The Part-Time Job

Summary: Kagome is out looking for a part-time job, just so that she can start saving for and making payments on the apartment that she's been looking to move into. Not knowing that by getting a job at a "clothing" shop, she had unknowingly set off a series of unexpected and unexplainable events.

Anime: InuYasha/Fruits Basket

Pairing: Kagome/Yuki

Genre: Romance/Family

Rated: M


"What was that?" Kagome looked to the door that had just slammed shut, one of the many kittens that had been earlier gathered around the orange haired boy on top of the doors roof top, was currently mewing at the locked door. Kagome curiously climbed up the ladder to the very top where the boy had been, finding him missing and a couple cats sleeping or sunbathing on the roof still. "Strange..." she jumped down and picked up the kitten by the door, "...I guess you still want some attention,"


Smiling, she couldn't help but laugh as she pocketed her phone. "I'll take you to your friend then." She left through the door, walking down the stairs, she let her face fall back into its default expressionless face that she'd picked up from her friends in the past...well, most of them. Shippou and InuYasha hadn't been good at concealing their emotions, but Sango, Miroku and of course the ever emotion free Sesshoumaru...they had been quite good at it if times arose when they wanted to hide their feelings, which for the Elder Inu brother, was almost always. Ignoring the looks of her fellow classmates as she stepped back inside with a kitten in her arms, she found the orange haired boy sitting at his desk with a hand propping his head up and his eyes looking thoughtfully out the window next to him. Guessing he might want to be left alone, she placed the kitten down on the ground and watched it run up to the boy. It was an interesting thing to see, to be sure. In fact, he didn't even notice the kitten climb up his pant leg and settle itself onto his shoulder in contentment.

"Hmm..." She removed her attention from the boy and located the group of girls that had tried to startup a conversation with her earlier, "Hey, I didn't get your names earlier. Actually, no, I got your name," Kagome said to the brunette of the group who smiled at the mere fact that Kagome had started up a conversation with her. "Tohru, right?"

"Yes!" Tohru stood excitedly and smiled, "This is Uo, and this is Hana!" Pointing to each girl as she introduced her friends, Hana bowed, Uo lifted a hand, but neither said anything as they both seemed to be wondering what had brought her back to them.

"I was actually wondering, do you know a Yuki Sohma?"

"Oh, Yuki! He's our class president, and friend!"

"Wonderful, his brother mentioned him in a message he'd left me on my phone, and I needed to have a word with him in regards to the message."

"Oh, he'd right over there." Tohru pointed behind her to a boy with grayish blue hair, or maybe it was grayish purple...or just gray...? She shrugged and gave a quick thank you to the girl before stepping over to the boy sitting and reading over whatever was in his binder. "Yuki?"

Yuki looked up and smiled charmingly, "Oh, Miss. Higurashi, what can I do for you?"

"You can call me Kagome, I actually had a question for you, in regards to your brother, Ayame." She would have never suspected that the boy could even feel hatred or dislike judging by his personality thus far, had she not just seen the darkening and shadowed look in his eyes at the mention of his brother. " that okay?"

"Please, tell me, how do you know my brother?"

"She got a damn job offer!"

Kagome turned to the orange haired boy now standing next to them and frowned, "your hearing is amazing...I thought you were asleep."

"I was, his damn voice woke me up, sending chills down my spine!"

Kagome laughed, the boy was funny, "what's your name?"

"Kyo Sohma,"

"Sohma? There's a lot of you, aren't there."

"Too damn many if you ask me." Kyo crossed his arms over his chest and turned away, the kitten catching him by surprise and licking his cheek when he brushed it against the feline. "What the hell?"

"Oh...that's my fault, she seemed to really want you, so I brought her with me." Kagome frowned, "Are you like this with all animals, or just cats?"

"Keh, just cats. Dogs hate me, and I hate rats!"

" yourself are like a cat, aren't you." It wasn't a question, more like a curious statement, but she was laughing at his bristled look.

"Yes...a stupid cat."

"What did you call me!?"


Kagome blinked, "...and judging from your clear distaste towards cats, you must be like a rat..."

"Ha, she called you on it rat boy! Just like a rodent...always in the way and annoying people!"

"Your one to speak,"

Kagome watched the two mutter insults back and forth before clearing her throat, "Class will be starting again soon, and as much as I enjoy watching this feud...I did come to talk to you with a purpose, Yuki."

Yuki's eyes widened and he recalled the starting point of the conversation, "My will be working in"

"Mmm, that's right."

"I see, and what was your question?"

"What's the name of his store?"

Yuki sighed, "The narcissist he is...he named it Ayame."

"...AH! That makes more sense, he said 'Come by my store! Ayame!' but I thought he was just saying his name again, since I had heard it like...five or six times within those three messages."


Kagome laughed, "I don't know if you know this, Yuki...but your brother talks a lot."

"That's an understatement,"

"I am afraid that is only one of his annoying qualities...I'm sure you will become quite familiar with the rest of them, in due time."

"Everyone, take your seat,"

Kagome watched Yuki settle back into his seat and Kyo walked off back to his, turning from both boys, she failed to notice the two sets of eyes watching her curiously so as she too returned to her own chair and waited patiently for school to end...her day then would just begin.


Me: Here is chapter two, I like this plot, and I'm hoping I don't rush anything, she won't just hop into dating Yuki or anything, and I plan on hopping around with the characters, so please, let me know what you all think, nyan~!