Sonic and his friends, to Zavok's relief, left quickly after Sonic healed up. Jade went back to sparring him and losing badly. She kicked and Zavok took her foot and spun her around.

"Hang on, no fair!"

Zavok laughed and pushed her away. "Everything is fair in a fight!"

Jade stuck her tongue out at him.

Zik watched from the top of a hill, with his cane in hand and Zazz to his right and Zeena to his left and Zor and Zomom behind him.

"How did you even end up with a human girl, Master?" Zeena asked while they watched.

Jade attempted to tackle Zavok but Zavok didn't go down. He laughed at her attempts. Being a human Jade would never be as strong as Zavok or as fast as Zazz or as quiet as Zor and she would never have balance like Zeena. However, she did have what no other Zeti could have. She had their hearts. She would be exactly like Zik. Jade would make a fine leader for them all.

"That is a long story." Zik turned and started to walk away. They followed wanting to know more. "A long time ago we were discovered by a human, possibly by accident and…"

Sonic watched the sky and when he did he thought of the Hex. Eggman wouldn't be there for a long while. He thought of the new life he was given and the promise he made to Jade.

"Live your life every day as if it were your last. Promise me, you'll do that but don't be so reckless about it next time!" Her voice sang in his head like a song.

"She lives among demons," Tails finally spoke next to him. "But she has the purest heart."

"I wouldn't have thought it was possible," Sonic admitted, "to live with the Zeti."

From far away explosions rang through the air. Eggman was at his flawed plans again. "Ready for another fight?"

Tails nodded. "Right behind ya!"

Jade relaxed in her secret hiding place. She closed her eyes and remembered when she was sick. The last days she thought she had left. Those days stretched into long years now.

The moon was at it's brightest that night and it reminded her of how she glowed. She was apart of the Emerald and the Emerald was apart of her. I may never be as strong or as fast as any of my family but I'll always be able to help them in their time of need, she thought to herself.

Before midnight she walked along the river toward home. Everyone was asleep except for Zik who sat at the table deep in thought.

"What is it, Master Zik?" She sat down across from him.

"I was just thinking how much everyone has grown up. Although," he chuckled softly, "you seem to be the most mature one of the group."

Jade laughed. "Oh, I don't know about that." Jade put her head in her hand and looked at the messy kitchen. "Although…I am the only one who keeps the kitchen cleaned." A messy kitchen was such a trivial thing to laugh at but they laughed anyway. She wasn't sure why and she was sure Zik wasn't sure why they were laughing either. Still, they laughed and talked for most of the night about the smallest of things.