but the flames were following him … Naruko watched the silver vapors pool in the pot and quickly put the lid on …

For a second it seemed like she could take the pot and leave, but the blue flames rushed at her and tried to burn her with the pot. She ripped off her jacket and wrapped the small pot up in it and tucked the pot protectively under her arm as she batted the flames. The flames were hot, but they didn't hurt Naruko as badly as they did to the demon Kakashi and the flames quickly faded after a few seconds. Tears poured from her eyes as she prayed Kakashi survived … she was so worried that she barely noticed the Itachi and Sasuke entered the room …

She heard Sasuke walked over to her despite his brother's attempt to stop him "it's dead … so Naruko what did you think-" she couldn't stop herself … she was so furious at the Uchiha that she stood up with the pot wrapped in her jacket and punched Sasuke. Naruko didn't even wait to see the damage from her punch before running out of the temple …

"please be alright! Please Kakashi" cried the blonde as she raced blindly through the forest …

By some miracle Naruko found her way back to the school and went straight to her room … with very careful motions she set the jacket on the bed and unraveled it revealing the pot. She let the jacket fall to the floor and took a deep breath before reaching for the lid …

"Kakashi please be alive" she whispered and slowly opened the lid … a slim set of vapors rose out of the pot and weakly collected on the bed where the tiny form of a silver puppy appeared …

Flashback Over

"you looked so weak I was worried you wouldn't survive the night" said Naruko as she leaned against the demon in her female form.

Kakashi chuckled as she saw Naruko stifle a yawn "you should've tried to get some sleep … with the fire gone I think I would've been fine after some rest"

Naruko pouted "it's that 'I think' that kept me up all night"

"you're so cute" said Kakashi as she kissed Naruko's forehead "I wonder if Sasuke will be a problem for the rest of the year"

"I hope not, but even if he is it won't be for long since I graduate soon" said Naruko happily.

The silver haired demon smiled "I'll have too make arrangements to work wherever you go … unless you get into a place that allows pets. That would beat grading papers … you know I had a strange dream while I was recovering. It was of my past … I swear Sasuke looks a lot like that monk who sealed me"

"history repeating maybe? I wonder where Itachi would fit in back then" Naruko mused.

"hmm … don't know … hey where are we going?" Kakashi asked nervously as he started to recognize the area of the forest they were in.

"I need to return this pot before someone notices that it's gone. You can stay outside ok?" said the blonde as she slipped the pot out of her purse and went into the Warriors temple.

Kakashi frowned as she watched the blonde go in the ancient temple "ok, but be careful and call if you need help" she called. Naruko waved and went into the dark hallway. It took a little time to find the alter room, but she eventually found it …

"now let me see … I was tied here in front of the alter so this pot should go behind … ah ha! Found it!" Naruko exclaimed happily as she found an empty stop on the shelf behind the shelf where the dust left an imprint in the dust showing that something was there recently … she gently set the pot in the spot and smiled as she saw that it fit the dust impression perfectly "thank you for saving my love" she said softly to the pot, but then something caught her eye on the pot … an image of two young monks "two brothers?" she pondered curiously as she examined the images on the pot.

"hey Naruko are you coming?" Naruko chuckled as she heard her impatient lover call from outside and she left the room.

"I'm coming Kakashi!" yelled Naruko as she left the temple and continued walking hand in hand with Kakashi.

"I love you Naruko" purred Kakashi as she pulled Naruko into a kiss.

Naruko moaned into the kiss and smile as the kiss broke for air "I love you-eep! Even if you are a pervert" she rolled her eye with an amused smile as she swatted the demon's hand off her butt and they kept walking together into town …