Unrequited Love... Perhaps?

This is the Epilogue =D

Sorry for bad grammar or tenses =(

Disclaimer : I do not own Gakuen Alice

Meanwhile, a few years later..

"Natsuki Hyuuga! Stop teasing your little sister!" I scold my oldest child who is a replica of me except for his short eyebrows and his cold attitude. He is also naughty, as naughty as his father could on his age which is 10 years old.

"It's not my fault! Airi pull a prank on me first!" Natsuki protested, narrowing his hazel eyes to the smirking little Airi, my daughter, who is 7 years old.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, try to calm my temper after a hectic day. I wonder why my two children take after their father in attitude and mischevious nature. Why they can't just be an innocent, bubbly child just like me when I was their age?

"Airi, apologize to your big brother." I give my daughter a stern glare.

Airi's crimson eyes widen in surprise. "But I.."

"No buts." I cut in, giving her a glare. "Apologize. Now."

"Fine. Sorry, nii-chan." Airi mumbled, giving her big brother who is smiling in victory a vicious glare.

"Now your turn, Natsuki. Apologize." I turn my glare to my son, making him fidget uncomfortably.

"Sorry, Airi." He muttered, looking away.

I sigh. "You two better behave now, dad is going to come home anytime soon. I'm going to cook so no fighting anymore, okay?"

"Alright, mom." Both of my children chorused and scamper away after replying to my question.

I turn to the kitchen and start to cook.

Today is the day Natsume going to be home after a week being abroad to teach a few students out there. He has become an amazing teacher right now, he even been given a title professor for his skill and knowledge in teaching. You can say that I'm more than proud to be his wife.

After done with the cooking, I set the table for lunch, putting all of the plates and the eating utensils in place and neatly.

"No welcome back kiss for me?" drawled a lazy voice while a strong arm wrap around my waist and pull me into a warm embrace.

"Natsume! You still love to surprise me after all this time." I lightly scold him while pinching his cheek.

"No kiss?" He ask again, giving me his handsome small smile.

I laughed and tip toed, giving him a hot kiss which make him groan and pull away.

"You naughty little girl." Natsume chukcled and poke my nose. "Still dare to tease me huh."

I smile teasingly at him. "Of course, why not?"

Natsume just shook his head and take a seat on one of the chairs.

"Where are the kids?"

"Upstairs." I replied, setting his favorite key lime pie in front of him. "They will come down in a moment. I know they heard you arrive."

"Thank you." He whispered, giving a peck on my cheek as he take a spoon and start to dig in.

"Ew, stop doing PDA in front of us, father, mother!" Natsuki shouted from the door frame. I chuckled at his statement. Children these days.

Seeing Natsuki, Natsume smirked and pat the chair beside him. "Come here and eat."

Natsuki nodded and start walking to the said chair.

"Dad!" A squeal was heard before a figure slam itself on Natsume's chest, making him almost fall over from his chair.

"Hello there, little girl. You have grown taller since I last saw you." Natsume stroke the golden brown hair of our daughter with gentleness, putting her on his lap.

"Really? I want to be as tall as you!" Airi grinned, throwing her hands in the air. "Do you think I can?"

Natsume smiled. "Of course, why not?"

"Yeah!" Airi pump her fist in the air, hugging her father for the second time.

Ding dong. Ding dong. Ding dong.

I look at Natsume. "Who would it be?"

Natsume shrug and put Airi down, ruffling her hair a bit. "I don't know, I will open the door."

"I'm coming with you." I said, running to catch up with his long stride. "Stay in the kitchen and eat, children!" I added to my son and daughter, seeing that they have curious look in their eyes.

"What the heck are you doing here, Koizumi?!" I could hear Natsume shouting from the living room where I tried to untie the knot of my apron.

Koizumi? She has been freed from the prison huh. I thought her punishment is for lifetime. Guess that father of hers finally do something for his lovely daughter.

But more importantly, what is she doing here of all places?

As soon as I get the apron off my waist, I quickly run to the front door only to see a skinny woman, who look like has been starving for many years, with cropped stawberry blonde hair wearing skimpy red dress and 15 inch high heels. I nearly didn't recognize her, but her clear green eyes which show craziness and hatred couldn't lie, as that is the only gaze Luna Koizumi give to me.

"I come to take you back as my husband, Natsume." She stated, touching lightly Natsume's chest which quickly being slap away with him.

"I can't and I won't, Koizumi. I'm married now."

Anger flash through her eyes. "To whom? Don't tell me it's that stupid bitch!" She screeched like a banshee.

"Yeah, it's that stupid bitch who Natsume pick over you, slut." I step out bravely, looking her right in the eyes.

Luna growled lowly, her perfectly manicured finger curled into a claw like a cat. "I won't forgive you!" She screamed, lunging at me in a second.

Natsume act so fast that I only see a blur.

In the next second, I only see Natsume's back blocking my view and Luna sprawling on the ground while coughing madly.

"Stop interferring with my family, Koizumi. I don't love you and I won't love you." Natsume said with acid and coldness.

Luna slowly stand up, staggering to the front steps of our house while clutching her pink purse. "I won't forgive you, I will continue to make that bitch's life hell." She threatened, spitting some saliva on my face.

"You dare to do that to my wife!" Natsume growled in anger, ready to give the psycho woman a piece of his mind.

I calmly wipe the saliva off my face using the sleeve of my blouse. After that, I hold Natsume back by gripping his wrist and whispering, "Let me take care of this. You don't interfere to a woman's fight."

Natsume solemly nodded and take a step back while I take a step forward.

"You can't have him, Koizumi. He is mine already, stop chasing what's other have." I gently told her.

"Don't tell me what to do, slut!" She swing her hand back, ready to slap me.

I eyed her hand and catch it just in time before it connected with my cheek. I twist her hand so she screamed in pain and pin in on her back. After making her unable to move, I lightly slap her until her head turn to the right and sending a short jab to her stomach, making her crumbling down, unconscious.

"There. It should do." I look at the crumpling form on the ground. Actually, I pity her, she could gain her own happiness if only she quit from being obsessed over Natsume and search for someone suitable for her. I let out a deep sigh and walk back to my house.

"I've call the police, they will arrive shortly." Natsume informed me, wraping his hand around my shoulder and giving me a short kiss.

"Thank you." I lean onto him. "Your lesson turn out to be useful."

"Of course." He replied smugly. "Defending yourself is the most important thing for a Hyuuga. Looks like I taught you well."

I roll my eyes. "You are really an arrogant one."

"The thing is, you love me." He smirked in victory while giving me another short kiss.

"Yeah right, you are lucky I love you." I laugh, giving him a playful hit on his shoulder while walking back hand in hand to the kitchen where our bundles of joy have waited.


Finally the story reach the end ! XD

MelodyString : Here it is =D Hope you like it! Thank you for the review =)

jejeje : You flattered me lol. Thank you for the review =)

Anilissa : YES! He finally propose ~ Uhm, actually my opinion is just the same as you, I think dating suppose to be around 4 or 5 years then you can go to marriage =D Anyway, thank you for the review =)

Sakura Shiragiu : Thank you for the review =))

I'd like to thank you for those who are supporting me from the start till the end, thank you for those who has read, followed, and favorited. I'd also like to give my special thanks to those who has been sparing their time to leave amazing, sweet, and wonderful reviews for my story ;D Love you all so much!

And I want to say big thanks to YellowOrangeRed, jejeje, chewybillabong, Lexi1989, AiramEnayle, KittyCore, iiAriya, frozenbutterfly, Sakura Shiragiku, Lady Shennamae for keep reviewing my story, you guys rock!

And another big thank you with enormous love on top to Anilissa - who has been keeping up with my story since the Crush from Afar ;D Thank you so muchh! and RavenAcA3 - for always leaving lovely review on every chapter of my story XD Thank you!

Thank you once again to all of my readers for all the support you have been given, see you on the next story!
