Hey everyone, I am back from the dead. Not really, I am not a zombie, but I am not as busy. So here we go.

Luffy was about to call out to Green hair but noticed a little girl sneaking around about to approach him. 'What is a youngling doing here?'

"Hello Mister, I brought you some rice!" The little girl said cheerfully as she held out rice to him.

"Get out of here brat, I don't need your rice" Green hair scold at the girl. When she tried to force feed him a shadow came over her.

"What are you doing here? Can't you read! The sign says to keep out or be killed." The scrawny figure said, and turned to a marine behind him. "You get rid of this pest." And he walked away.

The marine bent down and whispered to the child, "Roll up into a ball, it will hurt less that way." He then picked her up and threw her over the large fence that surrounded the pound.

^Youngling!^ Luffy cried out as the child flew over toward her and she jumped into the air and caught her. ^Are you okay little one.^ Luffy asked looking over the child. 'Who are those people, and what is this place?'

"Thank you for catching me," At that moment Luffy's stomach growled loudly. The girl giggled and grabbed Luffy's hand. "Come with me, my mom can get you some food as thanks for helping me."

"So why is he in the pound, did he attack a citizen, kill a beloved marine." Cobi, asked curiously as Luffy scarfed down her food, growling at anyone who tried to touch it.

"No he saved me from the son of the vice admiral's dog, who was about to attack me, and now he has to go for a whole month without food or water."

"Wait are you saying that that Marines are the bad guys here!" Cobi cried out and Luffy let out a growl of displeasure at the word. Which made Cobi shutter for a moment before Luffy put her hand on his head, which strangely calmed him down. The door suddenly flew open and the boy from earlier came in with several marines at his back.

"Zoro is holding out longer than I expected but no matter, he will be killed by the end of the day." The snotty boy said with a laugh toward the marines, not caring about who would hear him. When suddenly Luffy sprung up and hit him right in the face. "What do you think you are doing!? I am Helmeppo, my daddy is the vice admiral, I can have you killed!"

^Try to kill me I dare you, sniveling rat!^ Luffy growled at him turned back to Cobi grabbed him and walked out with a wave to the little girl.

^I want him to join my crew, I don't know what a "Zoro" is but I will get Green Hair to join me.^ Luffy told Cobi as they walked back toward the pound where Zoro aka Green Hair was.

"Hey uh Miss. Strawhat, where are you taking me?" Cobi asked as Luffy dragged him behind her.

'Alright found it now how to get over the fence?' Luffy thought ignoring Cobi's questions. 'I know! I can climb over, it would be some much easier than trying to climb the sharp trees.'

"What are you doing you shouldn't be over there!" Cobi cried as soon as she was over the fence. She walked up to the man who was still tied up on the cross from earlier but now he was sleeping.

^Hey you Green Hair wake up^ She growled at him, ^I want you to get up^ Then she walked up to him and slapped his arm and then jumped away quickly.

"What the?" Zoro questioned as he looked around and in front of him but not too close stood a girl who looked strangely familiar. "Who are you what are you doing here?" He asked. When she didn't answer back he tried to look away but when he saw her eyes he was stunned by the familiar look in them. "Black Hair?" He muttered under his breath.

^Hello Green Hair^ Luffy said out loud as she walked around the post where he hung. ^I am going to free you from this now.^ She then began to mess with the ropes holding him up. ^When I free you, then you must join my crew!^ She purred out happily.

"What the wait stop that!" Zoro yelled quietly, "Get out of here, I don't need your help."

"Um… actually Mr. Zoro sir the marines," He paused when Luffy growled, "do not plan on keeping the arrangement they made with you."

"What!" Zoro yelled and began to try to break free but was to weak to break the ropes. "Hey where are you going?" He called after Luffy as she walked away. She just gave him a look and suddenly everything went black.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dream Scape~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Green Hair!" Luffy cried out.

"Huh? Wait a minute what are you doing here, I just saw you outside and I was awake, what is going on!" Zoro questioned. "Black Hair what is going on here."

"I want you to join my crew!"

"Sorry but when I get myself free from this situation I am going on my way to become the greatest swordsman in the world."

"Green Hair, you were missing something, what is it?" Luffy asked randomly.

"The marine brat took my swords they are somewhere in the building. Why?"

"Because if I get your swords back then you will have to be my nakama. Agreed? I mean why not, the future pirate king needs to have only the best on her crew." Luffy smirked at him as he sighed.

"Get my swords for me, Black Hair and then you will get your answer." Zoro smirked back and the world began to fade away.

"...awhat… are you alright?" Cobi asked.

Luffy nodded her head and looked at Zoro, ^Green Hair, I will get your swords just you wait.^ She cried out and began running toward the town.

Zoro having just woke up saw her running toward the town, "Hey Black Hair you have to go the other way!" He yelled at her. She was approaching a wall when she heard him say that and turned around and willed her arm to grow.

"WHAT!" Zoro and Cobi yelled as they watched her fly toward the marine base.

'If I was a sword where would I be?' Luffy thought to herself as she ran away from some men who were chasing after her just because she crashed into a statue of a weird looking guy.

Helmeppo who was being dragged behind her kept yelling at them marines to shoot her.

When She finally lost them she turned to Helmeppo who was almost crying. ^Tell me where are Greens Hair's swords!^ She growled. He didn't seem to understand what she said so she pointed to one of the swords one the wall and then in Zoro's direction.

"The-ey are in my room which wa-s two doors down." He cried.

^Why didn't you say so in the first place rat.^ She then turned and broke into his room.

'Swords! Now he will join my crew!' She thought happily as she grabbed the three swords and looked around the room. 'Now how to get back to the yard' She thought when suddenly she heard a loud voice from outside the window. 'Huh?'

"Men get ready to fire!" The voice from outside called out. 'Hey that guy looks like the weird statue thing!' Luffy thought to herself. But then she noticed the guns they had pointed at Green Hair and Cobi who was trying to free Green Hair. ^That is not allowed!^ She growled out and jumped out the window and stretched her arm out.

'I wish I could fight right now, no good marines!' Zoro thought to himself struggling to get free. "Kid get out of here this is no place for you to be right now." Zoro said to Cobi, who was struggling to untie the ropes.

"No I have to help you get free, this isn't right!" Cobi said still working on the knots when suddenly they both heard shots fire.

"What in the world is going on here!" Zoro questioned as the Black Hair girl blocked the bullets and had somehow shot them right back at the men.

^Green Hair I have your swords, now you have to join my crew^ Luffy purred happily.

"Black Hair, put on of the swords in my mouth" Zoro told her, Luffy gave him a weird look and then shrugged and placed on sword unsheath in his mouth. While her back was turned the marines had taken out their swords and were about to attack her. Zoro was faster than they were because one minute he was tied to the stand and the next he was stopping all the swords. "Hey Black Hair, you realize that if I attack these marines then I will be a wanted pirate. If I back out now I have a chance to go free. But I said I would join you so I will, just know this, if you get in the way of my dream to become the strongest swordsman in the world I will kill you."

Luffy nodded her head in approval. ^I expect nothing less from the swordsman to the future Pirate King!^ And together they attacked.